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First Avenger Captain America Easter Eggs Thread *Spoilers*

Missed the Human Torch statue, guess I'll have to see it again
I don't know if this is considered an easter egg, but the car door Steve picks up to shield his face from the bullet when the boy is taken hostage has a white star in the middle and the words "Lucky Star" cab company, alluding to his future shield made of Vibranium.

Here are the ones I found. Let me know if I missed any. I divided them up by franchise to make it easier.

Iron Man
-Howard Stark helped created the tech to create him and was directly involved in much operational planning and even missions
-Stark Industries responsible for most of the tech in the film
-Rogers attends a Stark Expo
-Shield made of Vibranium- what Tony is able to reproduce with his fathers clues in IM2
-Howard Stark finds the lost Tesseract at the end

-Tesseract a weapon left on earth by Odin during his battle with the Frost Giants in 965 AD in Norway (as shown in Thor)
-Yggdrasil wall art hides the Tesseract
-Asgardians were the "Gods" referenced throughout the film
-When the Tesseract reveals its true powers to Red Skull (before consuming him) the heavens are shown much like in Thor

-Red Skulls deformed appearance is explained by his body's rejection of the serum because he was not worthy. It also drives him even madder. This is exactly what happens to Blonsky/Abomination in The Incredible Hulk.
-Super Soldier Serum is administered in a very similar way as it is to Blonsky in Hulk.

-Set up elaborate attempt to confuse Steve Rogers that it's still the 1940s in order to ease him into the present.
-Nick Fury appears at the end to tell him the truth.

-Stan Lee cameoed as a military officer at a Medal of Valor presentation for Steve, that he decides not to attend in order to keep fighting.
-Arnim Zola is first introduced as a giant distorted face on a screen
-Red Skull mentions that "the Fuhrer is too busy digging for trinkets in the desert" to look for a much more powerful item like the Tesseract. A direct reference to "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (which Johnston worked on- and borrowed from heavily in this film)
-Red Skull's death at the hands of the Tesseract was very similar to how the Lost Ark killed the Nazis in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"

I don't know some of those things were pretty direct.
Damn, do they actually kill off the Red Skull? Was hoping they would avoid the "kill the bad guy" cliche. I'd love to see them bring him back in a Cap sequel.

Hint hint ask Loki!
I thought The way Cap found Bucky strapped to that table and the state he was in was major foreshadowing for the Winter Soldier.
Zoomed to the end to avoid spoilers,so sorry if this has already been mentioned, but in the scene where Cap finds the shield, Stark looks like he is about to show him some technology that could go into the suit on a table.

The stuff looks like parts from a Iron Man Mk.1 suit.
so how did the incredible hulk tie into this one when they find cap? i know the hulk hit the glacier and it revealed the frozen shield... they really didn't show but it seemed different to me. as the shield was in the red skull plane.
so how did the incredible hulk tie into this one when they find cap? i know the hulk hit the glacier and it revealed the frozen shield... they really didn't show but it seemed different to me. as the shield was in the red skull plane.

Well, that was a cut scene, so it isn't like it was set in stone.
so how did the incredible hulk tie into this one when they find cap? i know the hulk hit the glacier and it revealed the frozen shield... they really didn't show but it seemed different to me. as the shield was in the red skull plane.

The scene was a potential choice but ultimately I like that they didn't go with the deleted scene from TIH.
If it's a deleted scene then it's not canon in the movie 'verse, right?
If it's a deleted scene then it's not canon in the movie 'verse, right?

Exactly. If it didn't make the final cut of the film, then it's NOT official canon in any way, shape or form.
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When Howard Stark is experimenting with the energy element that would become Arc Reactor palladium core for Tony Stark in the future you can see on Stark's table early concept drawings of the arc reactor.
Oh damn. Seen the movie twice, didn't catch this.
Oh yeah, I remember the movie hinting at Steve being an artist. There was a scene where he was doodling in a notebook & he also designed his own costume.

I just joined the board after watching the Cpt America movie. I wanted to know if there was ANY reference in any shape or form to Logan/Wolverine in the movie? When he was rescuing the soldiers I was really looking and hoping there was one.
Marvel doesn't own the movie rights to Wolverine, so he wasn't in the film.
The song playing during the USO scene, my friend said it was an old Captain America song, didn't say from where. Thought it was neat.
I think it was more of a nod to the original Human Torch. You know, the Android. :o

But I guess it could go both ways.

It's most definitely NOT a nod to FF Johnny Storm. C'mon the suit is a dead giveaway who it's for.
I was trying to correct him while not s**ting all over the newbies cornflakes man. :o
Hey, it works on two levels. ;)

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