Iron Man 3 All Hail the King


Dec 12, 2013
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So is The Ten Rings in IM3 the real Ten Rings, or did Killian just co-opt the name for his own purposes? If it's the latter, I can't imagine that the real organization wouldn't send out their own video saying the Mandarin wasn't them.
From Entertainment Weekly...

Drew Pearce says that All Hail the King will reveal that the fans aren't the only ones. “Imagine a real terrorist organization whose beliefs were long held and religious for thousands of years, and imagine a drunk, British actor coming along and essentially telling the world that he’s the face of your organization,” he says. “I think they would be right to be quite angry.”
Absolutely. This should also shut everyone up about the "he was really the mandarin, this one-shot is going to retcon that"
I always thought killian being a nerd, probably stumbled upon the mandarin legend somewhere online. Maybe one lonely night he followed the rabbit hole to the ten rings.
So is The Ten Rings in IM3 the real Ten Rings, or did Killian just co-opt the name for his own purposes? If it's the latter, I can't imagine that the real organization wouldn't send out their own video saying the Mandarin wasn't them.

The ten rings in IM1 were real. the one in IM3 was fake
The documentary filmmaker aspect is taken directly from the comics...

In Matt Fraction's uncovering the Mandarin run, a documentary film crew figures out the Mandarin has no true past, has no true identity.

10 rings was real at one point. The Mandarin has operated under many false identities... Maybe "Trevor Slattery" is just his "stage name", another false face, and Killian had to run and hide, had to go anonymous, because Mandarin is that good at lying and putting on false faces, and Killian was never going to be the King and the Master.
"Trevor" is so good at deceiving he can do it right out in the open. He has to be careful how he answers the director/interviewers questions, because they're still trying to determine his real name...

Shield can tell when people are being fake. They get upset and impatient with the filmmaker, who himself is a cover to find out more about this man's true past, and burst in screaming that he's still lying. Surrounding his cell with things from movies was to try to appeal to his dramatic tastes, make him comfortable, and trick him into spilling the beans on some thins, but he sees it coming, and they still can't figure out who he was before he took the stage name Trevor slattery.

The filmmaker is trying to trick him into revealing his real name and more about the 10 rings, who Shield still suspects was at least partially real. Shield is upset that seagate took him in as a political prisoner, they have some say there, but need to try to trick the info out of him, before resorting to giving him what would be a lethal dose of sodium pentothal.

This man can withstand almost lethal doses of sodium pentothal (truth serum), and will lie even while under the influence. He is immune to most drugs and alcohol, and can use them as props in his story. Spent decades building up resistances so spies can't drug him...
The Hydra spy known as Trevor has no real name prior to the one he chose as his stage name when he became an actor.... Spying and acting overlap in many areas. Blackwidow had to be able to speak many languages, fake accents, drop accents, and put on a false persona when she was sent in to keep an eye on Tony's company. Maybe "Trevor" was sent in by Hydra to help protect Killian's company with cover stories, because they needed Extremis soldiers...He turned into Col Kurtz from Heart of Darkness and took his cover stories too far, because Killian's brain was hard to deal with, had to be fed many things. Killian's codename that Hydra gave him is actually the Dragon, because he's hard to control. And by the end of it all, we will understand that Killian is actually more symbolic of the firebreathing Dragon who created the Mandarin idea... Rhodey was surprised that Killian breathes fire, but I'm not because if Trevor is really the Mandarin in some way, then Killian must accept that his Dragon symbol makes him Fin Fang Foom, and he only gave Mandarin his name and power...

Coulson hinted on a Shield episode that giving someone a name changes them. Killian might have fire resistant platelets like scorch, which allowed him to breathe fire witout getting burned. Burns cannot be regenerated for all of them, as we see in Peterson...He doesn't have fire resistant platelets yet...However, Killian already did...This is why Brandt' scar didn't heal, and she gets taken down, some of the Extremis users are still vulnerable to going hot/having their cells burn. If nerve endings are completely severed sometimes Extremis can't heal the burnt flesh. The true character that pierces Pearces' outer shell is the Dragon. Killian is pierced with the Dragon archetype. It may seem this is related to him actually being the Mandarin, but Killian is the Dragon who created Mandarin in some ways... Scorch said "you can never know a person's true character until you pierce their outer shell". When you start to understand the psychological layers to it, we'll see how there has been a plan all along to make Killian Fin Fang Foom, or codename The Dragon, and even if Killian is not the Mandarin, the dragon symbolism all came from Killian's mind, and he will take on the form of his Tattoo. The filmmakers said Fin Fang Foom is sort of hidden in the film...What if they meant the actual character as well?

The man we think to be "Trevor" is just another false face, and Killian was sick of them because he can never be as good...Killian was trying to act, when he first approached Tony and Maya in 1999 to acquire Extremis. But at that point Tony could see Killian's motives...Killian was see-through, so it took him a long time to become a better salesman. Salesman are kind of like actors too, if Killian would have been more subtle in 1999, he might have gained a business connection with Maya early on. But Tony saw what he was trying to do, get off on the "ground floor", steal Maya's idea, and then sell it. So Tony sent him packing in 1999. Even while drunk Tony could see Killian had very obvious motives.

"Trevor" is so good at politician-like double speak, or Orwellian double-speak, that he can get away with lying and make it seem very convincing. He can create many different personas and convey what seems like true emotion while using his multiple cover stories. He's a master at deceiving the human mind with well-calculated cover stories, pre-arranged props.
Trevor has a subconscious link to Killian's mind and now knows the President's dreams... Handled Tony's panic attacks, planted "Harley" in Tony's mind as an edited memory segment after he finally slept, made Jarvis sleep to program him with the trigger word "Cranberries" and pre-conditioned Tony into the "mechanic".

"Trevor" was pretending to nod off while scanning people's minds, and was actually mocking Tony with the playboy/mansion act.
Felt his mind coming as it dealt with the security outside, and had enough time to move his props into place.
Hypnotized and put Tony's mind at ease, when Tony thought it was Killian who created him, but "Trevor" brought the character to life.
The Mandarin was there and not there in more ways than one.
He only pretended to sleep, and strung Tony along to the speedboat, was in telepathic contact with Killian's big old brain...Real Mandarin can see everything coming.

He made Killian show off his brain, to hint that Mandarin has a direct feed into Killian's brain and eyes. Everything Killian could see, "Trevor" could see. Tony was controlling the suit with his mind at one point. Trevor had a direct link to Killian's brain and eye.

What we will really never see coming is that "Trevor" is the real Mandarin, and also known as a "King", a "Master", and the "Clairvoyant"...
He could see everything coming, and that's why he had time to mess around, use the girls as props, keep them under the influence, while he secretly had everyone under his influence. And Tony's mind had been prepared to be the "mechanic" for Ultron.

All the Extremis soldiers were being forced to fight against their wills,
and although Killian liked to show off his brain, he only thought he was the best, like Tony said he was at the beginning. This egotistic thinking eventually allowed the spy to get the best of both Tony and Killian. We all create our own demons applies to many, many things...
If Coulson's memories were edited, who's to say it didn't happen to others when they were unconscious?...

He lied to us, said he gave Tony "nothing", there are far more than "two ways about it". The subconscious mind perceives things forwards and backwards at the same time, instantly. It can fill in blanks when letters are missing, or rearrange letters to make sense of them. AIM/MIA also rearranges to "I AM". Iron Man was a part of Tony when he accepted "I AM Iron man". Killian is much like Tony in iron man 1, he has just taken credit for Mandarin's creation. The Mandarin isn't part of him how Iron Man is now a part of Tony's psyche 2 movies later. There could have been some very Advanced Idea Mechanics involved with the think tank, who like to name things symbolically. Tony will be MIA for some of Avengers 2 ;) This gives Hawkeye and other members a chance to shine, and allows for cuts to Tony confronting Mandarin in dreamspace/cyberspace.
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So is The Ten Rings in IM3 the real Ten Rings, or did Killian just co-opt the name for his own purposes? If it's the latter, I can't imagine that the real organization wouldn't send out their own video saying the Mandarin wasn't them.

Yeah, Killian was simply using the Ten Rings name and reputation probably to add more fear and credibility to his own custom terrorist. Although, you have to wonder just how smart a move that was on Killian's part considering the remnants of the real Ten Rings organization could take issue with it and refute association with the "Mandarin" just as the EW article alludes to. It wouldn't surprise me if Killian also had an arrangement with the real Ten Rings considering his grand plan involved "owning the war on terror".

Definitely looking forward to seeing this short.
The documentary filmmaker aspect is taken directly from the comics...

In Matt Fraction's uncovering the Mandarin run, a documentary film crew figures out the Mandarin has no true past, has no true identity.

10 rings was real at one point. The Mandarin has operated under many false identities... Maybe "Trevor Slattery" is just his "stage name", another false face, and Killian had to run and hide, had to go anonymous, because Mandarin is that good at lying and putting on false faces, and Killian was never going to be the King and the Master.
"Trevor" is so good at deceiving he can do it right out in the open. He has to be careful how he answers the director/interviewers questions, because they're still trying to determine his real name...

Shield can tell when people are being fake. They get upset and impatient with the filmmaker, who himself is a cover to find out more about this man's true past, and burst in screaming that he's still lying. Surrounding his cell with things from movies was to try to appeal to his dramatic tastes, make him comfortable, and trick him into spilling the beans on some thins, but he sees it coming, and they still can't figure out who he was before he took the stage name Trevor slattery.

The filmmaker is trying to trick him into revealing his real name and more about the 10 rings, who Shield still suspects was at least partially real. Shield is upset that seagate took him in as a political prisoner, they have some say there, but need to try to trick the info out of him, before resorting to giving him what would be a lethal dose of sodium pentothal.

This man can withstand almost lethal doses of sodium pentothal (truth serum), and will lie even while under the influence. He is immune to most drugs and alcohol, and can use them as props in his story. Spent decades building up resistances so spies can't drug him...
The Hydra spy known as Trevor has no real name prior to the one he chose as his stage name when he became an actor.... Spying and acting overlap in many areas. Blackwidow had to be able to speak many languages, fake accents, drop accents, and put on a false persona when she was sent in to keep an eye on Tony's company. Maybe "Trevor" was sent in by Hydra to help protect Killian's company with cover stories, because they needed Extremis soldiers...He turned into Col Kurtz from Heart of Darkness and took his cover stories too far, because Killian's brain was hard to deal with, had to be fed many things. Killian's codename that Hydra gave him is actually the Dragon, because he's hard to control. And by the end of it all, we will understand that Killian is actually more symbolic of the firebreathing Dragon who created the Mandarin idea... Rhodey was surprised that Killian breathes fire, but I'm not because if Trevor is really the Mandarin in some way, then Killian must accept that his Dragon symbol makes him Fin Fang Foom, and he only gave Mandarin his name and power...

Coulson hinted on a Shield episode that giving someone a name changes them. Killian might have fire resistant platelets like scorch, which allowed him to breathe fire witout getting burned. Burns cannot be regenerated for all of them, as we see in Peterson...He doesn't have fire resistant platelets yet...However, Killian already did...This is why Brandt' scar didn't heal, and she gets taken down, some of the Extremis users are still vulnerable to going hot/having their cells burn. If nerve endings are completely severed sometimes Extremis can't heal the burnt flesh. The true character that pierces Pearces' outer shell is the Dragon. Killian is pierced with the Dragon archetype. It may seem this is related to him actually being the Mandarin, but Killian is the Dragon who created Mandarin in some ways... Scorch said "you can never know a person's true character until you pierce their outer shell". When you start to understand the psychological layers to it, we'll see how there has been a plan all along to make Killian Fin Fang Foom, or codename The Dragon, and even if Killian is not the Mandarin, the dragon symbolism all came from Killian's mind, and he will take on the form of his Tattoo. The filmmakers said Fin Fang Foom is sort of hidden in the film...What if they meant the actual character as well?

The man we think to be "Trevor" is just another false face, and Killian was sick of them because he can never be as good...Killian was trying to act, when he first approached Tony and Maya in 1999 to acquire Extremis. But at that point Tony could see Killian's motives...Killian was see-through, so it took him a long time to become a better salesman. Salesman are kind of like actors too, if Killian would have been more subtle in 1999, he might have gained a business connection with Maya early on. But Tony saw what he was trying to do, get off on the "ground floor", steal Maya's idea, and then sell it. So Tony sent him packing in 1999. Even while drunk Tony could see Killian had very obvious motives.

"Trevor" is so good at politician-like double speak, or Orwellian double-speak, that he can get away with lying and make it seem very convincing. He can create many different personas and convey what seems like true emotion while using his multiple cover stories. He's a master at deceiving the human mind with well-calculated cover stories, pre-arranged props.
Trevor has a subconscious link to Killian's mind and now knows the President's dreams... Handled Tony's panic attacks, planted "Harley" in Tony's mind as an edited memory segment after he finally slept, made Jarvis sleep to program him with the trigger word "Cranberries" and pre-conditioned Tony into the "mechanic".

"Trevor" was pretending to nod off while scanning people's minds, and was actually mocking Tony with the playboy/mansion act.
Felt his mind coming as it dealt with the security outside, and had enough time to move his props into place.
Hypnotized and put Tony's mind at ease, when Tony thought it was Killian who created him, but "Trevor" brought the character to life.
The Mandarin was there and not there in more ways than one.
He only pretended to sleep, and strung Tony along to the speedboat, was in telepathic contact with Killian's big old brain...Real Mandarin can see everything coming.

He made Killian show off his brain, to hint that Mandarin has a direct feed into Killian's brain and eyes. Everything Killian could see, "Trevor" could see. Tony was controlling the suit with his mind at one point. Trevor had a direct link to Killian's brain and eye.

What we will really never see coming is that "Trevor" is the real Mandarin, and also known as a "King", a "Master", and the "Clairvoyant"...
He could see everything coming, and that's why he had time to mess around, use the girls as props, keep them under the influence, while he secretly had everyone under his influence. And Tony's mind had been prepared to be the "mechanic" for Ultron.

All the Extremis soldiers were being forced to fight against their wills,
and although Killian liked to show off his brain, he only thought he was the best, like Tony said he was at the beginning. This egotistic thinking eventually allowed the spy to get the best of both Tony and Killian. We all create our own demons applies to many, many things...
If Coulson's memories were edited, who's to say it didn't happen to others when they were unconscious?...

He lied to us, said he gave Tony "nothing", there are far more than "two ways about it". The subconscious mind perceives things forwards and backwards at the same time, instantly. It can fill in blanks when letters are missing, or rearrange letters to make sense of them. AIM/MIA also rearranges to "I AM". Iron Man was a part of Tony when he accepted "I AM Iron man". Killian is much like Tony in iron man 1, he has just taken credit for Mandarin's creation. The Mandarin isn't part of him how Iron Man is now a part of Tony's psyche 2 movies later. There could have been some very Advanced Idea Mechanics involved with the think tank, who like to name things symbolically. Tony will be MIA for some of Avengers 2 ;) This gives Hawkeye and other members a chance to shine, and allows for cuts to Tony confronting Mandarin in dreamspace/cyberspace.

Thanks for writing an entire novel. Yikes, not reading that entire thing.
I believe "it's very complicated", there are more than "two ways about it" and sometimes I get carried away with my speculation.

I'll try to break it down into pieces more often from now on.
I tend to get on a train of thought and then try to connect it all together to follow those thoughts towards certain points.
But those points in space-time might be far in the future, however are connected to Killian's brain lol.

I believe that much like in the Matt Fraction Mandarin Uncovered run, there is no "real" singular Mandarin, and everything we think we know about him is a lie. He gave us "nothing".
I also believe that "Trevor" is also known as the Clairvoyant, the King, the Master, the Charismatic man, and the Handler.
He was there and not there in more than two ways. And IM3 is made to be viewed forwards and backwards, before all the reveals and afterwards.
lol Trevor as the Clairvoyant? As long as this leads into a Trevor Slattery movie, I'm fine with that. :o
It's true lol. Ben Kingsley was absolutely hilarious in IM3 and I had a blast for what little time Trevor (as Trevor) actually got. I'd put down 10 bucks to see him reprise that role. :up:
It's true lol. Ben Kingsley was absolutely hilarious in IM3 and I had a blast for what little time Trevor (as Trevor) actually got. I'd put down 10 bucks to see him reprise that role. :up:
You're preaching to the choir, my friend; I can't say enough about how entertaining Kingsley's performance was on both sides of the ruse. I'm right there with ya.
The documentary filmmaker aspect is taken directly from the comics...

In Matt Fraction's uncovering the Mandarin run, a documentary film crew figures out the Mandarin has no true past, has no true identity.

10 rings was real at one point. The Mandarin has operated under many false identities... Maybe "Trevor Slattery" is just his "stage name", another false face, and Killian had to run and hide, had to go anonymous, because Mandarin is that good at lying and putting on false faces, and Killian was never going to be the King and the Master.
"Trevor" is so good at deceiving he can do it right out in the open. He has to be careful how he answers the director/interviewers questions, because they're still trying to determine his real name...

Shield can tell when people are being fake. They get upset and impatient with the filmmaker, who himself is a cover to find out more about this man's true past, and burst in screaming that he's still lying. Surrounding his cell with things from movies was to try to appeal to his dramatic tastes, make him comfortable, and trick him into spilling the beans on some thins, but he sees it coming, and they still can't figure out who he was before he took the stage name Trevor slattery.

The filmmaker is trying to trick him into revealing his real name and more about the 10 rings, who Shield still suspects was at least partially real. Shield is upset that seagate took him in as a political prisoner, they have some say there, but need to try to trick the info out of him, before resorting to giving him what would be a lethal dose of sodium pentothal.

This man can withstand almost lethal doses of sodium pentothal (truth serum), and will lie even while under the influence. He is immune to most drugs and alcohol, and can use them as props in his story. Spent decades building up resistances so spies can't drug him...
The Hydra spy known as Trevor has no real name prior to the one he chose as his stage name when he became an actor.... Spying and acting overlap in many areas. Blackwidow had to be able to speak many languages, fake accents, drop accents, and put on a false persona when she was sent in to keep an eye on Tony's company. Maybe "Trevor" was sent in by Hydra to help protect Killian's company with cover stories, because they needed Extremis soldiers...He turned into Col Kurtz from Heart of Darkness and took his cover stories too far, because Killian's brain was hard to deal with, had to be fed many things. Killian's codename that Hydra gave him is actually the Dragon, because he's hard to control. And by the end of it all, we will understand that Killian is actually more symbolic of the firebreathing Dragon who created the Mandarin idea... Rhodey was surprised that Killian breathes fire, but I'm not because if Trevor is really the Mandarin in some way, then Killian must accept that his Dragon symbol makes him Fin Fang Foom, and he only gave Mandarin his name and power...

Coulson hinted on a Shield episode that giving someone a name changes them. Killian might have fire resistant platelets like scorch, which allowed him to breathe fire witout getting burned. Burns cannot be regenerated for all of them, as we see in Peterson...He doesn't have fire resistant platelets yet...However, Killian already did...This is why Brandt' scar didn't heal, and she gets taken down, some of the Extremis users are still vulnerable to going hot/having their cells burn. If nerve endings are completely severed sometimes Extremis can't heal the burnt flesh. The true character that pierces Pearces' outer shell is the Dragon. Killian is pierced with the Dragon archetype. It may seem this is related to him actually being the Mandarin, but Killian is the Dragon who created Mandarin in some ways... Scorch said "you can never know a person's true character until you pierce their outer shell". When you start to understand the psychological layers to it, we'll see how there has been a plan all along to make Killian Fin Fang Foom, or codename The Dragon, and even if Killian is not the Mandarin, the dragon symbolism all came from Killian's mind, and he will take on the form of his Tattoo. The filmmakers said Fin Fang Foom is sort of hidden in the film...What if they meant the actual character as well?

The man we think to be "Trevor" is just another false face, and Killian was sick of them because he can never be as good...Killian was trying to act, when he first approached Tony and Maya in 1999 to acquire Extremis. But at that point Tony could see Killian's motives...Killian was see-through, so it took him a long time to become a better salesman. Salesman are kind of like actors too, if Killian would have been more subtle in 1999, he might have gained a business connection with Maya early on. But Tony saw what he was trying to do, get off on the "ground floor", steal Maya's idea, and then sell it. So Tony sent him packing in 1999. Even while drunk Tony could see Killian had very obvious motives.

"Trevor" is so good at politician-like double speak, or Orwellian double-speak, that he can get away with lying and make it seem very convincing. He can create many different personas and convey what seems like true emotion while using his multiple cover stories. He's a master at deceiving the human mind with well-calculated cover stories, pre-arranged props.
Trevor has a subconscious link to Killian's mind and now knows the President's dreams... Handled Tony's panic attacks, planted "Harley" in Tony's mind as an edited memory segment after he finally slept, made Jarvis sleep to program him with the trigger word "Cranberries" and pre-conditioned Tony into the "mechanic".

"Trevor" was pretending to nod off while scanning people's minds, and was actually mocking Tony with the playboy/mansion act.
Felt his mind coming as it dealt with the security outside, and had enough time to move his props into place.
Hypnotized and put Tony's mind at ease, when Tony thought it was Killian who created him, but "Trevor" brought the character to life.
The Mandarin was there and not there in more ways than one.
He only pretended to sleep, and strung Tony along to the speedboat, was in telepathic contact with Killian's big old brain...Real Mandarin can see everything coming.

He made Killian show off his brain, to hint that Mandarin has a direct feed into Killian's brain and eyes. Everything Killian could see, "Trevor" could see. Tony was controlling the suit with his mind at one point. Trevor had a direct link to Killian's brain and eye.

What we will really never see coming is that "Trevor" is the real Mandarin, and also known as a "King", a "Master", and the "Clairvoyant"...
He could see everything coming, and that's why he had time to mess around, use the girls as props, keep them under the influence, while he secretly had everyone under his influence. And Tony's mind had been prepared to be the "mechanic" for Ultron.

All the Extremis soldiers were being forced to fight against their wills,
and although Killian liked to show off his brain, he only thought he was the best, like Tony said he was at the beginning. This egotistic thinking eventually allowed the spy to get the best of both Tony and Killian. We all create our own demons applies to many, many things...
If Coulson's memories were edited, who's to say it didn't happen to others when they were unconscious?...

He lied to us, said he gave Tony "nothing", there are far more than "two ways about it". The subconscious mind perceives things forwards and backwards at the same time, instantly. It can fill in blanks when letters are missing, or rearrange letters to make sense of them. AIM/MIA also rearranges to "I AM". Iron Man was a part of Tony when he accepted "I AM Iron man". Killian is much like Tony in iron man 1, he has just taken credit for Mandarin's creation. The Mandarin isn't part of him how Iron Man is now a part of Tony's psyche 2 movies later. There could have been some very Advanced Idea Mechanics involved with the think tank, who like to name things symbolically. Tony will be MIA for some of Avengers 2 ;) This gives Hawkeye and other members a chance to shine, and allows for cuts to Tony confronting Mandarin in dreamspace/cyberspace.

I love you.
Honestly, I feel like this short is only going to make things more irritating for some.

I think it goes without question that most people, if not everyone, wanted to see Ben actually play the REAL Mandarin (MCU's take on the character) and not just some actor posing as "The Mandarin".

People were finally getting excited at the thought of Robert's Tony Stark finally getting on what appeared to be a great villain in the see the MCU version of Iron Man finally come across his arch-nemesis from the comics.

But what's done is done, and we didn't get all of that. Heck, some people just started to accept the idea that Killian was actually the MCU's take on the Mandarin character instead.

However..... they want to actually introduce the REAL Mandarin now? So, when the hell do they plan on having Iron Man confront this character? I really doubt RDJ is going to come back for another solo Iron Man film, so once Avengers 3 wraps up, so does he.

Does that mean that we'll actually have to wait until they recast RDJ's role in order to see the two characters finally collide? If so, I feel like that's even a BIGGER COP OUT. Needless to say, many have come to see RDJ as the definitive version of Iron Man (for the time being at least).

I mean to not have HIS PORTRAYAL take the REAL Mandarin is almost like Christian Bale's Batman not having gotten the chance to take on Heath's version of the Joker.

Personally, I think it would have been better had they just stuck with their guts and keep things the way they were presented as in Iron Man 3 regarding the Mandarin...or better yet...they should have just given us THE REAL MANDARIN to begin with.
Honestly, I feel like this short is only going to make things more irritating for some.

Only those that have already made up their minds. The air has been cleared and people now know what to expect, and for the folks that hated's a one-off and they quite simply don't have to watch it. At this point, they'd just be beating both a dead horse as well as their own heads against a wall.

However..... they want to actually introduce the REAL Mandarin now?

Nope. I can't fathom how people are reading that into this, because from what I gather, that's not it at all.

When Pearce talks about members of the Ten Rings being angry or seeking retribution, it's just that, and nothing more. What he's saying is that Killian and Slattery attracted previously established fundamentalist zealots to do their dirty work, and it's those characters who are upset with Trevor, for stringing them along with his facade. In their eyes, it's akin to blasphemy.

We've all heard stories of corrupt church officials, televangelists, and religious figureheads who manipulated their followers. Killian and Slattery are analogous to those types of corrupt leaders.

I mean to not have HIS PORTRAYAL take the REAL Mandarin is almost like Christian Bale's Batman not having gotten the chance to take on Heath's version of the Joker.

This again. We've heard that before, and as much as people keep trying to shove this poorly constructed argument down our throats, they're not in any way comparable.

Personally, I think it would have been better had they just stuck with their guts...

Which is precisely what they're doing. As Pearce himself said, this is just "The adventures of Trevor"; a one-off, an expansion of that character. Outside of wishful thinking, there's no reason to believe that a One Shot, of all things, would make such a critical retcon. He put this to bed himself a long time when he said that nobody at Marvel would be apologizing for The Mandarin.
What's even funnier is people keep saying "what if the joker made a decoy to throw Batman off his trail?" Well...that The Killing Joke.
What's even funnier is people keep saying "what if the joker made a decoy to throw Batman off his trail?" Well...that The Killing Joke.
Haven't read it myself, but I have seen this brought up on numerous occasions as well.

The fact of the matter is that this whole "What if they did that to the Joker!" argument is a very narrow way of looking at the issue that doesn't consider the context of either situation.
What's even funnier is people keep saying "what if the joker made a decoy to throw Batman off his trail?" Well...that The Killing Joke.

For a few panels at the beginning until the real Joker was introduced. A more accurate analogy would be if Two-Face starting claiming to be THE Joker. Because hey, he is evil like The Joker and look...when he takes his coat off...playing cards fall out...yep...he's The Joker.

"But he's not even smil-"

"That's not important!!"

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