No love for BTM/Forever and Batman&Robin!?!?

Still, the difference was big enough to notice the difference. There were not only serious moments, but there less terrible dialogue (both in the script and the film) in BF than B&R. Plus Robin was mostly useless and whiny in B&R. He was fine in BF.

All of this was because Batman Forever was originally written as a much more serious script and film before Schumacher/WB f**ked that up.

With Batman and Robin, all phases of production knew what kinda world was establish and they knew what they getting into, which makes it all the sadder :csad:.

Certaily, there IS a difference between them and its enough to feel it. Still, they feel like theyre the same family and I really dont have any interest in them either way. Havewnt seen Forever in over 11 years until recently, and lately I tried to rewatch B&R but after 3 attempts to finish it I just gave up during the last observatory fights. In both cases I was feeling like watching a Saturday morning cartoon. Although Forever had some moments - very brief, but had them. As a standalone movies/Schumacher Barbie reboot, I just dont care about them like I dont care about Pokemon. But as sequels to Burton's movies, I absolutely hate them
I have a question, guys. For anyone who owns the 2-disc special editions or the Blu-rays of the Burton-Schumacher films, is B&R worth getting for only the special features? The featurettes, the final part of the "Cinematic Saga Of The Dark Knight" documentary, etc?
I have a question, guys. For anyone who owns the 2-disc special editions or the Blu-rays of the Burton-Schumacher films, is B&R worth getting for only the special features? The featurettes, the final part of the "Cinematic Saga Of The Dark Knight" documentary, etc?
Here ya go.:cwink:

Anyone around here a big Batman fan that saw B&R in theaters? What was your reaction? I cannot imagine any Batman fan watching it and not sitting in the theater the entire time like this...

I have a question, guys. For anyone who owns the 2-disc special editions or the Blu-rays of the Burton-Schumacher films, is B&R worth getting for only the special features? The featurettes, the final part of the "Cinematic Saga Of The Dark Knight" documentary, etc?

The BF special edition is pretty cool. The Cinematic Saga Of The Dark Knight stuff is insightful enough about the state of the franchise back then.

The B&R one is worth picking up so you can burn it to ashes.

ALP said:
Anyone around here a big Batman fan that saw B&R in theaters? What was your reaction? I cannot imagine any Batman fan watching it and not sitting in the theater the entire time like this...
I was like 10 when my family took me to B&R. When the first butt shot came up, I knew I was in Schumacher's mad house and he was gonna git me...

I remember leaving the theatre kinda confused, but knowing that something was off. My mind did away with the memories. For the most part. I never spoke of it to my family. My mom would look at me confused when I didn't want to watch B&R on TV. "But it's a Batman movie". I thought "I'm sorry, I just can't".

Anyone around here a big Batman fan that saw B&R in theaters? What was your reaction? I cannot imagine any Batman fan watching it and not sitting in the theater the entire time like this...

I remember being really hyped for it (I did love Forever when it came out. And hey, I was a kid, so why wouldn't I?), but then I saw the commercials for it and was like :facepalm:. And I stopped talking about it, whereas before, I wouldn't shut up about it. And then like a year after it came out, it was on HBO when we were in a hotel room on vacation, and my dad asked me if I wanted to watch it. I was curious, so I was like, "I guess so..." The movie had already been on for a few minutes when he turned it on, so my introduction to it was the party scene. And then I saw this


and I immediately felt embarrassed to be alive. I was like, "Dad, can you PLEASE switch the channel?" "Uh.. sure.. to what?" ":o Anything but this."

And that was my first exposure to the marvel that is Batman and Robin. Nowadays, I think it's a hoot, though! :awesome:
The BF special edition is pretty cool. The Cinematic Saga Of The Dark Knight stuff is insightful enough about the state of the franchise back then.

The B&R one is worth picking up so you can burn it to ashes.
Haha. I own the individual Blu-rays for B'89, BR, and BF. But every once in a while, I get tempted to pick up B&R for completion purposes.
Anyone around here a big Batman fan that saw B&R in theaters? What was your reaction? I cannot imagine any Batman fan watching it and not sitting in the theater the entire time like this...

I saw it in theaters. Beforehand, I was just hoping it would be on the level of Batman Forever. As the movie went on I couldn't escape the feeling that something was wrong. After it was over, I didn't want to admit to myself that it was actually as bad as it really was. But, it made me appreciate Burton's films and Batman Forever even more than before. When it was later shown on television my feelings from the theatrical viewing were confirmed.
"Batman card, good through Forever" hahahahaha! LOL, never noticed that.

Thanks for the memories guys. I use to watch all of the Batman films as a kid and I always thought they were fun including B&R. Wasn't until I was about 13 that I saw B&R and just went :facepalm:

But I do still enjoy Forever, as well as the Adam West stuff.
Anyone around here a big Batman fan that saw B&R in theaters? What was your reaction? I cannot imagine any Batman fan watching it and not sitting in the theater the entire time like this...


I saw it a theater back in 1997 and I thought 'well, this feels worse than Forever' but at the same time I felt it'd be no big surprise that people would love it.
Anyone around here a big Batman fan that saw B&R in theaters? What was your reaction? I cannot imagine any Batman fan watching it and not sitting in the theater the entire time like this...


I saw it in theaters. By that point Forever already did the damage and when people were thinking 'Batman movies' they thought of colorful circus city and a dumb and over the top popcorn flick for kids so I didnt really feel that much of a difference with B&R. However, I was extremely hyped about Arnold and even more so about Bane being included. NO commercial and NO magazine mentioned anything about Bane. And when I bought the comic adaptation I couldnt believe it. Not only Bane was and is one of my favorite villains, but it was a villain that I witnessed being developed and all that, unlike all those classic villains like Penguin or Riddler that are there for ages. After I saw it I thought its a sister moie to Forever, didnt feel and still dont feel that theres that much of a difference between those 2 lolipop movies, but one thing I hated and still hate the most about B&R is Clooney. Not only Clooney [plays the same guy in every movie, a doctor/businessman, but he didnt play Batman at all (didnt even change the voice, movement, nothing - looked like a regular guy in a halloween costume) but even more so visually he looked ridiculous. His chin didnt fit at all and he just looked ridiculous in bat costume
Lol, well for you I guess a better question would be "What was your initial reaction to Batman Forever?" Did the marketing already tell you it would be a campfest. Are you also old enough to have seen Burton's films in theaters?

I also agree about Clooney. He's really the only actor I feel just did an awful job as Bruce/Bats. Even Val Kilmer I thought was pretty decent.
I remember my friend and I went to see B&R in theaters when it first came out....and we were like :facepalm: The only redeeming quality of that movie for my friend and myself at the time(being pre pubescent boys) was an Alicia Silverstone ass shot. I recently bought B&R because I'm a completist and wanted to have all the movies....but I tried to watch it again and once more it made me :facepalm: so I haven't been able to sit through it again yet. Maybe if I get incredibly drunk I can watch it all.
Anyone around here a big Batman fan that saw B&R in theaters? What was your reaction? I cannot imagine any Batman fan watching it and not sitting in the theater the entire time like this...

I knew I was going in to see a crap film, but i was hoping there would be some good parts, and the reports were exagerated, but they were not. I'd read an article in the Guardian about the whole aicn article by HK, and how JS had went into the editing suite after that and toned down Batman's 'jokier' aspects and was maybe doing some re-shoots, so I hoped it might be a little better than that showing HK caught. Schumacher cut that line you got in the trailer, 'Didn't your mother tell you not to play with guns?', when BM disarms Freeze at the start, think maybe that was it as far as scaling it back went, lol.

But I enjoyed myself at that first showing, despite it being crap, just as I did at the first showing of The Phantom Menace. I just enjoyed what I did, action mainly, and shrugged off the rest, I knew they would be making another one down the line, learn from the mistakes of this one, and it would be better.
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Lol, well for you I guess a better question would be "What was your initial reaction to Batman Forever?" Did the marketing already tell you it would be a campfest. Are you also old enough to have seen Burton's films in theaters?

You know, I was actually open minded about it. Didnt know Schumacher yet. Saw Client which was a great movie and I liked Carrey, Jones and Kilmer before. Of course I hated the absence of Burton and Elfman but what I hated even more was no Keaton. However, I understood that Keaton didnt want to do it so I knew its nobody's fault (even tho Schumacher admitted that it was HIM who wasnt happy about 'inheriting Michael' and kept moaning about getting "young and sexy" Kilmer:doh:). As much as Im ashamed to say that, I actually did like Forever after the first viewing. Now I cant stand it
The only thing I liked about B&R is the subplot about Alfred's illness. It was actually a very humanizing element.
Jeez some of you were the quite the critics at young ages, I remember going to watch Batman Forever with my dad when I was 9 and loving it. It was the first Batman I was able to go and watch at the theatre. In all honesty it could've been the worst film of all time and I still would've loved it, it was Batman on the big screen FFS! I'd grown up watching reruns of the Adam West Show every night, I'd watch Batman and Batman Returns over and over again and now I was in the cinema watching a Batman movie!!

2 years later I went back to the theatre for B&R and again loved it, I wasn't bothered about Characterisation or anything like that I just wanted to see Batman!

Now I Like the movies alot less but hell they were the first Batman films I saw at the theatre so they always hold a place in my heart.
The only thing I liked about B&R is the subplot about Alfred's illness. It was actually a very humanizing element.
I still think that B&R has the best "personal" scenes between Bruce and Alfred out of any movie in the Burton-Schumacher series.
I still think that B&R has the best "personal" scenes between Bruce and Alfred out of any movie in the Burton-Schumacher series.

It certainly treated Alfred as a character in his own right, not just background scenery.
One of the single worst scenes in BF is when Bruce stands up and yells "Harvey, I'm Batman."

Made no sense. Anyone could have heard him when he said that, he was being stupid. Chase was standing right next to him and could have heard what he was saying. The real Bruce would have concealed his identity and still found a way to stop Two Face's gang. In fact, it was completely pointless because yelling out he's Batman did nothing but maybe allow a few people to know his identity. It accomplished nothing.
One thing I didnt mention is how Schumacher completely ignored the events of Returns. Returns' utcome was pretty much the same as TDK's - Batman was now considered an enemy. People saw him on the roof when the ice princess fell and they were attacked by bats immediately afterwards. A bloody batarang was found on the scene. Plenty of people and cops saw Batman making a run to the batmobile and then wrecking havoc on the streets and escaping. So, what happened between Forever and Returns? DId Batman just sent a note saying "oh sorry it wasnt me" despite so many proofs and witneses? Its like if The Dark Knight Rises would completely ignore the ending of TDK
One thing I didnt mention is how Schumacher completely ignored the events of Returns. Returns' utcome was pretty much the same as TDK's - Batman was now considered an enemy. People saw him on the roof when the ice princess fell and they were attacked by bats immediately afterwards. A bloody batarang was found on the scene. Plenty of people and cops saw Batman making a run to the batmobile and then wrecking havoc on the streets and escaping. So, what happened between Forever and Returns? DId Batman just sent a note saying "oh sorry it wasnt me" despite so many proofs and witneses? Its like if The Dark Knight Rises would completely ignore the ending of TDK
There's a deleted scene from one of Returns' draft scripts (I think) where the mayor and Commissioner Gordon activate the Batsignal and wonder if Batman will ever forgive them for thinking him a murderer, but that he'll still always help them anyway. I guess Batman delivered some of those Red Triangle goons to the police when they were trying to kidnap the kids, and they 'fessed up to everything...
Still, it was in an early draft. Wasnt addressed in the movie itself or in BF. It feels like a huge gap - one movie ends with Batman seen as criminal, the other one is like nothing ever happened
Still, it was in an early draft. Wasnt addressed in the movie itself or in BF. It feels like a huge gap - one movie ends with Batman seen as criminal, the other one is like nothing ever happened
Burton & Waters never were much for explaining too much about certain elements of Returns; I guess since they showed the Batsignal being used again at the end, they just wanted you to assume an explanation for yourself. It's no biggie if Returns or Forever fails to explain it, I like that loose spirit about Returns, and Forever sucks anyway :woot: Totally different Batverse, as far as I'm concerned...

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