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Hype Survivor SHH Survivor 30: Big Brother (Week 3) - Whodunit?!

Eh, you made a call on me as a host years ago that I don't even recall but I felt I was totally wronged and was voted out that week due to it. We'll call it even now :up:

Don't remember what it was or when it was but Kipobe was in it if that gives you an idea of how long ago it was.

Fine. We're even. :argh:
With story telling like that, why the **** don't you come back to the RPGs? :cmad:

Time restraints. I actually really enjoyed the RPG. I wrote 3 long arcs in there and loved them all.

Madrox - Madrox ran X-Factor investigations back before the X-Factor book launched but after the Madrox mini (our time). He, Rahne, and Guido were hired by a woman who's husband was murdered, found encased in a room full of ice. Iceman was the main suspicion but Madrox knew better so he took the job. Ultimately the man was alive, faked his death trying to blame it on a high profile mutant, and was currently the head of the new Church of Humanity.

Simoultaneously, he had a dupe who went rogue but not evil... he just wanted to live his life. He went to Genosha, named himself Michael Madrox, and tried to live a peaceful life. However, differant form Jamie he had more of a backbone and as was needed he stepped it up and eventually, as Magneto was arrested for a world strike, he took charge of Genosha and rebuilt it. he wasn't looking for leadership but the people named him leader when he stood with them and went face to face with such mutants as Sabretooth, Nate Grey (gone bad I think), and Juggernaut. Basically, the Brotherhood barked and he barked back.

He brought Genosha to peace and was rebuilding it, found a love life, etc. Even converted Sabretooth by his example. But ultimately a sniper from the Church of Humanity, mistaking him for Jamie, shot and killed him just as Jamie saw what he was capable of himself if he really tried. Sabretooth killed the sniper and Jamie was left wondering what his new direction in life should be.

Man I loved that story.

After that I came in as the Shocker planning a small arc where he was tired of always being humiliated and finally came up with a plan that he couldn't lose at. However, I could never write the real story as he got pulled into a larger storyline, becoming a Horseman of Apocalypse, and eventually was defeated as a complete loser... fainting before an enraged Thor. He did manage to do a lot of damage before that though, including supposedly killing Iceman, who came back just before his defeat making him lose confidense despite his added abilities.

I had to stop writing but I was going to come back around to my story... which was that he was basically going to kill himself due to disgust in himself. He was going to let Spider-Man know and at the same time as the attempted suicide a bomb would go off in a school accross town. Spider-Man couldn't save both he and the school so his committing suicide would be his first victory and he'd finally go out having defeated Spider-Man. However, I planned it so that Spider-Man comes so close toa ctually doing both but he just missed Shocker firing the gun into his head by seconds. The bullet, however, doesn't kill him and he wakes up in the hospital, saved by the doctors, the bullet missing the vital portions of the brain. He failed once again.

The last story I wrote... and Byrd I think you were there for it... was with Madrox and then with Lifebird but there was no set story there. It just built as I went ultimately leading toward a new X-Factor being made, a bunch of Alternate Reality worlds folding into hours, and a bit tie-in with a superhuman hit list or something that ended up with the X-Men and the Green Goblin taking out the Red Sull. I don't even remember the details to that one. I was so interwoven with other people's stories that I didn't really get to focus on my own, which ended up shifted in the end t what it ultimately became.
The last story I wrote... and Byrd I think you were there for it... was with Madrox and then with Lifebird but there was no set story there. It just built as I went ultimately leading toward a new X-Factor being made, a bunch of Alternate Reality worlds folding into hours, and a bit tie-in with a superhuman hit list or something that ended up with the X-Men and the Green Goblin taking out the Red Sull. I don't even remember the details to that one. I was so interwoven with other people's stories that I didn't really get to focus on my own, which ended up shifted in the end t what it ultimately became.

I remember that, especially with Lifeguard. I was Beast and we had a pretty damn good list of RPers playing X-Men, but it fell apart like it always does. X-Men are cursed in the RPGs.
Honestly, I've been considering returning to the MRPG for a long while now but I just have so many projects that I don't think I'd be able to devote the time needed.

This is sapping a lot of my time away. I have my own book I'm working on and I want to get into a rythm of working on it daily again. I have my own family to spend time with. There's fantasy football (times 2) at the moment. And then my wife has tv shows she wants me to watch with her... though I've been able to dodge out of most of those.

The RPG would be the next thing I'd start and likely quit before my story is done and I don't want to do that to anyone.
How dare you choose having a real life over pretending to be a superhero!
Man, I am now wishing I had gotten into that RPG stuff on here years ago. Too busy to try anything like that now :(
I remember that, especially with Lifeguard. I was Beast and we had a pretty damn good list of RPers playing X-Men, but it fell apart like it always does. X-Men are cursed in the RPGs.

All I remember was that I was Lifebird and I had Thunderbird with me as a non playable character. I don't even remember any of the battle. I do vaguely remember a Beast and a Cyclops though. I couldn't remember who played them.

My problem with RPGs is that I prefer a solo story that I'm in full control of. Bouncing off other people isn't really my thing, so I don't do as well. I don't mind people jumping into my stories but then I'm kinda controlling wanting them to go the direction I want them to for my ultimate story and it isn't any fun for them.

Or it frustrates me when I feel I've opened a great door for stories for us all and no one else jumps on it. Like that idea that all alternate realities were flooding into our own. I thought it'd be an interesting way to bring in playable characters from 2099, or the Age of Apocalypse, or Future Imperfect, etc. But everyone just wanted to put the genie in the bottle, send them all home, and be done with it. So it didn't take how I was hoping it would.

I was planning on letting go of Lifeguard and picking up a 2099 character but I got busy and couldn't continue playing.
I remember being apart of a couple RPGs. :awesome:
We sure could use some fresh blood. Activity is at a all time lull in the basement. Come on down, I run **** down there anyway regardless of what our mod says.
If I came back it'd be after this Survivor is finished. I don' thave time at all with this, but mayb after that. I'll keep my mind running for some storylines.
I'm off to bed peeps. Be ready for the HoH tomorrow :up:

We sure could use some fresh blood. Activity is at a all time lull in the basement. Come on down, I run **** down there anyway regardless of what our mod says.

I'd be maybe willing to give it a try once I am more used to the new school. Chances to hone my writing skil are always welcome.

This is my 1st week in Pittsburgh. I like it so far other than the not knowing people :up:
I have been hiding that, lol. Hopefully no one notices my Browns jersey in the closet!
I actually remember that because when I came in with Madrox the second time I actually wanted to play as Iron Fist, having finished the Seven Capitol Cities of Heaven arc, but you had already taken him :)
I actually remember that because when I came in with Madrox the second time I actually wanted to play as Iron Fist, having finished the Seven Capitol Cities of Heaven arc, but you had already taken him :)

Man that arc is so great.

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