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World Ten Superman Questions?

1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

My mother took me to see Superman the Movie when it first came out. This began a long obsession with the Man of Steel. Yeah Im old.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

Hmmm probably For Tomorrow, it digs a little deeper than some others to me.

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

Man of Steel

4) Why is that film your favourite?

It's pretty much the Superman film Ive always wanted to see. Wasn't perfect but pretty darn close.

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Henry Cavill.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Lois Lane, especially when written well.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

This is a tough one. I like some of the less popular choices…Parasite is pretty cool. I also have a fondness for Mr Myxlplyx. Brainiac has to be my top choice though.

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

I would have preferred a MOS sequel but I don't mind adding others in the mix. The more we hear about this upcoming movie the more jazzed I get. The creation of a DC universe on film is long over due and extremely exciting

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

The audience.

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

While not necessarily a Superman film I would have loved to see what Miller had cooking with JL : Mortal…the casting was all over the place and questionable but Miller being at the reins had me more than intrigued.
I've not read the original Kevin Smith draft, just bits of the one that was re-written by Jon "I really love mechanical spiders" Peters. I think the only full unproduced Superman script I read was the final Flyby script, which is actually very good and I wish Man of Steel took more from it than just the costume design.

I'm eagerly awaiting it.

That's the Smith one, he just told Smith what he wanted and somehow Smith made it all work.

Won't be long :cwink:
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

Superheroes were a big part of my childhood. I am a second generation comic book fan. My father loved superheroes and had a monthly subscription to several comics. I had this giant Mego Superman doll that I would have with me at all times.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

Birthright. It's such an amazing story and the ending is so brilliant. I had a chance to talk to Mark Waid about the story and got a signed copy of the graphic novel

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

While I do love Man of Steel...Superman the movie is my favorite for so many reasons. It was one of the first movies I had gone to...we actually saw it in the drive in. I remember watching it with my Superman doll

4) Why is that film your favourite?

It was the first and it has been a blueprint that people still copy to this day. The helicopter rescue gives me goosebumps every time I see it.

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Christopher Reeve. He was my first Superman and one of the few celebrity deaths that deeply affected me.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Has to be Lois.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

Lex...the only way to battle a man with so many powers is by being smarter

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

Hell Nah...I've had enough solo films...it's time to start teaming up.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

Superman. Nothing Batman could do to stop him,

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

Justice League: Mortal i guess.

1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

Probably the World's Finest animated series movie.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

I love Kingdom Come, Alex Ross' Superman looks amazing.

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

definitely Man of Steel.

4) Why is that film your favourite?

It's the Superman movie I've waited my whole life to see. It has its flaws, but I still think its better than TDKR :awesome:

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Tim Daly/Tom Welling. Cavill is great, but nothing beats nostalgia for me.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Jor-El, Russell Crowe really did a great job and thats what influenced this choice.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

Mr. Mxyzptlk, just because of that episode in the animated series. Kltpzyxm!

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

I'm excited that we get to see a new batman and one more traditional to the comics, but I felt that Superman deserves his own true sequel. I wanted to see a World's Finest movie, but not this soon.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

On a leveled playing field, Batman stands no chance, this is coming from a die hard batman fan. The whole "He's Batman, he always finds a way" crap is stupid. Supes could and would obliterate him if he wanted.

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

The Batman vs Superman movie from 2002, theres a good chance it would've been an absolute disaster, but after reading the script i would've like to seen it.
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

Watching an episode of Superman: The Animated Series and my dad pulling a VHS copy of Superman: The Movie when I was 3.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

All-Star Superman. Gave me a new found respect for the character.

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

Man of Steel. I also have a special place for Superman and Superman II.

4) Why is that film your favourite?

It really delivered everything I wanted in a Superman movie.

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Love Reeve, but I was obviously never around during his run. For me, Henry Cavill IS Superman to me.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Jimmy Olson.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

Lex Luthor and Darkseid.

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

I would have loved a sequel, but it's two of the greatest comic book heroes of all time in one movie for the first time ever. I've essentially been waiting for this movie my whole life so of course I'm excited.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?


10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

Superman Lives for....obvious reasons. :p
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?
I got into Batman first, then Superman. BTAS was my intro to Batman, STAS was my intro to Supes.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

I guess either Kingdom Come, Birthright or Superman For All Seasons.

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?
I like Superman and MOS for very different reasons, but it's a tie.

4) Why is that film your favourite?
Superman is a classic. It's a shame I didn't see it until 9th grade.. But yeah Reeve is amazing, there are so many heartwarming moments in that movie that make you feel great about being alive. Sounds like an overstatement, but it's not. Superman 78 makes me feel a certain way. It's different from regular movies.

MOS was somewhat soulless and joyless compared to Superman 78, but i still was able to thoroughly enjoy the film. The action scenes are simply perfect. And they nailed a lot of aspects of Superman, but the heart that Superman 78 had was totally missing from MOS.

The first hour of Superman is great, then it gets a little goofy. MOS is pretty even quality-wise the entire film. The action sequences in MOS were infinitely better than Superman 78.
5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)
Henry Cavill is great, but i'm going to go with Christopher Reeve. Cavill has the potential to take that spot from Reeve, but I need another film out of him before I make up my mind.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?
Kara and Superboy are pretty cool.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?
Brainiac and Lex. I can't decide.

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?
SvB is EXACTLY what I wanted.

I still want a solo Superman movie. Lex and Brainiac for that please.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?
If Superman intended to kill Batman, then Superman. But if Batman has kryptonizzle, and Superman is going easy on him (ala TDKR) then Batman.

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?
Superman Lives, the original Batman vs Superman idea in the early 2000s, Superman Returns 2 (Man of Steel)

oh and Justice League Mortal.

The JJ Abrams Superman movie could've been cool too
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

The animated tv show. Had these video tapes of them.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

Hmm that's tricky one to answer

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

Man of Steel hands down

4) Why is that film your favourite?

Its what i've always wanted in a superman film, even as a kid I never really liked Chris reeves movies..

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Again, tricky.
Henry Cavill IS the full embodyment of Superman but Chris Reeve's version will always be the golden age supes for me.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Clark Kent ;) or Jor El.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

I've always like Lex, not the real estate idot, the human perfection Lex.

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

I Don't know yet to be honest. If it doesnt seem like Bats is being pushed in there than no, but, if it works within the story then im fine.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

Superman, sorry bat fans but no amount of armor can stop him and even with kryptonite, if Supes slapped bats he would be a goner

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

death of superman, if done right would have been interesting.
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?
It's either seeing the the Max Fleischer Superman cartoons or Superman the movie. I don't know which came first.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?
Birthright, Superman For All Seasons, and Peace on Earth

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?
Basically a tie between Man of Steel and Superman the Movie. Man of Steel maybe edges out STM in a 51/ 49 margin.

4) Why is that film your favourite?
With Man of Steel, I loved Clark's journey to full acceptance to who he is. The cast was great, love the music, and has the best action of any CBM so far imo. With Superman the Movie, it's just a classic and always puts smile on my face. Reeve it just fantastic

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)
It's a close call between Reeve and Cavill, but as now: Reeve. His transformation from Clark to Superman is outstanding and he was allowed to show more and his charm and charisma. I can't wait to see Cavill's Metropolis Clark and more of his Superman though

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?
Lois Lane of course, but Jimmy Olsen and Perry White gets a shout out.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favorite?
Lex Luthor easily. He's just the antithesis of Superman. Brainiac, Bizarro, and Parasite, and Metallo gets a shout out.

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?
I am very happy to be getting SvB, though I would've preferred (and still hope for) a solo film

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?
Whoever the writer wants to:cwink: Seriously, Superman would if he wanted to.

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?
Superman Flyby, though I would be very curious to see Burton's Superman Lives, Miller's Justice league: Mortal (if that counts), and Singers Superman Returns sequel.
You know I feel the need to change my unproduced Superman answer because someone gave an answer I really agreed with. Had Flyby been done correctly we could have been in a better position with Superman on film than before (who knows maybe the whole DCU would have been in a better position). I guess in a dream world Flyby's problems would be sorted i.e. Krypton exploding for one and we'd have had a trilogy by now.
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

I'm in my mid 50's so it was the old George Reeves tv episodes in B&W. They weren't that old back then.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

That's a tough one. There's one post Doomsday story that shows a kid who is afraid of a bully and Superman tells him about how he was afraid of Doomsday but overcame his fear to defeat him. It was a short and uneventful story but very touching and personal and it is that intimacy that made it stand out.

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

Man of Steel

4) Why is that film your favourite?

Loved the vision of Krypton and thought the struggle of Clark to step out into the light was well done.

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Cavill but the suit isn't my favorite.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Chloe from Smallville

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

Brainiac seems to me to be a good challenge for him. Being a computer program pretty much takes Supes physical advantages away.

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

I think it's past time to get the rest of the characters on the big screen. I don't agree with the conventional wisdom that says they all need solo films before the team film.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

Depends on the circumstances.

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

I'm not familiar with them enough to give an opinion.
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

Superman 3, Especially the scene where Ross Webster's sister turns into a robot. Creepy!

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

All Star Superman. Its everything Superman should be, and proof that you didn't need to get rid of imagination in a Superman story.

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

Superman: The Movie

4) Why is that film your favourite?

Out of all of them, its the only one that really struck a nice balance. Its not a comedy like some fans would have you believe. It knows when to be serious, and knows when it can have a moment of humor. Plus the film is pretty magical, and I don't know how or why.

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Christopher Reeve in terms of live action. Like STM itself, Reeve struck that right balance. You could actually believe that his Clark and Superman were two different people. Reeve was pretty much Superman come to life.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

I always liked movie Jor El. People complain about the religious overtones in Superman films, but I always like how Jor El was essentially "God" in a sense.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

You can't beat Lex Luthor. The definitive Mad Scientist.

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

If Zazk Snyder and David Goyer didn't return, I would've liked another solo film. But since they are, I have to admit that Batman, Lex, and Wonder Woman are the only reason I'm interested in this film.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

It depends, dosen't it?

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

Not too interested in any of them, to be honest.
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

Getting the Death of Superman comic and reading it over and over and over.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

Death of Superman

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

Man of Steel

4) Why is that film your favourite?

It was so epic and Action Packed. Serious tone. Loved every second of it.

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Cavill or Tim Daly.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?


7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

Usually Braniac. However, I really dig Faora after Man of Steel

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

I'm cool with it. I'm viewing it as a Man of Steel sequel/Superman movie that happens to have Batman in it.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

Me. I'd like to think Batman always would find a way to win.

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

All of them. Superhero movies are always worth a watch, even if they suck. They should get one view. I'll give every superhero movie a shot. I would have liked to see Burton's one get to film, even though I cannot imagine Nicolas Cage as Superman. He's just terrible.
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?
Watching the first two films on tv (VHS) over and over.All the other kids were into Star Wars big time in first grade,but I was the only one who would go on and on over Reeve's Superman.(I would later become a big Star Wars fan,but my introduction into the world of the fanboy was definitely for Superman)

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

Sheesh...I'll be honest,not many standouts come to mind.I liked the Superman Adventures comic,the companion of S:TAS.Issue 49 sticks with me.Supe loses his powers and is challenged to battle by an alien.Lois helps him get to the Fortress and gets injured in the process.I like the stories that focus on their relationship,while she doesn't know his true identity.I feel when Lois knows he's Clark,it loses something.

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

To me,STM and SM II are one big movie (Not unlike the original Star Wars Trilogy) but I guess-gun to my head,I'd pick SM II.
4) Why is that film your favourite?
It reaffirms why Supe does what he does.He had one moment of weakness,wanting to be mortal,but he still does what needs to be done in the end,even if it means not being with the woman he loves. Supe makes Lois forget and bares the weight of the loss of their relationship alone.That act of sacrifice speaks more than any of the more recent moody adaptions.

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Christopher Reeve.No contest.He left an imprint so deeply on the character,it's almost impossible to live up to.He alone has embodied the hope,optimism and stoic heroism of the character like nobody before or since.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Lois.She's lots of fun.Jimmy would be second.I feel badly that he's become overlooked in the recent film.He deserves better.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

Stamp as Zod.One of the all time great screen villains.He was unapologetically evil.He wanted to rule and that's all there was to it.No need for sob stories or deep philosophical reasons behind his actions.

Hackman's Luthor a close second.Much like Zod,he relished in evil,albeit with a smirk and gleam in his eye.As self serving as Supe is selfless.As immoral as Supe's is incorruptible.Perfect contrast.

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

I'm happy.I was fairly disappointed with MOS,I'm sure a MOS2 with the same creative people involved would disappoint me no less.At least BvsS could be a unique disappointment!:woot:

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

Batman has the same chance as anyone.If he has a little green rock,he wins.Without it,Supes wins in .003 seconds.

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

Donner's SM 3
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

These two comics are the earliest memory I can remember where I was first introduced to Superman. I still own them today. I should probably get the whole storyline someday.

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

It fluctuates, unfortunately I didn't become a massive Superman fan until 2009 and have plenty I'm ashamed to admit I haven't read but have many graphic novels put on quite a large list to purchase...when I can. But right now I'd say Birthright.

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

If we are talking strictly live-action and not the numerous animated movies then Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut.

4) Why is that film your favourite?

A great menacing villain in the form of Zod compared the worst Lex Luthor I've seen so far and a superior story to the original that stands up even today in my eyes. I love the original sure but I find this works so much better. I love it when Superman stories aren't afraid to bring in the sci-fi villains instead of always using the Luthor crutch. (Lex Luthor is a fantastic character though, I just loathed Hackman's version)

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

This question is kinda embarrassing to me because I'm not sure and between the three Superman's that left the biggest impact on me two of them are embarrassing to admit as well I didn't watch the Christopher Reeve films until 2009.

Tim Daly has definitely become my favorite Superman, dude could of played him in live-action. He certainly had the look, kinda still does I think. But the one Superman or Clark Kent portrayal that really turned me into a Superman fan and brought him to be one of my favorite superheroes was Tom Welling.

So in a way I suppose Tom Welling is my Superman. Despite being Clark Kent the majority of the time. But Smallville got me into the Superman mythos and got to go after anything Superman related back in 2009 with the Season 9 premiere (I only starting watching the show as Stargate Atlantis was cancelled the beginning of that year and I was running out of shows to watch and Smallville had a certain Stargate SG1 alumni guest appearing that I was eager to see). I loved the stories presented in Smallville and got me interested in Superman as a whole, beforehad Justice League/JLU, Superman Returns, and tidbits of Superman:TAS was my only exposure to Superman.

Smallville made me change that and I quickly went to watch the Reeve films and began chucking Superman graphic novels on my wishlist which seems to keep getting filled with more.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Supergirl, I love the dynamic between her and Superman. I think they have a great relationship and usually awesome stories and dialog together.

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

Brainiac, I love Brainiac. Another thing Smallville is responsible for is Brainiac being my favorite Superman villain, I eventually found out just about every version of him from comics to cartoons is consistently awesome. Maybe Superman: Brainiac is my favorite Superman story...

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

I feel like Superman is kinda getting screwed by this team-up sequel so I'm not too happy. I'm not the biggest fan of Man of Steel but the ending with Clark at the Daily Planet was my favorite part of the film and perfect set up for a sequel when Henry Cavill truly gets to have a Superman adventure. Now I kinda have a I-don't-care attitude towards this "sequel", its unfortunate and really disappointing. But I will check it out regardless it likely will be quite an event.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

I don't think Superman would actually fight Batman and maybe vice-versa? Although if its a popularity question then yeah, Team Superman! Batman's villains are cooler than Batman is. :p

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

Superman: Flyby, because JJ Abrams. I love JJ Abrams.
5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

This question is kinda embarrassing to me because I'm not sure and between the three Superman's that left the biggest impact on me two of them are embarrassing to admit as well I didn't watch the Christopher Reeve films until 2009.

Tim Daly has definitely become my favorite Superman, dude could of played him in live-action. He certainly had the look, kinda still does I think. But the one Superman or Clark Kent portrayal that really turned me into a Superman fan and brought him to be one of my favorite superheroes was Tom Welling.

So in a way I suppose Tom Welling is my Superman. Despite being Clark Kent the majority of the time. But Smallville got me into the Superman mythos and got to go after anything Superman related back in 2009 with the Season 9 premiere (I only starting watching the show as Stargate Atlantis was cancelled the beginning of that year and I was running out of shows to watch and Smallville had a certain Stargate SG1 alumni guest appearing that I was eager to see). I loved the stories presented in Smallville and got me interested in Superman as a whole, beforehad Justice League/JLU, Superman Returns, and tidbits of Superman:TAS was my only exposure to Superman.

Smallville made me change that and I quickly went to watch the Reeve films and began chucking Superman graphic novels on my wishlist which seems to keep getting filled with more.

That's nothing to be embarrased about and I'm glad someones in was Smallville because I'm always saying how underrated that show was. I think a lot of peoples problems with Tom Welling were his reluctance to put on the suit, whatever the reasons were it doesn't really matter when it comes down to it because he did a fantastic job on that show.

Tim Daly definitely has the definitive Superman voice for me, as I said in my post Reeve is my live action Superman but Daly is my Superman and he's the voice I here when I read the comics.
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

Watching the donner superman film with my older brothers

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

Red son

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

superman the movie

4) Why is that film your favourite?

Chris Reeve's superman portrayal was perfect and the film was brilliant (if not perfect)

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Chris Reeve (Henry and Tim Daily's voice come close).

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?


7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

STAS Brainiac (Zod and STAS Darksied are honorable mentions)

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?

Ofcourse I'd prefer a solo superman sequel but at the end of the day all I want is a good superman movie (solo or not) and a good portrayal of the character and if that requires the presence of batman and wonderwoman then so be it.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

It always surprises me when I see people complain about superman being too powerful yet those same people argue about SvsB.
Watch JL war and you'll SEE the answer with your own eyes.

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

None, all the scripts that I've read were awful.
Although the JJ Abrahams script had alot of potential if they cleared out some of the crap that tried to jam into superman's world (krypton's destruction, Jor's suicide/superman's death, luthor a kryptonian and subsequently Jor-el as a villain!)
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?

Superman: The Movie

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?

Red Son, All Star Superman, Secret Origins, vs Elite (don't remember the comic)

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?

Man of Steel

4) Why is that film your favourite?

It was how I wanted to be portrayed Superman in a movie. great action, drama, good story. Not a perfect movie but it was a great one.

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)

Henry Cavill and Chris Reeve.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?

Lois Lane

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?

Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Darkseid, Zod.

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?

They're friends why they're fighting. But as Snyder said. Really???

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?

No thanks :D
1) What's Your Earliest Memory of Superman?
I was 4, maybe 5 years old if I recall correctly
My dad showed us his copies of classic Superman comics translated to Arabic. This got me into Superman, superhero comic books, and comic books in general

2) What's Your Favourite Superman comics story?
Anything from Earth One Superman stories (before Crisis on Infinite Earth complete merger of all DC worlds)

3) Which Superman film is your favourite?
Man of Steel

4) Why is that film your favourite?
Its the most I enjoy watching, not sure why

5) Who is Your Superman? (live action or animated)
Christopher Reeve will always be my live action Superman but that doesn't mean Henry didn't nail it. He did and as good as Reeve he just wins by nostalgia.
However, my actual favourite version of the character was on Superman TAS, Tim Daly has the perfect Superman voice for me.

6) Who is your favourite supporting character in Superman's world?
Lois Lane. I love seeing one of my favorite superheroes married to his lady right
The Kents are great too
And then there are Jimmy Olsen and Perry White

7) Which of Superman's villains is your favourite?
Lex Luthor. He can be a great ally, I love the nemesis when he/she can make a great ally, more entertaining than a complete psycho bent on murdering the hero in an artistic way, but keeps him alive just for the fun of it

8) Are you happy with Superman vs Batman or would you have rather had a solo Superman sequel?
I would rather have had another solo film before the team-up sequel, and I wish it wasn't a vs
But I did want to see this idea on film

9) Superman vs Batman who wins?
Superman, Batman wouldn't stand a chance

10) Which unproduced Superman film do you wish had been made?
Superman Reborn, the Cary Bates script. Its fantastic and would have given Reeve a proper send off.
You answered your last question for me
A film I never heard of before, but I love Cary Bates handling of Superman

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