
If we do get an Ursula origin story, don't make her into the hero. I did enjoy Maleficent, though. I didn't really mind all the changes, but I understand those who had a problem with them. I guess I didn't mind the changes because I'm not a big fan of Sleeping Beauty to begin with, it's one of the weakest animated Disney movies. I was on youtube last night and was watching a vid displaying Malficent's best moments in Sleeping Beauty. Most are spectacularly evil with amazing displays of magic...I wish the movie would've had more of those moments.

Jolie ate this role up. My god. That woman was just incredible as Maleficent.
yeah. it worked in Maleficent.

but that doesn't mean every villain somehow needs to be reimagined to be "misunderstood."
I think that the best way to make a villain the star without making him misunderstood is to put him in a different situation, a Cruella De Vil film about the bizarre world of fashion could be pretty interesting, she's frankly to interesting to be limited to dognaping.
I don't really have a huge amount of love for Sleeping Beauty. I guess my big problem with the way they did it was so lazy feeling. It's just sort of a transition from her being a villain originally to her being a hero. There's no real examination of who this character and why she's actually a villain, which is more of what I was expecting. Maybe that is more than I should've expected from something that was marketed as a summer blockbuster.
One of the weirdest movies I ever seen. Couldnt get into the plot and it just seemed off. The pacing, the transition s, just Semmes a bit too contrived. Once again great idea poorly executed in the script department. Special effects and cinematography is the only thing enjoyed put of this
The acting wasn't bad but the you couldn't get much with that script
Just my two cents about Maleficent.

I must say that I wasn’t really looking forward to see this movie. As put in the trailers, the concept of giving the villain of the piece the spotlight seemed like an appealing way to revisit this tale (even though is not a new concept). However what the film delivered was far from “the villain point of view”.

It certainly didn’t help that, being based on the original “Sleeping Beauty” Disney film, you set a couple of expectations regarding Maleficent and the world she inhabits. I thought that I was going to see beginnings of this evil character, her motivations and since the trailer gave the hints, the peculiar relationship with Princess Aurora. According to the original film as far as I remember, Maleficent was an evil being. So evil in fact that she sentences the newly born princess to death, giving her a time limit for her life and look for everyone surrounding her to suffer because of the inevitability of her demise. We get a version of that.

I think the problem here is that Maleficent is not actually that evil. In fact is quite the contrary. We get to see the oddly named Maleficent as a child fairy in the forest, living a happy life and being kind with the funny creatures that inhabit that place. The turn of events in which she becomes her traditional self is not as interesting as it seems. She becomes involved with a human, Stefan, and they become friends. Later, they become more than that. Ultimately, Stefan is consumed by greed and betrays Maleficent, playing with her feelings and cutting her wings to prove himself worthy of being king of the human’s kingdom.

The scene in which she realizes she lost her wings is very powerful and heartbreaking. We come to the realization that her wings are more than a part of herself. Her wings gives her freedom and joy, they make her happy and complete. Now she is bound to walk the Earth with a cane.

I think the film could have handled that aspect a little better, because it seems unnecessary that Maleficent had to be betrayed by her former lover to finally coming full circle with her expected rise as a villain. It seems a little cliché, and forced a grudge between the King Stefan and Maleficent not present in the original story. Now the evil spell cast upon Aurora is not out of sheer evil and malice, but of revenge. I’m think that the “wings” motif in the film is far more powerful than the spite for realizing that Stefan didn’t really love her.

Heartbroken and wingless, Maleficent is consumed with hate and vengeance, and declares herself the Queen of the forest. She saves a crow named Diaval by turning him into a human. In return he swears to serve her. Maleficent constantly shape shift him from man to bird or other animals as she deems necessary.

When baby Aurora is born, we get a spin on the spell. It isn’t the three fairies that save Aurora. In fact the fairies are shown as a trio of incompetent wrecks, even with their good intentions. It is Maleficent who makes the loophole in the spell. She will fall in a mortal sleep by pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel when she reaches 16 years old, only to be awaken by a kiss of true love.

We learn later that Maleficent believes there is no such thing, because when she was younger, Stefan said one time that a kiss he gave her was of true love, and he didn’t love her. And as far as Maleficent is concerned Aurora will sleep forever.

Now, Stefan does not care for the welfare of his child. He is more upset by the humiliation that Maleficent made of him at the presentation of Aurora. He sends his daughter to the care of the three fairies, far away from the kingdom, whom he doesn’t respect either, sent to destroy all spinning wheels of the kingdom and declares war on the forest. He believes once the time of the spell passes, Maleficent will come after him.
He comes across as a very coward, greedy and paranoid person. As the villain of the piece, he is not very compelling, and Aurora may be his daughter but he is not father of hers. More to the point, his wife doesn’t object the decision of leaving her daughter to the care of the clumsy fairies, she doesn’t do anything relevant in fact, and dies off-screen years later.

And the fairies, which I believe are the comic relief, are just insufferable. They add nothing to the story whereas in the original tale are essential. They are the ones that put the “kiss of true love” clause to Maleficent spell, and are the ones that aid Prince Phillip to defeat Maleficent in the end (but this story goes in another direction) They are not even the godmothers of Aurora anymore, she calls them aunts.

The spin is, the godmother’s role goes to Maleficent, who for some reason looks out for her in the meantime the time of the spell goes by. I believe is just to ensure that Aurora reaches 16 to enact his revenge. But she grows fond of her, and aids her, later she takes care of Aurora. Realizing her attachment to the kid, Maleficent tries to undo her own spell to no avail.

The thing that bothers me is that, Maleficent fondness for Aurora is because of her own spell. On the presentation of Aurora she says that “everyone who treats her will love her” or something like that. If that’s true, in a way, Maleficent love for Aurora is kind of artificial. Then again, later when she gets reunited with his father, he still doesn’t love her, so maybe the film is inconsistent with this, or I’m looking too much into it. Perhaps they need to be close to her for this to work out, I don’t know.
The role of the fairies in the upbringing of Aurora is diminished to the ground, in order to give Maleficent a greater role. Maleficent, being declared by Aurora as her own godmother, is for all intents and purposes is Aurora’s mother.

So now we have a totally different story than rise to villainy, I’m not sure that’s a good thing either.

We get a clumsy Prince Philip, who encounters Aurora just one time and befriends her. Nothing more comes from this, and later in the film is proven that Prince Phillip has no place in the film other than serving a counterpoint to the films “kiss of true love”. When Aurora learns the truth about “the evil of the world”, she flees to the castle and then the spell is realized. Maleficent can’t do anything about it, neither the fairies nor Prince Phillip (his kiss, at the request of the fairies, isn’t one of true love). When all hope is lost, a heartbroken Maleficent places an innocent kiss on the forehead of Aurora, and she awakens her from her sleep.

And then comes the obligatory battle between the knights of the king and Maleficent. She doesn’t get to transform into a huge dragon, and in this story, Maleficent being transformed has no place either because that would mean that she could give herself new wings at her will. Instead, it is her crow that is transformed into the dragon. Aurora finds Maleficent wings which (we learn at last minute), have some sort of conscience and want to be reunited with their owner. Maleficent is fused again with her wings, gains the upper hand in battle and confronts King Stefan, she spares his life and at the end dies because of his own hand.

Aurora is declared the queen and goes to live on the forest, Maleficent relinquishes her throne and regains the role of guardian of the forest. And the story ends with the narrator revealing that she is in fact Aurora, and that she has been given the moniker of “Sleeping Beauty” even if she only was a sleep a couple of hours.

I believed (for some reason), we were going to get the story of Maleficent from her point of view. Her fall as a villain and her ultimately demise. The story is completely different and I can accept that, even then, that story presents problems by itself.

Why require the cliché that the villain turns to evil because an unrequited love and betrayal?. As I said before, the motif of the wings is far more powerful. Think of this: The Kingdom of humans wants the treasures of the forest, so the King makes a façade of truce between his people his neighbors, but in the end they are betrayed, Maleficent loses her wings and also the trust for any other human. Perhaps with some tweaking this could have worked. Without the romantic subplot, the notion of true love being false to Maleficent is lost too, so the fairies could had a more competent role in diminishing Maleficent curse as in the original tale. Then you could have Maleficent stalking young Aurora and eventually growing fond of her, without any magic aid. That way, the film keeps flowing and you keep the plot twist of the kiss.

More so, Maleficent isn’t truly evil more than just very flawed and hurt. Not in itself a bad thing, but the film was sold as such, so there were some expectations. She doesn’t do anything outright evil. Even when becoming the Queen of the forest, we don’t get to see any mistreating from her to the creatures. Just an ominous dark tone that symbolized nothing, at least as those creatures were concerned. The spell for Aurora is diminished too by Maleficent, she is sent by her to sleep forever, not to die.

Ultimately, she is made to be seen sympathetic, perhaps necessary since she is the star of the piece. Would have been better to see her downfall without redemption, ala Breaking Bad? Not for the target audience. But perhaps we could have gotten something a little more poignant. What if Maleficent assumed his evil role in order to lure Prince Phillip into rescuing her, and realizing that she had to die in order for Aurora to be free? I’m thinking too much of this.

The true villain of the piece, King Stefan, is not very compelling. Perhaps is the actors fault, but there is nothing truly scary from him. And being that Maleficent is now on the protagonist place, the villain being a real threat was a necessity. We know that Maleficent can defeat him whenever she wants, the only defense is Maleficent’s weakness: iron. He didn’t care for his daughter as much as his own welfare, what if he used her to gain the upper hand? He comes as a bland character, with no gravitas and no sense of real danger.

The only supporting character worthwhile is Diaval, Maleficent crow. Serving as some sort of Jiminy Cricket was a relief for a film that lacked interesting characters. He brought warmth and soul that was required in order to help in Maleficent growth.

Aurora itself characterized in a very simple way, but the air of innocence that she displayed was sweet. But there was no major drama for her, it would have been nice to see some character development from her instead of a one note characterization.

The thematic elements of the film are in place. But some are not developed in a satisfactory way. Here comes again the motif of the wings. I think that it was never clearly stated that Maleficent could regain her wings, also perhaps she didn’t know either. But the scene where she loses them is so heartbreaking that made me believe that she lost them for good. Wings that represented her happiness are long gone, and she descends to a dark path.

Enter Aurora. She becomes the thing that fulfills that happiness in Maleficent. In the end they made literal that Aurora gives Maleficent back her wings. But what if Aurora was, in a metaphorical level, Maleficent wings. She didn’t need the wings anymore, and the film could have used another excuse to gain the upper hand in the final battle. What if the turn of events made Maleficent accept that perhaps she wouldn’t fly ever again, but be happy tutoring Aurora as her godmother. It would have been a bittersweet poignant note to end a film of a redeemed villain. Regaining her wings literally and triumphantly was unnecessary, and a little contrived.

Also, we get voiceless kingdoms of humans and magical creatures. Even worse, in the end the human kingdom is forgotten. While the barrier has been taken down, we don’t see any people on Aurora’s coronation ceremony, the inclusion of Prince Phillip notwithstanding (he wasn’t even from that human kingdom). At the beginning we are told that these two kingdoms are separated, if not by a physical barrier a cultural of sorts. And we are told the resolution, but we don’t actually see it. The greedy human kingdom is not redeemed, and the magical immaculate forest place is never put to a test, not event to give the humans the lesson of humbling they need.

Angelina Jolie steals the show with Maleficent, it is her talent that drives the film and with a good reason. In comparison, most of the characters fall flat.

At the end we get a regular film with potential for much improvement. I just hope this doesn’t become a trend. “Cruella de Vil had a puppy pet that she loved with her life…”


More like 75 cents

Edit: sorry for double post
Saw it last night, with my sister and my best friend. I really liked the beginning, except it felt a little rushed.

I really liked the scene were Maleficent walked in on the christening of little baby Aurora. It really felt like the animated movie. I wish they had used more scenes from it.

I don't like how they made Maleficent a ''good guy''. She should've started out good, then betrayed and eventually truly evil, and in the end, they could've made her do something, to make her feel remorse.

I liked how Stefan betrayed her, by letting her feel loved. I love how he had cot of her wings. Maleficent was truly heartbroken by this. She should've gone a bit insane after that. I thought she was going to live in the broken down castle, but she didn't.

If it was my movie, I would've let her return to the land of the Moors. I would've let her create an army. Some creatures would not subject themselves, so a riot would come up. The three fairy's would escape to the castle, where they would aid the king.

When Aurora was born, Maleficent would show up. The scene would play out, like in the animated film. Aurora would live in the woods with the fairy's. Maleficent would keep an eye out for her and eventually find her. Prince Philip would travel between the 2 kingdoms and befriend Aurora and fall in love for a bit. Maleficent would watch this and later on interact with Aurora. Befriend her, for as far as friendship would go. She would cleanse her heart a bit. Maleficent wants to take the curse away, but she can't. In the meantime, Stefan has gone insane. He builds a huge army, and attack the forrest of the Moors with huge artillery. Burning most of it down, and killing lots of creatures, weakening Maleficent and driving her into the real darkness. Aurora returns to the castle. Pricks herself. Falls asleep. Roses thorns, everywhere. Big slumber etc. Philip would go for her. He finds her, kisses her, Maleficent shows up. Dragon reveal. Aurora still drowsy goes for the roof, talks to Maleficent. Her heart is weakened, and she finally sees, all she has done. And she would be slain by king Stefan. Maybe we could see a tear fall from the big dragon eye. Let her become her ''human'' form again, and let her fall in the abyss, from the castle.

Everyone is distraught and they throw her a funeral.

Something more along those lines. More in tone, with the actual animated movie. More magic from Maleficent her side.

It was beautifully shot, but I wanted more story. More evilness!
I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. The effects are top-notch and so is Angelina Jolie. The story worked well enough, and then it was a lot funnier than I thought it'd be. Overall, it's a nice little Disney film for all the ages to enjoy.

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If we do get an Ursula origin story, don't make her into the hero. I did enjoy Maleficent, though. I didn't really mind all the changes, but I understand those who had a problem with them. I guess I didn't mind the changes because I'm not a big fan of Sleeping Beauty to begin with, it's one of the weakest animated Disney movies. I was on youtube last night and was watching a vid displaying Malficent's best moments in Sleeping Beauty. Most are spectacularly evil with amazing displays of magic...I wish the movie would've had more of those moments.

Jolie ate this role up. My god. That woman was just incredible as Maleficent.

As you have said maleficent's story was different from walt disney's movie I don't even remember watching it... The change of the nature of character of maleficent and its three little fairies was incredibly a big risk but it worthy of the risk because it was paid off by compliments to the portrayed roles and its actors....I could say its really worth watching....
This was an okay movie. But it definitely would have been better if they let Jolie be a true Villain all through out & have fun with it
Finally got around to watching this.


Angelina Jolie does a great job playing Maleficent when she's evil. Her appearance at the royal gathering was pure OMG!

The CGI was great even with the strange Avatar-like creatures.

I like the part where Maleficent was trolling the fairies out in the woods.

The dragon was badass.


Instead of cursing Aurora for not being invited to the party, Maleficent did it as revenge for The King being a lying pr*ck who took her wings.

Maleficent tries to reverse the curse.

The fairies and Prince Phillip were afterthoughts in this.

Oh yeah, and Maleficent lives in the end!

Had it been a straight up remake of Sleeping Beauty, I would've loved it. Instead, the writers decided to butcher "Sleeping Beauty" by changing the story COMPLETELY! This is why I hate remakes in general. Just leave the classics alone.

Also, I hate how villains these days are either sympathetic characters or they get soft. They are the bad guys. They're cowards. They're evil and are supposed to die at the end of movies! That's how it works.


If we do get an Ursula origin story, don't make her into the hero.

Boy, I can't wait for "Ursula" where its revealed that she turned evil because King Triton is a superficial d*ck who was making fun of her weight!
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Well, Triton is kind of an *******.
The CG jumps back and forth from being decent to bad. When I say 'bad' I mean that some of the CG characters (though are most well designed) look so CGI that the look they belong to an animated film, not live action. I don't know if it's the textures or what. Did Sony Imageworks on this?
The CG jumps back and forth from being decent to bad. When I say 'bad' I mean that some of the CG characters (though are most well designed) look so CGI that the look they belong to an animated film, not live action. I don't know if it's the textures or what. Did Sony Imageworks on this?

I feel like it was intentional...because, in every shot, the Fairies looked like ass, but everything else was amazing.

Idk, imma give this another shot, but I'm not expecting to love it.
Angelina Jolie brings charm to the film... however the story is just feels silly to me and I feel like the visual effects are just there to win people over the visuals but not the actual story, like for example Maleficent flying for like 2 minutes. Also I don't get how the two lands are so divided yet the three little fairies were so quickly accepted by the King/Queen. And then the reaction of the king when he saw Aurora for the 1st time in 16 years was just meh. Then they had this voice-over, that the story wasn't ruled by hero or a villain, but both a hero and a villain. Jeez.
They just ruined everyone else to make sure that Mal looked the best to everyone which annoyed me. They should've made Maleficent stay evil once she entered that castle to curse Aurora and just expand on the character instead of taking one of the best Disney villains and neutering her.
I don't know how much of a mistake it was making her a hero. It might have worked had it been executed better but the story had no flow. It's been a while since I saw it and maybe I need to see it again, but I remember the story feeling disjointed. Just as she turns evil and curses Aurora, the next scene she's watching over her and protecting her. It was like they didn't want to keep her evil for too long. But having Maleficent and Aurora interact was a good idea, even though it wasn't really executed well.
Honest Trailers - Maleficent

Honest Trailers - Maleficent

I like Honest Trailers (so much more than CinemaSins) - they'll poke at it, but it doesn't come across nearly as nitpicky as CS (which has just gotten annoying as of late, IMO).

I did finally see Maleficent. And you know what, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a fun/nice 'retelling'/'here's what really happened' story (kind of like Ever After did for the Cinderella story). It doesn't change my enjoyment of the classic Sleeping Beauty movie (that I watched endlessly as a child - much to my parents annoyance) at all. I have no problem treating them as two separate versions. I loved Angelina, I loved most of the special effects (there were a couple things here and there that took me out of the film just a bit), her wings were awesome. I think Elle did a good job, I loved Diaval and his attitude.

No qualms whatsoever about adding this to my Disney collection.

Just my personal opinion though, I can see how others might not care for it.
Finally saw this last night. I went in expecting to hate it. I think Maleficent should be a villain, and she is definitely my favorite Disney villain. I was also annoyed that they didn't make her skin green.
However, ignoring all that, I actually enjoyed the movie itself. Angelina was amazing as Maleficent. She had the perfect voice and evil-smile. It was an interesting twist on the original movie.
I wouldnt be against a sequel but I would need the story to be better then the first.

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