The Force Awakens Ewan Mcgregor open to return as Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Dec 29, 2006
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“I’d be up for it. If they need me to be Obi Wan Kenobi, I’d be happy to do it,” McGregor told us.

“Who knows what the story would be? How could I be Obi Wan Kenobi? Oh, I’m in the force? With Liam [Neeson]? We’re in there together? I’m up for it anyway. I will don the cloak again.”

It's good to know he will come back if they bring the character back. Considering Guinness is no longer with us I'd say Ewan is coming back at some point. Gotta have the Ob-Wan force ghost.
Interesting but they have already established Kenobi's appearance as a ghost.
Interesting but they have already established Kenobi's appearance as a ghost.

Ever seen James Bond? Ewan has a very similar facial structure and ratios to Guiness, throw some make up on him and shoot him in the right way and they could pull it off.
Interesting but they have already established Kenobi's appearance as a ghost.

Guinness is dead so unless they are working voodoo on the set Ewan is their only option. Unless you want a cgi Guinness with someone doing his voice which would be incredibly weird.
I'd be behind this 100%
It's just a shame that we would be restricted to just seeing Obi Wan as a Force ghost.
Or would we?...

Maybe it's possible for a Jedi to cross over and come back to the physical world completely if they are desperately needed.

What? It's nowhere near as bad as midi-chlorians... ;)
I think if any EU is honored, it be the Thrawn Trilogy. In that, Obi is gone. That is a big if though.
The possibility of Ewan playing Force Ghost Obi-Wan? :wow:

Hell yes.
Yes to Ewan as Obi Ghost, please.
I want a Force Ghost Lightsaber fight
This actually kinda happened in an episode of Thundercats. It was my favorite episode.
I feel like based on this comment alone, Michael Arndt needs to write in at least one force ghost Ben scene if he hasn't already.
I'm naturally open to this idea as well :woot:
I heard Ewan hated the Star Wars movies he did, but seeing how he hasn't had much success since then, no wonder he wants to come back, lol.
He hated the way they were shot. Maybe he hated the movies themselves, but he hasn't stated it anywhere, afaik.
I heard Ewan hated the Star Wars movies he did, but seeing how he hasn't had much success since then, no wonder he wants to come back, lol.
What do u consider success exactly? If u mean big blockbusters then yeah. But he's generally always done smaller independent type movies. I actually think his performances last few years have gotten him more critical acclaim (The Ghost Writer, Beginners, SFITY, The Impossible). If u look at his career the bockbusters seem to be well, Star Wars lol.

He hated the green screen stuff as far as i know, not making the movies per se.
Ewan is a big Star Wars fan. Remember his uncle played Wedge in the OT.
Ewan is a big Star Wars fan. Remember his uncle played Wedge in the OT.
Dennis LAwson, who does, in fact, hate the films quite a bit. Don't remember the exact reasons, but I know he doesn't even talk about his time in SW anymore.
Dennis Lawson was lucky that he got to be included. Hell, why did he agree to reappear in the two sequels?
What do u consider success exactly? If u mean big blockbusters then yeah. But he's generally always done smaller independent type movies. I actually think his performances last few years have gotten him more critical acclaim (The Ghost Writer, Beginners, SFITY, The Impossible). If u look at his career the bockbusters seem to be well, Star Wars lol.

He hated the green screen stuff as far as i know, not making the movies per se.

Precisely, well said.

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