G.I. Joe Movie Cobra Commander AKA The Doctor

It is Cobra Commander. The makeup doesn't obscure all of Gordon-Levitt's features, and people who have read the script confirmed as much.
I don't know about anyone else, but I think he looks freaky cool.
I hoping that the pic is of Zartan 'in disguise' and this is not his real look.

Also, the link says nothing about this being CC. CC was indeed a scientist BEFORE he dons the CC monika so i'm not worried one bit about 'The Doctor'.

Actually he was a used car salesman whose business went under- later he started a militia that became Cobra. And the GI Joe Reloaded series hinted that he had served in the military before all of that.
I agree with you , Vile but the fact is, many american filmgoers are idiots. Yeah, I said it. They have this need to to know everything about all of these heroes and villains as if they're not capable of following the story without having an long drawn out origin. I was so happy that Joker didn't have one i n DArk Knight, but I know several people who couldn't get over that and wanted some kind of origin sequence. I'm not saying origin sequences are bad but we don't always need them. Part of the appeal of the Commander has always been that we don't know why he does what he does and when we learn little bits and pieces along the way, it makes him that much more interesting. But telling it early and in such an halfassed way, makes him far LESS interesting. I mean, if Transformers flopped, that film would be infuriating for it's treatment of the Decepticons but since we get an sequel, not that bad. This film better get an part II s:cmad:

Although I don't like Cobra Commander's new origin, I should point out he DOES have an extensive origin- we've even seen his face full on in the comics. The only thing we don't know about him is his real name.

and if this movie gets a sequel, I would have Rex Lewis aka the Doctor turn out to be a lackey for the real CC. It would be a hell of a twist for the uninitiated, and would be entertaining and satisfying to the fans.
Ok..I remember reading an interview with Jospeh Levitt saying how goofy it would be to have in the 'real world' to have a guy in blue pajamas running around with a blue sheet over his head....

...but honestly now, although I do see where he was coming from and was probably saying that because of the people involved telling him to say that because they are lazy and dont want to find a way to make it work or he actually just believes it...EITHER way lets think about this here....anything in the movies...is possible....anything. You CAN make it work I dont give a **** what anyone says.

They could have made a mask that looked cool on Wolverine just like they can take an awesome chrome plated battle mask with helment and made it look cool. I really REALLY hope they give him his silver face plate that was always the coolest look for Cobra Commander.

Also if Joseph realizes just how lucky he is to be playing this character! I'm sooo jealous :D
Whoa.. I missed the pics and now that site has taken them down. Anyone know another place where they are still posted?
Well Levitt looks pretty goofy with this mouth mask and that monocle thing over his eye.

And like Dr. Satan.

Cobra Commander did have an extensive origin in the comics. But they aren't using the comic origin for this movie.
After all the hype of how bad "The Doctor" supposedly looked, I'm actually a little disappointed now that I've seen the final thing, because it's not anywhere near as bad as I was expecting. As pre-mask CC, he doesn't look too bad. I'm pretty underwhelmed with that picture of Zartan, but come on-- do you really think that Hasbro is going to sell a Zartan action figure that's just a guy in a suit? He's going to look more interesting by the time the movie is over, I'm sure.
This is disgusting blasphemy to the franchise. How can they do this to the most recognizable character? Cobra deserves so much better! This is epic, epic, epic fail. **** this movie. I hope it tanks and the director commits suicide.
A disgusting blasphemy? That's pushing it a little far.

First, that isn't Cobra Commander. This is The Doctor. He only becomes "The Commander" at the end of the movie. That's "The Doctor", an amalgam of Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender, it appears (that might be a blasphemy). He also has another name, his real one. He looks fine to me, like someone who needs his mechanism to survive (this is how they will explain his weird ass voice, you watch) but who still has a bit of eccentricy, not like someone who's trying to look cool or menacing or particularly superior. There's a reason for that, and all that will come later.

This film is even called RISE OF COBRA. It is also the birth of Cobra Commander. I suspect you will see his full regalia unveiled at some point in the future films.

And gee, I wonder why Zartan doesn't look like himself...

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People just don't seem to understand that, Guard. They automatically assume this is CC's final look, but I'm pretty sure it isn't.
That's probably his final look in the film. There's no mask/hood mentioned in the script.

Because there's no reason to have one yet. The script ends with him having pulled off this global heist, which will allow them to set up COBRA. He asks Destro to call him "Commander" from then on.
People want the movie to be something that is like the cartoons and action figures... then they moan that it looks too much like a cartoon. They want something realistic and feasible... then they moan that it isn't like the cartoon. I for one, cannot wait for the movie. I think it is all kinds of awesome that we are seeing the establishment and beginnings of the COBRA organization and I like the fact that we don't see Cobra Commander become the character that we all know and love until the end of the movie. It opens the door for sequels (providing this movie warrants one) and will hopefully have the audiences wanting more. I am going to reserve all judgment of the movie until I see it, but I really think it's gonna be a lot of fun.
The pictures worried me, but the teaser got me excited. I want to see the trailer, but I can't deny that I'll probably go see it.
I have a strong feeling that Cobra Commander's mask is going to look something similar to the mask he wore in the G.I. JOE SIGMA 6 cartoon.
Is it possible to screw out the director through online petition or something? Seriously, this is embarrassing and NOT acceptable.
It doesnt matter if it's not his FINAL look - the point is it's a LOOK nonetheless.

And it looks just plain stupid.
As long as his final look looks close to the Cobra Viper mask, I'll be happy.

Just give me a full head mask that somewhat resembles the hood at the end.
yes but some cool scars or at least slightly longer hair on zartan without a silly buisnessman type suit would've been nice... at least SOME nod... maybe it'll be in the script somewhere dunno since I haven't read it.

All in all it looks like it'll be a fun movie that will have some things to do with GI Joe but some good writers and an actually talented director could've made something far far more impressive looking than the stuff we're getting a look at so far...

Again, I could be totally blown away by the trailer and if I am blown away by it i'll come on here and apologize for knocking this film until I see the final film...
yes but some cool scars or at least slightly longer hair on zartan without a silly buisnessman type suit would've been nice... at least SOME nod... maybe it'll be in the script somewhere dunno since I haven't read it.

All in all it looks like it'll be a fun movie that will have some things to do with GI Joe but some good writers and an actually talented director could've made something far far more impressive looking than the stuff we're getting a look at so far...

Again, I could be totally blown away by the trailer and if I am blown away by it i'll come on here and apologize for knocking this film until I see the final film...
yesh hupti mafiso thanks for posting twice there stupid silly internet connection... God be to he who posts twice...
The CC outfit is pretty horrible, but it's the little blue monocole that takes it from lame to hillarious. I really don't understand how JGL could've said all that stuff about CC's classic outfit never working on film, yet he ends up wearing something like this...

I laughed even harder at Zartan.
ZOMG? WTF is up with Cobra Commander? and whats with Rios from Army of Two?

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