Horror Child's Play : The Series

New trailer. I’m so excited for this, it looks like the classic Child’s Play twisted fun.

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Well this series is probably going to be a Guilty Pleasure of mine. I grew up on the Child's Play movies and it's had its ups and downs but I still like to watch them. I know a lot of people didn't like the way Cult took the series and it looks like this is continuing from that moment which I didn't mind so I i will see how this goes.
Premiered tonight!
Chucky killed someone with his vomit. Chucky confirmed for best show.
My Thoughts on that 1st Episode

I really liked it I thought all the characters and family were a bunch of dicks and the Dad even though it was played by Devon Sawa really deserved what he had coming to him. One of the best parts is at the Talent show when Jake takes Chucky on stage and he pretty much destroys the whole school because to be honest there is a bunch of characters in this show you just can't stand. Some people that I've talked to found the 1st death a bit goofy but I didn't mind it. Will be interesting to see how Andy Kyle, Tiffany and Nica come into this story
The first episode was pretty solid IMO, but man are most of these characters unlikable. The science teacher is easily my favorite character so far and I'm actually hoping she doesn't get killed off.

I'm just curious to see where this all goes and what Mancini has up his sleeve as far as exploring more of the mythology behind Charles Lee Ray although I never thought we needed to see his origin story.

I am also hoping the writing is much better this time around for the characters Mancini will bring in from those more recent movies because as of right now I don't see how they quite fit into this story.
Just got around to watching the premiere and I enjoyed it a lot. Right off the bat you sympathize with Jake. Poor guy has to put up with crap at home and at school. I am actually hoping Chucky kills off some of the students as they deserve it. The science teacher seems to be the only decent one at the school from what we saw

Loved the tone & setting of the show. Feels like great successor to the original movie so far. Gonna be interesting to see where it goes once Andy & Tiffany come into the picture

And Brad Dourif still got it! Dude was hilarious as Chucky. The scene at the talent show was brilliant
I just watched the premiere, and it is by far the best Chucky thing there has been. Writing and mood were off the charts, as was Dourif. The ventriloquist scene might be the franchise's best scene. Also kind of interesting to see it feels like a mixture of the classic and the reboot.
This series is off to a great start, thoroughly enjoyed the first episode. I'm excited to get 8 1 hour doses of Chucky here, he was in top form already. I'm glad they just get right into it, time is spent wisely.
Great 1st ep. I'm onboard.

Don't **** with the Chuck.
So this isn't the "real original" Chucky right? You know what happened if you've watched the last movie. (Not the remake :barf:) I wonder if they'll address that, or act like it never happened... I wasn't a fan of him being able to
copy himself.
I think that just makes him too powerful. And why wouldn't he do it all the time now?

I like the show, but some of the characters are just too over the top, like Lexy and her parents. Nothing subtle about them at all :whatever: And some of the acting of the kids isn't great. But that doesn't ruin it for me though. I hope this will last a couple of seasons. There's not enough horror on tv.
I really liked the second episode, though I am curious bout the pacing of this show. I assume it's 10-13 episodes, but so far it feels paced for 6. :funny:
I think Chucky works better as a movie because as soon as the main character finds out that he's alive, they're doing everything to get rid of him and stop him. The fact that this kid keeps him around after everything he's done, is not only unconvincing, but also makes him very unlikable to me.
both episodes are up on youtube enjoyed the first one are kids that cruel to each other in school like they portray? i know that is being naive but dam those kids were extra brutal don't know whst it says about me that i want to see Chucky kill all them :twisted:
both episodes are up on youtube enjoyed the first one are kids that cruel to each other in school like they portray? i know that is being naive but dam those kids were extra brutal don't know whst it says about me that i want to see Chucky kill all them :twisted:
I've seen some pretty vicious kids over the years. While I was in school, and after.
Harley Peyton co-wrote 1x02. He was a writer/producer on Twin Peaks with 13 writing credits. I guess that's why Jake's room is Twin Peaks inspired with the chevron and red. :hehe:
Chucky needs to kill Lexy. She deserves it the most out of the all the characters that have appeared so far

Chucky keeps bringing the laughs :funny:
Saint Elmo's Fire?

I haven't caught up on the series yet. Plan to watch all the movies first in order then start the series.

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