Cloak & Dagger Season 1 Episode 10 - Colony Collapse

Mike Murdock

Apr 9, 2014
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Tandy and Ty must fight for their lives, their loved ones, and the city as they attempt to fully master their powers and embrace their destiny when someone starts up a new version of the Roxxon Drill.

Season Finale is tonight. I also like the title as well.
Can't say I expected a full-fledged zombie movie to break out.
and don't forget if you never seen Runaways it will air right after the show
I liked a lot of this episode, but I didn't love the whole thing. I was a little confused by how they resolved everything. That being said, the emotional beats were great, the music was great, and the post-credit scene was fun.

Season Two will be Mayhem!
Not sure I agree about the music, the song during the climax seemed wildly inappropriate at the time to me.

Does anyone who (if anyone) O'Reilly is supposed to be in her new form?
I was starting to think Evita got it wrong and Detective O'Reily was the dying half of the divine pair and Ty and Tandy are something different.

When that Terror was going after a hiding Mina I couldn't help be see Jack Nicholson and "Hereees Johnny"
Its been confirmed O'Reilly will be playing mayhem. The tag line for next season directly says: 2019 spring will be mayhem.
I wonder if she'll fly. The TV shows seem to shy away from that for the most part.
I liked the finale. Wasn't exactly how I expected things to end for certain characters. It was cool to see them finally being able to touch.
Does anyone who (if anyone) O'Reilly is supposed to be in her new form?

Mayhem. Exactly the same as the comics.

I was starting to think Evita got it wrong and Detective O'Reily was the dying half of the divine pair and Ty and Tandy are something different.

I had considered that. The issue is things didn't stop immediately, unlike most of the prior examples. Also, who is her pair? That being said, considering they got their history of the War of 1812 completely wrong, I'm not convinced that the divine pairing stories are 100% true.

When that Terror was going after a hiding Mina I couldn't help be see Jack Nicholson and "Hereees Johnny"

I'm sure it was a deliberate reference.
I think this needed to be stretched to a 2 parter. Too much happened and was wrapped up in this 1 episode. It felt odd and not enough was properly explained. I know some stuff is being left for another season, but I think we needed to learn more about the power Roxxon was mining. It's also weird that the show basically had no central villain. The bad cop I think was given proper explanation and development, but the Roxxon head wasn't. He was barely in it.

Overall as a season, it may be my favorite Non-Netflix Marvel season collectively. But the finale did feel rushed. I do like how this episode name dropped Rand & Stark though. It's all connected after all :cwink:
Mayhem. Exactly the same as the comics.

I had considered that. The issue is things didn't stop immediately, unlike most of the prior examples. Also, who is her pair? That being said, considering they got their history of the War of 1812 completely wrong, I'm not convinced that the divine pairing stories are 100% true.

On another board a Chris responded to me and came up with this theory:

I think Evita DID get it wrong and O’Reilly WAS the dying half. The loophole was that, as Tandy said just before they drained out the Darkforce energy that was welling up, Ty and Tandy are basically two-halves of ONE PERSON (in the same way that you need both Yin and Yang to have a complete person).

Its also worth noting the shoulder markings that each sacrifice had in all the stories. It’s why Evita was so certain that Ty would die; because Ty got marked on the left shoulder. Then, just before the end, Tandy got marked on her right shoulder (Yang to his Yin).

But Detective O’Reilly had a mark on BOTH shoulders the entire time before either of them (the two white stripes on her jacket’s shoulders). Likewise, her life/story got intertwined with both Tandy (the first investigation) and Ty (taking down Conners) over the course of the series. We also followed her throughout last episode’s recounting of the hero’s journey as she went through her own ‘dark night of the soul’.

O’Reilly was the other half of the pairing that died just before the Ty/Tandy half fixed it all. Now she’s some sort of undead monster (I’m pretty sure O’Reilly is dead and that just the darkness wearing her skin). Which also fits with her being shown in the previous episode at the point where the priest explains that some people who go through the hero’s journey become villains.

What makes that more interesting is that Ty/Tandy think they’ve pulled off a “screw destiny”, so the reveal that O’Reilly is some sort of revenant opposite number to them (perhaps needing to kill both of them so it can be reborn) will be the exact sort of setback for them you’d expect and also provides a solid way to pull Evita and the voodoo elements back into the narrative next season.
That theory makes 100% sense :up: I am operating under that assumption now. Only 1 of them was meant to be in the divine pairing, but the accident split it up.
This ep was the only one I felt that was rushed in the whole season so that was weird. But not as weird at that music during the climax lol. I really liked O'Reilly so I'm sad she had to die and become Mayhem.
Yeah, the music made me laugh in the final moment. Not what I expected to hear.
I hated that cover of a great Styx song. The slow tune that played out through the story telling of past divines was okay. But when the lyrics kicked in for that final moment. It just didn't work.

I buy that theory about Orielly being the dying half the divine.
Even if she weren't waving from a float, she's got way too many citizens out there saying farewell to the flesh.

- It's mayhem, O'Reilly.

What are these things? - Fear itself

In this day and age, you need to keep up with the Joneses, as well as the Starks and the Rands.

Few references this episode.

I wonder why Tandy didn't ask Ty to move in with her and her mom. No one knows they know each other. It would be better than living in some stank church.

Too bad Mayhem and Punisher won't cross paths.
Few references this episode.

I wonder why Tandy didn't ask Ty to move in with her and her mom. No one knows they know each other. It would be better than living in some stank church.

Too bad Mayhem and Punisher won't cross paths.
He is still wanted for the murder of a police officer. Even if he can teleport away at any time if he is seen then he puts her mom at risk.

If he was willing to chance it he might as well live in his own house and teleport out when police arrive. But then Ty, despite putting himself in Connors gunsights twice doesn't have Tandy's confidence to use his powers without his brother's cloak
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I don't know what evidence they manufactured to prove he committed murder (my takeaway is they would just arrest and kill him and never try to prove it), but I have to imagine that all the people who would testify against him are now dead.

That being said, it makes sense for him to be on the safe side and hide. You never know with that corrupt police department.
I don't know what evidence they manufactured to prove he committed murder (my takeaway is they would just arrest and kill him and never try to prove it), but I have to imagine that all the people who would testify against him are now dead.

That being said, it makes sense for him to be on the safe side and hide. You never know with that corrupt police department.
It doesn't matter if witnesses against Tyrone are missing or dead. Ty remains the escaped prime suspect and there is no reason for a cold case squad to take over and start the case from the beginning
My point is, assuming the people chasing him are planning to bring him to trial instead of execute him, there isn't any evidence I'm aware of against him.
I'm going to be the odd guy and admit I really liked the music. Yes, it was corny, but I really like the song and it was appropriate, IMO.

BTW, this is a GREAT show. I doubt it will happen, but I'd love a crossover with one of the other Marvel shows, since one with the movies will probably never happen.
My point is, assuming the people chasing him are planning to bring him to trial instead of execute him, there isn't any evidence I'm aware of against him.

Since when has this NOPD been fair? Technically, Conners confessed to murder and was still let out.
My point is, assuming the people chasing him are planning to bring him to trial instead of execute him, there isn't any evidence I'm aware of against him.

He already was captured once and put in the plausible deniability room awaiting execution. I would not take a second chance even if I had the ability to teleport under most conditions.
OK, let me repeat my initial post and see if we're actually agreeing here:

1. It doesn't make sense to believe they could actually convict him.
2. It still makes sense to run and hide because it's possible there are other corrupt cops who might execute him.

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