Hellboy Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen

Just watched the movie. Does anyone know what the name of the song is that was playing when they arrived in Colorado?
Sounds like it wasn't just producers clashing with the director. Harbour supposedly walked off set more than once and he and Ian McShane supposedly rewrote scenes.
Really? Any more info about this? I find it interesting.
Look at the bright side. 13% is still better than Fan4stic's measly 9%(barely but still better).

Let's see what the audience thinks. I wonder what its Cinemascore will be. I'm predict between the B- and C range(which is what Fan4stic got). But audiences almost never fail to surprise me so who knows? Maybe its a surprising 'A' Cinemascore and it turns out audiences like the movie much more than critics.
Let's see what the audience thinks. I wonder what its Cinemascore will be. I'm predict between the B- and C range(which is what Fan4stic got). But audiences almost never fail to surprise me so who knows? Maybe its a surprising 'A' Cinemascore and it turns out audiences like the movie much more than critics.
I wouldn't count on it. It already has a 5,7/10 on IMDB and it keeps on dropping. Everyone I know hates it too. I'm sure some might enjoy it in a dumb-fun kind of way, especially based on low expectations, but that's probably as good as it's going to get.
At this point I just hope I can enjoy it like Hansel and Gretel.
Bet they wish they had just let Del Toro do a third film whenever he eventually wanted to do it.
Definitely will be watching this one at home.

No, they don't. There is zero good reason to throw as much money as he wanted towards a third film in a franchise that fewer and fewer people cared to see.
No, they don't. There is zero good reason to throw as much money as he wanted towards a third film in a franchise that fewer and fewer people cared to see.

Hellboy II had an increased overall box office than the first, that's more people, GDT has a very loyal fan base, I could only see a third retaining that and okay, I get the budget increase point, bigger budget ? You need more people to see it, to cover a larger profit over production costs, but I'm guessing you'd have films 1+2 money from fans' plus new fans who would have joined on.
While the movie deserves Low Ratings, this looks mean-spirited.
True, they made the score soar first before it plummeted down to a single digit. Somebody who made that got a kick out of it.
Some people are already anticipating this to happened and now gleefully celebrating (in social media). It seems disrespectful to people who are working for the movie.

- - - - -

I won't watch it on theater. I'm broke, rarely attended cinema and not really liking bloody/ gory stuff. Plus, censoring is harsh and sometimes downright petty in my country. Big nope.

Sadly trackings are bad everywhere too. I skimmed through social media and many people are canceling their plan to see this movie. Dang.
The thing I'm aware of these past years, bad score usually won't affect people who are going to watch a popular movie that much. But once it went under 20% RT, more people change their mind quick.

Unfortunate for Hellboy franchise, because studio usually get the wrong messages. I hope the franchise isn't shelved for long.
Hellboy II had an increased overall box office than the first, that's more people, GDT has a very loyal fan base, I could only see a third retaining that and okay, I get the budget increase point, bigger budget ? You need more people to see it, to cover a larger profit over production costs, but I'm guessing you'd have films 1+2 money from fans' plus new fans who would have joined on.

Nah, the desired budget was 120 million...which means that it would have had to make double what 2 made in order to break even. It was quite clear that the interest simply wasn't there. If it was there, they would have greenlit it immediately, rather than let the property cool off for a decade while people forgot that it ever happened.
It probably made sense at the time to reboot it given the box office numbers of the first movies. However, even if the new one hadn't turn out to be a critical and (soon to be) commercial failure, I'm sure Del Toro's third film would make more money compared to this. Not only the genre is much bigger than it was 10-15 years ago but also the director is bigger than ever now that he has won an academy award. Plus the presumably much better reviews and better word-to-mouth. With the right marketing and timing I wouldn't exclude it being a bit profitable. Even with the budget increase that Guillermo wanted. Well, I guess we'll never know...

Okay, it's not bad. Many people believe that it would be sub $1M for the preview.

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