Forum Software Updated..New Toys!!

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When I go to edit my sig it says that I "Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature" at the bottom, But we can't have pics in our sigs. I know that the reason we could never have pics in our sig was because it would slow down the boards to much, But wouldn't a animated GIF slow down the boards alot more than a still pic? :huh:

I would rather have a still pic in my sig than a animated GIF anyway. Hell, I don't even know where I would find a animated GIF to put in my sig in the first place.:csad:

Just my two cents. :yay:

It doesn't matter, really. Since your usergroup doesn't allow use of sig pics or use of bbc code images, this over-rides anything else.

heh, this thread is nonesense...

in all respect, what does this tag actually do that the normal search engine can't?

I've never had any problems with it before

You said something about friend's list but that hasn't worked since the hype was updated yonks back.

what other new toys are there?

Tags are just advanced search words, really.

It's worked just fine--just that it worked differently than it did in vB2, because it wasn't shown on the side for immediate use. Now it's set up in a manner more similar to popular networking sites.

The board was updated? Pretty weak updated features compared to most other boards now....

It wasn't exactly updated for the features--they were just there.

Most of the privacy has been taken away now, everyone will know every single move that people make. If I want to check someones profile why should it be known to the world that I did such a thing?

It seems it will also now be turned into a popularity contest with how many friends you have. There should be options to make these things private if it's gonna be like this.

Is there anyway we can turn off who looked at our profile? This I think takes away from my privacy. Everyone can see this not just me.

Privacy is something I personally want to address. I too want some of these things more private. I'm looking around where I can to see what I can tinker with, but I don't see settings for this stuff. I'll look around later, but as it stands, I have yet to sleep ><
I don't think I have discovered all the new toys.....but meh....kudos anyway in going in the right direction.....:up:
I think it should be up to the individual user whether they want to let people know things or not. Much like the social networking sites, there are options to hide most things as far as I'm aware. Does everyone need to know who my friends are? Does everyone need to know that someone looked at my profile? Some things should be private if the user wishes them to be that way.

*shrugs* some ppl would now know i looked at their profile. :csad:
Not to sound like an ungrateful jerk, but when the admins update the forum with new features, wouldn't it be a good idea to actually tell us what those new features are, rather than wait for us to stumble across them and then give comments?

When I logged in to the forum, all I noticed was a "Tags" box on the bottom of each thread, and I had no clue what that was. I came into this thread expecting details, and all I've managed to glean from the answered questions of those slightly less clueless than myself are that Tags help with the search feature, and our profile pages have a different interface with the ability to leave us messages.
Well, I admit I love the new group feature. It's awesome for the RPGer's to actually be able to have a group! ETA: Book Club anyone? :razz: However I do worry about that being abused. I didn't know when I made that -I- became the creator and a bit of a mini-mod in there. (hey, it was 2 in the morning!) I worry that the groups be abused in terms of clique's and/or stupid groups or by a group creator who's simply not mature and responsible enough.

And the questions ;)

Can the Group Creator be change? AKA can the 'moderating' of the Social Group be shifted to another player or is the group solely dependent upon the person who made it?

Can the group name's be changed? This is more out of curiosity in terms of what the mod's and admin can do with them ^_^ Like I said when I made one last night I had limited knowledge of what I was doing. It seems that you have x amount of time to edit the name of the group before it locks up for good, what's the actual time? (didn't realize this)

Will there be a moderator support specifically for groups to monitor that the group's message's are within Hype's rules, or is that (again) dependent on the Groups creator?

Is it acceptable to turn the group's message page into a social thread of sorts? :p (Hey I LOVE this new toy so expect more stupid questions)

As for the new profiles..DUDE I like them o.o; I do however not like the fact that I am seemingly not invisible any more. I go invisible on the forums for a reason, I like it. I like poking around without someone bopping to me on IM "Hey! Saw you around on Hype." Because..that does happen. I am a sucker for privacy. I know we aren't private from the mods but I like being private from the other users. I don't like that they can track me all over. I'm seconding the cry for the ability to make the profile's private, and the ability that when I -am- invisible to not be popping up all over people's profiles. Perhaps have it just say 'You've had x number of visitors to this page' or something?

I haven't received any umm visitor messages on my profile, but those are deletable should they be rude, hurtful, stupid or wrong correct?

Will there be mod's monitoring those as well? Because knowing Hype ;) flaming each other over them is a distinct possibility.

I know that some of these features might, potentially make things more work for the Mods, and ya'll always say you have too much to do. :csad: But I REALLY like the features and I'd love if we had the ability to keep them around.

OH! One more and for pre-existing threads are mod's able to add tags to those?

Not to sound like an ungrateful jerk, but when the admins update the forum with new features, wouldn't it be a good idea to actually tell us what those new features are, rather than wait for us to stumble across them and then give comments?

When I logged in to the forum, all I noticed was a "Tags" box on the bottom of each thread, and I had no clue what that was. I came into this thread expecting details, and all I've managed to glean from the answered questions of those slightly less clueless than myself are that Tags help with the search feature, and our profile pages have a different interface with the ability to leave us messages.

I and another person played around with it once the updated happened. I was a bit confused as to the nature of the upgrade and why. I searched all the tech forum and the friends forum and no one seemed to notice anything different. So I would say that yes, Manic makes a point. I can see by the hours that it was 2 hours before any sort of announcement went up about the upgrades. (not your fault)

That said, the FAQ does have a section on Social Groups and Tags that's handy to read.:cwink:

ETA: Just noticed the 'My Notifications' section. VERY shiny! That wasn't there last -were- a busy beaver. :cwink: ;) I was wondering how I'd know if I had friend requests. *runs off to befriend the people she's already friends with*
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These new changes are pretty interesting. LoL, I looked at a few people's "public profiles" and it says there that I was the last visitor...Ha, kind of creepy, eh?
well one featuer i hope the Mods and Admins would consider is to enable the feature where you can permanently select the kind of font and/or font color you want to use when you post. right now i keep having to do the codes for the font style that i use. in other forums i go to that also uses the VB software they have that feature that i described enabled.
Most of the privacy has been taken away now, everyone will know every single move that people make. If I want to check someones profile why should it be known to the world that I did such a thing?

It seems it will also now be turned into a popularity contest with how many friends you have. There should be options to make these things private if it's gonna be like this.

thats what the unpopular kids say:o
If you are so above it why do you care?
Well, he has a point, Hype IS about popularity and cliques. There's really nothing you can do about it. I for one would love to have a bit more privacy and hid my friends and my viewing habits from the mainstream user. In the end privacy is an illusion anyway since the Mod's can see us. But it's a nice illusion, like anything, it's an option. It gives you the ability to chose, and I think that's important.

So popularity contests aside, I'd like to see more in the way of options for making things like the profiles private/invisible. Not make the 'main' part of the profile private, just the friends/viewed by sections.

That said, Dave...I figured out the tags! Thank you love! :heart:
Is anyone else having a problem with Color Text? Or is it just me? Now that the forums have been updated, I didn't know if this was a side affect or not...
Is anyone else having a problem with Color Text? Or is it just me? Now that the forums have been updated, I didn't know if this was a side affect or not...

Yes, I know wieg is. The colors/font/color aren't loading, so unless you know the coding by heart it's useless. It also looks a bit more jumbled than usual. Any chance this can be fixed soon?
Gonna update after playing a bit more around the Hype.

I don't like the tags. Not because of the stupid things people put in (although that is a valid reason), but because they stretch the forum out. One-4 seem to be okay, but over that it messes with the look of the forum and looks junkie.
Not to sound like an ungrateful jerk, but when the admins update the forum with new features, wouldn't it be a good idea to actually tell us what those new features are, rather than wait for us to stumble across them and then give comments?

When I logged in to the forum, all I noticed was a "Tags" box on the bottom of each thread, and I had no clue what that was. I came into this thread expecting details, and all I've managed to glean from the answered questions of those slightly less clueless than myself are that Tags help with the search feature, and our profile pages have a different interface with the ability to leave us messages.

Nah, you're kinda right. However, the way things happened, we had a bit more to worry about than simply upgrading the forums, so checking things out kinda fell in the list of priority. Doubly so because I personally didn't know to what version we were going to upgrade til I logged back in and saw it was already done [I had gotten that information when I wasn't face-monitoring].

Sometimes, though, well, let's face it-you can read read read read read read read something, and never get it until you actually DO it. Not to mention you never know what SHH will use, or how they'll use it, so waiting isn't always a bad idea.

well one feature I hope the Mods and Admins would consider is to enable the feature where you can permanently select the kind of font and/or font color you want to use when you post. right now i keep having to do the codes for the font style that i use. in other forums i go to that also uses the VB software they have that feature that i described enabled.

Aside from some security features, we run a pretty much Vanilla forum here. Not to say that anyone's AGAINST it, per se, but there would have to be a pretty big demand for it to be considered.

Is anyone else having a problem with Color Text? Or is it just me? Now that the forums have been updated, I didn't know if this was a side affect or not...

I haven't had an issue, but I'll check it out. In the meantime, try clearing you cache/cookies.

Quick Links> Social Group> "Create a New Group' (it's at the bottom)

However, here's the FAQ's:

Social Groups

My Public Profile

Much thanks, Twy-baby. I'll add that to the original post.
Since Twy seemed to want to write me a book, I'll answer in kind. :cwink:

Well, I admit I love the new group feature. It's awesome for the RPGer's to actually be able to have a group! ETA: Book Club anyone? :razz: However I do worry about that being abused. I didn't know when I made that -I- became the creator and a bit of a mini-mod in there. (hey, it was 2 in the morning!) I worry that the groups be abused in terms of clique's and/or stupid groups or by a group creator who's simply not mature and responsible enough.

I think we're just gonna see how it works. If it's abused or otherwise misused [IE: Groups made specifically to flame users], it can and probably will be canned.

Can the Group Creator be change? AKA can the 'moderating' of the Social Group be shifted to another player or is the group solely dependent upon the person who made it?

This is something I'm checking out myself, actually. I would assume that you could pass mod powers along pretty simply enough, it's just finding the command to do so. I am sure I can edit it in the back room, but I have yet to check it.

EDIT-- You can't pass powers.

Can the group name's be changed? This is more out of curiosity in terms of what the mod's and admin can do with them ^_^ Like I said when I made one last night I had limited knowledge of what I was doing. It seems that you have x amount of time to edit the name of the group before it locks up for good, what's the actual time? (didn't realize this)

Something else to check out. Again, I know I can edit it in the back room, so there's always the option to PM an admin.

EDIT--Wrong again.

Will there be a moderator support specifically for groups to monitor that the group's message's are within Hype's rules, or is that (again) dependent on the Groups creator?

There would be no way for us to monitor every group and every post made within them. So anything over the line needs to be reported to a staffer.

Is it acceptable to turn the group's message page into a social thread of sorts? :p (Hey I LOVE this new toy so expect more stupid questions)

You mean that's not what they pretty much are already?

As for the new profiles..DUDE I like them o.o; I do however not like the fact that I am seemingly not invisible any more. I go invisible on the forums for a reason, I like it. I like poking around without someone bopping to me on IM "Hey! Saw you around on Hype." Because..that does happen. I am a sucker for privacy. I know we aren't private from the mods but I like being private from the other users. I don't like that they can track me all over. I'm seconding the cry for the ability to make the profile's private, and the ability that when I -am- invisible to not be popping up all over people's profiles. Perhaps have it just say 'You've had x number of visitors to this page' or something?

I personally hate the lack of privacy as well, and am looking to see what I can do to get it back.

I haven't received any umm visitor messages on my profile, but those are deletable should they be rude, hurtful, stupid or wrong correct?

Yes, I just tested this right now on my dummy account. It will, however, leave a ghost message. ["This message was deleted"]

Will there be mod's monitoring those as well? Because knowing Hype ;) flaming each other over them is a distinct possibility.

Yes, there is a "report" feature.

OH! One more and for pre-existing threads are mod's able to add tags to those?

Yes, but we're already considering taking that from you guys, because people are being irresponsible.

I and another person played around with it once the updated happened. I was a bit confused as to the nature of the upgrade and why. I searched all the tech forum and the friends forum and no one seemed to notice anything different. So I would say that yes, Manic makes a point. I can see by the hours that it was 2 hours before any sort of announcement went up about the upgrades. (not your fault)

The reason for the upgrade was not all these shiny new features, but equal parts security measure, and the need to fix some bugs. I could go further into detail, but then it gets to be too techy and bore people.

ETA: Just noticed the 'My Notifications' section. VERY shiny! That wasn't there last -were- a busy beaver. :cwink: ;) I was wondering how I'd know if I had friend requests. *runs off to befriend the people she's already friends with*

I kinda like that too. It seems a tad superfluous right now, but we'll see as time goes on.

And now to answer the posts made while I was typing this reply up. Sigh. :csad:

EDIT---Nothing! Horray!!
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I love you Drak, but you know that! <3 thanks so much for the clarification! I kinda figured most of your answers, but I like hearing it so I have something to site later. ^_^

You're so citable.

Thank you for going through my novel! <3

Drak said:
You mean that's not what they pretty much are already?

Ooohh Smart Guy :p
I was just wondering what role you wanted them to take on, or if they were left to the discretion of the people in it. :)

Drak said:
Yes, but we're already considering taking that from you guys, because people are being irresponsible.

'Take away'? Not the best terminology. ;) But please do. I don't like how it's shaping the forum.
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