Chapter 21 - "The Hard Part" - Discussion Thread 5/7/07

I wonder if the Company's goal is to bring all of the central heroes together to be killed off in the explosion (sans Claire (since Mama Petrelli appears to want her alive) and Nathan, since they feel they can use him to run the country). The reason being may be that this older group of super powers might feel their place is threatened by this younger group of upstarts who most likely could overtake them. After all, we know that Linderman has powers, Mama Petrelli has powers (though we don’t know what they are) Eric Roberts might have some special abilities, and George Takei might as well. If they all do, they are all older than any of the “main” heroes we’ve been following. It seems like a dumb theory, I know… but not totally improbable. The key is Peter. They need to eliminate him (and I somehow feel Mama wouldn’t have a problem with this) because he is the most powerful of all the heroes and he can’t be persuaded to the “dark side,” so to speak. Nathan, ironically, has more power WITHOUT his special abilities and has some skeletons in his closet, therefore he is “the one [they] need.” Sylar is insignificant (although I’m sure he would disagree). If he is the one who blows up New York, then great, if not someone else will… just as long as Peter dies (along with most of the other heroes he’s come into contact with) and they can blame it on some super-powered being.
candice shes hot as hell
candice shes hot as hell

She is and its good to see her being used more. The episode was good, especially for some insight into Sylar. Good to see that he will use his ice powers more. Hiro really has alot on his mind since he has to do something he probably would never do. I just hope Peter has some control over that power.
Did anyone else catch Molly saying that Sylar does actually eat the brains? Disgusting.

Dude is completely sick in the head. It's like needing to put down a rabid dog.

For Molly to have a great enough power to actually stop Sylar would make her essentially the most powerful Hero of them all and that just wouldn't do. With her on the "proper" side and healthy, they could eliminate any physical copies of a list outside of her, thus limiting Sylar's brain eating to only those he happened upon by accident, since he would no longer have the benefit of a list - which he's used throughout. Of course, it also allows her to be able to locate him so that the organization can capture and contain him.

Hiro couldn't pull the proverbial trigger because it wasn't time yet. The necessity wasn't the same. Trying to act out of place of the comic hasn't worked yet, so there was no way it'd work this time.

As much as everyone hates DL and Jessica, I wish they would make it through to an additional season. It's a sappy reason, but how many mixed-race couples are there on television? I have a feeling Jessica gets killed for some reason. Maybe because I think Ali Larter is the type to jump at the chance for movies over TV if given the opportunity.

I definitely agree with the theory of Nathan grabbing Peter and flying off with him to explode safely away from the population. I've felt since the beginning that every explored storyline in season one is all about the morality of having super powers. It's not about a bomb or secret organizations or any of it. Season One is all about being endowed with a gift and the choice that has to be made by the individual with how to execute it. Nathan, to my recollection, is the one character that willingly walks the line more than any other. Deep down, morally he has the fiber to be good. He's done good things. But he's also demonstrated a darker side. I think the season ends with him making the moral choice for good.
Just watched it and boy is Hiro a puss.:o

I think Molly will be key to next season.

regarding the bomb: at this point I think it's safe to say it won't be Ted.

I don't see why it would be Ted. He seems to have a grip on his powers now.
Anybody else but me think Nathan looks kinda like Sylar in this pic?​
He does. A lot. And it's kinda freaky. Like his face stopped mid-transformation. Yeek.
Well you know, the actor who actually plays Nathan had the actor who plays Sylar record himself saying Nathans lines in Sylars voice so that he could portray Sylar playing Nathan, not just Nathan.


Yeah, but that's until he gets pissed off :o

I'm thinkin it's Sylar too, though.

Or shot

I dont think Hiro is a "puss"
He has a firm code of belief and believes in redemption and that every person no matter how evil has the power to change
I like that, he's not a trigger happy freak, he's someone who stands up for what he believes even if its something so dangerous as letting Sylar go on
Speaking of which I loved the scenes between Sylar and his mother
I think it sorta gave him a bit more of a human quality to him and took away from the idea that he is a two dimensional monster freak and for the first time we see him care about the innocent lives he thinks he'll take and for his mother the only person who cared about him and evidently he cared about
The whole thing with the whipping snow globes at her didnt work it just wasnt a character thing
That isnt something you do to your mother, atleast not one you love and have just showed affection for although i did like the whole spraying ice thing
Im kinda sorry he killed his mom too I knew it had to happen but I still felt a sorta pang there when it happened

BTW who think Claire could actually shoot Peter?
Its kinda like Bambi gone very very wrong.

Yeah, that too

Maniacbob said:
BTW who think Claire could actually shoot Peter?

Meh, I don't think she's gonna do it. Specially since they're there together behind some gate, and Peter says "He's going to wipe out the entire city." :o
Or shot

I dont think Hiro is a "puss"
He has a firm code of belief and believes in redemption and that every person no matter how evil has the power to change
I like that, he's not a trigger happy freak, he's someone who stands up for what he believes even if its something so dangerous as letting Sylar go on

He came in after Sylar had stabbed his mother, and he choked up. While his code seems very honorable, he really should've manned up and done what needed to be done.
This episode was a real let down after "Five Years Gone," but it had its moments. I think it was interesting in finding out what was special with Molly (human "list") and Mohinder (cure). I'm not really sure how she can stop Sylar, unless they use her to find Sylar and they find a way to block his path. I had to agree with Thompson that the Sureshs are to be blamed for sylar. If it wasn't for Chandra, sylar would not exist.

The whole "Hiro attempting to kill Sylar" was disappointing. He not only failed to kill Sylar but he got his sword broken. Did not find the part with Sylar's mom all that interesting. I keep hoping that she had a power herself and would reveal it, but that didn't happen. I'm glad she died eventually. It was strange to see Sylar use her blood to paint the bomb.

Some questions:
-was that Candice or Angela Petrelli that was talking to Nathan at the end of the episode and talking about his "destiny"? I just thought it was strange that she would be part of Linderman's plan after she had the Haitian bring Claire to her.
-I wonder what Sylar's mom thought he was doing when he was traveling. maybe a traveling watchmaker?
-why did Sylar change his look before he visited his mom? Was he scared that she wouldn't recognize him or was it something else?
-so who's going to explode? Peter? Sylar? Ted? I still think it would be Peter since he said he explodes in "Five Years Gone". But when Peter was absorbing Ted's abilities, part of me ,was hoping that Claude would reappear and wack him.
btw I'm not saying I wanted to see Hiro actually run Sylar thru...I'm just saying that the build up leading towards him not doing it...was pretty pointless. I knew and do know that it wouldn't happen and it wasn't the right moment...but we didn't need all that voyerism.

And just when the hell are we gonna get Hiro vs. Dino...C'mon!
We won't - the dino thing was when he grabbed the sword (the replica) from the museum during one of his time freezes and was playing with it. He confronted a T-Rex.
I hope DL and Jessica don't die, I like them. I think it would be so funny if Peter was about to explode and claude popped up behind him and wacked him in the head with his stick.
btw I'm not saying I wanted to see Hiro actually run Sylar thru...I'm just saying that the build up leading towards him not doing it...was pretty pointless. I knew and do know that it wouldn't happen and it wasn't the right moment...but we didn't need all that voyerism.

The fact that he didn't kill him WAS the point. Remember that whole riff about how future hiro has no problem killing? This piece was intended to make it all the more shocking when he finally does kill. Hiro is the TRUE definition of a hero in that he will exhaust ALL other options before resorting to killing.

There were also definite references to hamlet in this episode. The hiro sylar thing is very reminiscent of hamlet vs claudius in the chapel
He came in after Sylar had stabbed his mother, and he choked up. While his code seems very honorable, he really should've manned up and done what needed to be done.

I don't think Hiro would have been able to kill Sylar at the point even if he did have the guts at that point. It seemed to me that Sylar broke past Hiro's ability to stop time.
this is going to end with Peter getting ready to explode, Nathan walking up to him, hugging him and flying into the atmosphere. Nathan is killed, he's redeemed himself, city is saved. (it would be kinda cool if the explosion in the air blocked out the sun in the famous "eclipse" shape)

This whole season is really about the relationship between Peter and Nathan. That was the focus at the start, I almost guarantee that this will be the way it ends.

I really agree with this. I was thinking it when I watched the episode. I think Hiro tells Nathan about his future and then right when Peter starts going all meltdown, Nathan does what you said. NY is saved, Peter survives and Nathan dies a real hero.
I don't think Hiro would have been able to kill Sylar at the point even if he did have the guts at that point. It seemed to me that Sylar broke past Hiro's ability to stop time.

I doubt Hiro will ever be able to kill since he knows how he could become if he does.
I don't think Hiro would have been able to kill Sylar at the point even if he did have the guts at that point. It seemed to me that Sylar broke past Hiro's ability to stop time.

He didn't. Hiro unfroze time to strike him.
you know what would be a cool twist? If in order to stop Sylar, they have to give him Molly, and trick him into taking her ability (thus killing her). When he kills her, he ends up getting her illness and dies.

So the heroes would be faced with: Do you sacrifice a child to save the rest of the world?

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