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BvS Are we really so sure Lex is in this?


Jul 29, 2010
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Unless there has been some sort of confirmation or source, or a throwaway statement from a producer, I'm not convinced that Lex Luthor is actually the villain in this film. By all means, if I'm wrong, close the thread.

But to me... it seems like with such a left-field announcement of Ben Affleck as Batman, it almost seems like the "Batman vs. Superman" aspect of this film is too big to have someone like Lex in it, and almost crowds the story (as ridiculous as that sounds). I think they'll focus on the battle of the two titans, and incorporate Bruce discovering Kryptonite as a way to be able to fight Superman.

I predict that a villain as big as Lex Luthor would be the main villain of the Justice League film. Darkseid doesn't seem like a likely option to me, and WB will want to save a huge character like Lex instead of "waste" him in something as big as seeing Batman and Superman together for the first time.

And maybe the tease at the end of this Batman/Superman film is the idea that Lex has discovered Kryptonite too, and that leads into the Justice League film.

Just a thought. I could easily be wrong. Just throwing it out there. It almost seems like Lex Luthor being in this film is too obvious, and I'm not sure WB wants to be that predictable with something this big.
It's a missed opportunity if he isn't in this.
Two corporate characters on opposite sides of the fence. Have to include Lex. The parallels are interesting and hard to ignore.
makes way too much sense. with the destruction in metropolis, the constant hints at lexcorp, and the fact that this ill be a batman superman film, it's pretty obvious that bruce wayne will need a reason to come to metropolis.
I have no idea why people are insisting Lex is going to be in this. But in this forum everyone is now assuming the most random people are going to appear from the Batman world. I'm surprised no one has asked who will be cast as the joker.
Szetsilya, it's a missed opportunity if he ain't in this. Zod leaving his suit at a Lexcorp building, Metropolis destruction, corporate dealing with Bruce Wayne.
I have no idea why people are insisting Lex is going to be in this. But in this forum everyone is now assuming the most random people are going to appear from the Batman world. I'm surprised no one has asked who will be cast as the joker.


The idea of Lex rebuilding Metropolis, Bruce working with Lex in some corporate fashion with Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp, the idea of Batman and Superman meeting as enemies and eventually becoming partners to fight the common enemy (Lex)... it just seems so obvious. We essentially know this whole plot 2 years early. I just don't think it's that simple.

I hate to be rude, but it almost sounds like fan fiction - something that anybody could come up with, and we have. Not to mention that it is literally the same movie as the The Batman/Superman Animated Movie from 1997 on Kids WB.

We as fans have "written" this whole movie on these boards... It just seems suspicious, as if WB/Snyder/Goyer would know that that is the easiest, most obvious thing they could do, and they would go in the opposite direction.

To put it into perspective, did you ever think you would see a Superman movie with:

- No Lex Luthor
- No Kryptonite
- No Jimmy Olsen
- No red underwear
- Lois knowing who Superman is the whole time

Well, we got it, and that's as unpredictable as I could've imagined.
ЯɘvlveR;26717359 said:
lex isn't some "random people" from the batman world.

OmG really I didn't know that. It's not like I've ever seen Superman, Smallville, Lois and Clark, Superman TAS etc.
OmG really I didn't know that. It's not like I've ever seen Superman, Smallville, Lois and Clark, Superman TAS etc.

then why compare him to "random people" from "the batman world?" he's a pivotal character in the superman mythos. it's only logical.

who are you guys expecting? mister mxyzptlk?

ЯɘvlveR;26717423 said:
sounds to me like you really don't want lex in this film.

Not at all... I welcome Lex with loving arms. I adore that character.

I just don't want a painfully obvious movie that we've figured out 2 years in advance. If the movie writes itself that easily, I don't see where the sense of surprise or creativity comes in.

The one thing I could totally buy is a Bruce/Lois/Clark love triangle. That's bound to happen, and could set off the conflict between Batman and Superman if they know each others' identities.
He's so pivotal that he wasn't in MOS. I'm not saying I don't want Lex or that they won't bring him in; all I'm asking is why are people assuming he's definitely going to be there. Weren't there threads like this before MOS came out and it turned out Lex wasn't even in the movie?
ЯɘvlveR;26717429 said:
who are you guys expecting? mister mxyzptlk?

I'm expecting Batman vs. Superman.

Lex Luthor as the villain in Justice League. Darkseid just doesn't seem like the likely choice to me.
He's so pivotal that he wasn't in MOS. I'm not saying I don't want Lex or that they won't bring him in; all I'm asking is why are people assuming he's definitely going to be there. Weren't there threads like this before MOS came out and it turned out Lex wasn't even in the movie?

it was an origin film that centered around clark finding himself. besides, their were signs of him everywhere.
I see Bruce Wayne being a threat to Clark, especially because he's this billionaire playboy, and he's totally macking on Lois.

You've got Lois doing some Daily Planet interview/piece on Wayne, introducing who Wayne is, his story (bam, cue the Wayne Murders - Bruce's life was cloaked in tragedy at a young age, blah blah blah, Lois interviews him about this, and we as an audience are "introduced" to Wayne). Lois and Wayne hit it off and they're a hot item; Clark is jealous.

Wayne has come to Metropolis to help rebuild the city ... but he's really there to investigate Superman. But he knows he could never fight him, because Superman is Superman - he'd kill Batman instantly.

So Wayne discovers Kryptonite, or maybe even creates it with his genius mind and billions of dollars: his one chance of leveling the playing field and weakening Superman so they can have a real fight. This is Batman's key to stopping the threat of Superman on the world and keeping him at bay.

Meanwhile, Superman is enraged to discover that Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, the guy who is totally macking on his would-be girlfriend...

... *Ding ding* FIGHT.

No Lex Luthor is even necessary here. It's a perfect, epic story.
I see Bruce Wayne being a threat to Clark, especially because he's this billionaire playboy, and he's totally macking on Lois.

You've got Lois doing some Daily Planet interview/piece on Wayne, introducing who Wayne is, his story (bam, cue the Wayne Murders - Bruce's life was cloaked in tragedy at a young age, blah blah blah, Lois interviews him about this, and we as an audience are "introduced" to Wayne). Lois and Wayne hit it off and they're a hot item; Clark is jealous.

Wayne has come to Metropolis to help rebuild the city ... but he's really there to investigate Superman. But he knows he could never fight him, because Superman is Superman - he'd kill Batman instantly.

So Wayne discovers Kryptonite, or maybe even creates it with his genius mind and billions of dollars: his one chance of leveling the playing field and weakening Superman so they can have a real fight. This is Batman's key to stopping the threat of Superman on the world and keeping him at bay.

Meanwhile, Superman is enraged to discover that Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, the guy who is totally macking on his would-be girlfriend...

... *Ding ding* FIGHT.

No Lex Luthor is even necessary here. It's a perfect, epic story.

sounds like bad fan fic with an unnecessary love triangle that so many Superhero sequels seem to have.
Lex Luthor is the obvious villain choice for the movie, that is true, but just because something is obvious doesn't make it the wrong decision.
How can we be sure this is "Batman vs. Superman"? We all know that they are going to fight at some point, but what makes you think that will be the entire movie? The Avengers fought each other in their movie, but they banded together at the end to fight a bigger threat - I see no reason not to believe the same will happen here. We need a villain.
The problem with only Batman vs Superman is there is no conclusion. Who wins? They are both heroes, and audiences are going to be left disappointed if a hero fails in the end, and to have no resolution will feel like a rip off.

There needs to be a villain, who has an evil plan of some sort, that needs to be stopped by the hero(es). Lex Luthor just fits that bill perfectly, and since Wayne Industries was teased in MOS and now we have Batman, its logic to assume that the LexCorp teases will bring forth Lex Luthor.
sounds like bad fan fic with an unnecessary love triangle that so many Superhero sequels seem to have.
Lex Luthor is the obvious villain choice for the movie, that is true, but just because something is obvious doesn't make it the wrong decision.

But that's exactly what we're going to get, lol. It's literally one of the only stories you can tell. Lex or no Lex, that is most likely 99% what Goyer would do. For all intents and purposes, Lex is probably in the movie (I'm not convinced yet), and he'll just be another element of that story.

Bad fan fiction. :doh: It's like the classic tale of their relationship, spanning 70 years.
How can we be sure this is "Batman vs. Superman"? We all know that they are going to fight at some point, but what makes you think that will be the entire movie? The Avengers fought each other in their movie, but they banded together at the end to fight a bigger threat - I see no reason not to believe the same will happen here. We need a villain.
all that supports it is Goyer jokingly saying he doesn't know whether to call it B vs. S or S vs. B

nothing is known about the plot apart from the fact that it's a sequel to Man of Steel, that Batman will play a role of as-yet unknown importance in. anything else is speculation at this point.
I don't think Bruce macking on Lois, which lead to an all out brawl, is a "classic tale" of the Batman/Superman relationship.
I would bet the farm Lex is in this. we already saw Lex-corp tower, and his logo scattered throughout in MoS.
It would be extremely hard to show Metropolis being rebuilt without one of the worlds richest, most powerful, men not having a hand in it.
Just a guess, but Lex will either partner up with Bruce in rebuilding Metropolis, or, they will be rivals in it.
But that's exactly what we're going to get, lol. It's literally one of the only stories you can tell. Lex or no Lex, that is most likely 99% what Goyer would do. For all intents and purposes, Lex is probably in the movie (I'm not convinced yet), and he'll just be another element of that story.

Bad fan fiction. :doh: It's like the classic tale of their relationship, spanning 70 years.

whoa, how did I forget that Bruce and Lois being a couple is a classic tale of the Superman/Batman dynamic, probably because any time it's actually done it does a disservice to the character of Lois Lane, and would especially do so in the context of her knowing that Clark=Superman. Not to mention how petty it would make both characters seem, with Batman attacking Superman without finding out what kind of person he is, and Superman attacking Batman because he stole his girl. Bruce flirting with Lois can be fun, but having it lead to anything is a mistake that's been made to many times.

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