MCU Fight: Hela Vs. Thanos (Power Stone)

I agree the Space Stone was involved in this feat, but only because of the distance, but the destruction of the Moon portion is all Power Stone.

Regarding Thanos blasting Stark/ Strange and Thor and not killing them, I personally think Thanos's over confidence in feeling these characters are not a threat to him and his plan makes him take it easy on them. In his own mind he is a savior of life, not an evil Villain. However, if in a position where his Death seemed imminent from the hands of a Evil individual that did him harm. He would not hesitate to kill that individual with extreme prejudice. Just ask Loki.

I think that Hela can launch the large building spikes as quickly as the smaller spikes, but the launching speed is not why Thanos would be able to attack first. He would attack first because he would see her creating these massive spikes that are rising from the earth and realize that he is dealing with a very powerful advesary. These Spikes took several seconds to create before she began launching them, which would give Thanos more then enough time to react and crush her using the Power Stone.

Again though this is just my opinion.


Your turn to make the battle for this week Surfer, I inboxed you a request.
What did Ronan do that was more powerful than Thanos destroying a Moon?

Thanos didn't destroy the moon he just pulled some chunks off of it which is a good feat but hard to reconcile as strictly a power stone ability. Ronan effortlessly 1 shot a bunch of Nova ships in a single cone AOE
Thanos didn't destroy the moon he just pulled some chunks off of it which is a good feat but hard to reconcile as strictly a power stone ability. Ronan effortlessly 1 shot a bunch of Nova ships in a single cone AOE

Don't forget to vote bro.
The fact that Hela only lost this fight by one vote (because I'm counting Chance Jackson's text vote :oldrazz:) all but proves that she's the stronger adversary. Nearly 50% of the voters thought she alone could beat not just Thanos, but Thanos with a cheat infinity stone. Imagine the tables were turned and it was Thanos alone vs. Hela with the power stone. Then **** would really go down.


But, she still lost, LOL! :up:
The fact that Hela only lost this fight by one vote (because I'm counting Chance Jackson's text vote :oldrazz:) all but proves that she's the stronger adversary. Nearly 50% of the voters thought she alone could beat not just Thanos, but Thanos with a cheat infinity stone. Imagine the tables were turned and it was Thanos alone vs. Hela with the power stone. Then **** would really go down.



Imagine what Hela: Infinity War would be like with her wearing a sleeker gauntlet with all the stones. :hmr:

It would be tempting to let her win. :funny:
Very narrowly, and entirely on her own merits though. She didn't win by using a cheat. :oldrazz:

Which is not relevant, because that's not what the fight was. There are no moral victories.
But again, you're still ignoring the point that I and others are continually trying to make here. If Thanos doesn't know how powerful Hela is, then how exactly is it going to be 'clear' to him that he needs to use the power stone straight away? Again, if Thanos makes the understandable mistake of underestimating Hela (not because he's dumb, but because he has no idea who she is and let's face it, she doesn't immediately look like a massive threat to him, especially if she isn't seemingly armed which she often isn't... at first), that will give Hela enough time to go in hard and fast for the kill and crush him or skewer him to pieces before he even has a chance to react and use the stone.

But she didn't Kill Thor quickly, in fact, she never knocked him out in the cumulative minutes they fought. Not that she could have, but Thor didn't exactly get one shot, he took the stabbings, despite being on the very clear disadvantage.

I think his point is that Thanos and Hela are damn near equal in durability, that the only advantage either one of them can have, in terms of underestimation, and getting the drop is just that, getting the drop. Neither one of them are going to dominate this fight.

Another thing I like to consider is lure and aura. If the writers of these films had Hela and Thanos square off, I find it unlikely they'd have Hela beat Thanos.

It's a cheap logic that overrides feats, but Thanos being the "built up", big bad of the MCU for 8+ years has some weight to it. I know we decide by feats, and not plot, and narrative. But if you are the big bad of an entire franchise, who the directors have said has never lost in hand 2 hand combat, and has mutated skin, I just can't see the directors having him lose to a villain from a solo movie, regardless of how superior the feats are. With Thanos, I feel that's a plot device aura that can't be overlooked, atleast against characters in our transcendent tier. Plot armor.

Storm breaker which is >>> Hela's swords (Obviously, it's a plot device weapon created to combat the infinity stones, and its wielder) wasn't able to kill Thanos, or slice through him, despite being thrown with Thor's strength, it hurt him, and pierced his chest. I don't think it's a given that her swords could slice him up. This fight really is a tossup, but because he is the MCU's big bad, who clearly has a plot presence and plot armor, I can't see him losing to anyone in our transcendent tier.

Hey fin, where you been? lol
Imagine what Hela: Infinity War would be like with her wearing a sleeker gauntlet with all the stones. :hmr:

It would be tempting to let her win. :funny:

Hela: Infinity War. :woot: I would watch that so many times I'd have to declare bankruptcy... :funny: It amuses me how huge the fake gauntlet was next to Hela in Ragnarok, it was about the same size as her whole torso, Thanos has massive hands!
Thör-El;36704565 said:
I agree Thanos enjoyed fighting without the gauntlet, he did it against Hulk. He did it again against Iron Man, Dr Strange, Spidey and the Guardians and it almost cost him the fight. He did it against Scarlet Witch and she was able to hold him back with one hand whilst destroying an Infinity Stone with the other.

It would be very much in character for him to do it against Hela and - since she'll go for the kill immediately and outclasses him without the power stone - that would cost him the fight.

And even if Thanos does start using the power stone straight away it'll only even the odds since Hela has the speed to dodge and she has her own ranged attacks capable of one shotting.

I'm repeating myself now but this argument just doesn't hold water. Hela toyed with Thor, overpowered/outskilled him and easily could've killed him. Then she quickly took him out again even when he'd tapped into his lightning powers.

As for Thanos he somehow beat Thor offscreen then left him for dead by blowing up his ship with the power gem and that's all we know. Like I keep saying, it could've been a long difficult fight, he could've used the power gem, taken Thor by surprise or had the Black Order backing him up. Or - my personal theory - Thor probably couldn't use his lightning inside the spaceship full of refugees.
Hela's showing against Thor is far more impressive than the Thor vs Thanos mystery fight.

I think the Cap resisting Thanos hand/arm feat was legit. Cap was going all out using his full body strength just to stop Thanos closing his fist/using the gauntlet. The guy has ten ton plus lifting feats and can bicep curl a helicopter but he only managed to resist Thanos for a couple of seconds.

As for Thanos vs Stormbreaker Thor, it overpowered the blast from the completed Infinity Gauntlet and near enough one shotted Thanos. It's an incredible feat and by Thanos own admission would've killed him instantly if he'd went for the head. I don't see why Thanos wouldn't have put his full strength into preventing his moment of victory being snatched from him.

My take is that the MCU gauntlet blasts aren't nearly as impressive as the reality warping it's capable of (which yeah, he could've used to stop Stormbreaker if he'd had more time to think/react).

I don't know where you're getting the tailor made to beat Thanos idea. It's powerful enough to challenge Thanos with but it wasn't specifically designed for doing that. Eitri had already designed it and made the mouldings when Thor came to him looking for a weapon he could kill Thanos with.

All Eitri ever said was that Stormbreaker was designed as
"A king's weapon. Meant to be the greatest in Asgard. In theory, it could even summon the Bifrost"
Given the name I think it's fair to assume it was designed for Thor to replace Mjolnir and channel his full power once he became King.

I don't think I'd go that far. Thanos is an intelligent schemer/fighter with serious willpower but his plan to kill half of all life in the universe as a solution to overpopulation is deranged. The arbitrary 50:50 is nonsensical and the populations will recover within a couple of generations and in the meantime they'll use more resources to cope/rebuild. He could've done way cleverer/saner things to pursue the same goals with that snap.

Hela wouldn't kill him easily and quickly. Her swords would not slice him up and kill him quickly, they didn't Thor. Also, Stormbreaker > Hela's swords. That hammer was a dang plot device lol. That thing thrown with the force of a bloodlusted Thor who took the force of a star and the strength to start a moon sized mechanism didn't one shot him though, and it didn't go through him. It pierced his armor and wedged itself in his chest, probably about 6 inches, seemingly where he spine would be? If that plot device of a weapon wielded by a peaking Thor didn't one shot kill him, and slice him in half, Hela's swords are not doing it either. They will slow him down, but its a fight, regardless.
Hey fin, where you been? lol

Around. :cwink: I've been super busy recently, I've missed our lively debates though. :woot: This was a fun matchup, I was saying to BT the other day that the fights are so much more fun when characters are fairly evenly matched and you can have a good old debate.

You're definitely right about the plot armor thing though, no arguments there, lol.
Hela: Infinity War. :woot: I would watch that so many times I'd have to declare bankruptcy... :funny: It amuses me how huge the fake gauntlet was next to Hela in Ragnarok, it was about the same size as her whole torso, Thanos has massive hands!
Same here. I really wish we could see her again whatever the circumstances.

Yeah that's one natural defence to anyone stealing the gauntlet. Only those with outsized hands would be suspects. He probably already has a hit list of people in the galaxy whose hands are potentially big enough. :woot:
Around. :cwink: I've been super busy recently, I've missed our lively debates though. :woot: This was a fun matchup, I was saying to BT the other day that the fights are so much more fun when characters are fairly evenly matched and you can have a good old debate.

You're definitely right about the plot armor thing though, no arguments there, lol.

I think it matters haha. When we do these fights, I don't just consider feats, I consider, who would win if this were written on screen, which is why I give Hulkbuster Ironman the edge of Wanda.

Haha the debates are fun, it turn out your girl wasn't in IW :p I feel you though. Very busy, I feel bad for my team here, I'm usually a day or two delayed with posting the battles when its my turn. I'm back to work full time, on top of a full time grad student, and top of making time for my new-ish is busy!
Same here. I really wish we could see her again whatever the circumstances.


I think it matters haha. When we do these fights, I don't just consider feats, I consider, who would win if this were written on screen, which is why I give Hulkbuster Ironman the edge of Wanda.

Haha the debates are fun, it turn out your girl wasn't in IW :p I feel you though. Very busy, I feel bad for my team here, I'm usually a day or two delayed with posting the battles when its my turn. I'm back to work full time, on top of a full time grad student, and top of making time for my new-ish is busy!

Ah see, I do it differently. I literally just go on what we've seen on screen of the characters and their feats, e.t.c.

I know. :csad: Oh well, still loved it and I'm still hopeful we'll see her again someday. Or Lord Feige will be receiving a very strongly worded letter. :cwink: Damn dude, I only work full time and I'm exhausted. To do that and be a full time student too, I feel for you!
It's really not that serious, I was only joking. :funny:

I know you were joking, but keep in mind we would have done a base Thanos Vs. Hela and I feel confident Hela would have won that battle, but we did not feel like we had any Feats from Thanos where he was not in possession of the Power Stone at least. Since then some have argued the Hulk vs Thanos battle was without the stone, but I think that is Speculative. We know he had it before Hulk attacks him, so I think it's equally possible he retained it as he dropped it. At least thats what I think.

Hela wouldn't kill him easily and quickly. Her swords would not slice him up and kill him quickly, they didn't Thor. Also, Stormbreaker > Hela's swords. That hammer was a dang plot device lol. That thing thrown with the force of a bloodlusted Thor who took the force of a star and the strength to start a moon sized mechanism didn't one shot him though, and it didn't go through him. It pierced his armor and wedged itself in his chest, probably about 6 inches, seemingly where he spine would be? If that plot device of a weapon wielded by a peaking Thor didn't one shot kill him, and slice him in half, Hela's swords are not doing it either. They will slow him down, but its a fight, regardless.
Hela would be in melee range and "gone for the head"
I really do feel like people undersell the power stone in these fights. You know, it is hard to beat a guy that can destroy a planet by touching the ground, and not to mention the things Ronan was hammered with when he had it and had zero effects.
I think it matters haha. When we do these fights, I don't just consider feats, I consider, who would win if this were written on screen, which is why I give Hulkbuster Ironman the edge of Wanda

I go by the feats we've seen and the limits we've seen.

Writers love finding ways for the underdog to win in their stories - especially for popular characters - but that just means they have a chance in specific circumstances.

The reality is Batman loses 99/100 fights with Superman but has a small chance if he can perfectly exploit Superman's weaknesses/rely on Supes holding back. In Dark Knight Returns we see the 1/100 scenario because it's a way cooler story.
I really do feel like people undersell the power stone in these fights. You know, it is hard to beat a guy that can destroy a planet by touching the ground, and not to mention the things Ronan was hammered with when he had it and had zero effects.

Yep agreed, Ronan was quite powerful even without the stone. But the stuff he did and survived afterwards were pretty damn impressive. Thanos is much tougher and more durable than Ronan, so throw the power stone in and I don't see anyone in the MCU so far being able to take him down. With the possible exception of maybe Ego and Giant Surtur.
Yep agreed, Ronan was quite powerful even without the stone. But the stuff he did and survived afterwards were pretty damn impressive. Thanos is much tougher and more durable than Ronan, so throw the power stone in and I don't see anyone in the MCU so far being able to take him down. With the possible exception of maybe Ego and Giant Surtur.

Dormammu ?

Even with the completed gauntlet that would be a big ask. With the time stone Dr Strange was able to stalemate him, but that's it.
Dormammu ?

Even with the completed gauntlet that would be a big ask. With the time stone Dr Strange was able to stalemate him, but that's it.


- Dormmamu
- Ego
- Surtur

Those are the big three of the MCU

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