Rank the Seasons

It's sad because the show started out so unconventionally but after the story progressed past the books and they announced it was going to end after season 8, it started feeling rushed and fan-service at its finest.The weirdest part to me is that possibly the majority of people regard the last season as equally epic.
I'll never understand how people can enjoy the last couple seasons, let alone consider it surperior to the earlier ones. If I didn't know better I'd think the show changed showrunners given the massive drop in quality. GoT has transformed from a methodical, character based poltical thriller to generic fantasy with "epic" battles. However, having skimmed through the earlier seasons after finally reading the books there were always hints at what their writing would devolve to when untethered by the novels.. I never realized how much material they changed/added before, and the majority of it was infantile, crowd pleasing drivel. They're good writers when they make an effort, but it definitely feels like they're burnt out on the show and just want it over with. It's too bad they didn't hand it off to someone talented and passionate about ASoIaF.

I'll watch the final season because I want to see how it ends, and to tide me over until Winds of Winter, but I'm not expecting it to be good. I'm not sure I've ever seen a show go so far off the rails that started out so fantastic. Such a waste of potential.
Personally, I can't understand why folks don't like Season 6.... inarguably Jon's biggest season. His ark in that season was solid, and ending with being called King of the North was epic.

It's true that the show had to change it's pace... because truly... if it staid on track from the earlier seasons, they would have needed like 10 more seasons to get it right. But they committed to 8 seasons, and they started to actually pull the main hero narrative together pretty quickly once Season 5 started moving.

For me, there's only been one truly disappointing episode, and that was the second to last episode of season 7. That episode was Hollywood drivel at it's finest unfortunately. And I expect more of that in Season 8... because the show is just too backloaded. There's too much ground to cover now, and the slow...sort of stoic pacing of the first 3 seasons is gone forever.

But we knew it would come to this. We knew it would become more fantastical with time. How could it not? Unfortunately, that kind of story is a lot harder than the one they gave us in those first early seasons. For me Game of Thrones is kind of like a slingshot. The first few seasons were all about pulling your arm back, and increasing the tension. But at some point, you've got to let the rock go.. and see what happens. That's where we're at now.

Can no one else see the trend that those who read the books dislike 5,6, and 7? I find this happens a lot with book readers. They measure it by how loyal it is to the source material. I haven't read the books, and Season 6, for me, is definitely one of the best seasons.
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I'm rewatching the show from the very beginning. So far, everything feels as fresh as it did the first time around.
Can no one else see the trend that those who read the books dislike 5,6, and 7? I find this happens a lot with book readers. They measure it by how loyal it is to the source material. I haven't read the books, and Season 6, for me, is definitely one of the best seasons.
I didn't read the books until after season six. I disliked it and s5 on their own terms, they were just bad television.There was a very jarring decline in the show's dialogue and plotting. Season five was more of a mixed bag than downright terrible like seasons 6 & 7, but the difference in quality was still noticeable.
I didn't read the books until after season six. I disliked it and s5 on their own terms, they were just bad television.There was a very jarring decline in the show's dialogue and plotting. Season five was more of a mixed bag than downright terrible like seasons 6 & 7, but the difference in quality was still noticeable.

I disagree. Season 6 was jon’s Season. He had a great arch. It did the bulk of the work making him the main protagonist, and the season had some incredible scenes. 5 is probably the worst season but it’s still far better than the bulk of television.

What specifically made season 6 terrible to you? Can you give some examples?
I disagree. Season 6 was jon’s Season. He had a great arch. It did the bulk of the work making him the main protagonist, and the season had some incredible scenes. 5 is probably the worst season but it’s still far better than the bulk of television.

What specifically made season 6 terrible to you? Can you give some examples?
Personally, I didn't care for Jon in season 6. He learned absolutely nothing from dying and kept making one wrong decision after another. I also didn't like how spineless he seemed with Sansa, letting her walk all over him. The Battle of the Bastards was just as mindless as Beyond the Wall. No sense of tactics; bodies piling up for no reason; Jon's extremely idiotic and out of character behavior; Sansa "saving" the day with an army she told no one about, and then her sick enjoyment of watching Ramsey being eaten alive.

Sansa in general has been an indecisive annoyance ever since the end of season 4. She's stupid, arrogant, conniving, everything I thought she had grown beyond after season 1 (same goes for Daenerys). Her conflict with Arya in season 7 is probably my least favorite subplot in the entire show. Either they were faking it, which means the show lied for multiple episodes, or they really were that stupid and almost killed each other yet somehow figured it all out offscreen in some indecipherable way.

The Sand Snakes somehow smuggling themselves on Jaime's ship to kill Trystane, Ellaria killing Doran reeked off last minutes changes to appease fans who hated Dorne, when what D&D should've done was just sharpen their writing and make that whole subplot decent. All the crap with Arya and the Waif, especially the latter's Teminator-esque chase sequence (with Arya acting like a complete, cocky fool and allowing herself to get stabbed, shrugging off what should've been a fatal wound given its severity). In the end, Arya's time in the House of Black and White was basically a waste. All she learned was how to kill, everything regarding her training led nowhere.

The resolution of the Meereen storyline was likewise pointless. If all Dany had to do was kill the Masters and appoint a ruler this should've been finished at the start of season 4. The original reason for her staying there was to learn how to govern, something she never accomplished. Instead the writers wrapped everything up in a neat, unrealistic bow. Like so many plot decisions in the later seasons, they went for convenience and speed over nuance realism.

There were reveals that served no greater purpose. Nothing was made of Melisandre's true self, or Hodor's origin. None of the characters ever reflected on those events and it never affected things going forward. The way Bran found out about Lyanna was not only anticlimactic but handled very poorly and lazily, especially when they waited a whole nother season to reveal Jon's father.

Cersei should not be queen. She has no real power, just a single Kingsguard and disgraced Maester. Even having killed the key leaders of King's Landing, the remaining nobility would never cave to her, nor do they have any reason to. Jaime's dismissal goes against established lore, as if it was that easy to dismiss a Kingsguard from his vows Tywin would've done it decades ago to name him as his heir.

And that's just a sampling of my problems with the show. I could go on and on listing countless critiques.
I'm on season 3 now I'm my binge to get ready for the new season and since I haven't watched it in a while the earlier seasons spoiled us truly the conversations between Ned and Jaime in season 1 to Arya and Tywin in season 3 and the truly epic bath scene between Jaime and Brian from season 3 truly great if I must rank them I'll go with

1. Season 1 - Ned was a truly great character flawed yes but great
2. Season 3 - never forget my reaction to red wedding [have not read the 3rd book at his point] so truly shocked
3. Season 4 - The Viper was great and played by a Spanish actor was great for my for obvious reasons
4. Season 2 - they want to play music with us lets play DRUMS!!! EFFIN CHILLS
5. Season 7 - Drogon vs the Lannister army was something glorious
6. Season 6 - Jon made this season
7. Season 5 - this season was a grind
Season 8 is probably at risk of being the lowest rated.
Spanish actor was great for my for obvious reasons

Do you mean Oberyn played by Pedro Pascal? I loved that character. He's Chilean by the way, not Spanish. He's on this side of the pond :funny:
4 The Hound and Arya were my favorite parts of the entire series
6 I loved everything about this season, and it's what got me into GOT
1 Excellent debut.
5 Loved Hard Home, and Tyrion coming to meet Dany.
7 Loved how things are starting to fall in place
2 This season kept me kind of board.
3 Just didn't care for this season compared to the others.
I think the last two seasons have been the best, and season 5 was by far the worst
I would go with 4, 7, 3, 6, 5, 1 and 2 in that order. I'm currently on season 5 of my rewatch and a lot of the actors brought their A Game including Dormer, Headey, Alfie, Rheon, Turner and McElhatton.

Even though it's incredibly difficult to watch the stuff in the North was a highlight of the series for me and I felt like that watching it at the time as well. The problem with Season 5 is still Arya's meandering and that Dorne ****e. If those subplots were handled better Season 5 would be near the top for me.

As someone else said we're talking about one of the greatest series' of all time here so it's hard to rank the seasons. Seasons 1 and 2 are very good and introduce us to these characters, but unfortunately it's the lack of production values at the time that brings those seasons down to near the bottom for me. Blackwater is a classic episode but compared to Watchers on the Wall, Battle of the Bastards and Hardhome it's night and day.
1. Season 1
2. Season 4
3. Season 3
4. Seasons 2 & 6
5. Seasons 5 & 7
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For the post-books/early seasons debate, I think both sides tend to exaggerate. Those who say the later seasons have only gotten better put too much stock in spectacle and those that say the show is terrible now or has had a massive drop-off in quality also overstate their case. You want to see shows with major drop-offs in quality? Try Dexter, Shameless, Homeland, True Blood, or True Detective.

The writing is not nearly as intricate or sophisticated as the early seasons in terms of plotting and political machinations, yet the later seasons have stayed true to most of the characters and for every bad decision (say Bronn's lame rescue of Jaime in a situation that should've never happened or ended with Jaime's death), they also create scenarios as satisfying as "the Green Trial" or Sansa's execution of Ramsay Bolton. Benioff and Weiss lack Martin's genius, but they're still gifted writers who, unlike Martin, are going to finish this story even if it is merely great as opposed to spectacular.

Anyway, how I rank the seasons:

1. Season 3 or Season 4 (both are nearly perfect and it's just a matter of preference which is superior)

3. Season 1

4. Season 2 or Season 6 (2 is better written, 6 is better paced and more satisfying as a whole)

6. Season 5 or Season 7 (Most of 5's problems sans Dorne were from Martin's worst tendencies, whereas season 7 is the classic "all set-up" before the climax and probably has the sloppiest writing of all the seasons)
Ranking before the final season starts and another watch through:

1. Season 4
2. Season 1
3. Season 3
4. Season 6
5. Season 2
6. Season 7
7. Season 5
I have update mine since my last rewatch:

1. Season 4
2. Season 7
3. Season 1
4. Season 3
5. Season 6 (this one did not hold up IMO)
6. Season 2
7. Season 5

One episode into 8 and its looking good
I lost interest in game of thrones during season 6 and haven't seen season 7 yet and don't plan on watching season 8. I'll read the books when they come out I suppose as I think that's where the series floundered was when the show writers didn't have the story backbone of the books to go by anymore?

Overall, Game of Thrones has some some excellent battle scenes and cinematography infused into the later seasons 4 and after. 2 and 3 kind of were boring cause they didn't were short on budget and effects more practical then so didn't really show as much but story was still there.

I don't really care fore various character arcs in season 6. The battle scene though was awesome.

Season 4
Season 1
Season 5
Season 2
Season 3

Season 6...
Had Enough
I lost interest in game of thrones during season 6 and haven't seen season 7 yet and don't plan on watching season 8. I'll read the books when they come out I suppose as I think that's where the series floundered was when the show writers didn't have the story backbone of the books to go by anymore?

Overall, Game of Thrones has some some excellent battle scenes and cinematography infused into the later seasons 4 and after. 2 and 3 kind of were boring cause they didn't were short on budget and effects more practical then so didn't really show as much but story was still there.

I don't really care fore various character arcs in season 6. The battle scene though was awesome.

Season 4
Season 1
Season 5
Season 2
Season 3

Season 6...
Had Enough
wow, youre the only Ive ever seen rank 5 so high. Im in the middle of watching it now and its just as horrible as I recall it to be

You really disliked 6? IMO, thats when the show got back on track. Id watch the series just to see how it all plays out. You are missing out on good stuff
wow, youre the only Ive ever seen rank 5 so high. Im in the middle of watching it now and its just as horrible as I recall it to be

You really disliked 6? IMO, thats when the show got back on track. Id watch the series just to see how it all plays out. You are missing out on good stuff

I'll read Winds of Winter when it comes out just to compare but I'm thinking from a story standpoint things just didn't hold together for me as much when watching it. The battle scene was awesome though. It just felt like character arcs were being written by the show writers moreso than George Martin and I think it shows.

That being said, I think season 5, 2, and 3 are almost interchangeable for me. Season 2 did more tell than show it felt but the story was still strong while season 3 kind of dawdled a bit but did have some memorable moments. Season 5 was a culmination of a lot of things and did have a bit of a downer ending but overall was on par with at least season 3 and maybe a bit behind season 2 as far as story. Those 3 seasons sort of even out for me overall so perhaps kind of give or take.
I will re watch the entire series after the series finale so my ranking might change.

From what I remember:

1. Season 6
2. Season 5
3. Season 2
4. Season 7
5. Season 1
6. Season 3
7. Season 4
I will re watch the entire series after the series finale so my ranking might change.

From what I remember:

1. Season 6
2. Season 5
3. Season 2
4. Season 7
5. Season 1
6. Season 3
7. Season 4
is that best to worst?
At this stage I rank them as this:

1. Season 3
2. Season 1
3. Season 4
4. Season 6
5. Season 7
6. Season 5
7. Season 2

At the current pace, season 8 could be placed anywhere between below season 4 and above season 5 for me. Only way it goes lower is they really blow the last 2 episodes and any way it gets higher is if they are amazing.

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