DC Television Best/Worst Original Characters in DC-TV

Primal Slayer

Let the Siren scream
Jun 30, 2005
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I've been rewatching the Justice League animated series and I forgot how strict DC was back then with who they can/cannot use. All of this lead them to creating "original"/knock off versions to get past the embargos. This also happens as well very often in the live action shows? What are some of your favorites/least favorites and ones you wish you'd see more of?

JL:TAS couldn't use Katana or the JSA so they created Tsukuri and The Justice Guild

Black Siren ended up getting adapted to the Black Siren we know from Arrow.

The JGA could make for a good adaption in the comics
Devil Ray had a more angular — and, in my opinion, more menacing — costume than Black Manta.

They kept the angular look for Black Manta in Young Justice.
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I love Sara Lance and Thea Queen. They're among my favorites, period. Least favorite...well, I wasn't that fond of Quentin Lance, but I don't watch enough of the shows to easily come up with a worst list.
Well two key ones are Harley Quinn and Livewire, HQ created for BTAS and is iconic now, one of DCs biggest characters, made it into the comics, live action TV and the big screen. Livewire has done well outside of STAS with live action appearances on Smallville & Supergirl aswell as making her way into the comic books too.
Best: Sister Night and Looking Glass in Watchmen

Worst: Whitney from Smallville and whoever Jensen Ackles played on that show. Also, dishonorable mention: Adam Knight, who was originally intended to be Bruce Wayne until they scrapped that idea and made him some undead dope trying to steal Clark’s blood.
Iris West (the Flash) is probably the most annoying, but that's down to how she's written. Short of the main protagonists, the way they wrote Matt Letcher for Legends' Season 2 as Thawne will remain one of the best villainous portrayals of any DC-TV character for me, along with Manu Bennet as Slade Wilson.
If we’re talking worst then it has to be Felicity on Arrow, if only they’d never had that character appear in the first place we could have even spared seasons of her awful acting cry and whinging every time Oliver did something she didn’t agree with.
If we’re talking worst then it has to be Felicity on Arrow, if only they’d never had that character appear in the first place we could have even spared seasons of her awful acting cry and whinging every time Oliver did something she didn’t agree with.
For what it may be worth, I didn't so much mind the character of Felicity for as long as she was the tech girl. It's when they romanced her up with Ollie that her character took a turn for the worst.

Laurel shouldn't have been killed off, and her and Ollie should have got together and become the Green Arrow & Black Canary as per the comics. Dinah could've been a new character, with a new name (and power). Laurel could've maybe had a reaction to something that triggered a latent gene, thus gaining he canary cry ability.
For what it may be worth, I didn't so much mind the character of Felicity for as long as she was the tech girl. It's when they romanced her up with Ollie that her character took a turn for the worst.

Laurel shouldn't have been killed off, and her and Ollie should have got together and become the Green Arrow & Black Canary as per the comics. Dinah could've been a new character, with a new name (and power). Laurel could've maybe had a reaction to something that triggered a latent gene, thus gaining he canary cry ability.

Yeah same tbh, but they pandered to the shippers.

Yeah totally agreed
The best original character in the DC show (animation and live action) has to be Harley Quinn as she was a breath of fresh in the Batman's lore as she brought something new to the Joker's characer. I also liked Quentin Lance and Sara Lance in Arrow.

The worst has to be Felicity. She was intially fine in the first two seasons of Arrow but she was insufferable and patronising in later seasons of Arrow when the show decided that she should be the main female lead of the show instead of the supporting character like she originally was. It doesn't help that EBR isn't a good actress and she struggles in serious scenes, her crying scenes are hard to to watch (I don't mean it in a good way).
Worst: Felicity...although I don’t think she’s an original character, right? She’s technically in the comics?
Worst: Felicity...although I don’t think she’s an original character, right? She’s technically in the comics?
Good point but Felicity in Arrow is nothing like her comic book counterpart so she feels like a original character... at least to me and many others.
Also...Chloe Sullivan from Smallville. I think she ties for worst with Felicity. Ironically enough, both are Green Arrow love interests. CW has something against a Black Canary/Green Arrow pairing lol
Also...Chloe Sullivan from Smallville. I think she ties for worst with Felicity. Ironically enough, both are Green Arrow love interests. CW has something against a Black Canary/Green Arrow pairing lol

Chloe is Felicity if Felicity spent several years prior to Arrow crying over someone crying in a barn.
I agree that Chloe Sullian became annoying in post season 6 of Smallville. Which is a shame as she was one of my favorite characters in Smallville during the first few seasons of the show but the show made her way too important.
I always like Chloe but damn, it feels weird talking about her now after... well, you know.
I know how you feel. I doubt that we will ever see Chloe Sullivan in a Superman comic or show due to the character's strong association with Allison Mack.
I know how you feel. I doubt that we will ever see Chloe Sullivan in a Superman comic or show due to the character's strong association with Allison Mack.

Yeah, man. When I think about my list of "Celebrities Most Likely to Become Sexual Predator Cultists After Their Star Starts to Fade," Allison Mack certainly wasn't at the top of my list, but here we are.

On a semi-related note, the guy who played the D-bag jock in Ten Things I Hate About You also started a cult. Fame has strange effects on people, I guess.

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