Daredevil Season 2, Episode 4 "Penny and Dime" (USE SPOILER TAGS!)

Eh I thought it was great of Matt to do
Eh I thought it was great of Matt to do

Likewise, it made sense. And it has nothing to do with Nolan or TDK series like everyone always wants to try and bring up.
Of course it makes sense and it was a nice thing for Matt to do, I'm not complaining about its narrative function, just its similarity to a fairly iconic part of Nolan's films. And if you don't think this show borrows heavily from Nolan's take on Batman, you're delusional.
Eh I don't really see the similarity. In addition, the payoff was a lot different y'know?
No cop took credit for anything in Dark Knight. Batman took the blame for Dent's death. Batman shouldered a burden for the soul of his city, Matt disavowed credit so people could believe in the system. Similar, but different. Also Daredevil takes inspiration from it's source material. Season 1 took heavy elements from Man Without Fear, while Batman Begins took heavy elements from Year One. If it's similar it's only because both were written by Frank Miller.
Yeah this is really like Daredevil of the Miller, post-Miller era. After Miller basically revamped the series and rebranded Kingpin as a Daredevil rogue.
God damn Jon Bernthal did a hell of a job. The scene at the graveyard was great. Really well-acted. Overall, they did a great job of establishing his character, teasing his backstory, and finally explaining it. I was choked up throughout. The way it ended was great too. It established something more with Daredevil having faith in the system (and wanting the police to get the arrest to restore the public's faith) unlike the Punisher who has no faith in the system and just wants to take them down. As an aside, I thought the Irish an odd choice to focus on as a mob family, but it's been awhile since a good old-fashioned tooling, so it worked out very well. The show is very much a crime show and it's good to throw Boondock Saints into the mix.

Once again with the density of each episode, I looked at my notes and saw the first thing I commented on was the sermon. I completely forgot it was in this episode. I love the priest's sermon and the conversation after. It tied everything together. It reenforces why Daredevil is different than the Punisher - how he sees that each person is a world and it's not right to end that. On the other hand, it's contrasted with the Irish mobsters who were going to kill a dog, so you see both sides.

I have to comment on the Matt and Karen scene. It was very hot. They definitely did a great job of building that and the chemistry there was palpable. Of course, they follow it up with Elektra appearing. Damn it. It's the perfect ending point, but how can I stop with that?

Five Stars.
This episode was almost like a feel-good season finale with one of those like WHOA epilogue endings.

In some ways episodes 1-4 were like a mini-season or an extra long movie.
Yeah Episode 1-4 is essentially the Punisher movie we've always wanted.
Ploughs a through the first four episodes. Great way to call it a night. So far, this has been a highly enjoyable season. I kind of had to push through the series last year, but this has been far more enjoyable. The cemetery scene was too long, but Jon Bernthal knocked it out of the park which made it bearable. I think if anyone else had done the role I would have been half listening to that scene by the end of it.
Everyone in the party chat was basically speechless the last 10-15 minutes of this episode. It was AMAZING. The drill got us all cringing then Finn gets his face blown off but that Punisher monologue was just something else. I knew Bernthal was gonna do great but he has been fantastic.

Stopped at episode 4. This season has been amazing so far.
Just finish the first four and this is my favorite.
Bernthal IS The Punisher. This was genius casting and he is knocking it out of the park.

I have seen many people complain about the length of his monologue...but COME ON. The Punisher is not just some mindless killing machine (or, he shouldn't be). There is a broken man in there. This was a fantastic way of showing us that side of him that is too often ignored. We've waited our entire lives to feel the weight of the murder of Frank's family, and now we have it.

I will say that I just don't care about Karen's investigation into his past because she has a hunch that there is more to the story. I get that it's going somewhere...but for the moment I don't care.
LOL, sorry Frank Grillo. You are only Crossbones now. Bernthal is Punisher.

I would love to see the two of them face off.

No one pick up that the actor who plays the Irish mob leader also played bor grandfather of Thor in Thor the dark world.
This poor guy...

First he's killed by a Reaper Vampire.

Then he dies in a war and has the statue put up in his honour decapitated by his grandson.

And now he gets his face blown off by the Punisher
He got to paint some pretty pictures though. :oldrazz:
I actually thought this was the weakest episode of the first four. There was too much monologue-ing by the characters. They had a nice build-up for Punisher in the first see eps, and this episode sort of deflated it.
Incredible episode, best of the series so far, Bernthal smashing it as expected, can't imagine Grillo or anyone else, Charlie amazing as always, so is Deborah. I love how they're giving more room to Karen and Foggy to grow, which obviously is logical, but still. The graveyard scene as said could have been hammy and over the top with any other actor, not with Jon, I knew he had range, but this is the role where he gets to really show what he's capable of.

That scene under the rain with Karen & Matt was incredible, the score, the cinematography. Martin Ahlgren (who did the third season of HOC) is incredible, takes the style from the first season and elevates it even more imo, the production values seem almost higher as well.

Gorgeous scene and seriously, and I'm not overstating it, but this puts EVERY single MCU film to shame visually. I guess not having the same people overseeing it and being its own thing with Netflix gives them a freedom they'd never have otherwise.

I just finished episode 5, it's for me leagues beyond any MCU film and show in terms of quality, and I love The Winter Soldier.
Grillo would have been great as well. Sadly he is already crossbones in mcu
I knew Bernthal would be awesome as the Punisher, but I didn't think he'd be this awesome. The monologue was great and although it did seem a little long, it really helped humanize him and make the audience feel for him. Episode 3 was a little bit better IMO, but not by much.
Another amazing episode. Franks monolgue to Matt had me crying. Damn what a great performance from Jon there. Frank is hard core though. loved the cliffhanger. Can't wait for the next episode.
I didn't even realise he was murdered by Sebastian Shaw as well


Marvel must really want this guy dead, this is the 4th time now.

Unless of course he somehow miraculously survived this time and will come back in a Punisher solo series, looking like this:

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