The Walking Dead "Because All Life Is Precious": The Morgan Jones Thread

Wonder when or if Morgan’s going to tell Rick about that Wolf he locked up? Or maybe he’s just waiting for the right moment to tell him.
Darth Morgan - The Walking Dead Lightsaber Battle
The Walking Dead - Morgans Lightsaber

TWD - Lightsaber Duel (Morgan vs Eastman)
Rick and Michonne shouldn’t be too quick to judge Morgan and his new philosophy/code. Both of them have been in his place at one point or another.

Morgan lost his son to his undead wife due to his inability to kill her. As a result of it he suffered PTSD. And Morgan’s way of coping with it (at that point) was by killing anyone living/dead that he came across. Until he came across Eastman who spared his life and taught him a more tranquil way to deal with his PTSD with aikido. Aikido gave Morgan inner peace and brought him back his humanity. He’s like a recovering addict trying to suppress his addiction. It’s how he copes with his PTSD now b/c if he decides to kill again he could risk going back to his “clearing” code, which would put everyone‘s life (including Morgan’s) at risk.

Rick, Michonne and even Carl have been in Morgan’s place before. Michonne lost her baby son and became a superficial shell that was dead inside until Andrea, Rick, Carl, etc. brought her humanity back.

Rick lost Lori and as a result became unhinged and even reckless to the point it affected his leadership. Until Hershel helped him suppress it by having Rick resign as leader of the group at the risk of him becoming like the Gov. And proving to Rick that he didn’t need to have the heavy weight of making the tough decisions for the group anymore.

After Carl prevented his mother from turning (after dying from giving birth) with a bullet to the head he became more callous. And even killed a young boy (from Gov’s group) who was surrendering to him during the Gov‘s second attack at the prison. Therefore leading to Rick (advised by Hershel) shielding Carl from the outside world also so he could be a normal kid that didn‘t have to deal with the ugly world outside the prison. Of course that didn’t last.

I think Rick and Michonne are being a little too judgmental on Morgan when they were in a similar place he was in before he met Eastman and became more Zen. They all have PTSD and somewhat dealt with it. I get why they are concerned about Morgan's new philosophy though b/c it is getting people killed or in danger indirectly.
AMC Morgan is very different from his comic-book counterpart, in fact I prefer the TV version much more. I'm interested in the direction they will take his character, will Rick and the others understand his ways? They've been building Morgan up, and it has to be something important.
Morgan, I appreciate your new worldview and outlook and such, but there's a f***ing line. Killing a guy who came to savagely murder everyone in sight and is promising to keep with that overall goal? That doesn't make you like him. It just makes you logical. Get with the program or die. :o

It's like Hardwick said on one of the Talking Dead episodes. If he's not killing everybody, then he can't kill anybody. If he can't manage to find a middle ground, then maybe he doesn't deserve to live.
He killed the doctor girl by proxy. So you're still killing people, Morgan.
I'm surprised the doctor isn't already dead. Morgan just left her with that a**hole and he's barely even restrained? It's a surprise it took him that long to escape.
Morgan just keeps shifting to extremes. He couldn't kill his wife the first time we meet him. Next time we see Morgan he is killing anyone he comes across and now he is killing no one.
He should split the difference and kill himself so he's not responsible for anyone else's death.
First time I have disliked Morgan was in this episode, he pissed me off so much.
Man one mistake and Morgan's the new Skylar in the internet. :csad:
Well it's not just one mistake, he nearly got Rick killed when he let the wolves go after they attacked, thankfully Rick is a bad ass and killed them all, but it could easily gone another way.
Morgan just keeps shifting to extremes. He couldn't kill his wife the first time we meet him. Next time we see Morgan he is killing anyone he comes across and now he is killing no one.

Morgan didn’t kill Jenny b/c even though she was dead that was still his wife. How is it any different than Hershel and his family (at one point) refusing to kill walkers and keeping ’em in his barn b/c he believed they could be cured and were his family/friends?

The same could be said about Shane, T-Dog, Daryl, Andrea, and Glenn being unable to go through with killing walker Sophia. I know they were out of ammo (which they used on the walkers in Hershel’s barn) by that point but they could’ve used sharp objects or a stabbing weapon. Instead they chose not to kill her. Leading to Rick executing her instead.

The Gov. (one of the most ruthless characters/villains on the show) let his walker daughter Penny live, kept hidden, and locked up. These situations aren't any different than Morgan being unable to kill his dead wife.

Those complaining about Morgan’s refusal to kill the living (that’s a threat) when’s the last time Glenn killed a living person that was also a threat to him and the group? The answer is never.

I notice the writers make it convenient for him to avoid being in that situation. The Governor’s surprise attack at the prison (the one that cost Axel’s life) Glenn was absent b/c he was fixing a fence or something if I recall. He showed up just as the Gov. and his group left.

When the Gov. attacked the prison the third and final time Glenn was recovering from that flu that was plaguing the prison and didn’t have a clue what was going on as the prison was under attack.

And though he was present in the church when the Termites/Hunters were slaughtered by Rick, Michonne, Sasha, and Abe however he, Tara, and Maggie didn’t have any involvement in the massacre. He also didn’t kill anybody during his and Maggie’s abduction and escape from Woodbury.

When the Gov. and his Woodbury army attacked the prison the 2nd time Glenn and Maggie were only scaring them away with gun fire and weren’t trying to kill any of them. They were lucky the Woodburians weren't cut out as soldiers for them not to kill them. He also refused to kill Nicholas even though it would’ve been justified after he got Noah killed, attempted to kill him, and was also a liability anyway. Him letting Nicholas live ended up being a waste and nearly got him killed again.

Those who complain about Morgan’s no killing code might as well complain about Glenn too b/c he’s never killed a living person either.
I just hope they utilize Morgans character a bit more for the rest of season 6, because since he returned he's been kind of a background character, I feel.
Aside from Carol, Michonne, and Judith it's a shame we haven't seen Morgan interact with Rick's group much. That was something I was looking forward to since the end of last season.
The sooner Morgan is removed from this show, the better. They have turned him into a God awful character. Why does he always sound like his lungs have collapsed too?
It’s a shame seeing fans turn on Morgan. I still think he’s a compelling though flawed character. I mean sure it was frustrating seeing him let those five Wolves escape. And indirectly nearly getting Rick killed. If Morgan had killed them he probably would’ve fell back into his “clearing” days. And trust me I rather have pacifist Morgan around than PTSD Morgan b/c he‘d not only be a danger to walkers, but to the ASZ community, Rick‘s group, and anyone who crosses his path.

Morgan should’ve told (or at least attempted to tell) Rick about the Wolf he spared and tried to convince Rick to let him live so he can reform him with his aikido. He had the opportunity to when Rick, Michonne, and Carol were interrogating about the five Wolves he let escape. With that said I know why he didn’t tell him b/c he knows Rick will execute the Wolf without hesitation. Morgan saw how much Rick has changed e.g. witnessing Rick killing Pete, what Rick said about why he didn’t kill Carter b/c eventually he’d get himself killed anyway. To be fair the Wolf has been locked up for 24 hours after his group attacked Alexandria. It’s not like he’s been keeping this secret from Rick for days.

I also side with Morgan during his confrontation with Carol. He had the Wolf tied up and locked in a vacant house. The Wolf was too weak to escape b/c of the nasty cut, which turned into an infection, by his stomach. The infection would’ve killed him without any antibiotics. That’s why he didn’t make a move on Denise when she cleaned his wound. He was too weak to and needed the antibiotics. So he wasn’t going anywhere without being medically treated or when he healed at least. Carol escalated the situation when she attempted to kill an unarmed and debilitated man.

I think she deserves just as much blame for letting the Wolf escape with Denise as his hostage. Morgan told her that they’d deal with the fate of that Wolf after the walker herd situation was resolved, but Carol got bloodthirsty and impatient. She instead tried to take matters into her own hands. Carol attempted to kill the Wolf, which distracted Morgan from him. And the Wolf used that distraction to escape.

I understand Carol's reasoning and concerns but stirring up a confrontation in the middle of a walker herd invasion was reckless. If she didn’t want to cause a scene she had the opportunity to knock Morgan unconscious with his own bo staff. I’m talking about when Morgan set his bo staff aside to check downstairs on Denise. He was separated from it for a few seconds. She turns the light switch off and instead of knocking Morgan out with his bo staff she shoves him aside. Knowing that Morgan was going to confront her. I blame Carol’s behavior in that whole confrontation on her head injury b/c she obviously wasn't thinking clear, imo.

I also don’t put the blame on Morgan for Denise being abducted. Morgan was hesitant about getting Denise involved. He came by her office twice before he had the courage to ask for her help with the Wolf. The first time he couldn’t even knock on her door and proceeded to leave until Denise caught him through the window. Morgan also warned Denise that she might not want to be involved once she had seen who the patient was that he was secretly holding captive. And before that Morgan mentioned that he wanted her advice if the Wolf’s infection was treatable b/c if it wasn’t he didn’t want to waste any of Alexandria’s medical supplies. Morgan didn’t have her at gunpoint and forced her to help the Wolf. Heck she was following Morgan carrying medical supplies in her bag. She knew the risks and agreed to patch up the Wolf. I’m not saying it was Denise’s own fault for being abducted, but I don’t think it’s completely Morgan’s either.

I know it’s highly unlikely for anyone being able to rehabilitate a sociopath in 24 hours. However, I’m hoping that somehow Morgan got through to that Wolf . The psycho pretty much vowed to Morgan he’ll kill him and everyone in the ASZ community including the children once he‘s freed. Yet when he finally escapes he didn’t take the opportunity to kill Carol or Morgan, who were both unconscious at that moment. Not to mention Tara, Rosita, and Eugene after they all handed over their weapons to him. So I’m hoping this subplot won’t be a complete waste for Morgan (and us viewers) to somewhat reform the Wolf. I’m getting bored of Rick being always right. And that somehow being a pacifist or a moral compass in an uncivilized world ends up getting people and themselves killed. It’s been played out and it’s coming off one-sided. There needs to be some balance or middle ground.
I like Morgan, I get his point of view. I also understand why people oppose his all life is precious, even in this dead world. I think the writers are building Morgan up for something, i'm not sure what exactly but something is going to happen.
For most of the first half of season 6 Morgan was trying to save that Wolf’s humanity but it seems that Morgan was trying to save the wrong person. It’s Carol who needs her humanity saved, imo. Hopefully this gets expanded upon for the rest of this season. To show that Morgan’s philosophy isn’t all flawed.
Sneak Peek: Episode 612: The Walking Dead: Not Tomorrow Yet

Morgan will obviously object b/c of his code and he didn't look comfortable with Rick's plan. This will probably lead to Morgan being exiled and parting ways with Rick and the ASZ. Hence the photo of him on a horse on the 6b banner poster. Rick and his group are acting overconfident and bold taking on a group they don't know much about. Confronting Negan and his group will most likely cost Rick and ASZ something in the end.

I'm also getting the impression from this clip that Carol doesn't seem that motivated about killing this group either. I think all the killing might be taking it's toll on her. Though I could be wrong and might be looking too much into that one, but we'll see.
I know a lot of people despise Morgan, but he was correct that once they go down this path of killing people there won’t be any coming back from it. Plus they didn’t have any crucial intel about Negan and his compound. They were going in there blind. And now Maggie and Carol are held captive by the rest of the group (or another group entirely) that they were unaware of. Now sure I don't think reasoning with a man, who killed a 16 year old kid just to prove a point, will necessarily fix the conflict between the Hilltop and the Saviors, but Rick and co got themselves involved. They also didn't have a foolproof plan with how they handled the raid at the compound. And now the ASZ is a target for Negan if they don't kill him and his entire group soon.

Towards the end it looks like Morgan is building and welding a cage. Possibly assembling an authentic cell for the ASZ community.

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