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Is Final Fantasy losing it??

I never said I thought it was bad or that I didn't like it, I actually enjoyed FFVII quite a bit, I just think there are better games in the series.
Okies. I have FF: Mystic Quest, VI, VII, and VII under my belt. I'm at the end of FFI and will beging FFII soon. VI and VII are my absolute faves, and so many people seems to hate on VII when it gets brought up. Gave up on XIII so quickly.
I don't like the active combat stuff in the newer ones...I prefer more of a cinematic and private feel (Summons/such). So FFVII is my favorite because it introduced me to how big an RPG's story and game content could be...FFX had a nice combat system IMO but lacked in a open world and the story was well...I didnt care for the characters... I cared for Cloud. FFVIII was good but it was more of an epic love story to me
^ I defo agree! apart from the final boss the whole game is awesome!
I would argue that IX was the last great final fantasy.

And that was...a while ago.

The idea of versus XIII's system intrigues me--final fantasy with kingdom hearts gameplay, but after XIII and XIV, I no longer have expectations for this series.
Wake me up when the remake FFVII...

Unless they find a way to f(^* that up. Then just let me sleep.
I have no interest in a FF7 remake. I've played it before. Give me a new game any day.

That's one of SE's biggest problems--they focus on the past too much in areas where they should be moving forward, and they try and reinvent the wheel in other areas that don't even need it.

They need young blood that can think outside of the box.
Final Fantasy VII is just Square's ****e they like to trot out whenever they need a quick buck. It will be a sad day when they decide to actually remake it. Because then I'll know for sure that they're 100% creatively bankrupt.

...Actually I'm already pretty sure of that, but a remake of VII would just confirm it.
I actually read an article about this exact topic a few months ago that summed up and expanded on my own feelings about not just Final Fantasy, but JRPGs in general, better than I ever could.

Here are some choice quotes:

Remember when Final Fantasy was an event? A real treat? Each game was a self-contained story lasting hours and hours, and they only came along once every few years. They were special, and they meant something. Their stories began and ended in one epic sitting, and each one was distinct and always brought something new. Contrast that to now, where the main entries in the series can't be separated from the huge amount of spin-offs and remakes and ****ing sub-sequels. Now the franchise is just a grey sludge, everything looking and sounding alike, and constantly in development with at least five games in production at any given time.

Square Enix is, essentially, the George Lucas of videogames. It can't leave well enough alone. Final Fantasy VII, which I still proudly believe is a fantastic game, has been systematically torn apart by Square Enix with unwarranted sequels, prequels, spin-offs and narrative rewrites, and now the entire game is just a waffling, overwrought mess [...] A painter who cannot leave his work alone typically ends up with a canvas full of muddy brown ****, and that's Final Fantasy VII now.

Then there are the names. Fabula Nova Crystalis, Versus XIII, Agito, Type 0 ... what does it mean!? What does any of this pretentious ****ing **** mean!? The names alone turn me off, as they give a clear indication as to just how up-their-own-arse the games are going to be. Anybody who hides behind bastardized Latin, made-up words, or the pointless rearrangement of sentences in order to appear clever and "deep" is a complete and utter dick.

So when I see a trailer for Agito, or Type 0, or whatever inflated, grandiloquent name it's given itself this week, I can't even muster the strength to roll my eyes anymore. I already know what it's going to be like, because Square Enix seems incapable of pushing itself in any area other than graphics anymore. The game dialog is going to be a repeated stream of made-up words and brooding characters who have to learn to share their hearts, the graphics are going to be the same pseudo-futuristic stuff that we've seen already, and the gameplay will be another old idea re-purposed to look new, but will likely just be less interesting.

And here is the full article.
i can honestly say that final fantasy will indeed never lose it. the storys, charectors, everything always gets better and better.
i can honestly say that final fantasy will indeed never lose it. the storys, charectors, everything always gets better and better.
Nothing about FFXIII was better than previous games except graphics. The story, characters, gameplay, world, etc.... was worst than the titles that came before
Nothing about FFXIII was better than previous games except graphics. The story, characters, gameplay, world, etc.... was worst than the titles that came before

i don't know i actually enjoyed it although most people have said the FFXIV was the worst of them all so far. but ive never played it.
i don't know i actually enjoyed it although most people have said the FFXIV was the worst of them all so far. but ive never played it.
XIV goes without saying but I tend to discount the MMO games. They arent quite "main entries" even though they share the numbering. SE really should have just spun them off into their own series.

Whats interesting is that SE recently came out and said the FF brand has been greatly damaged and Id agree with that statement. Its nowhere near as revered as it once was

XIV goes without saying but I tend to discount the MMO games. They arent quite "main entries" even though they share the numbering. SE really should have just spun them off into their own series.

Whats interesting is that SE recently came out and said the FF brand has been greatly damaged and Id agree with that statement. Its nowhere near as revered as it once was


idk maybe they should do something different. it seems the games are the same over and over again at least XIII was the most different of them all though.

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