Season 1, Episode 8 "Narkina 5" (Spoiler Thread)


Your Most Aggro Pal (he/him)
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Last week, on Clem...

Sexy beaches,

hunky boys,

and the most beautiful woman in all of Star Wars.*

And now, Episode VIII of Hanging with Beach Cops...


*This is not an official stance of DarthSkywalker or Lucasfilms LTD. This is an opinion, held by one @Snow Queen , and to my knowledge only expressed publicly by her, and her alone. I'm team Rey/Sabé.
Slorda: “Palpatine’s frustrating, yes, we agree. Too easily provoked? Yes. Overreactive, but…”

Teenar: “Understatement.”

Slorda: “Says what he means.”

And there is the Trump criticism that one of the cast members was talking about in that one interview. I swear, I heard some variation of this conversation multiple times from my parents’ mouths when the Orange was in office. “Oh, he’s brash and says some dumb stuff, but at least he says it how it is, is getting stuff done and isn’t a politician.” Ugh.

Also, one of the first shots of this episode is a black man and other people of color in a single file being led to a prison transport by aggressive space police. Subtle, this show is not.

And, the most explicitly gay relationship we’ve had on a Disney+ show or any live-action Disney property thus far that’s not just quick lip service or a few second cameo, and exists for multiple scenes and feels real/fleshed out. Good on you, Gilroy.

This show definitely doesn’t pull any punches, doesn’t give a f**k and wears it’s political views on its sleeve, and I love it for that.
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Also, Star Wars Theory in his latest video gave this episode a 1/10, because apparently nothing happened and it didn’t have any of the action or fan service he wanted. Now, all of his fans in the comments’ section for that video are turning on him and calling out his hypocrisy.

You love to see it.
The character building in these last two episodes has been pretty fantastic and its great seeing heavy hitters like Andy Serkis and Forest Whitaker just elevate this show even more.

Even when its slower paced it still feels like a lot is happening IMO and the drama/tension just makes it that more engaging and that scene between Luthen and Saw is just one good example of that.

That was intense asf and the kind of awesomeness you get when you have two great actors onscreen together and actually given them some quality material/dialogue to work with.
There was more character development in this episode between Luthen, Saw, Andor, Mon… than all of the characters in the ST combined.

Even as someone who really likes the Sequel Trilogy, sans The Rise of Skywalker, I wholeheartedly agree.

Speaking of which, as far as where they could go next with the films, I am envisioning an entire trilogy with the main three characters from the ST, along with some other new characters, taking down the remnants of the First Order and uncovering a political conspiracy to try and reinstate what Palpatine enforced during his reign. You would have some sort of Trump-like figure trying to gain power and using his influence to spread propaganda/misinformation amongst people sharing his views about the state of the galaxy, resulting in a lot of riots/protesting/police brutality/etc. I am picturing a scene of a bunch of wannabe cosplayers wearing bits and pieces of Stormtrooper armor and other various articles and brandishing blasters while walking down the street en masse. So, basically the entire through line of this trilogy would be our characters trying to take down the entire political system, which has been the real enemy of this entire Saga and what allowed Palpatine to come to power in the first place.

Also, it would be headed up and written by Tony Gilroy, with a couple of other directors of his choosing. Just imagine an entire Star Wars trilogy with the drama, political intrigue and action of the Bourne films.
What a good episode. That Imperial prison is down right terrifying. I'm really liking the light grey uniforms of the lower rank ISB officers. Kind of surprised to see Bix and Marva again so soon, but it is nice that their story seems to be combining with Vel and Sinta's.

I like Luthen's title of Axis. Nicely contrasts with Fulcrum.

Dedra Meero being the source of Syril's usual source of humiliation was great. He truly is the Deep of the series.
I loved this episode. We've seen thousands of prisons on TV, but they really put their own spin on it. I'm gay and I completely missed that there was a gay character tbh. I'll catch it on my rewatch. :D

Edit: oh right, I remember that scene now. I admittedly didn't read it as romantic on my first viewing.
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This episode (8. Narkina 5) on the surface felt the most removed from Star Wars, the most like it's own separate compelling show.
Yet surprisingly at it's darkest, sometimes cruelest hopeless moments, was when it was actually pulling elements right from SW. Only now shining a light right at them. On some levels making SW the most interesting and complex it's ever been.
I hope that makes senesce.



Also this new prison (can't be by accident) is giving me straight THX 1138 vibes.

The Rebellion both at the high end (Mothma) , and at its lowest (Andor), and all the players caught between, pulling in so many detections, plus the re-introduction of Saw Guerera, makes things that were so simple B&W in the OT, incredibly complicated, almost frustratingly begging the pieces, and players to fall in the "right" place. Yet Andor the least likely chosen protagonist, is (by design) right now the absolute antithesis to that happening.
Fascinating show.
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I keep thinking this show will pick up the pace. It's about as exciting as taxation of trade routes.
I loved this episode. We've seen thousands of prisons on TV, but they really put their own spin on it. I'm gay and I completely missed that there was a gay character tbh. I'll catch it on my rewatch. :D

Edit: oh right, I remember that scene now. I admittedly didn't read it as romantic on my first viewing.
A lot of television WW. Easy to miss more subtle things. :up:
Another great episode.
The prison really reminded of of a KZ.

Have you guys heared about those rumors about
Dedra being Cassians long lost sister? That’s why they’re building towards these two storylines. I’ve seen it in the review of Emergency Awesome

I don’t know if it’s just a rumor or was leaked
Another great episode.
The prison really reminded of of a KZ.

Have you guys heared about those rumors about
Dedra being Cassians long lost sister? That’s why they’re building towards these two storylines. I’ve seen it in the review of Emergency Awesome

I don’t know if it’s just a rumor or was leaked

I personally think she's related to the blonde female Rebel.
It’s StarWars…there could be some shocking relations.
I doubt, that they’ll won’t cover the identity of his lost sister.
I like those octagon ships in the sea.

Had no idea Andy Serkis was going to be in this!

Great to see more Bix finally.
I wonder what those starthings they‘re building there. Definitely something for the Deathstar

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