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Discussion: Illegal Immigration, Immigration Reform, and Other Citizenship Issues II

Greetings all, I wanted to post my views on Immigration.

I think the first things we need to do, before everything else, is enforce the US borders. Enfore immigration laws. Noone gets in without proper documentation.

The next thing I think, some would clasify as a form of Amnesty. Unfortunately, we cant in all good conscience deport 12 million people. I say we do the following.

1) Set a date (after the borders are effectively secured) of 6 months where are immigrants are required to contact the Immigration Offices, and register. This registration gives them a valid ID. They are required to state where they came from and how long they have been here. They are to pay a 5K fine for being here illegally. They are gaurented 5 years to be in the country.
At the end of those 5 years, they must learn to read and write English. if they dont learn English, the 5 year visa, is pulled, and the immigrant is deported.

2) At the end of the 6 months, the free registration ends. Then, any illegal found gets deported, simple as that. This means, if you get pulled over by a cop, you get your info run. You go to a hospital, you get your info run. Basically, when an illegal immigrant gets deported when they are discovered. We wont go after them, they will "be found thru normal means."

Also, at the end of these 6 months, companies are required to verify that their employees are Legal. If they are not, the company will significantly fined. This will force the companies to get their illegal immigrant to register and get into the system.

Immigration is a really tough thing. We must enforce our immigration, and be humane about it. If we give them a chance to register, without fear of being deported, the will.

Those are my thoughts, what are yours?
According to the AP, Arizona lawmakers had their first hearing monday to decide whether or not to challenge 'birthright citizenship'.
That seems stupid, but it might make citizenship something of value again.
I've said it before but its sad because the borders will never get fixed. In a perfect world were our ideals would be effectively followed by our paid representatives, yes.

But they have been completely bought out by special interest and lobbyist as well as other more annoying almost gang like entities that exist within our system. They are complete sell outs.

America the idea works its just perverted and ignored by our current "representatives" and other offices and bureaus in charge.
The only reason Illegal Immigration is an issue is due to our Welfare State. Who cares if some one is here? The problem is always tax dollars spent on an Illegal. Don't spend money on them. Don't take money from me to give to them and they will assimilate. Why deter someone who wants to come here for a better life for their family?

End the Welfare State.
Everyone is partly to blame honestly but there is no excuse in the world why our border looks like this:


The welfare state (although there is a problem with this system as it promotes laziness, trickery, and reliance on bigger government) is part of the problem but defintely not the main one just another incentive. Plus most these people don't come here to lay on their asses they are either hardworking people taking advantage of both Mexico and US flaws and the rest are no good drug cartel or pawns that work for them.

The real answer would be to make a border worth a damn. I don't want to hear any excuses saying we can't afford it as apparently congress has plenty of money for pork barrel projects along with passing legislations which are dead ends to nowhere. As well as funding several different wars and the amount of money that goes into defense yet so little is allocated to the borders?

I think its quite clear that there is a status quo going on here. A corrupt and messed up one at that both the US and Mexico allow. Again the drug trade is necessary for certain factions within both the Mexican and American government otherwise the border would have been fixed a long time ago.

Everyone is being bamboozled into believing that congress or even the executive is looking for a real way to end all this madness but of course it isn't because its all part of a well maintained drug fueled machine.

A bunch of sell out crooks who are multinationals will not give us what we want. I wish we could deport all those ass clowns and let them rot with their swiss bank accounts. Go rip off someone else.

Disgusting that these ass clowns are our supposed "representatives". Gross and sickening.
So you're able to get a fix on their attitude on a subject from a written article which was probably translated from Spanish?

Direct quote from the article:

The false documents, which include things such as driver's licenses, Social Security cards and residence permits, are easy to come by "on the street," said Tanya. "Many people offer them. It is part of coming here and trying to make a better life for your children."

That seems pretty much like it's just an everyday thing to them.
Which it is. Still, it's hard to take away much from that quote when I'm sure the original quote was in Spanish and some of the meaning was lost in translation. I also like how you ignore the last part of the same sentence.
Which it is. Still, it's hard to take away much from that quote when I'm sure the original quote was in Spanish and some of the meaning was lost in translation. I also like how you ignore the last part of the same sentence.

I didn't ignore it. It just didn't relate to what I was pointing out. I am all for people immigrating to the US to make a better life for themselves. I just wish they would do it legally. People getting illegal social security cards is a big problem. How many of those numbers are the same as people already working and living here legally? Try proving that to the IRS when you get nailed for not claiming income because someone else is using your social security number. Happened to a friend of mine and the IRS considers you guilty until proven innocent.
Truly disgusting...I hope he gets life without parole.
Greetings all, I wanted to post my views on Immigration.

I think the first things we need to do, before everything else, is enforce the US borders. Enfore immigration laws. Noone gets in without proper documentation.

The next thing I think, some would clasify as a form of Amnesty. Unfortunately, we cant in all good conscience deport 12 million people. I say we do the following.

I agree with this part. Enforce our laws and enforce our borders. I can, however, in good concience deport 12 million people. We can't do that because it would be impossible.

1) Set a date (after the borders are effectively secured) of 6 months where are immigrants are required to contact the Immigration Offices, and register. This registration gives them a valid ID. They are required to state where they came from and how long they have been here. They are to pay a 5K fine for being here illegally. They are gaurented 5 years to be in the country.
At the end of those 5 years, they must learn to read and write English. if they dont learn English, the 5 year visa, is pulled, and the immigrant is deported.

Here is were things get sketchy. I don't think the borders will ever become effectively secure. And even if it did, I don't think most immigrants would register. For one, having them pay a $5,000 fine, and two, because they are now in the system.

2) At the end of the 6 months, the free registration ends. Then, any illegal found gets deported, simple as that. This means, if you get pulled over by a cop, you get your info run. You go to a hospital, you get your info run. Basically, when an illegal immigrant gets deported when they are discovered. We wont go after them, they will "be found thru normal means."

We should be doing that anyways without registration. If we find you and you are not supposed to be here, we kick you out. Unfortunately, they just come right back.

Also, at the end of these 6 months, companies are required to verify that their employees are Legal. If they are not, the company will significantly fined. This will force the companies to get their illegal immigrant to register and get into the system.

This is were I think we should focus. We should make companies make damn sure their employees are not illegal. Right now it's too easy for them to get away with it, which gives illegals incentive to risk coming over here.[/QUOTE]

Everyone is partly to blame honestly but there is no excuse in the world why our border looks like this:


I know. Really, where are the Mexicans to clean away all that shrubbery?
According to the AP, a federal judge has ruled against lifting a stay blocking many components of Arizona's immigration law from taking effect.
Lol....yet, the immigration statues in the constitution which are actually heavier....are ok.

Politics is so strange...
According to the AP, one of the most popular police officers in Anchorage, Alaska is an illegal immigrant.

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