Justice League Can Justice League be just as huge as The Avengers?

Not a chance and here's why. People have lost faith in the DCEU. They need both Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman to be smash hits so people will give this another chance. The only way this is making Avengers money is because of rave reviews that will further encourage folks to go on multiple weekends and with Snyder that's not happening. Nothing against him, I think he's a very talented artist but he can't make a swing hit of a film like a JJ Abrams or a Joss Whedon or even the Russos. Oh I would sell my soul if they would take over DCEU.
I want to say yes but I have to say no. The Avengers was built up to and had a lot of excitement towards it and this is almost the opposite.
I think if the first trailer starts with a 5 second clip that starts like this;

BATMAN (text on screen with an action clip)

WONDER WOMAN (text on screen with an action clip)

AQUAMAN (text on screen with an action clip)

FLASH (text on screen, him making a smart a** comment)

CYBORG (text on screen, him reacting to the Flash comment)

with the end of the trailer having Batman going "We need the big gun", shoot to a close up on Superman's eyes opening.

If the whole marketing campaign stays restrained and keeps the eyes on action and good dialogue around the core JL then it can do huge numbers.

The marketing campaign really failed BvS. They should have hid Wonder Woman and Doomsday and focussed on Batman, Superman, and Lex. Imagine the excitement coming out of the cinema with people going, "holy f***, Wonder Woman was in that, freaking awesome!" That would have generated $200M extra at the BO for sure.

Clearly the movie needs to be great, but the marketing campaign has got to be better.
Depends on how they market it and how it's received

And face facts guys, Nolan is never coming back. Plus he's shooting his movie the same time as JL
No, probably not. Unless JL is miraculously and vastly better than BvS. Which is highly unlikely with the same writer and director in place.
Depends on how they market it and how it's received

And face facts guys, Nolan is never coming back. Plus he's shooting his movie the same time as JL
It is not a matter of Nolan coming back to direct, but rather his presence to be more involved like it seems he was on MOS. I think they chose Snyder to develop a Nolan like approach to be honest, since Nolan decided not to direct anymore. Since that is the approach anyways, might as well reign Snyder in a bit through him :o
Sure the Justice League franchise can be as big as the Avengers, but this one we're getting next year? Nah, you need to build up a franchise first.
With Snyder in charge, the answer is no IMO. He has had two attempts and has failed to make a good movie IMO. I don't think much of his movies before MOS either.
I doubt it will but I really don't care.
In could be theoretically if it was approached a certain way.
snyder needs to listen to someone. how do you make a 4 hour movie in the first place? wb sniffing too many fumes to let a director waste that kind of $$$$$$$
Making a 4 hour movie originally is equating to no leash at all on the director, and in the case of Snyder I think that was dangerous :o
JL was never going to be as big as the Avengers. Avengers can't even get that big again. Not unless you ignore inflation.
JL was never going to be as big as the Avengers. Avengers can't even get that big again. Not unless you ignore inflation.

That is true about the Avengers especially since Whedon completely botched the last attempt, and with Civil War being an Avengers movie in the eyes of the GA that's a lot in a short time frame for most people.

I think JL should hit $1B, I'm confident given that it'll be lighter in tone and the excitement for it will ramp like crazy. Good critic reviews will be critical unfortunately.
Can Justice League be as huge? No. For a couple of reasons.

The initial Avengers movie was if anything an over achievement. So much so that even it's sequel, which was a success as well, couldn't even match the heights of the initial movie. As it's been pointed out, I'd be highly surprised if any of the remaining Avengers movies actually surpass their original in terms of money or popularity.

Another reason why Justice League I don't feel will be as successful is simple, DC & WB have tried to create in 2 movies, what Marvel created over I believe it was 5 movies: A universe. That's one of the reasons why the initial Avengers was so much of an overachiever. It brought together people that liked Iron Man 1 & 2 , Hulk, Thor, Captain America. I'm sure comic fans would have seen it regardless but there are general audience members that would have seen maybe one of those movies, liked it & thought I'll go see Avengers since xyz is in it. The Marvel universe is also I'd say more children friendly, Man of Steel & BvS carry more of an adult tone I feel, both films take themselves more seriously than I feel they probably should.

DC went about it all wrong, Man of Steel I feel gave the universe a credible opening, they should have then went with a sole Batman movie establishing the Batman of this universe with the ending of that movie being what was the start of Batman vs Superman ie Bruce being in Metropolis during the Superman/Zod confrontation. Then add in a Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash solo movies with perhaps cameos from Batman, Superman or even just acknowledging in some capacity that they exist in the same universe THEN Justice League should have come.

Batman vs Superman really could have launched the universe in 1 movie & completely caught up to Marvel which is no doubt what they wanted to do cutting all the corners in the process, the angle had so much promise but they really did just try to do too much, too soon focusing more on trying to cram all sorts of information in 1 movie to establish things rather than focusing on just trying to make it good.

The DCU is still salvageable I feel as despite all BvS's flaws & disappointing ending, the ending itself despite how it was executed has left me with anticipation on what will happen next.. but I'd honestly be surprised if Justice League will be able to be as 'huge' as the Avengers. It's actually not something that concerns me, as long as I find the movies enjoyable I couldn't care less if the critics dislike them or they don't make as much money as the Marvel counterpart.
Can Justice League be as huge? No. For a couple of reasons.

The initial Avengers movie was if anything an over achievement. So much so that even it's sequel, which was a success as well, couldn't even match the heights of the initial movie. As it's been pointed out, I'd be highly surprised if any of the remaining Avengers movies actually surpass their original in terms of money or popularity.

Another reason why Justice League I don't feel will be as successful is simple, DC & WB have tried to create in 2 movies, what Marvel created over I believe it was 5 movies: A universe. That's one of the reasons why the initial Avengers was so much of an overachiever. It brought together people that liked Iron Man 1 & 2 , Hulk, Thor, Captain America. I'm sure comic fans would have seen it regardless but there are general audience members that would have seen maybe one of those movies, liked it & thought I'll go see Avengers since xyz is in it. The Marvel universe is also I'd say more children friendly, Man of Steel & BvS carry more of an adult tone I feel, both films take themselves more seriously than I feel they probably should.

DC went about it all wrong, Man of Steel I feel gave the universe a credible opening, they should have then went with a sole Batman movie establishing the Batman of this universe with the ending of that movie being what was the start of Batman vs Superman ie Bruce being in Metropolis during the Superman/Zod confrontation. Then add in a Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash solo movies with perhaps cameos from Batman, Superman or even just acknowledging in some capacity that they exist in the same universe THEN Justice League should have come.

Batman vs Superman really could have launched the universe in 1 movie & completely caught up to Marvel which is no doubt what they wanted to do cutting all the corners in the process, the angle had so much promise but they really did just try to do too much, too soon focusing more on trying to cram all sorts of information in 1 movie to establish things rather than focusing on just trying to make it good.

The DCU is still salvageable I feel as despite all BvS's flaws & disappointing ending, the ending itself despite how it was executed has left me with anticipation on what will happen next.. but I'd honestly be surprised if Justice League will be able to be as 'huge' as the Avengers. It's actually not something that concerns me, as long as I find the movies enjoyable I couldn't care less if the critics dislike them or they don't make as much money as the Marvel counterpart.

Tbh, I actually feel Civil War might be able to top the first Avenger's success. The Avengers was a massive achievement for sure, but it was really banking on the novetly factor of the first ever superhero team-up movie. The story itself is mediocre at best imo. Civil War also has a novetly factor of a superhero team vs team (BvS attempted that, but wasn't successful in regards to he GA). And from what I can see, there seems to be a lot more depth and story in this compared to Avengers and AoU. I would even say this could have made a better Avengers movie than AoU.

In regards to DC setting up their universe, you forget that they still have 2 movies to go in terms of setting up their world before JL, giving them a 4 movie setup compared to Marvel's 5, which all things considered is pretty close. For sure BvS probably packed more than it can chew, but it's still one movie in the series. If anything, it tried to stuff an IM2 style world building setup with a Batman solo, all rolled into one.

We still have SS to set up more of the world in general, and a world without Superman, and WW to establish the last corner stone of the Trinity that JL usually is built around. So I wouldn't say DC tried to cut corners really. If BvS turned out better, they would still be 2 movies away from JL regardless. It's just that because BvS performance was a disappointment, there's all this talk that it's because it tried to rush, when we keep forgetting regardless, there's still going to be 4 movies happening in total before we even get to JL.

Now I'm not saying JL will be bigger than Avengers, or not, it's too far ahead at the moment to predict that accurately. I'm just saying it's not exactly accurate to say DC tried to rush things by doing in BvS what Marvel did in 5 movies.
The Justice League could have been as big as the Avengers...... If it hd a better director that delivered.
The Justice League could have been as big as the Avengers...... If it hd a better director that delivered.

Better Director...Better Film....Better screenplay....basically, if everything had been better.lol
Better Director...Better Film....Better screenplay....basically, if everything had been better.lol

And delay it the hell away from BvS, like November 2019, and rely on the goodwill of the rest of the DCEU if it delivers while working on the Justice League film.

And if the JL film delivers on quality, it could be Avengers big.
I just can't see it with Snyder in charge, if you look at his films records at the Box Office its clear that he doesn't make films that the GA want to see multiple times. BvS had a great opening but once people had seen it they had little interest in seeing it again, and the only way to get into the billion dollar club is to have a film the audiences want to see again and again.
Making a 4 hour movie originally is equating to no leash at all on the director, and in the case of Snyder I think that was dangerous :o

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. I'll leave it at that.
What defines big? $$$ or quality, because Avengers is not that good. No offense to the homie Whedon. It was basically Serenity with a Marvel paint job and Whedon's trademark quippy dialogue. And other than the event of watching several films converge into one it was an utterly forgettable film with one or two memorable action beats.
What defines big? $$$ or quality, because Avengers is not that good. No offense to the homie Whedon. It was basically Serenity with a Marvel paint job and Whedon's trademark quippy dialogue. And other than the event of watching several films converge into one it was an utterly forgettable film with one or two memorable action beats.

The Avengers really didn't age well. it looks like TV movie with a high-budget.
It always did look like a TV movie, that's what everyone has said.

Which I don't consider a bad thing.

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