Arrow The Caity Lotz/Black Canary Thread

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Whatever I know of one (smaller) board where they strongly favor Laurel and two(larger) where opinion is pretty well split. And if you are talking about the board I hink you are they banned most/all of the Laurel supporters months ago. They dislike dissenting opinions and have done so for many many years.
If the producers and writers and actors know that Laurel is not liked enough to mention it interviews and saying they are working on fixing the issue. I'd say that it's more then just a few disgruntled fans on forums that hate the character.

They don't say that about any other character, because all the other characters have been more or less well received. It's still only Laurel that is the issue.
Most of the online reviews of episodes I've read have not necessarily hated Laurel, but have found fault with the character's interpretation and direction. Now at least one was a "shipper" (ugh, I hate to use that word) for Felicity and Oliver, and they didn't lash out at Sara after last episode. But I could see how this forum could lead to an echo chamber effect, it's just i don't think it's quite as severe as some might believe; just about all the major comic movies in the last two years have had visceral smackdowns between supporters and haters, and most of the reviews of Arrow I've seen have cited the same strengths and weaknesses.

Of course there's still going to be wide-spread opinion; there was always one blog that gave Scott Lobdell's Teen Titans book a resounding applause, and that book instilled an Emperor Palpatine style hatred in lots of fans.
Another knock against Laurel becoming BC is she's 29 years old with only classroom martial arts training. She'd need at least a few years of hardcore real world training to even come close to Oliver and Sara's level. So she's going to be in her mid thirties by the time she puts on the mask.

While Oliver and Sara started when they were much younger and would have already had at least 10 years of training and fighting in real world situations by the time it takes Laurel to train.

So I think Laurel is too old to become the Black Canary. The second Canary should be someone younger than both Lance sisters so they could continue the fighting longer. Sin could work, Sara could train her to take over when she retires or dies.

Big nod.

Sin is a way better candidate for BC 2.0 than Laurel.

This would be way in the future of course, maybe after even the series is done and its just hinted at.#
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Someone remind me:

Does Det.Lance know that Sarah is Black Canary? Last ep when the 3 met in the alley, i got the vibe he doesn't…...
Yeah remember when Sara revealed herself to him, he connected the dots and came to the conclusion that she was BC
Yeah remember when Sara revealed herself to him, he connected the dots and came to the conclusion that she was BC

And yet his dot connecting abilities fall short where Ollie and the Arrow are concerned.

BC shows up in the Alley with Arrow. Sara shows up to dinner with Ollie, who is the same height and build as Arrow and has the same stubble. Nope, no similarities there.
Well he did get thrown of the scent when dig dressed up as the vigilante
Yeah, I REALLY don't buy that something like that would fool him. It doesn't fit how his character is portrayed in the rest of the show.
I think it's ok if it threw him of his scent at first. But Quentin should have come to the realization later that Ollie is the Vigilante after all.
Well he did get thrown of the scent when dig dressed up as the vigilante

Hasn't Lance seen Arrow with Diggle? He's certainly seen him with Felicity. And he knows that Felicity works for Ollie. If he's seen Diggle, he should be able to put two and two together and figure out that maybe Diggle stood in for the Arrow at that time.

Plus the fact that Ollie has Felicity on his payroll, and Arrow has Felicity in his team ought to raise some suspicions.

It just seems like it should be way too obvious to someone like Lance when he sees his own daughter hanging out with both Arrow and Ollie, and Sara herself is a crime fighter.
Has anyone discussed the fact that BC uses a device to create the sonic power? I really hate that about the show.
We are 14 Episodes into Season 2. It has come up.
Arrow's costume is actually very concealing.With the hood/dark mask and voice changer,I don't think it's a stretch at all that Lance doesn't figure it out.Enough people know (or as Ollie says 'Too many'),keep Lance in the dark.
The costume is good at disguising him, that's true. However, it's all of the pieces surrounding him that make it really hard to buy him not knowing (or at least suspecting).
1. GA shows up at about the same time that Oliver came back.
2. He knows that Felicity is Oliver's secretary and that she also works with GA.
3. Sara is a vigilante who appears with both Oliver and GA.
etc. For a guy who already suspected the truth, and who's shown to be pretty dang smart in every other situation, him not figuring it out seems really forced and contrived. I think it works much better if he secretly does know, but just keeps it to himself.
I think Lance knows Ollie is Arrow... it's pretty obvious
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I think Lance knows Ollie is Arrow... it's pretty obvious

But he did ask "where did you two meet? Vigilante school?" or something to that effect.

Now maybe that was a tongue in cheek comment on his part. Who knows?
The costume is good at disguising him, that's true. However, it's all of the pieces surrounding him that make it really hard to buy him not knowing (or at least suspecting).
1. GA shows up at about the same time that Oliver came back.
2. He knows that Felicity is Oliver's secretary and that she also works with GA.
3. Sara is a vigilante who appears with both Oliver and GA.
etc. For a guy who already suspected the truth, and who's shown to be pretty dang smart in every other situation, him not figuring it out seems really forced and contrived. I think it works much better if he secretly does know, but just keeps it to himself.

Agreed. I think he knows, and it would make sense. He seems to have reconciled his feelings about Oliver and GA separately, and in the grand scheme of things, figures it probably just best to stay in his lane. Having a cop in a position of plausible deniability will never not be a good thing.
Has anyone discussed the fact that BC uses a device to create the sonic power? I really hate that about the show.

This show is going for semi-realism. The Mirakuru is the first outreach towards a 'super-powered' character type, and that's based in fringe science. Maybe the 'real' Canary Cry will appear down the road, but honestly? On a show that's got to appeal to more than comic book fans, the likelihood isn't good.
It also forces their Black Canary to rely on having badass fighting skills, which emphasizes some of her lesser known abilities and traits.
Honestly, despite what some think.... I believe there's a good chance that Sara will come out of this finale alive.

I'm assuming that in terms of her island flashbacks, the finale will end with her being presumed killed during Oliver's battle with Slade on board the AMAZO, hence why Oliver thought she had died then.

However, given on how we haven't seen on how she came to meet Nyssa and join the LOA, I think that's another set of flashbacks that the producers will want to explore, especially when the LOA become the primary antagonists for Oliver in a given season, so keeping Sara alive would be essential for that.
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