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Hype Survivor SHH Survivor 30: Big Brother (Week 3) - Whodunit?!

oh the irony :)

and jewhob can you post or pm that whole story? i'm kinda intrigued at all this craziness

Due to how it all played out I had most the story written out in note form from 4 perspectives... not as a full story. I can post those.
Oh, and I did do some editing on basic paper since I typed these up so there may be some changes, but you'll get the idea.
That was my actual opinion during Hunter's game, too. I just wanted to comeback in and snag a jury since I got that offer! Also wanted to help chase out.

I am against removed players winning.

i know.

kinda feels like the boys are falling on the sword after Watson and I got kicked out, well the straight men that is

hehe i kid boys
Oh, I plan to give them hell Alex. Only reason I'm not quitting is because I am a fighter, no matter how much the hosts want to screw me. This is like the real Big Brother, producer interference left and right. But I shall overcome.
i know.

kinda feels like the boys are falling on the sword after Watson and I got kicked out, well the straight men that is

hehe i kid boys

I should penalize them for ousting you and Wats by making a challenge where they wear sundresses! IN PUBLIC! :cmad:
The intitial story that was first given:


Elliott Chambers was a boy of privilege. He was raised by a loving father who was never home and a selfish mother who thought of him as nothing more than baggage. Mr. Chambers, however, was a business man and would be gone months at a time leaving Elliott to fend for himself. He was ignored by Mrs. Chambers, and his two siblings, Mathew and Charles, were both quite snobbish and often treated him wrongly. But in all this, Elliott remained a good child, though quiet.

Mr. Chambers would come and go, and often as he came he always had a friend with him named Mr. Pike. Mr. Pike was something of a business partner who, though seemingly a good man, would often eye Elliott’s mother just a hair too long, and in just a hair too many places. Though a self proposed gentleman, Mr. Pike would often be accused of fondling the girl servants of the estate and more than once Elliott’s father had to send him away early. Elliott was never fond of Mr. Pike and was never so happy than the time, following an argument between his parents, he was told that Mr. Pike had been removed as Mr. Chambers’ business partner.

Elliott’s only friend, if you could call him a friend, was a servant named Orrick who wasn’t particularly kind but he at least acknowledged Elliott’s existence. He was always present when Elliott’s mother would call and did every deed she demanded of him. There was a time when Elliott was only a year old that Orrick was particularly useful. Mrs. Chambers had fallen into a depression following the loss of her immaculate figure. She was very upset due to this, which led her to eat regularly making her even larger. During this time she often would have Orrick do errands and yell at him in her husband’s absence to the point where he’d be miserable, but he would never complain. It was his duty and he told a young Elliott often that serving his mother was an honor and a joy. But Mrs. Chambers did eventually lose the weight and she seemed to be less depressed after this happened. Much to Elliott’s dismay, Orrick would eventually leave the Chambers estate and as they grew older, Mathew and Charles began picking on Elliott until he was left feeling utterly alone.

When this happened, he began to create his own friend to play with. He named this friend Mr. Gone. Elliott and Mr. Gone would play for hours and in time Elliott’s father began to see how alone his son was and he demanded something of his wife for Elliott… her attention. This led to an argument greater than any other and as Elliott’s mother went to throw a lamp at her husband she lost her balance and fell down the stairs, breaking her neck and dying. The two spoiled sons, Mathew and Charles, witnessed this, and loving their mother more than their father, they told the police who came to investigate that he had shoved her.

News of the potential murder got out and as Elliott’s father appeared in court to be tried, a person leapt from the crowd stabbed him in the neck, and then vanished again in the crowd. The person was never recovered and was not recognized. Mathew, Charles, and Elliott were all separated into foster homes following the death of their parents.


Alone again, Elliott clung to his imaginary friend, Mr. Gone. But his new home came with other children his own age and one of them particularly drew his eye. Her name was Ella. She was a pretty girl and enjoyed playing with Elliott and Mr. Gone and Elliott unquestionably developed a sense of puppy love. Ella’s family consisted of a mother, Janice, a father, Stewart, and an older brother, Joseph. Joseph was a bully and would often interrupt Elliott and Ella’s games. Her father, Stewart, was a physically abusive man who would often beat his wife and all the children, Elliott included. Ella’s mother, Janice, however, was a loving woman who lacked backbone. She would care for the children and cower from her husband, but for fear of losing the children she would always make excuses for her husband, which is why they had no problem being allowed to foster Elliott. Elliott was with this family for several years, and on his 14th birthday he was excited to spend time with Ella in the woods behind the home. While away, Stewart had too much to drink and beat his wife within an inch of her life, and as he tried to defend her, Joseph was also beaten and hospitalized. Stewart ran from the law and vanished and all three children were taken away from Janice for having allowed the abuse to go on for so long. Elliott and Ella were then separated, and now not only was Elliott alone again, but he was also deeply saddened, for he loved Ella.


Elliott passed from home to home until he was 18 years of age. At this time he left his final foster home and immediately joined a college. He bought all his books and vowed to become something more than the abuse he’s endured. He did well and in his sophomore year he met a pretty girl freshman named Holly. She seduced him and slept with him, but she was not what he wanted. In truth, there was another girl named Elizabeth who he was interested in. She also happened to be Holly’s twin sister. Both were blonde with curls, very beautiful… but Holly bore a temper that Elliott didn’t care for. Elizabeth, however, was kind and soft spoken. Elliott would date Holly but often better enjoyed conversations with Elizabeth and in time he found himself in Elizabeth’s bed as well. He called it off with Holly and apologized, though not happy about it, but she was willing to accept the break up for the sake of her sister’s happiness. Elizabeth and Elliott were together for the duration of the year, though Holly hovered uncomfortably close leading to Elliott feeling very smothered. During his junior year he made a difficult decision. He left Elizabeth a note of apology and dropped out of college without telling her where he was going. He liked Elizabeth, but she wasn’t able to stand up to Holly and he began feeling uncomfortable with them both always being present. He did not like how Holly dominated her sister. He decided he didn’t want to be a part of it any longer and fled.


Now that he had left the schooling that he hoped would make something of his life, he went on to do side jobs as he came across them. Otherwise, he enjoyed the relaxation of hiding away in a hotel room where he paid a monthly rent and just being away from people. The only person he’d ever see was his slumlord, Edgar, who often attempted to sneak double rent and would steal from his tenant’s homes while visiting. Edgar was a disgusting man that Elliott would often hear other tenants complain about, but he offered cheap rent for specific services. Elliott offered to clean the bathrooms once a week so Edgar wouldn’t have to and other tenants would do similar things. If Edgar saw an attractive tenant who had no where else to go, however, he would require… other favors… often times late at night, but sometimes in the middle of the day as well, and sometimes in groups. Elliott despised the man but the hotel was away from everything else and he enjoyed the quiet.

Then one night the police were called. They showed up and the slumlord Edgar unlocked Elliott’s door. Inside they found him lying in the bed, on top of the covers, with a gunshot wound through the skull. The weapon is nowhere to be found. On the nightstand rests an unfolded piece of paper. It reads:

Dear Elliott,

It’s been a long time. I’d like to see you again. Let’s talk.

Mr. Gone
You aren't getting answers here POV players :)
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Wait, so Ella commited suicide?
Oh, I plan to give them hell Alex. Only reason I'm not quitting is because I am a fighter, no matter how much the hosts want to screw me. This is like the real Big Brother, producer interference left and right. But I shall overcome.

Wait, so Ella commited suicide?

Considered but ultimately didn't, putting all blame on Holly.

I debated on making her commit suicide in the end but the story was so messed up already I just chose not to. She was an innocent party, I say she found a nice young man not related to her and got married. They had 4 kids, the first a boy named Elliott, and though she missed Elliott she learned how to love her new husband just as much, though differantly, and she lived happily ever after.

Until she was hit by a bus full of asian kids at the tender age of 32 and died.
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Oh... additional knowledge...

The evil woman, Holly... totally named after my wife :D
Considered but ultimately didn't, putting all blame on Holly.

I debated on making her commit suicide in the end but the story was so messed up already I just chose not to. She was an innocent party, I say she found a nice young man not related to her and got married. They had 4 kids, the first a boy named Elliott, and though she missed Elliott she learned how to love her new husband just as much, though differantly, and she lived happily ever after.

Until she was hit by a bus full of asian kids at the tender age of 32 and died.

4 kids by 32...and hit by a bus? So mean...

Oh... additional knowledge...

The evil woman, Holly... totally named after my wife :D

Whoa Nelly.
I had my second kid at 24 so eh. The bus thing sucks but you know, life comes at you how it can, and sometimes it's full of asian kids going south on interstate 75.
The intitial story that was first given:


Elliott Chambers was a boy of privilege. He was raised by a loving father who was never home and a selfish mother who thought of him as nothing more than baggage. Mr. Chambers, however, was a business man and would be gone months at a time leaving Elliott to fend for himself. He was ignored by Mrs. Chambers, and his two siblings, Mathew and Charles, were both quite snobbish and often treated him wrongly. But in all this, Elliott remained a good child, though quiet.

Mr. Chambers would come and go, and often as he came he always had a friend with him named Mr. Pike. Mr. Pike was something of a business partner who, though seemingly a good man, would often eye Elliott’s mother just a hair too long, and in just a hair too many places. Though a self proposed gentleman, Mr. Pike would often be accused of fondling the girl servants of the estate and more than once Elliott’s father had to send him away early. Elliott was never fond of Mr. Pike and was never so happy than the time, following an argument between his parents, he was told that Mr. Pike had been removed as Mr. Chambers’ business partner.

Elliott’s only friend, if you could call him a friend, was a servant named Orrick who wasn’t particularly kind but he at least acknowledged Elliott’s existence. He was always present when Elliott’s mother would call and did every deed she demanded of him. There was a time when Elliott was only a year old that Orrick was particularly useful. Mrs. Chambers had fallen into a depression following the loss of her immaculate figure. She was very upset due to this, which led her to eat regularly making her even larger. During this time she often would have Orrick do errands and yell at him in her husband’s absence to the point where he’d be miserable, but he would never complain. It was his duty and he told a young Elliott often that serving his mother was an honor and a joy. But Mrs. Chambers did eventually lose the weight and she seemed to be less depressed after this happened. Much to Elliott’s dismay, Orrick would eventually leave the Chambers estate and as they grew older, Mathew and Charles began picking on Elliott until he was left feeling utterly alone.

When this happened, he began to create his own friend to play with. He named this friend Mr. Gone. Elliott and Mr. Gone would play for hours and in time Elliott’s father began to see how alone his son was and he demanded something of his wife for Elliott… her attention. This led to an argument greater than any other and as Elliott’s mother went to throw a lamp at her husband she lost her balance and fell down the stairs, breaking her neck and dying. The two spoiled sons, Mathew and Charles, witnessed this, and loving their mother more than their father, they told the police who came to investigate that he had shoved her.

News of the potential murder got out and as Elliott’s father appeared in court to be tried, a person leapt from the crowd stabbed him in the neck, and then vanished again in the crowd. The person was never recovered and was not recognized. Mathew, Charles, and Elliott were all separated into foster homes following the death of their parents.


Alone again, Elliott clung to his imaginary friend, Mr. Gone. But his new home came with other children his own age and one of them particularly drew his eye. Her name was Ella. She was a pretty girl and enjoyed playing with Elliott and Mr. Gone and Elliott unquestionably developed a sense of puppy love. Ella’s family consisted of a mother, Janice, a father, Stewart, and an older brother, Joseph. Joseph was a bully and would often interrupt Elliott and Ella’s games. Her father, Stewart, was a physically abusive man who would often beat his wife and all the children, Elliott included. Ella’s mother, Janice, however, was a loving woman who lacked backbone. She would care for the children and cower from her husband, but for fear of losing the children she would always make excuses for her husband, which is why they had no problem being allowed to foster Elliott. Elliott was with this family for several years, and on his 14th birthday he was excited to spend time with Ella in the woods behind the home. While away, Stewart had too much to drink and beat his wife within an inch of her life, and as he tried to defend her, Joseph was also beaten and hospitalized. Stewart ran from the law and vanished and all three children were taken away from Janice for having allowed the abuse to go on for so long. Elliott and Ella were then separated, and now not only was Elliott alone again, but he was also deeply saddened, for he loved Ella.


Elliott passed from home to home until he was 18 years of age. At this time he left his final foster home and immediately joined a college. He bought all his books and vowed to become something more than the abuse he’s endured. He did well and in his sophomore year he met a pretty girl freshman named Holly. She seduced him and slept with him, but she was not what he wanted. In truth, there was another girl named Elizabeth who he was interested in. She also happened to be Holly’s twin sister. Both were blonde with curls, very beautiful… but Holly bore a temper that Elliott didn’t care for. Elizabeth, however, was kind and soft spoken. Elliott would date Holly but often better enjoyed conversations with Elizabeth and in time he found himself in Elizabeth’s bed as well. He called it off with Holly and apologized, though not happy about it, but she was willing to accept the break up for the sake of her sister’s happiness. Elizabeth and Elliott were together for the duration of the year, though Holly hovered uncomfortably close leading to Elliott feeling very smothered. During his junior year he made a difficult decision. He left Elizabeth a note of apology and dropped out of college without telling her where he was going. He liked Elizabeth, but she wasn’t able to stand up to Holly and he began feeling uncomfortable with them both always being present. He did not like how Holly dominated her sister. He decided he didn’t want to be a part of it any longer and fled.


Now that he had left the schooling that he hoped would make something of his life, he went on to do side jobs as he came across them. Otherwise, he enjoyed the relaxation of hiding away in a hotel room where he paid a monthly rent and just being away from people. The only person he’d ever see was his slumlord, Edgar, who often attempted to sneak double rent and would steal from his tenant’s homes while visiting. Edgar was a disgusting man that Elliott would often hear other tenants complain about, but he offered cheap rent for specific services. Elliott offered to clean the bathrooms once a week so Edgar wouldn’t have to and other tenants would do similar things. If Edgar saw an attractive tenant who had no where else to go, however, he would require… other favors… often times late at night, but sometimes in the middle of the day as well, and sometimes in groups. Elliott despised the man but the hotel was away from everything else and he enjoyed the quiet.

Then one night the police were called. They showed up and the slumlord Edgar unlocked Elliott’s door. Inside they found him lying in the bed, on top of the covers, with a gunshot wound through the skull. The weapon is nowhere to be found. On the nightstand rests an unfolded piece of paper. It reads:

Dear Elliott,

It’s been a long time. I’d like to see you again. Let’s talk.

Mr. Gone

With story telling like that, why the **** don't you come back to the RPGs? :cmad:
:argh: I'm over it, its bull ****, but I'm over it.

Eh, you made a call on me as a host years ago that I don't even recall but I felt I was totally wronged and was voted out that week due to it. We'll call it even now :up:

Don't remember what it was or when it was but Kipobe was in it if that gives you an idea of how long ago it was.

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