Daredevil Season 2, Episode 3 "New York's Finest" (USE SPOILER TAGS!)

That fight at the end....good god! That was awesome. :wow:
Definitely the best episode so far. Really like the complicated relationship Matt and Frank are starting to form.
Great episode. The fight at the end was intense and the debate between Matt and Frank was very interesting.

What was the significance of the bullet in the skull at the end of the episode that Karen saw in the X-ray? What did she find? The cliffhanger can't be that we just saw a skull that was symbolic of the Punisher logo.
Episode 3 is my favorite one so far. It had the great DD/Punisher chat session AND an awesome action set piece.
Absolutely amazing episode and the season has had a great first quarter. It delivered top notch in both the ideology dialogue and the long fight scene.

I'm trying to pace myself so I get to enjoy this for as long as possible, but the quality of what I've seen this far is making it hard.
Incredibly disappointed how they handlled the gun situation with Daredevil and Punisher, but the fight scene afterwords was pretty appealing.
I loooovvveed matt's grin and chuckle when he pulled the trigger before the hallway fight
I kinda thought Matt and Frank's conversation dragged a bit. It was good acting on both ends, and there were some nice blocking and composition that helped spice things up, but I do think it dragged. Perhaps part of it was me kinda reading up on the source material when people brought it up prior to this show that kinda took away some of the tension, but it was nice to see such a great moment from the comics adapted to the screen.

The stairwell fight probably wasn't a single take either, probably did what they did in Kingsman and cut whenever a body went across the camera. Not that it wasn't great or as visually impressive. Do think the first season single take fight was much better though, mostly because it was the first time we ever saw that.

That being said, another very enjoyable episode. Loving this season.
I have to agree that season 1 hallway fight was better. I prefer the more static shots like that one or the Captain America/Batroc fight from Winter Soldier. This felt more like a video game shot similar to the single take fights they had for Daisy last season in Agents of SHIELD.
This episode reminds me of Cut Man in more ways than just the hallway fight.
Early on, Matt wakes up after bad wounds.
"Someone's coming".
Rooftop discussion, with a target.
Matt makes people faint on stairs.
Hostage in a building.
Did anyone else catch this reference at the beginning of the hallway fight?


Yep, pretty neat.
After watching I immediately googled "daredevil forum" and came here as it was the top link. I created a forum account here just to post the following.

Holy **** that chain. Why doesn't he use that all the time? It was so cool. This is the first DD episode I'll watch twice.
After watching I immediately googled "daredevil forum" and came here as it was the top link. I created a forum account here just to post the following.

Holy **** that chain. Why doesn't he use that all the time? It was so cool. This is the first DD episode I'll watch twice.
Welcome, I hope your stay is welcome and loved by most. :)

He doesn't usually use chains in the comics, that's probably why he won't use them more often.
Been busy, and couldn't post about the first two. Finished this one today. This is exactly how I have always wanted a super hero show about a character like Daredevil or Punisher to be like. Some weight and gravitas, but also damned amazing action.

I do wonder what Frank was hoping for in taking Matt hostage in the long run. He was literally in the middle of and "op". Why drag this X factor that he seemed to already suspect of some kind of "super natural" ability in the previous episode. Yeah, I get it, he knows DD isn't a killer or a criminal still, that part was just a bit suspect to me...

But who cares? The drama that unfolded was so well done. Berthal's characterization is pitch perfect for the Punisher. The back and forth was true to the characters in so many ways while still being it's own thing as an adaptation. There even was the moment that for whatever reason hit me like, "Of course that's in the mix too!" Frank, being of Sicilian-Italian descent is Catholic, or at least he "once" was.

The moments with the supporting characters were good, if a bit on the filler side, but... I learned with JESSICA JONES not to take anything for granted when it comes to those elements. These things could well come back around later in ways I didn't see. The Foggy scene at the hospital was fine but as I said it felt a little like, "Well, this can't be DD and Punisher all the time this episode" which I wish it was. Still... I trust this creative team to know what they are doing. I'll likely enjoy wherever they go with this.

Now... Damn. That was a VERY good, fight, if... A bit over done. That's not taking away from the way it really sold the peril that Matt was in. It was. It was rougher than the season one hallway fight with impressive mixing of CG (that chain for sure was CGI in many instances) and the on set stuff. As always, the DD team mixes just enough "flowery technique" with viscerally real looking violence. A tour de force... But it was a bit long, and... What only ONE of those criminal hard core bikers was packing? That was a little contrived for my tastes but... Can't argue with those results. This really is how I always wanted to see these NYC street level heroes done.

Click the link in my sig to get my crew's take on Season one of DAREDEVIL.
Man that was intense.

I know most of you watched this over a month ago but I couldn't and now that I can again I'm going to try and limit myself to one a week. AOS is almost done for the year so this will keep me going for a couple more months.

This show is so good, after Jessica Jones I really needed something good to watch. JJ just never clicked with me and became a chore to watch but DD has always delivered since the first ep last year.
So, why does Frank have such a high tolerance to pain? Is it just his adrenaline, is he that tough? Is it the coffee? What about the bullet in his head, could it have take out some nerves so he doesn't feel as much pain as a normal person would?
This remains one of the best episodes on this side of the MCU.
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The action in this episode was amazing!

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