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Justice League Justice league story ideas


May 23, 2012
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Thread where you can post story ideas for Justice league movie.Try your best to keep it within one post and evenly spaced out .

Ill go first


Timeline wise Id have the Justice league set after the events of the MOS trilogy.
Supermans dead at this time and diverse superheroes have begun to pop up.The World quickly begins to distrust and fear this superheroes,largely due to the Hyperclan,a group of 7 Warrior martians who are secretly disgussed as World leaders manipulating the Public opinion on Superheroes.
The Hyperclan succeeds in painting all Superheroes as threats and this leads to the world government leaders sponsoring the creation of OMACs(using discarded kryptonian tech form the Zod invasion 4 yrs ago) to hunt down,Capture and if necessary kill other Superheroes.Superheroes are forced to go into the hiding.The Hyperclan is using the Omacs to establish totalitarian rule of earth under the disguise of protecting the world from superheroes.

This are very dark times.

But theres hope.

Superman the one superhero the public trusted,returns from the dead and gathers Batman, Wonderwoman ,Flash and Gl to form the Justice league-a group of heroes that lead a resistance movement that protects Superheroes,fights against the Rising of the evil Government and seeks to expose the Hyperclan-They fight for freedom and Justice.

Through the course of the story they find out more about the Hyperclan-They are a group of 7 Martian warriors who have been on earth for thousands of earth.They have been working behind the scenes orchestarting human history-we find it out they were responsible for the end of the age of mythological heroes and now they seek to end the age of superheroes.

After defeating the Army of Omacs and exposing the disgused Hyperclan members-the time for the Leagues Final battle comes.We discover that the Hyperclan have been using alien tech to extract powers from captured superheroes.They gain superpowers that makes them a match for the league(prior to this time they were just shapeshifting aliens.They had no other powers).The final battle takes palce at the Whitehouse with the Hyperclan vs the League.The League however gets a suprisng help from one of the Hyperclan members-Jonn Jozz who has secretly been helping the League all this while.So the League with the help of Jonn Jozz defeats the Hyperclan.

So the good guys win but its not over.In the after credits scene we discover that the Hyperclan had a Secret King who has always commanded from the shadows-The Immortal Vandal Savage.And he hasnt given up yet...........onto Justice league 2.

Hope you liked it

Feel free to comment and post your ideas
Not gonna lie, this is pretty much TL; DR so I'll put it in spoilers, but essentially, it's Earth 2 mixed with a little JL New 52.

The film begins in a structure on the moon. A man in a red cape is discussing a problem with a man in a cowl and a woman, that there is “bad news. Luthor has escaped again”.

In Metropolis a charity event is being held by the Wayne Foundation. The event: A race between The Flash and Superman. Hal Jordan is present to watch his friend, Barry Allen AKA The Flash and Bruce Wayne is being protected by MPD Detective, John Jones.

As the race is set to begin, a plane comes hurtling out of the sky uncontrollably, with portions breaking off and falling in to the coast, and a secondary projectile veering off course, unbeknownst to all except Bruce Wayne, who quickly leaves, requesting over his watch, that his jet be readied. Superman, Flash, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern all jump into action and bring the plane down safely along with all the passengers. However, J’onn detects no brain activity, Superman verifies that all the passengers are indeed dead, but all their hearts are on the wrong side. Flash searches the belongings of the people and finds several things are wrong, such as Benedict Arnold being on the $1 bill. Martian Manhunter tells Green Lantern, Flash and Superman that he will be in telepathic contact with them, should the situation require it. They agree to split up and follow the wreckage trails.

One of the pieces of wreckage lands off the coast of Metropolis into the Atlantic, on top of the home of the King of Atlantis, another piece veers off toward the hidden Island of Temyscira. And the main piece, that Bruce Wayne was watching is headed toward Smallville, Kansas. This ship crash lands onto a road in front of a farming couple, like another familiar story. But instead of housing an infant, houses a man: Alexander Luthor.

Superman goes to the Atlantic to find a piece of the wreckage and finds that the flight is a Southern Airlines: KKK and is ambushed briefly by Aquaman, who asks why it is that one of the pieces of wreckage lands right on top of his home, and Superman should find himself lucky that Atlantis is not currently asking for war with the surface dwellers. Green Lantern goes to Themyscira and breaks through the defences, and confronts the Queen of Themyscira, Hippolyta, who says that the Amazons are preparing for war, much to the objections of her daughter, Diana, who begs for her mother to allow her to go to Earth and show her mother that her beliefs are based on misconceptions.

The Flash tracks the third piece, to Smallville, as requested by Superman, and runs into someone who has already arrived before him: Batman. Batman tells Flash this will be faster if they work together, to which an awestruck Flash replies, if he wants fast, he came to the right person. The two follow the trail and Batman notes that Flash sounds like a cop. To which they then play “good cop, bad cop” with the couple who found the ship. Flash telepathically contacts J’onn who then infoms the rest of the heroes (minus Batman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman, who are escorted by the respective partners).

In Metropolis, we see Lex Luthor entering the Luthorcorp offices, but he is acting off. He says he needs to keep his counterpart at bay for a while longer, diverts all military R&D funding to environmental projects and gives all employees a 300% pay raise, before turning to his window to see the gathered heroes. Luthor introduces himself and agrees to go to Superman’s Fortress willingly, to tell him his story, and the story of Ultraman.

We now see a dark mirror of Metropolis, a floating Fortress in the skies, and a figure who is very familiar to us, Superman, but wearing the wrong uniform, he notes to his Brainiac slave that by the time people realises it is fake, the people will have already ruined the economy with no Luthor to try and stop him. Money begins falling from the Fortress and the people begin fighting like animals over it, until one citizen notices that the money is fraudulent, and begins cursing an “Ultraman”, he then begins to burn and dies painfully. Ultraman says he should know better than to curse him within earshot. Brainiac informs Ultraman that Luthor has left for another universe; Ultraman deduces that he will look for a weapon, and that he must call for a meeting of the Syndicate.

In Gotham, Commissioner Thomas Wayne says he knows Owlman is out there and that he will be executed for his crimes. Owlman tells Thomas he’s not sure where though, killing an officer who puts his gun to Thomas’ back. Thomas looks, scared and is slashed across the face, before Owlman disappears. He was taken at superspeed by Super Woman, the two begin to get ahem… carried away before going to the Syndicate meeting.

Luthor begs the assembled heroes for help, Batman straight up refuses him, they are not intergalactic warriors, which Green Lantern has to reject, stating that he is and he will go with him, as every good superhero needs to take a trip to the Anti-Matter world, Flash says he will accompany his friend. Wonder Woman also agrees to go. Batman tells Superman that he must listen to reason, Superman says he took an oath to help those who need it, Batman begrudgingly agrees to go, but only on the condition that Aquaman and J’onn stay behind, as their combined power may be necessary should anything happen in their absence. The six depart on Luthor’s craft from what he dubbed “Earth 2”.

The Syndicate have their meeting and relish in the opportunity of having another world to conquer. Power Ring and Johnny Quick (who is taking a hit of his speed serum) are talking about the possibilities of a matter world and how it should have their own counterparts and the best fight they’ve ever had. Ultraman tries to speak with Super Woman, who tells him if he touches her again, she’ll hang him.
The five “Earth 2” heroes and Luthor are walking through the streets of AM Metropolis, Green Lantern sees a man attacking a child and intervenes, and he is scolded by Luthor as the element of surprise is all they have. He is sent to the Moon to imprison the Syndicate in their “Panopticon”.

Batman confronts Commissioner Wayne and tells him to be hopeful, and that the Syndicate’s global operations will cease in 48 hours. Superman goes to the Daily Planet and tells Super Woman’s alter ego Lois Lane, to meet him with heat vision he burned into a wall. The trap is sprung and Super Woman is sent to the Panopticon, with all members of the Crime Syndicate imprisoned, the heroes can begin their real work.

The heroes begin their humanitarian work while the Syndicate brood, trapped in their headquarters. Discussing the nature of their counterparts and Owlman leads them all slowly on, how a plane filled with their own people disappeared, but was then replaced with the opposite matter counterparts 24 hours later, and he has calculated that very shortly they should appear in the positive matter world.

Green Lantern alerts the others that the Syndicate has vanished. The heroes meet with Luthor and discuss the possibilities of where they may be, coming to one ultimate conclusion: the positive matter Earth. Orin (with the help of an Atlantean battalion) and J’onn (in the form of a Doomsday like beast) attack the Syndicate who are wreaking havoc in Washington DC.

In Ultraman’s Fortress Luthor is devising a way for the heroes to return home, as chaos begins to resurface across the world. On both sides of the mirror both teams are realising they are each doomed to failure. Using the Flash as a battery, he is telling him what need be done in order to return them, however, he discovers that the body swapping is too perfect, and that someone can only have designed this to happen. Ultraman’s Brainiac begins to attack the heroes, revealing his plan is to collide the two Earths resulting in mutual annihilation and providing him with a huge amount of energy, to which he can then collect information from around both universes. Superman tears through the Fortress attempting to find Brainiac’s core, however, he cannot completely stop him as he is a living organism. Flash is continuing to power the cyclotron, but it needs a kick, the heroes must defy their nature and do nothing to stop Brainiac, the heroes are all slowly replaced by their Syndicate counterparts and Ultraman performs a lobotomy with his hands on Brainiac.

Back in DC the heroes are piecing together the city. Wonder Woman speaks of how she feels for Luthor, the only light in a dark world, Batman notes there is no one can fight too hard in the name of freedom, to which Superman retorts Batman is not the kind of man to spread idealism. J’onn reflects that they have learned from their encounter, and hopefully, so did the Syndicate.

In the Anti-Matter world things are returning to normal. Owlman talks with Super Woman about his father turning Gotham into a police state with no one in our out, a hopeful outpost in a grim world. Owlman says to Super Woman that Ultraman can’t be watching all the time and Ultraman kills a bird with heat vision that lands next to them. Politely deciding to not kill them, saying to Brainiac that all will be well in the world.

Back in the matter world the heroes are to be honoured by the President and the team is to be formally acknowledged and funded by the government. Max Lord is their main contributor and Steve Trevor is chosen as the liaison between the new JUSTICE LEAGUE and the world.

The film ends with Superman and Flash finally having their race.
1st film- Modern version of JL: New Frontier. 'Nuff said.

2nd film- Green Arrow leads a group of reformed villians( Bane, Metallo, Cheetah, Mirror Master, Ma'alefa'ak, and Sinestro) against the league after the WatchTower mysteriously attacks a headquarters of Cadmus, causing massive collateral damage on the city and falsely implicating the League as responsible. They steal contingency plans devised by Batman to incapacitate his League teammates should they ever go rogue to take out the league one by one. The group is backed by Lex, who is under control of Brainiac. Inspired by Justice League: Doom, the graphic novel Justice, and the JLU episodes Flashpoint, Panic in the Sky, and Divided We Fall.

3rd film: An adoptation of Kingdom Come. However, I would keep Lois Lane alive because she would tell the story just like in Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? So there wouldn't be the Wonder Woman/Superman romance and love child angle. I personally feel their relationship works better as friends/ almost like brother and sister than as lovers.
I had an idea about a Justice League movie where they fight the Snydicate a la Earth 2 and CoTE

The movie ends with Wonder Woman breaking Ultraman's neck and Batman "accidentally" accelerates Johnny Quick's age to death to destroy Owlman's bomb.

The closing scene would be Batman fashioning a Kryptonite bullet, camera pans away to reveal League traps being constructed in the Batcave.
New Frontier inspired JL movie would be sweet imo
Think it should be an original story and HAS to be a world wide invasion of Earth. Not just New York ala The Avengers. These bastards need to come in ships all over the Earth with armies world wide joining the effort but the tipping point has to be the Justice League.

I wouldn't call them that on screen, rather they be dubbed that by a newstation after their defeat of the aliens.

That for me would be the core of the movie. Then you can start deciding what aliens. White Martians, Brainiac, Darkseid either of these would do and all have advantages. White Martians make it more personal for Martian Manhunter, Brainiac makes it more personal for Superman and Darkseid is just badass.

I would have whoever is the villain to somehow use the ocean as a key cause of their invasion to make use of Aquaman and the Atlanteans. Example if it was the White Martians then they would aim to destroy the polar ice caps and then cause another ice age as they live in the cold regions of Mars (or did).

The rest of the movie is tricky to plan out but having Superman and Batman defeating the final villain for me would be key. They are the most popular and even with Avengers it was Iron Man who saved the day in the end because he was the most popular. These 2 need to carry the movie. If it was Darkseid for example, I would have Superman vs Darkseid in the mother ship and Superman so angry at Darkseid for killing millions literally wanting to beat him to near death but the ship is ripped apart and soon to be destroyed. Batman using a mother box enters the fight grabs Superman and exists as the ship explodes with Darkseid simply grinning. That would be a gripping climax to me.

Founding the League I believe should be Martian Manhunter's idea which Superman takes command of. Batman is the strategist, Superman the moral compass/big gun, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern also big guns, Aquaman the big gun protecting the ice caps and Flash helping out everywhere.

I would keep Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern as I believe he did a good job same with Henry Cavill.
Pre Opening Credits: In a banquet celebrating 50 years of peace and separation from Man's world we see a very bored Diana. The peace is broken by an enormous metallic monster emerging from the depths surrounding Paradise Island. The Amazons attempt to fight off the creature, which in appearance resembles an ancient Greek warrior, but they fall by the wayside. Diana takes the lead and using extraordinary agility and ferocity, cuts the creatures head off. As it lie in the sand, its chest opens and three figures go flying off into the sky.

Act 1: While Diana is negotiating with her mother to leave the island and pursue the three flying creatures, we meet our other three heroes. John Stewart is bitter that he is stuck in Coast City while Hal gets to visit the stars, and is using his ring for mundane activities such as preventing traffic accidents. The Flash, Central City's greatest celebrity, is filming a commercial. And Superman is using his unfathomable power to stop a bank robbery. Diana finally convinces her mother of the threat the three figures represent, and gets the use of an old WW II era fighter plane (with mystical invisibility cloak) that had landed on the island a long time ago.

The three figures land in the heroes respective cities and attack. Green Lantern is set upon by a collection of nanobots that at first takes humanoid form and mimics the fighting style of Diana, but then matches John by forming constructs to smash the ones he creates. A smaller device lands in Central City and attaches itself to the Flash's arm. Using his scientific training he quickly deduces that it is a powerful bomb powered by a radioactive isotope of Kryptonian origin. He runs off to meet Superman in Metropolis, hoping he can remove the bomb before the timer runs out. And Superman is attacked by a metal creature who fights like Wonder Woman and whose strength nearly matches his own.

Act II: Superhero team up! Diana flys in to help John, though their initial bickering inhibits their ability to deal with the nanobots. The bots defeat both Diana and John and fly off. Flash rushes out to Superman, but the bomb weakens the Kryptonian. Superman gets the bomb to release using his heat vision, but the metallic creature picks up the device and places it on his face. The creature now exhibits heat vision and super speed, and quickly disposes of the two heroes before flying off.

Act III: The Justice League! The nanobots and the metallic creature meet in Central City, where they merge to form Amazo. The combined creature gets the upper hand, but after a long fought battle the four heroes work as a team and are able to smash the robot. The Flash looks at the inner workings and quickly realizes who created these weapons. They head off to the villain's lair, but find it shockingly unguarded. Emerging from the shadows, they meet their tormenter - Bruce Wayne (played by Christian Bale). He explains that many years ago Bruce was the Batman and fought against terrorists who plagued Gotham. Each of these new breed of heroes has the power of an army, yet they accomplish so little. Bruce proposes an alliance in which he would use his rebuilt fortune to coordinate their activites in order to make a difference in the world. The heroes are angry, but realize Bruce speaks the truth.

Epilog: The four heroes are engaged in battle with the Royal Flush Gang. The gang is defeated, but Bruce warns them that far greater threats will emerge. We then see a stony figure monitoring the activity from a distant planet.
Think it should be an original story and HAS to be a world wide invasion of Earth. Not just New York ala The Avengers. These bastards need to come in ships all over the Earth with armies world wide joining the effort but the tipping point has to be the Justice League.

I wouldn't call them that on screen, rather they be dubbed that by a newstation after their defeat of the aliens.

That for me would be the core of the movie. Then you can start deciding what aliens. White Martians, Brainiac, Darkseid either of these would do and all have advantages. White Martians make it more personal for Martian Manhunter, Brainiac makes it more personal for Superman and Darkseid is just badass.

I would have whoever is the villain to somehow use the ocean as a key cause of their invasion to make use of Aquaman and the Atlanteans. Example if it was the White Martians then they would aim to destroy the polar ice caps and then cause another ice age as they live in the cold regions of Mars (or did).

The rest of the movie is tricky to plan out but having Superman and Batman defeating the final villain for me would be key. They are the most popular and even with Avengers it was Iron Man who saved the day in the end because he was the most popular. These 2 need to carry the movie. If it was Darkseid for example, I would have Superman vs Darkseid in the mother ship and Superman so angry at Darkseid for killing millions literally wanting to beat him to near death but the ship is ripped apart and soon to be destroyed. Batman using a mother box enters the fight grabs Superman and exists as the ship explodes with Darkseid simply grinning. That would be a gripping climax to me.

Founding the League I believe should be Martian Manhunter's idea which Superman takes command of. Batman is the strategist, Superman the moral compass/big gun, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern also big guns, Aquaman the big gun protecting the ice caps and Flash helping out everywhere.

I would keep Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern as I believe he did a good job same with Henry Cavill.
The only reason it was only New York is because that's where the avengers kept them. They didn't allow any of the enemies to leave. In order for Justice League to be a world wide invasion they're gonna have to invade from all corners of the earth.
The only reason it was only New York is because that's where the avengers kept them. They didn't allow any of the enemies to leave. In order for Justice League to be a world wide invasion they're gonna have to invade from all corners of the earth.

This is truth but it can't just be a full on "storm the castle" invasion that we see so often. It should be more calculated. Maybe use the White Martians and have them shape shifting to replace various prominent figures in Earth's governments or even superheroes.

Or they could go with the Appellaxians which I based my story off of (quite poorly, but the concept was there). They are 7 representatives from different alien races and each of them have a special power related to some element. They come to Earth in order to fight among themselves in a race to see who could conquer the planet the fastest. I really like that idea if aliens are going to be used in some capacity. Plus in the comics, the Appellaxians were one of the first threats that the Justice League faced as a team.
This is truth but it can't just be a full on "storm the castle" invasion that we see so often. It should be more calculated. Maybe use the White Martians and have them shape shifting to replace various prominent figures in Earth's governments or even superheroes.

Exactly.This was pretty much the idea i had in mind.I posted how this cld be executed in the beginning of this thread
i think it'd be cool if there where was one villain, whilst the shadow of another one (braniac) would loom over the film. i want the threat that brings them together to be braniac, who would end up being the villain in the sequel and sinestro and his corps to be the main one. but some people thought it was stupid when i mentioned it in one of the other threads. I'm too lazy to flesh it out though.
ЯɘvlveR;24539115 said:
i think it'd be cool if there where was one villain, whilst the shadow of another one (braniac) would loom over the film. i want the threat that brings them together to be braniac, who would end up being the villain in the sequel and sinestro and his corps to be the main one. but some people thought it was stupid when i mentioned it in one of the other threads. I'm too lazy to flesh it out though.

But the veiled threat thing is being done by Marvel in the Avengers through Loki being a minion of the real big bad: Thanos. They could use this idea but it'd have to be brought across in a different way.
while true, i prefer it that way instead the threat showing up on the next film, like, oh hey, now its my turn to **** your **** up.
Posted this in the villains thread, but it fits better here:
Okay, here's some ideas:

First movie starts off with either Green Lantern or Superman (one of the intergalactic capable heroes) investigating a dead planet that is in ruins, where the populace basically exterminated itself in a horrific war, and the audience catches a few glimpses of the Omega symbol as a little bit of foreshadowing for future films. The hero then discovers that something slipped away from the planet and has arrived on Earth. We are then introduced to this film's bad guy, Despero. Armed with regenerative abilities and supreme telepathic powers alongside some superhuman strength, Despero begins inciting Humanity to turn on itself, which our heroes think means that he's the one who wiped out the previous planet. His main manner of attacking others is to control someone (Superman most likely, so we can see how all the other heroes could concievably take him down) to fight the others, and his endgame gambit of launching a World War in which he will dominate the minds of the winner is defeated by the League. The League's formation reveals two things: they truly are respected and feared as the new superpower on the planet, despite their protests and lack of any evil ambitions, and Despero reveals he was trying to conquer the planet, and mentions that the dead planet was somebody else's handiework. Someone much worse...

Second film features a nasty reaction against the world by those who fear them. Lex Luthor participates in the founding of a Legion of villains to oppose them, including individuals like Vandal Savage and Ra's Al Ghul as members of the inner council and Luthor inviting the Joker around as a kingmaker among his other allies/rivals, with probably some kind of advertising and arc word like "Are you League, or are you Legion?" Luthor spends a portion of the film running for President, at least partly as a way of screwing with Superman and exposing the number of people who fear and hate out heroes. We becom aware that some of these anti-heroics humans are having strange patterns of behaviour and stuff like the Crime Bible is happening. The Legion attains some, but not all of Batman's plans against the League, and seem to successfully capture or incapacitate every hero except the Flash, who was warned by Batman before hand with the help of Superman. Flash frees the heroes and they defeat the villains, publicly humiliating Luthor and ending his candidacy, though the Legion goes underground, beaten but not broken.

Third movie introduces a gradually worsening world in which the League is slowly falling out of favor, with the Legion believing they can now strike while the iron is hot with the aid of their new ally, Libra, but he misleads them and manages to bring about the possession of one of them (possibly Vandal Savage) by Darkseid, who is the dark god who orchestrated the dead planet way back in the first film. He brings along his anti-life equation and his armies of Apokilips, and the league finds itself battling about half of the world's population and cosmic horrors. The money shot for this movie will involve seeing members of the Legion, especially Luthor, fighting side by side with their greatest enemies against Darkseid's forces.

Now, since I don't feel like just ending this story at just a trilogy, here's how I have it going down: (1)Darkseid is killed by Batman, who is banished to something terrible by Darkseid's parting Omega beams.(2) Darkseid's other backup plans goes into affect, with a superweapon being stopped by the sacrifice of the Flash, who joins with the speedforce to stop him. (3) Green Lantern is corrupted by the Parallax parasite and flees the planet before loosing his mind, taking out Darkseid's remaining stellar forces at the same time. (4) Wonder Woman, in order to hold off humanity's hordes without killing them, pledges her allegiance to Ares for more power. (5) Aquaman is dethroned in Atlantis, because of his refusal to shut the place off to surface world refugees. (6) Superman faces off with the last Apokiliptikan superweapon-Doomsday, and the movie ends with it looking like the two may have just mutually killed each other.

Cue six movies that all act as sequels to these individual storythreads, allowing new actors to be cast in a kind of restart that avoids a flat out reboot.

Not gonna lie, part of the atmosphere that I think this series would need would be to play up the idea that the League are almost a new pantheon of heroes and gods over the Earth, so Luthor probably embraces the idea that he's fighting self-appointed gods while the last film plays as a kind of Raganrok.
I'd begin with The Batman, Superman and Arrow (TV version) then bring in the Green Lantern (I'd prefer not to bring him in but you'd have to) with the others following as the movie progresses.

I'd only open the movie with Arrow and Batman, though. I know the TV Arrow differs from the original but I like it.
ugh i find Arrow absolutely awful. The actor is so wooden.
Justice Leauge: New World Order
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths
Justice League: Final Crisis

Shot as a Trilogy all at once. The Ultimate Justice League story.

New World Order begins by bringing us the new Big 7, with Maxwell Lord and the OMACs (of which Cyborg is a prototype) save the world, much as the White Martians did in the original Morrison story, but Lord lacks... compassion to say the least. The Brother Eye here is a lost item from the Monitor. Shades of Tower of Babel involved as Batman is extremely reluctant to join with the team until the end and fights them in the middle, much like a Hawkeye in Avengers. All this is done with an few unavoidable beats from Infinite Crisis, but with the twist that Lord has discovered the way to view alternate dimensions using Brother Eye, which is how he stays so far ahead of the team, and how he *knows* their actions and existence will end in the destruction of the universe.

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash (Barry), Green Lantern (Hal?), Cyborg and Aquaman are the heroes here. There are cameos by Green Arrow, Black Canary, Zatanna, The Atom and the Hawks who reject the offers/requests for their help for various reasons. There is a lot of infighting, but in the end, they all agree on what's right.

Crisis on Infinite Earths happens when the brother eye falls into the hands of Lex Luthor who manipulates a host of unsavories promising them rulership of the Universe. Cue multiverse twist. While they ransack multiverses gaining power, Luthor has pulled the Crime Syndikate to take on the league, but even after defeating them, the Legion of Doom has assembled with shades of Justice and a host of power from these multiverses that they've eviscerated. The League pulls together heroes from the remains of these realities, including those who rejected other offers but also John Stewart, Martian Manhunter, and other beloved leaguers, including copies from other live action versions of these characters ie CW's Arrow, Welling's Kent, Kilmer's Batman, etc. Then Brother Eye's true origin and purpose are revealed, but the League manages to halt the villains and temporarily stop Anti-Monitor's plan with just a few Earth's left.

Final Crisis would be a lot like the crossover of the same name. Shades of New World order in fact as everyone gets taken down one by one, all while everything is counting down to the end of all reality. Everyone loses. Everyone dies, everyone, except, in the end, Superman, at the last moment, he turns the Anti-Monitor's plan on its head and brings everything back to life using Brother Eye to pull together the scraps left from all the infinite Universes into one bright shining new one, a happy ending for everyone.
Yeah, maybe change the actor for the big screen. I like the story and the background though. I'm not a huge fan of the comic book GA

I'd agree with this, but Green Arrow can be written and presented differently for the big screen to avoid comparisons with the TV verison, which is more gritty and dark.

Green Arrow would need his political personaility traits, which can add something to the Justice League, since most don't care for politics. :woo:
I like that idea of invaders already in the the deepest parts of government, finance, heck even religious organizations. Have Batman first notice it with his business dealings, because you know he's a billionaire, and its one of his superpower, if not THE superpower. You follow that up with Clark investigating at another angle (political). And Wonder Woman feels a disturbance in the realm of faith, because she's a demi-god. And our heroes save the day at the eleventh hour. Aquaman notices some Atlanteans acting strange and his connections to some aquatic life severed.

Still haven't figured who or what the villains are. Interdimensional beings, white Martians, could be anyone. Still I'm open to villains that have already been published. Heck I'd even give Prometheus a shot as long as it is written well.

I'm leaning towards Starro. Make him, the main body in the deepest part of the ocean (thus involving Aquaman) and make his little selves not like starfish like but more like gray blobs that cannot be seen outside a body. Make it so that it wraps around a persons nervous system extending from the limbs, the spine and ultimately the brain. Just give nods to the comics by making the scan of it purple.

For the life of me I cannot remember how to defeat Starro without the Martian Manhunter, but I suppose Aquaman would have to step up his telepathic abilities. And Wonder Woman being a magical being makes her immune to control.

Just to make it interesting, Superman gets taken over in the first ten minutes.
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