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Iron Fist Season 1, Episode 13 "Dragon Plays with Fire" (USE SPOILER TAGS!)


T-800 User
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score

Episode 13: Dragon Plays with Fire

So glad they flipped the I'm leaving the girl at the end Trope. Colleen & Danny are an actual couple! One of the few in entire MCU. And with an actual female fighter and not damsel. Colleen is also the most ride or die girlfriend in comic book adaptation so far. When she offered to kill Harold for Danny that was amazing.

Boo Hoo Misty fans
As a Misty/Danny fan...I'm very concerned.

I did enjoy Danny's DYNAMIC ENTRY moment.
So....what was the villain's plan again?
Frame Danny for phony drug charges and take over Rand Corp and become public face of the company again. The Hand were technically out of the picture at least at the moment, so Harold could do whatever he wanted now.
I felt this episode was drawn straight out of the first Iron Fist story in many ways. The only difference is Harold is near immortal as opposed to dying of cancer (which kind of inverted the whole thing). Still, it was quite interesting. The light of the eyes, although also metaphorical, made me think budget actually was a concern. Shou Lou the Undying wasn't shied away from in this show. The ending was unexpected and quite powerful. I'm expecting Davos will be pissed going forward.

Five Stars.
I really wished we could've seen Shou Lou, but the money wasn't there I guess.
It was pretty good show overall.
K'un Lun getting attacked by the hand and having disappear is intriguing.
Davos is setting up as a cool bad guy going forward.
Madame Gao was pretty good in this show too.
I didn't thought Ward will survive the show and become "friendly" with Danny when I started.
I really wished we could've seen Shou Lou, but the money wasn't there I guess.

Honestly, I went into this show expecting them to change that. That they wouldn't mention the dragon at all or leave it ambiguous whether the heart of the dragon involved a dragon or not (and certainly not mention fighting one). I figured that was the least grounded moment possible. So I'm impressed they went as far as they did.

Do I think it was entirely budget? I probably wouldn't go that far, but I'd say 85% budget, 10% aversion to CGI, and 5% that some people will be more accepting if they don't literally see it.
My wtf moment!:loco:

When Danny fought Harold On the roof. Danny kicked/knee Harold and Harold went down. Then Danny just took of running to go hide again?:loco: why didn't you pick up the gun? Or at least finish him off. The man was down!
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A bit anticlimactic. I wish that the order of the last two episodes could have resolved in the opposite order. That being said, I loved this series. Even slower episodes had things that made me happier than I expected (based on the reviews).
Really liked the series, and thought it got better as it went on, as compared to Luke Cage which I thought fell off a cliff after episode 7.

In one of the last scenes,

Were Davos, Joy and Gao in K'un Lun?
^ No. None of them were.

A bit anticlimactic. I wish that the order of the last two episodes could have resolved in the opposite order.

I think the scene where Danny scales the building to get his revenge either has to happen early in the show, at the end, or not at all. It wouldn't really work as the second to last episode.
I like that it was revealed that it really was Harold behind it. The episode started off a bit slow but I enjoyed the climax and the set up for season 2. Loved Ward's story and character development. I'm sure there are other things, but I can't think right now.
Sometimes it's just the little details that kind of irk me.

-Colleen fought swats 2 times before, and yet two security guards on the floor with small pistols scared her off. :huh:

-Danny takes on a fellow Iron Fist trainee, the hand mercenaries, Bakuto, but yet a business man with a metal pipe is too much for him? There was literally a moment where Danny knocked him down and the gun as well, but he ran literally right after; I was yelling "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING, HE'S ON THE FLOOR!" It lacked believability to me.

-Character motivations were very inconsistent without reason. Not just in this episode, but characters will trust each other in 1 scene and their next scene together they distrust each other, and vice versa. One scene Danny doesn't want to kill Harold, next scene Colleen wants to do it, next scene Danny wants to kill him now. It just lacked any momentum for me. Also, Harold being big bad who killed his parents seemed obvious from the beginning, but I gotta say, I loved the Meachum story arc. And then Davos and Joy with Gao at the end. What? One minute she's outrage at him being framed for "her family", the next she's open to killing him? And the same with Davos working with The Hand. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe I'm an idiot and I need to watch it again, but I wasn't a fan of this finale.
Sometimes it's just the little details that kind of irk me.

-Colleen fought swats 2 times before, and yet two security guards on the floor with small pistols scared her off. :huh:

-Danny takes on a fellow Iron Fist trainee, the hand mercenaries, Bakuto, but yet a business man with a metal pipe is too much for him? There was literally a moment where Danny knocked him down and the gun as well, but he ran literally right after; I was yelling "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING, HE'S ON THE FLOOR!" It lacked believability to me.

-Character motivations were very inconsistent without reason. Not just in this episode, but characters will trust each other in 1 scene and their next scene together they distrust each other, and vice versa. One scene Danny doesn't want to kill Harold, next scene Colleen wants to do it, next scene Danny wants to kill him now. It just lacked any momentum for me. Also, Harold being big bad who killed his parents seemed obvious from the beginning, but I gotta say, I loved the Meachum story arc. And then Davos and Joy with Gao at the end. What? One minute she's outrage at him being framed for "her family", the next she's open to killing him? And the same with Davos working with The Hand. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe I'm an idiot and I need to watch it again, but I wasn't a fan of this finale.

I am in agreement. I defended the show from what I thought were pretty over the top criticisms of the first six episodes. I can't say that the majority of the series was excellent but a final two episodes that I found at least decent and engaging would have been more than enough... But this was just poorly conceived all around if this was the end point they were going for. Which is a shame since by the time the season was over the actors all showed they were good fits for the characters... But the writing, the production limits, it all let these actors down in my view.

I am of the mind that this show's initial concept was flawed from the start. For one, this show required a far larger budget because they NEEDED to have flash backs to Danny's training and life in K'un-Lun, which would require money for costuming, sets and a nice chunk of change for a mystical dragon and his flaming heart CGI. The show also needed to save Danny's arrival in NYC for it's second season I think. Introduce us to Danny, get us familiar with his life and back story first, make the first season action heavy and then in the second season get into his attempt to get back his status as the heir to his family company.

I try often not to confuse what I would like with what's good when I judge these sort of things. For the most part I thought many aspects of the show were fine, but that's all, merely fine. There was room to grow or at least for me I thought the possibility that finale would be strong enough... It was far from that on multiple levels and it makes me question who thought anyone would want to see the story play out the way it did? The final episode had one truly good, not great, but really good moment that played well for me. The rest? Truly sub par all around barring the actor's performances. I've only been this disappointed with a Marvel product twice before. Season One of AGENTS OF SHIELD (well... any season of AOS really) and THOR: THE DARK WORLD.
Iron Fist actually uses his Iron Fist to smash floor. Bad guys go flying.

Iron Fist crashes through window previously and doesn't smash floor with the Golden fist of Doom incapacitating EVERYONE!!!!

Let's run around and hit a few guys and then hide behind a desk and THEN blast the floor and take out everyone.

You have an Iron Fist, USE THE DAMN THING.

And Danny fights going back the ENTIRE show, to protect the pass, and then acts so surprised and shocked that K'un L'un got attacked. Idiot!

Personally I would rather see the writers of this show get pummeled by the Iron Fist then any member of the Hand or 3rd rate Big Villain named Harold.
It was quite anti climatic for a finale. Obviously they are saving the bigger stuff for the next instalments when they could have given us a more exciting season from the get go.

Also, kung lun looks cheap. Obvious green screen and the mountains don't look authentic. God. Netflix, stop being cheap. I felt like I was watching a Machinima web series.
Something felt off about the finale, but overall the show felt off anyway.
I'd say the big problem with the finale is that it shouldn't have been the finale. It was a weird reverse swerve, after so many episodes fighting the Hand. This plot, if it were necessary, should have been the first act finale, as part of showing off how badass the Iron Fist is via his trashing arbitrary numbers of goons and mercs with guns. Only afterwards do you bring the Hand and the funky martial artists into play.
This was pretty anti climactic.

It felt like it just ended mid way through the series on a cliffhanger that could've been in an earlier episode. It hardly built excitement for more.

I thought this was going to at least set up ands lead into the Defenders. I hoped that the Hand would be coming and amassing forces which Danny on his own could not stop. Also hoped that Claire would be there in the end to tell him she knows some other special people he should meet who would be able to help. Then it could have ended with him going off to meet Daredevil instead of going back to Kun Lun.

And Joy's about turn made no sense and was out of character when she was so against killing and wanted to do the right thing. Same with Davros. Why would someone, who hated the Hand, suddenly be working with them just because he was let down by Danny?

Also, he should have gotten the costume. When he was on the run that was as good an excuse to begin wearing one. I don't think Buck couldn't figure out where to use it so much as he just didn't want to.
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Ward: "You've been messing with Danny since he came back, haven't you?"
Harold: "Oh no, since long before that."
Sometimes it's just the little details that kind of irk me.

-Danny takes on a fellow Iron Fist trainee, the hand mercenaries, Bakuto, but yet a business man with a metal pipe is too much for him? There was literally a moment where Danny knocked him down and the gun as well, but he ran literally right after; I was yelling "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING, HE'S ON THE FLOOR!" It lacked believability to me.
You forgot the hatchet men.
A better writer would have had Danny take a bullet in the earlier mass fight, probably to save someone else's life. That, plus using the big floor-blowout iron fist, would justify him being weaker and more vulnerable on the roof.
Not until the roof, where he should have been able to avoid getting shot fairly easily.

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