Solo Solo: A Spoiler Thread

There's a lot of precedent in SW, both in-canon and in Legends, for characters surviving things that they shouldn't logically be able to survive. As stated above, Anakin was human, yet he survived having his limbs hacked off and having his entire body burned to a crisp by lava. Luke survived a fall on Bespin that should have logically killed him (especially after the beating that Vader had given him beforehand).

So an alien like Maul, who's biology might be different from humans anyway, yeah it's not terribly hard to buy. Also killing him off in TPM was a mistake to begin with imo.
Since this will end up being a one off movie like Rogue One because of low BO would have been better if they made Qira’s boss Vader trying to create his own power base or Palpatine himself controlling everything or Boba Fett.

Having Maul is like Disney saying to the general audience to just go buy the Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels DVDs if you don’t get why Maul is alive.
Unless they plan on doing a Darth Maul movie later.
I would love to see a sequel to Solo, but at this point I can’t see it happening. However, I wouldn’t mind the cast showing up in the likes of the Boba Fett, Obi-Wan and any other anthonlogy movies.
I definitely think that Maul will be a connecting point between the anthology films, possibly culminating with a movie where the various heroes and villains are drawn back together for a final showdown that ends with Maul stranded on Korriban.
Unless they decide to abandon connecting points because Solo didn't do very well.
Just because Solo didn't do well, I don't think that negates the fulfillment of the promise of massive connectivity. This was more of a validation of the cartoons, than it was a promise of future content.
Unless they decide to abandon connecting points because Solo didn't do very well.

Yeah, as much as I would like to see it, I think all of that is in doubt now. Spinoff prequels about well established characters like Obi-Wan and Boba Fett (well semi-established in the latter's case), as well as even more crime underworld is in question. I liked exploring the criminal underworld of Star Wars, but it's clear a lot of folks are ambivalent about a "smaller" Star Wars movie like that.

I could see Maul, Qi'ra and this whole corner of Star Wars being abandoned after a regrouping session.
Starting to build connectivity with a very expensive movie that didn't do well at the box office is not great.

The early Marvel Studios movies didn't make a lot of money, relatively speaking, but they didn't cost much either. They were building blocks. Even so, it's hard to say what would have happened if Iron Man hadn't been a huge hit. The whole enterprise probably needed that type of spark to get going.

The DCEU stumbled into the problem of spending lots of money on a poorly received crossover (after an expensive standalone movie with a mediocre reception), and then they dug an even bigger hole with Justice League.

So it will be interesting to see what the studio decides to do outside of episode 9 moving forward. They might need to be satisfied with smaller box office returns on the non-episode films for a while, but really focus on smaller budgets and good quality.

But just building continuity for the sake of it is not going to work, imho. Neither is name recognition, apparently.
Here's the thing, connectivity doesn't have to build to a grand epic thing. I think that is what the MCU has twisted around. Maul's inclusion, frankly, is the fulfillment of the 20 year old promise of the EU. Will we necessarily see another movie, no. And frankly, I don't think Qi'ra and Maul need a movie to continue their story. (Please dear god, no more Emilia Clarke) Hell, the sheer fact that they used Witwer to voice Maul is pointing to just how important the cartoons are. The connectivity is really not about more movies, but the connectivity to the books, novels, and cartoons.
It's cool if they drop some references to the stories in other media, but it feels like doing that would be like an extra bonus, rather than the main focus of the movies.

The movies themselves have to interest people. It doesn't feel like references to cartoons, novels and so on would be enough to do that, so they will have to decide about where to put the main focus.

Older characters like Obi Wan and Boba Fett? Completely new characters? Tie-in movies or standalone? I'm not really sure.

It reminds me a bit of the DCEU situation in the sense that the studio is too greedy to be able to resist creating an interconnected universe, or attempting to do so, but there is the question of whether or not they will find the right formula to actually hook the audience.
I don't see how Alden as Han or Qi'ra (who I actually liked a lot) showing up in the other anthology movies creates a problem. For me it just shows continuity.

Also, for something like Boba Fett, in which they could show up, they don't need a huge budget and so there is less risk. $120 million for a Boba Fett movie sounds more than enough for me.
Ron Howard talks about including Maul in the movie:

"I will say that was scripted and there was a lot of uncertainty as to who that character would be. So it was sort of initially written in a rather generic way. It just sort of said “Boss”. And I thought when I came in, I assumed they knew who it was and they were just keeping it under wraps. And they didn’t. But Maul was listed as one of the candidates. And I lobbied hard for that. I thought that made a lot of sense to me. I found that character to be really effective. And I knew for a fact, without asking directly and giving anything away, my son Reed who just turned 31, who’s a dedicated Star Wars fan, he’s a golfer. He’s not in the business. Dedicated Star Wars fan.

"I just whispered that possibility and he just thought that would be incredibly cool. And so for that generation, I thought, well that was gonna be a pretty interesting idea. And doing a little more research and understanding sort of how the character had worked elsewhere, I thought it was good. And the Kasdan’s were on board with that. And but then we actually shot it twice. Because we did it once. And then we realized we, it wasn’t quite Maul enough yet."

So, what about the scene needed to change in order to make it more Maul-ish? "[We] added the lightsaber. And intensified it. And definitely took a big jump," he reveals.
Yeah, hardcore SW fans will immediately get why he's there but Joe average is like.... Whoa?
Yeah, I knew about the cameo beforehand and so learned that he had already been brought back before. However if I hadn't of known I would been WTF for sure.

As someone who doesn't watch Rebels and probably never will, I don't mind if they change the events that happened there with Maul.
I knew Maul came back in other cartoons, but I never watched them so I don't know how it played out. I just never cared about Darth Maul based on TPM. He was a plot device with a cool face, not a character. Plus he was in a bad movie to boot. So seeing more of him never did much for me. But that is just me.
I knew Maul came back in other cartoons, but I never watched them so I don't know how it played out. I just never cared about Darth Maul based on TPM. He was a plot device with a cool face, not a character. Plus he was in a bad movie to boot. So seeing more of him never did much for me. But that is just me.

I was skeptical when they brought him back as well, but what they've done with his arch is actually pretty great. Obviously alot more screen time to develop than in movies, but what they've done with him is pretty cool IMO.

For the curious this post has an episode viewing guide if you don't want to have to watch all 5 seasons of TCW -
I overall like his return, but I'll also concede his initial re-appearance is a bit awkward.
Lucas put Filoni in a weird position when he asked him to bring Maul back, but they ended up making one of the better villains the series has seen with all the additional material they introduced.
We are so going to see Ahsoka in a movie, eventually. That is kind of cool.
I've always wondered why kill him off since he was one of the coolest things about the prequels then when I found out he was alive in the cartoons or whatever it was I was like cool never did I imagine ever seeing him again in the movies

I would like to see him again here is hoping

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