Marvel Canceling the Fantastic Four Comic Book?

Don't be so sure of that with Ultimate X-Men....

Yeah, Ultimate books seem to have a tough time. That universe gets destroyed then rebuilt every year. I think it's more about sales.
The book's writer Joshua Hale Fialkov took to Twitter to announce that the book would end, saying the following, "Sad to say that UFF is finished with issue 6 and due to my illness last month, my last issue is 5. Heartbroken but extremely grateful."
It really sucks to hear that especially when they are passionate, as it does for the fans as well. Hope the writer makes a solid recovery. F4 is really going through tough times all around.

616 or Ultimate, they can only re launch so many times before it hurts them even more.
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This speaks volumes to me.....


Who's missing?

Interesting choice of characters. The new Nova? Is he really worth putting on a 75th anniversary poster?

That being said it's mostly characters already in Marvel movies or in development for film or TV (Nova and Captain Marvel are likely to spin off from GOTG and Iron Fist I think is heading to Netflix). Inhumans I think is gonna be built up to from hints in GOTG and the AOS show.

Spider-Man is obviously still with Sony, but they get on well with them (plus it's Spider-Man!!)

Noteworthy omissions they hold the movie rights to (and are in development) are Daredevil, Luke Cage, Black Panther & Dr Strange.

And scores of other lesser known ones aint there as well.

All the same...No X-Men and no FF? The only 2 Fox still hold...I dunno. Either this poster was done with the movie/tv stuff in mind, or neither are gonna be 'front & centre' in the anniversary push.
Well you have Black Widow and Hawkeye ahead of Wolverine so there's no question this is for Marvel Studios properties only.
I could see different posters being used in different venues....

It will be interesting to see what Marvel puts up for Comic-Con, won't be long.
I could see different posters being used in different venues....

It will be interesting to see what Marvel puts up for Comic-Con, won't be long.

Has there been even the slightest hint or rumor that Fox would do anything for FF?

Would hoping for a logo be setting my sights too high?
So this movie will kill the characterizations of my favorite icons in the public's mind AND kill my favorite book.
So who did Land steal from to make that image?
The Fantastic Four have their own variant cover for the 75th magazine, as well as appearing on the cover that Tom Brevoort approved:

That's more what I'd expect. The Greg Land one seems to be more of an MCU linked one (assuming the other characters in there are in the plans to come), while the others are purely comic Spider-Man, Avengers, FF & X-Men.
Has there been even the slightest hint or rumor that Fox would do anything for FF?

Would hoping for a logo be setting my sights too high?

Right now, I guess a logo is just too much....I would think that we will see something in way of a logo at Comic Con, and since it is so close...maybe they are just waiting for that.
If Marvel ever gets the 4 back.....there will be a huge set up for the F4 comic to come back into doubt. Seems to me that this might even play into Marvel's hand if the chance does come for them to get the F4 back. THE REAL FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIE brought out in a huge way to go a long way to bring the bottom line quite a bit.

The Fantastic Four brand has never been at a lower point than it is right now. Hopefully, it doesn't just fade into obscurity. But I'm sure Marvel will give it another go down the road.
I still wonder if Marvel will try to keep Fox from using the Marvel branding on the film if they can, to stop Fox from trying to cash in on the good brand image Marvel have built up with cinema goers. Perhaps Marvel could say that they are doing it as they are worried that the film could damage the Marvel brand. And it wouldn't be the first time that a Marvel based property was advertised without the Marvel logo, Big Hero 6 is not using the Marvel branding (although not due to worries about the film damaging the brand.)

It might sound far fetched, but if Disney are willing to kill the F4 comics just to screw with this film you have to wonder what else they might do.
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I still wonder if Marvel will try to keep Fox from using the Marvel branding on the film if they can, to stop Fox from trying to cash in on the good brand image Marvel have built up with cinema goers. Perhaps Marvel could say that they are doing it as they are worried that the film could damage the Marvel brand. And it wouldn't be the first time that a Marvel based property was advertised without the Marvel logo, Big Hero 6 is not using the Marvel branding (although not due to worries about the film damaging the brand.)

It might sound far fetched, but if Disney are willing to kill the F4 comics just to screw with this film you have to wonder what else they might do.

They may have already happened, and that is why we have not seen a logo and there are rumors mulling around that they won't be called the Fantastic Four in this film...making it sound like they just won't be known as the F4 yet and its more a film about them getting their powers and dealing with them. Which sounds very much like another movie uh?
It might seem like another movie .
But , as long as the characters have the same names,
I will regard the film as a prequel.
If I was running Marvel Studios, I would be doing everything possible not to have my name or my company's name associated with this film.
They may have already happened, and that is why we have not seen a logo and there are rumors mulling around that they won't be called the Fantastic Four in this film...making it sound like they just won't be known as the F4 yet and its more a film about them getting their powers and dealing with them. Which sounds very much like another movie uh?

Yeah it will be interesting to see the posters when they at last appear.
The Fantastic Four brand has never been at a lower point than it is right now. Hopefully, it doesn't just fade into obscurity. But I'm sure Marvel will give it another go down the road.

Definitely, if the comics were selling good I don't think this would be happening to the comics. They will start with a new #1 within a year or two of the cancelation.
If I was running Marvel Studios, I would be doing everything possible not to have my name or my company's name associated with this film.

I feel like this may come back to bite Marvel in the a--.

But it would explain why Fox hasn't been promoting the movie unlike the rumors here of having no faith in the movie.
I feel like this may come back to bite Marvel in the a--.

But it would explain why Fox hasn't been promoting the movie unlike the rumors here of having no faith in the movie.

I've never really seen it as "no faith" in the movie, but more just not really feeling the need to be open to putting their money where their mouth don't have to put your money where your mouth is when you never open it to even talk about the movie.
beyond pissed....first, cant get a good movie or cast to save our lives......but now, the one comic I've collected since I was old enough to readhas to suffer from all this ********. And .....the comic is GREAT right now.

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