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Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles contemplates official server wipes following massive duping exploit

March 17, 2017 23 comments

Funcom says it's "weighing its options" following a series of rampant duping and apparent character hacking exploits in Conan Exiles.
Players on Reddit have begun recording the exploits and demanding full wipes of the early access survival sandbox.

"Just killed a player who had several True Names on him, then used one to wipe a vault that was full of them + another vault with thousands - literally thousands - of T3 materials and building pieces," writes one player.

"As gamebreaking events go, this is pretty much as bad as it gets short of all character data becoming irrevocably corrupted. If you're not going to wipe after 2-3 days of rampant duping (which has apparently been going on since launch, in some cases) then what DO you wipe for? These servers are completely destroyed now. You're going to lose more people by refusing to wipe than you will by ripping the band-aid off. Please do the right thing, Funcom."

Funcom has responded to the community by saying it's still working out what to do:
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source: Massivelyop.com/
Conan Exiles on this week's patch, The Purge, and a 'partial wipe'

March 20, 2017 4 comments

DualShockers has a new interview out with Conan Exiles' Joel Bylos. It's from GDC, but it's still worth a look given that it includes info on this week's patch.

For starters, expect to see the new decay system (it's been renamed as the "ruins system" now), the planned dye system, new weapons, and the promised thrall updates -- eventually, players can expect alchemists, engineers, sorcerers, and beastmasters as thralls. Don't expect mounts until summer, though. Crafters, a heads-up for you: Since crafting progression is getting a revamp, "players will get to repick all of their recipes."

The Purge is also a hot topic for future updates -- basically, it'll be a massive AI invasion with special thralls and an eye toward wrecking your server's best stuff. Can't let that happen, now can we.

Meanwhile, following player outcry over the excessive duping and exploiting going on there, Funcom has announced it will partially wipe the official servers.Read more

source: Massivelyop.com/
The Stream Team: Springing into Conan Exiles' spider cave

March 20, 2017 One comment

Conan Exiles with MJ: Spider cave

  • 36 views12 hours ago
Aladdin visited a cave of wonders, but Massively OP's MJ is going to visit a cave of spiders in Conan Exiles. What better way to celebrate the first day of spring than by exploring a place that is bound to make her jump and run away? Perhaps she will have better luck surviving here than she did in the croc cave. Tune in live at 9:00 p.m. to see if that holds true.
What: Conan Exiles
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 9:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, March 20th, 2017
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source: Massivelyop.com/

PAX East 2017 - Survival Tips & the Plan Ahead

Posted Mar 21, 2017

Conan Exiles | Interviews | 7 Comments

This week at PAX East we got the chance to catch up with the Conan Exiles team. It is great to see the Conan franchise back in video games and Funcom has done a solid job combining survival elements into the open world format. Rough and brutal as always, the game pulls no punches. We spoke with Oscar Lopez Lacalle about the state of the game and some upcoming changes. He also shared some survival tips with us, if you are like me, your first few runs did not go very far.Read more

source: MMORPG.com
Conan Exiles' big patch today includes wipes and 'Exploit Hunters' program

March 23, 2017 Bree Royce 9 comments

Conan Exiles' update 22 has arrived this morning, and as teased exhaustively over the last few weeks, it's a biggun, with the ruins system to clean up unused buildings, the new dye system for making your armor purty, new weapons, thrall crafting animations, and a slew of bug and exploit fixes.

But the more pressing news is that with this patch, Funcom will wipe all buildings and inventories on official servers (not private servers unless they choose to join in) as a result of the recent wave of exploits. Player levels remain intact.

Intriguingly, Funcom is also introducing "Exploit Hunters," a clever program designed to reward players who uncover and report exploits to the studio.
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source: Massivelyop.com/
The Stream Team: Exploring the city in Conan Exiles

March 24, 2017 Leave a comment

While exploring last time, Massively OP's MJ came across a city in Conan Exiles, and she's eager to poke around inside and check it out. The locals didn't exactly look very friendly however, so the visit probably won't be a walk in the park. Unless it's a park filled with wild rabid animals, then maybe it will be just like that! Join us live at 9:00 p.m. as MJ takes a trip into the city. Maybe she'll even find the perfect souvenir to take home!
What: Conan Exiles
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 9:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, March 24th, 2017
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source: Massivelyop.com/
Conan Exiles offers up to $500 for exploit reports, adds trebuchets

March 31, 2017 6 comments

Trebuchets have arrived in Conan Exiles in this week's update #23.
"Players need to craft the Trebuchet, place it, and then aim it by pushing it around. In-game physics come into play when figuring out how far you want to shoot: by adding and removing rocks as ballast you determine how far your projectile will go. You can arm your Trebuchet with huge boulders and even explosive Demon-fire jars that will create a fiery havoc wherever it comes crushing down. Thanks to Conan Exiles real-time destruction physics, buildings will crumble and city walls will break as the barrage of rocks and explosives come raining down on your enemies."
Also as promised last week -- what must seem like a million years ago to Funcom, as it sure does to us -- the studio has gone forward with its plan to implement a program that'll reward players for hunting down exploits that are both previously unknown and severe.

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The Stream Team: More Conan Exiles cave diving

March 31, 2017 Leave a comment

Conan Exiles with MJ: Cave diving and other exploring

  • 42 views6 hours ago
Caves are such a fun place in Conan Exiles... why else would Massively OP's MJ keep exploring new ones? Oh, that would be the reason -- to explore. Of course, they can be fun in a very heart-pounding run-for-your-life way, too. A friend has found another cave and MJ is interested in seeing what is inside. She's also been told that there is another cool place to go visit, so today she'll be trying to survive a relaxing stroll across the land, taking in the sights. Tune in live 9:00 p.m. to peek at some new places and to see how successful she is at the surviving part.
What: Conan Exiles
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 9:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, March 31st, 2017
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source: Massivelyop.com/

Conan Exiles adds a new sewer dungeon for you to die in with today’s update

April 6, 2017 10 comments

Funcom’s been a busy little bee this week, so pry your eyes away from Secret World Legends for a minute for a peek at Conan Exiles, which today has launched a new dungeon as part of its weekly patch. It’s called… The Dregs. Yeah, it’s pretty much a sewer. Try not to drown in fetid poop water!
“A massive and ancient aqueduct leads water from the mountains down to the Unnamed city. A vast sewer system was built to carry the city’s refuge and waste into the southern river system. Ages ago, dark and dangerous sorcerous experiments were performed in the Unnamed city, and their remnants and leftovers were also flushed down into the tunnels beneath the city.”
Along with the dungeon, new recipes and resources are live, as are glowsticks, crocodile and komodo armor, bolts and arrows, and a new system for crafting medium armor.
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source: Massivelyop.com/
The Stream Team: Attempting Conan Exile’s first dungeon

April 7, 2017 2 comments


Conan Exiles with MJ: First dungeon run

230 views[FONT=&quot]3 days ago[/FONT]
Conan Exiles has just introduced its first dungeon into the game, and Massively OP’s MJ wants to go check it out. Of course, she and her group may not be able to survive long in the dungeon (considering how well the croc cave went!). Heck, they may not even be able to get inside if they don’t discover the ritual to open it up. Tune in live at 9:00 p.m. to see if the team can unlock the dungeon and explore the inside.
What: Conan Exiles
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 9:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, April 7th, 2017
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Conan Exiles wants to know what you want, what you really really want

April 10, 2017 13 comments
What do you think about Conan Exiles so far? Because your opinion matters to the development team. Not in a vague, abstract sense, but in the real and immediate sense wherein the team wants your input. What do you want to see in development next? That’s the core of the survey the Funcom team has up, and so now is the time for you to speak up and have your voice be heard.
Please note that the survey itself is multiple choice and is focused on features already announced, so odds are low that the team will cede to your wishes and start developing a pony hair-braiding system. (Not that it’s out of the realm of possibility anyway, to be fair.) If you’ve got some strong or even lukewarm opinion on what you want in the game next – or what you definitely don’t want in the game next – you should probably take a moment to fill out the survey.

next up

The Stream Team: Continuing Conan Exiles’ first dungeon

April 10, 2017 7 comments


Conan Exiles with MJ: A second run on the first dungeon

  • 93 views1 day ago
Last time, Massively OP’s MJ delved into Conan Exiles’ first dungeon but ran out of time before completing it. The group has figured out some of the secrets, and is determined to discover them all! Hopefully, there will be treasure involved as well. Tune in live at 9:00 p.m. as the crew sacrifices another soul to dive back in.
What: Conan Exiles
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 9:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, April 10th, 2017
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Conan Exiles goes on sale for 20% off, recaps its update progress so far

April 11, 2017 13 comments

It’s been a whirlwind spring for Conan Exiles, with the survival sandbox racking up hundreds of thousands of sales while pumping out updates left and right. Funcom would apparently like more sales as it’s beginning its first sale event starting today:
“Funcom is excited to announce that the studio has just kicked off its first ever discount sale for Conan Exiles. Gamers can now get the Standard Edition at 20% off and the Barbarian Edition at 10% off through Steam, Green Man Gaming, and other online stores. The Steam Midweek Madness Sale runs until April 14th.”
While the devs have slowed down the updates from a semi-daily to a weekly cadence, the team has made a lot of progress so far with the early access title. In a new dev blog, the team takes a moment to recap some of the major systems and features that it has added to Conan Exiles since its early access launch. These include in part the new Dregs dungeon, a dyeing system, the trebuchet siege engine, more gear, the ruin system, additional server settings, balance passes, and a bounty system for players to target and rat on exploiters.Read more

source: Massivelyop.com/

The Stream Team: Beating the dungeon boss in Conan Exiles

April 18, 2017 Leave a comment


Conan Exiles with MJ: Squashing the sewer slug

  • 120 views23 hours ago

Facing new foes is always a learning experience, and Massively OP’s MJ and the group learned quite a bit the first time they took on the final boss in Conan Exile’s dungeon. Having figured out the fight and after preparing again, they are ready to dive back into the dungeon and squash that acid-spitting menace. Tune in live at 9:00 p.m. to watch them slay the overgrown slug (or die trying).
What: Conan Exiles
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 9:00 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, April 18th, 2017
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source: Massivelyop.com/
Conan Exiles adds 50 new emotes

April 21, 2017 7 comments

Now you will be able to express yourself in Conan Exiles in more than just grunts and barbaric yells of victory, thanks a new patch on the test server.

Funcom is adding a staggering 50-plus emotes to the game for the exile lad or lass in training. With all of the new emotes comes a revision to the system: Players will begin with a core of expressive commands and then learn more emotes as they adventure through the game world.

The patch is also addressing a sneaky exploit that involves players falling through the game world and then somehow attacking enemy bases from below. Other changes include tweaks to the repair hammer, a restraint to overeager thralls, and the ability to scroll chat using your middle mouse wheel. We live in the future, folks!
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source: Massivelyop.com/
Conan Exiles walks through the process of adding texture-rendering middleware late in development

April 27, 2017 9 comments

The developers of Conan Exiles had a problem. The game was full of high-resolution textures to paint across the world, thus ensuring that rocks looked like rocks, trees looked like trees, and skin looked like slightly softer rocks.

But the amount of required textures were also causing issues with video cards with only 2 GB of VRAM, and even 4 GB of VRAM could result in problems.

So how could the team avoid turning the game into a blobby mess? That’s exactly what the latest development post is all about.

If you were hoping to read about some major new gameplay system coming to the game, we’re sorry to disappoint you, but this post does not end with the revelation that players can kill and harvest textures.

But it is an interesting peek behind the scenes at a development element we rarely consider that has a large impact on the game as a whole. Check out the whole thing to learn how the game handles textures, and then hug a textured and non-blobby tree in the game. Then chop it down for lumber.Read more

Via: Massivelyop.com/
source: Official Site
Conan Exiles moves to biweekly patch cadence, reshuffles development priorities

May 5, 2017 5 comments

You might have noticed there was no Conan Exiles patch this week. That was intentional. Funcom says it hasn’t been happy with the quality of its patches on a quick turnaround; indeed, Joel Bylos apologizes. “In an effort to increase the quality of our patches we’ve made the call to step back from releasing a patch every week and instead hold patches back until we are certain they reach the bar of quality we’ve set for the game,” writes the studio.

It’s all part of a dev blog detailing the results of the game’s recent player survey. Turns out a majority of players prefer private PvP servers, play weekly, care most about combat and building, and want the exploits wiped off the map. And as for features? Conveniently, players want what’s already being worked on: mounts, thralls, and sorcery, followed by The Purge, exploration, farming, and sieging at the bottom, which surprised Funcom as sieging includes Avatar fixes, highly requested by players. “This could be a failure on our end to emphasize that this feature was included in sieging. In any case, Avatar defense is close to completion and we expect to roll it out soon, which hopefully covers the part of sieging that people have desired the most.”
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source: Massivelyop.com/
Conan Exiles goes nuts with home decoration and defense

May 11, 2017 8 comments

If interior decoration gets your motor running, then Conan Exiles is about to become your favorite haunt. The survival sandbox just unloaded a slew of home decor — as well as a sneaky trap or two.

There are over 50 “placeables” that were added to the game’s housing options in Update 26. These include stackable pillows, a stuffed crocodilie head, a flaming brazier, a giant carpet, a warm campfire, and for the discerning barbarian, windchimes.

Conan likes to hear the lamentations of the little tinkles that it makes.
The game also introduced two new traps, in case you want a little old-fashioned home security: “While exploding traps do a great amount of damage, vapor traps create a cloud of poisonous gas and will do increasing damage the longer you stay in the cloud. Though they take longer to kill enemies, vapor traps can for example be placed in corridors or other confined spaces, where exploding traps would not only kill your opponents, but also do great damage to your own constructions as well.”
Hospitality!Read more

Via: Massivelyop.com/
source: Dev blog
Conan Exiles on city life, hardcore servers, and Xbox One dev

June 5, 2017 11 comments

Funcom doesn’t want players to think of their Conan Exiles towns as nothing more than a “protective box for their assets.” That’s according to a new Q&A penned by Lead Designer Oscar Lopez, who takes a stab at explaining the point of the city life update.

“The general design philosophy is to allow players to create interesting setups for their towns. Stuff like centralized resource storages, upkeep/wages, automatic chain production, job scheduling for thralls, sleeping quarters, thralls automatically opening drawbridges, operating siege cauldrons, repairing your walls, serving your bar and so on,” he says. “All of those and more are on the table and we are looking forwards to get our hands on this system.”

Lopez also covers nonsensical animal drops, the upcoming Highlands biome, camera options, stamina drain from climbing, chat progress, custom equipment hotkey sets, and hardcore servers.

Helmet-hiding isn’t on the table, and there are no plans for boats or rafts yet, but maybe soon: “It’s a cool vehicle type that’s very likely to make it if/when we add biomes with larger areas of open water. Right now, we are focusing on land mounts.”
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source: Massivelyop.com/
Scale walls and cliffs with Conan Exiles’ climbing system

June 12, 2017 11 comments

That tall wall or cliff face that in other video games would represent an impassable barrier is nothing more than an adult-sized playground in Conan Exiles.
On Friday, the Conan Exiles dev team showed the first iteration of the game’s climbing system.

As it exists in the most recent build, climbing allows characters to jump up and latch on to a vertical surface while doing a Spider-Man all of the way up. Of course, if you don’t watch your stamina, you could find yourself enjoying the existing gravity system with a vengeance. The team said that climbing uses the grit skill as well as a factor in how fast you use your stamina.

The team also posted a written Q&A yesterday on recipe filters, the July rebalancing patch, new effect types, the admin panel, elevators, and splash damage.

You can get a preview of the new climbing system after the break (the Tarzan antics begin around the 35-minute mark).
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Conan Exiles announces Xbox One date, Xbox One X migration, and a free expansion for all

June 14, 2017 20 comments

Funcom has taken the hustle and bustle of E3 to tease a new expansion and put a date on its Xbox One Conan Exiles pre-launch. It’s coming to the Xbox One X, too, “at a later date.”
“Funcom today announced that Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game that sold half a million copies during its first month on PC, will be crushing its way into Xbox One Game Preview on August 16th 2017. The studio is also excited to announce that a free expansion update will launch on both PC and Xbox One on the same date.”
The expansion doesn’t have a name yet, but it’s clearly the long-awaited snowscape biome, and yep, it’s free: “As the game is still in Early Access, everyone who has already bought or decides to buy the game while it’s still in development will get access to this massive update at no extra charge.” Expect more in the lead-up to the simultaneous launch on August 16th.
There’s a trailer and thankfully new pics for the expansion too!
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source: Massivelyop.com/
Last edited:
Conan Exiles delays climbing patch to update Unreal, talks guilds and more in Q&A

June 26, 2017 Leave a comment

If you were hoping to begin your climbing career in Conan Exiles sooner rather than later, hold that thought. Funcom announced earlier today that the Unreal upgrade is effectively delaying the climbing patch a wee bit.

“We’re upgrading from Unreal 4.12 to 4.15. It’s a pretty big leap,” Funcom says. “What this means for the game is that the next update, which adds climbing to the game, won’t be released before the Unreal 4.15 version is ready to roll out. We were hoping to do this some weeks ago, but the process of moving to 4.15 has taken more time than initially anticipated and so you’ve had to wait a little longer for the climbing system to come out.”

The upside is that the new Unreal version is expected to provide “optimization of both server and client, which should result in a smoother experience for all players,” as well as blueprint nativization, which’ll help out modders in the long run.
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source: Massivelyop.com/
The Stream Team: Kill or be killed in Conan Exiles

June 30, 2017 Leave a comment

Survival is serious business, and Massively OP’s MJ is all business when it comes to Conan Exiles. OK, so maybe not: She is a bit wacky, but she’s still trying to survive as she continues to explore and tame the land.

With new areas coming soon, she needs to get cracking and complete her exploration of the present space. And that means facing more dangers! Join us live at 8:00 p.m. for another foray into the harsh desert and its many beasties.
What: Conan Exiles
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 8:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, June 30th, 2017
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source: Massivelyop.com/
Two articles different places

Conan Exiles gets Zelda-esque climbing mechanics

1 day ago

That survival game with the meatheads just got a sizeable update, adding some fresh ways to tackle its challenges. Now, you’re free to clamber...Read more

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The Stream Team: Climbing to the top of Conan Exiles
July 11,2017 comments

Climb every mountain! Massively OP’s MJ is no longer restricted to just singing this in Conan Exiles, she can finally do it! The new patch is in, and MJ is going to practice her mountain goat skills. Read more


Conan Exiles might do a jungle biome after its next update
July 17, 2017 6 comments

Funcom’s Joel Bylos answered another round of Conan Exiles’ questions over the weekend, several of them on the new biome and beyond. “We combined two biomes in this coming update (highlands and mountains) and we have plans for one or two more,” Bylos says. “Now depending on our assessment in August of what needs to be done for launch we might scale down or up our ambitions. For example, Read more

source: Massivelyop.com/

[Watch] Funcom's Rundown of Conan Exile's Latest Updates Including Fight Mechanics and Loot [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yesterday at 4:30 pm

Conan Exiles, also known as the prettier ARK: Survival Evolved but replace dinosaurs with thralls, is...[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Read more [/FONT]

Conan Exiles enters Early Access Phase 2.

[FONT=&quot]Conan Exiles, also known as the prettier ARK: Survival Evolved but replace dinosaurs with thralls, is entering Phase 2 of its Early Access phase. With the approach of the new major update called 'The Frozen North', the team at Funcom has released a new video.
'The Frozen North' was already revealed back at E3, but the trailer was all flash and no detail, with all the new features having to be inferred from the video or read about on their blog. Today, they talked in detail about what's come in the past few months, and what's to come with and after 'The Frozen North', due out on August 16. Check out the video below:

We already knew 'The Frozen North' was going to feature a new area in the northern province of the game, but we now know the significance of their combat update, the redesign of the loot system, and the big AI improvements.
'The Frozen North' arrives on PC on August 16 as well as the Xbox One Release.


source: Gamezone

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