Season 1 / Episode 7: What If... Thor was an only child?


“Do not, my friends, become addicted to water...“
Apr 13, 2015
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Well it seems like it's either the Party Thor or the Gamora Thanos episode. We should know by tomorrow.
Interestingly enough, very little has been shown of this 2 particular storylines with only a few glimpses at the characters.

Gamora is wielding Thanos golden armour and his double-edged sword while Thor looks pretty much like his younger self with Mjolnir.
The episode I’ve been eagerly awaiting. So excited to see what they do with this version of the character and this storyline. Hopefully we’ll see other well known asgardians and it would be cool if we could get more new tidbits and interesting backstories. Can’t wait! :yay:

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I hope this one bucks the current trend of the show. The show I think got better every week from episode 1 (which I didn't like) to episode 4 (which I thought was very good). But the Zombies episode (which was just okay at best) and the Killmonger one (which I didn't like) have gotten worse each of last 2 weeks. I don't like that trend, so hopefully whatever this Party Thor thing is about ends up reversing the trend
I think he is. I think his voice was in the trailer prior to the shows release
Is Chris Hemsworth voicing Thor?
Yes he is. :yay:

Marvel's 'What If…?' Creatives Promise 'Twisted' Fun, Tease 'Party Thor' & More Surprises
“It was so fun to watch actors who had portrayed these roles before in live-action, come in and realize that they could wash their hands of what they did before and do something brand new,” Winderbaum continues. “There was a certain level of euphoria that came with that, and I think everyone had a really good time knocking down their sandcastle and rebuilding it.”

One character he’s particularly excited for viewers to meet is a version of Chris Hemsworth‘s God of Thunder. “Just wait until you meet ‘Party Thor,’” Winderbaum enthuses. “That character is unbelievable.”

Fun Fact: He also voiced Frog Thor in the Loki series. :D
What if... Thor shaved his beard. :D
The fact that he's clean shaven in this is so bizarre to me even though his 616 counterpart from the comics was beardless for the majority of his appearances. Although in hindsight, Thor being clean shaven in his first movie probably would have looked better than that crazy facial hair dye job they went with. :o
I think this might me a more lighthearted and fun episode which would be great to balance out the series since we’ve had like 4 pretty dark episodes on a row.

I say that because the snippets of footage we’ve gotten from Thor seem to show this happy-go-luck sort of persona. Having said that we also saw him battling Ultron sentries which makes me wonder what type of route they’ll take towards the end of this storyline and if it could used to set up a direct line to the latter episodes.

“Slightly less tragic than Doctor Strange.”

They're gonna kill Korg, aren't they? :csad:
Looks like they got most of the movie actors back for this one, since Hemsworth, Portman, Waititi, Goldblum, Jaimie Alexander, Kat Dennings and Hiddleston have all been confirmed to be in the show.
I gather this version of Thor is arrogant and selfish.

Yeah, I assume that he's a Thor who was never humbled and yet was still able to get back control over Mjolnir.

But he liked being on Earth so he decided to stay there and become the king of the dance floor.
If we saw something like this would be fun.
Also that line “Titanic mute baby too dumb to be of use” That’s some funny s… :D

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I didn't expect the concept to be "What if Thor was an only child?" I really hope Jotun Loki (or whatever his name would be) makes an appearance.

Also, I'm sure that somehow, some way, this episode will go out of its way to find a reason to kill off Tony Stark since he's apparently the Kenny McCormick of this show. :o
Thor and Jane having a good time. :yay:
Happy to see Thor smiling and enjoying life once again. Hopefully this reality is a bit more forgiving.


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