The "Heroes vs Villains: Marvel" RPG Season VI

The glider slammed into Kaine's back. The Goblin cackled as he picked him up by the throat.

"You've stolen something from me, Clone. Something from long ago. Today I plan on retrieving her with the blood of spiders." He took out a razor bat. "I think I'll start with you. Get the impostor out of the way so it gives me time to play with Parker later." He raised the razor bat into the air ready to slice through Kaine's throat.
The Funeral

Janet watches from Father O'Malley's office light rain beings to fall outside St. Matthew's Cathedral.

Father O'Malley says, "Miss Van Dyne it's time."

She nods and heads into the sanctuary. She sits in the front pew with her head bowed and not saying a word.

Father O'Malley says, "Good Afternoon to you all, on this day we gather to pay our final respects to Edwin Jarvis. We all knew Edwin in many capacities but one that we all can agree upon is that of friend. Edwin...."

As the service goes on Janet sits alone with her thoughts showing no emotions. Occasionanly looking up at the casket other wise just staring off into the distance. Singing the words to the hymns but without any feeling, nodding when Father O'Malley makes a point....but not fully understanding what he is saying.

Father O'Malley says, "And now are those in attendance who would like to say a few words about Edwin or share some of their memories. Please come forward at this time.

It was late last night when I got the message, I had intended upon looking for the wise-guy that had tried to kill a cop, but I just couldn't stomach it; Jarvis was dead and he wasn't coming back, the least we could do was give the man a good burial.

Sam thinks about standing up and then shakes his head, it didn't feel right, he didn't feel comfortable about the people that he had thought beside for years. The people that he had trusted with his life, he couldn't even trust to be around anymore, but he knew there would be no trouble today; no harsh words would be said, no fighting would occur. Because he knew that Jarvis wouldn't want that and so did everybody else.

Anyone but you, Jarvis.. Why did it have to be you? You'd never hurt a fly.. Dear God, what has the world come to? You didn't deserve to die.

He sighed as he saw Janet, she looked a mess, he could tell it hit her the hardest.

These past months had been hell, but Edwin going was the last straw, even if they somehow managed to repair their ruined friendships; they would never be the same again, Jarvis had been with the Avengers from before Sam had, before most of them had. They were barely the Avengers without him.

But they couldn't bring him back, they could only honour his memory.

And that's what Sam intended to do.

Season VI - Part 3

Daredevil pumped Mr. Chen at the laundromat for all the information he could get. The old man wasn't much help, and the task he set Daredevil on seemed to be an impossible one...

Mr. Chen spoke of a fortress-like warehouse run by MS-13 over in Spanish Harlem. It would be difficult place for one man to penetrate... even if that man was Daredevil. But he had to try. For Foggy. For Rhodes. To show that world that Daredevil could still have a positive effect on the world.


Perched across from the warehouse, Daredevil hears the sound of muffled screams and gunfire. It seems someone has started the party without him...

Exercising his acrobatic prowess, Daredevil hurtles himself across the street. He hits the ground running and leaps again, entering the warehouse through a window. He hits the floor amidst a shower of broken glass at immediately comes up swinging, incapacitating two thugs.

The Man without Fear takes in his surroundings, surprised by what he finds...​
The Winter Soldier
Season VI: Epilogue and Prelude
"A Moment To Reflect"

St. Matthew's Cathedral was a beautifully ornate structure, the sheer intricacy of its archaeology striking Bucky with a muted awe. Hidden deep within the shadows, crouched atop a wooden beam that supported one of the building's stone spires that struck up into the heavens themselves, he watched as a solemn funeral procession occurred below. Although it was a deeply private occasion, closed to the general public, Bucky's connections had allowed him access to an Avenger's communicator, and he had heeded the Wasp's sorrowful message despite the fact that he had never even conversed with the man called Edwin Jarvis. No Avenger would appreciate his unwelcome presence, and so he had chosen to take watch over the events from the darkness. He peered through a battered pair of binoculars as the priest gave a formal invitation to share memories of the faithful butler.​

Bucky lowered the magnifying lenses and slotted them back into a leather pouch strapped onto his belt. Inhaling deeply, he bowed his head respectfuly and began to speak - slowly, and in hushed tones, so as not to disturb the silence of the guests below. "Edwin Jarvis. No doubt, you know me as the former sidekick of Captain America - Bucky Barnes, World War Two veteran with an undying legacy. And no doubt, you were aware of my inexplicable return from the dead. So let me tell you - it's not as bad as everyone makes out. It's simply darkness without purpose, without a light to guide you. It's not scary, nor just is." He paused, allowing his eyes to flutter closed. "I didn't know you, Jarvis. I didn't have that privilege; but Cap did, and he thought of you as a friend of the highest order."

He opened his eyes once again, and allowed his gaze to wander across the audience - from the regretful expression of the Falcon to the tear-tainted visage of the She-Hulk.

"Because of that, I know that you are a good man, and that you deserve to be honoured. These men and women will make that happen." He swallowed hard, an edge of bitterness seeping into his following words. "But beware. If there's one thing I've learnt, it's that they move on. They replace you. When it comes down to it, they betray your memory by filling your place with others. For me, it was another sidekick. For you, it will be another butler. Their heartfelt expressions and eulogies? They become empty when you see what they do without you. Trust me, Jarvis...death is the easy part. It's the life that comes afterwards that really hurts."

Bucky gritted his teeth and drew out a small photograph, upon which a black 'x' was emblazoned. "And when something want to hurt back. You have to avenge yourself, old man, because these people won't do it for you."


"Rick Jones put on my costume and fought alongside my Captain," Bucky growled, his fingers pressing in the edges. "He goes down first."

To be continued in Season VII!

Season VI - Part 64

Kaine reaches out and clutches the Goblin's wrist, squeezing and forcing the villain to drop his weapon. A swift kick to the groin, followed by a knee to the face drops the Goblin.

"You won't get anywhere near her, Osborn! Not even close!"

As the Goblin gets to his feet, Kaine swoops in and delivers a hammer blow to each of his temples, dropping him to his knees. Kaine grabs him by the mask and moves his face to within an inch of the hideous thing, speaking in a hate-filled voice.

"I promised Peter I wouldn't kill tonight... but for you, I'll make an exception. You're lucky, Osborn. He's different from you. He's a much better man. He would never stoop to your level."

Kaine rears back, ready to deliver a powerful punch.

"You'll soon learn, however, that I have no such qualms!"
"Woah... ain't no one ever hit me that hard!" Rhino said, stumbeling about. Peter perched himself on top of his horn.

"Yeah I know, first time I saw him, he knocked me off my feet... I mean literally, we weren't always the best of friends you see." Keeping his hands on top of Rhino, Spider-man pushed up and sunk his feet into the brutes head. Rhino finally gave way and toppeled over. "Ah, I love the smell of Rhino in the morning, smells like... victory."

Flicking a web onto a tree, Peter pulled himself into the air and landed next to Lizard, who roared at the sight of him. "Yeah, I'm happy to see you too honey!" Spider-man quipped, lacing Lizard's mouth with web, shutting it tight, then shoulder barging his way into Conner's chest.

Before falling back, Lizard managed to sink his claws into Peter's arm. Peter roared in pain as blood started to trickle down him. "Oh come off it, this was my best right arm!" Slamming his foot into Lizard's mouth, Peter looked up to see Kaine ready to deliever a crippeling punch towards Goblin. "Come on man, stay sane." he said under his breath.

Season VI - Part 64

Kaine reaches out and clutches the Goblin's wrist, squeezing and forcing the villain to drop his weapon. A swift kick to the groin, followed by a knee to the face drops the Goblin.

"You won't get anywhere near her, Osborn! Not even close!"

As the Goblin gets to his feet, Kaine swoops in and delivers a hammer blow to each of his temples, dropping him to his knees. Kaine grabs him by the mask and moves his face to within an inch of the hideous thing, speaking in a hate-filled voice.

"I promised Peter I wouldn't kill tonight... but for you, I'll make an exception. You're lucky, Osborn. He's different from you. He's a much better man. He would never stoop to your level."

Kaine rears back, ready to deliver a powerful punch.

"You'll soon learn, however, that I have no such qualms!"

Norman quickly grabs the blade sticking it into Kaine's fist. Kaine reels back from pain as he lets Osborn go, ripping half his mask off.

"The feeling is mutual." Osborn puts his fists together and smashes Kaine across the face, stumbling in the process.

"And you owe me three hundred bucks for the mask." He throws one of his weapons which explodes into razor bats.

Season VI - Part 65

Still somewhat dazed by Osborn's attack, Kaine has little time to react to the dense cloud of razorbats that are approaching him. A combination of his superhuman agility and spider-sense allows him to navigate through them. Still, he suffers several jagged cuts.

Kaine pounces on Osborn, pinning him to the ground, but the villain is quick. He slips his legs between them and uses his strength to push Kaine back. The both stand ready, eyeing eachother...

"Going to try that again?"

Kaine rips the floral cloth from his face, no longer concealing his identity. He doubts that any news crews are left in the area after the recent flurry of action.

"I'll do this all night, Goblin. That's what you've got to understand. I'll do this forever. You won't get to her. I'll never stop. Never. You aren't going to win."

Kaine and the Goblin collide, grappling like wrestlers. At last, Kaine flips the villain over his hip. Osborn lands hard on his back but rolls out of the way before Kaine can bring his foot down on his throat.

Kaine launches a vicious combo, but the Goblin is able to dart out of the way of his blows. Though the villain is on the defensive, Kaine struggles to finish the battle.

Kaine decides to try a different approach...

"Is that it then? Not going to stand and fight?"

The Goblin stops.

"You want my blood? Come. Take it. Show me what you've got."

We spend the next forty five minutes searching midtown for Kaine only to come up with ziltch. I let go of my webline and land on a rooftop about three blocks from times square. Sarah lands silently beside me as I concentrate on my spider sense hoping to catch the tiniest tingle.

Come on Kaine where the hell did you go?

My spider sense goes beserk as a bank down the block explodes, the shockwave shaking the roof we're standing on.

"Whoa! Come on we gotta....."

I trail off when I see Sarah already swinging towards the bank.


I fire a webline and follow as two figures emerge from the bank.



"Well well look what we got here Scorp, two little wannabe spiders looking to get squashed. Which do you want?"

Scorpion lets out a small growl as he raises his tail in the air.

"I want the woman....."

Sandman laughs as he forms his hands into a hammer and a mace.

"I thought so. Well that leaves me and you Scarlet. Tell me, hows that blonde doing? I heard she was in stitches from our last little party at the Jackel's."

"You sonuva*****!"

I lunge toward Sandman ready to strangle the life out of him.

I aim a crushing blow to his face only to have it go right through. Sandman starts to laugh as he grabs my arm in his enlarged hands. He pulls out my fist and his face reverts back to normal.

"You never learn do ya Scarlet, you can't beat me! Now die!"

Sandman jerks me into the air and slams me against a wall.


I slide down the wall and land in a heap on the floor.

"Hahaha come on get up you piece of ****!"

My spider sense goes off as Sandman advances. He forms his right hand into an ax and raises it into the air.

"Any last words little spider?"

"Get bent."

I sweep kick his legs which gives way into a puddle of sand.


The White Tiger whirls around as he hears the glass break. He is about to fire, but stops as he notices the figure rising from the ground.

Holy %$#@! That’s Daredevil!

“MS-13… surrender, or suffer the consequences,” the White Tiger says as he looks to the remaining thugs. “Be assured. We outnumber you.”

So, what I am really saying is: Make my day, punks.

Make my day.

A grin plasters my faces as Daredevil make the scene and starts doing his thing.

"Sweet Christmas! About time you showed up. All we needed was you to complete our badass mother****er special."

“MS-13… surrender, or suffer the consequences,” the White Tiger says as he looks to the remaining thugs. “Be assured. We outnumber you.”

"Yeah, Luke Cage, White Tiger, Moon Knight, and Daredevil. We can do this the easy way. Then again, we can always do it that second way."

The sound of my cracking my knuckles sounds a bit like an aluminum bat hitting a baseball.


A shot rings out and I look down at my blue jeans and the small bullet hole that's on my inner thigh.

"Were you aiming for my?....aww hell no!"

Gunfire fills the night air as I charge the remaining thugs. I can take alot of pain, but anyone who goes after Little Luke, is gonna carry an ass whooping.​
The Funneral-- Conclusion.

She-Hulk finishes her statement about Jarvis and leaves the pulpit with tears in her eyes.

Janet pauses for a moment and then steps behind the pulpit. She stares out at the gathering and pulls out a peice of paper with some notes written on it.

She then crumbles the paper up and says, "Before Jarvis' family takes his body back to England to be buried there are somethings I need to say some will be easier than others so please bear with me."

Janet takes a deep breath and says, "There are many of us gathered here today who have amazing powers. Some of us can benchpress a mountain without breaking a sweat, some can fly from here to Egypt and back in record time, others can shoot projectiles from our hands the list is limitless. Today though we honor a man who had none of those abilities, but had a far greater power than many of us will ever know. The capacity for love and compassion. As he laid on that floor with one of the last breaths he would ever take Edwin Jarvis asked that we forgive one another and become one again. A force for change and hope. He took a side on this issue, the side of humanity something that we all lost sight of over the last few weeks. The side that cries for justice and heroes to deliver them from those who would harm them. We have been so concerned with ourselves that we lost sight of the people that we swore we would defend with our lives. That is the lesson that Jarvis taught me and the lesson that will spend the rest of my life trying to live up to."

Janet composes herself and says, "To those who are gathered this day and those watching and listening elsewhere if during the recent war I wronged you or caused you any pain...I am sorry and hope that you forgive me. To those who hurt me either by word or deed, including Tony Stark, I forgive you."

Janet slowly loses her composure and says, "And to was my idea to create the trench around the mansion which, according to the final report, caused the cave in on the panic room. Had the trench not been created the panic room would've survived."

The tears begin to flow and her voice trembles as she says, "It was my thoughtlessness of you being in the mansion that caused your death, If I had made sure you were out first then created the trench we would not mourn you this day. To his sister and brother gathered here this day I am so sorry that I caused this terrible tragedy in your lives and hope that one day you will forgive me."

Janet steps away from the pulpit walks over to the casket. She leans in and kisses it as she does she begins to openly sob. Her entire body shaking and trembling so much she can barely walk. She-Hulk strides to the front and puts her arm around Janet and begins to lead her away from the casket. As she walks away she catches sight of Jarvis' brother and sister. They each walk up to her and put their arms around her as well. After a moment She-Hulk leads Janet out of the sanctuary to a limo around the back of the church

Janet leans and embraces She-Hulk and says, "Thank you Jen, but if you don't mind I think I want to be alone for now."

Jen says, "It's all-right janet. It's all-right, call me if you want to talk."

Janet nods and gets into the Limo.

Jennifer says to the Limo Driver, "Take her wherever she wants to go and then comeback here for me."

The driver nods as Jennifer walks away.

The driver asks, "Where to ma'am?"

Janet replies, "Northtoc air-field about 15 miles from here, know how to get there?"

The driver nods and drives off.

They arrive at the air-field and Janet notices a gathering of reporters and photographers.

I'll bet anything someone at the church tipped off a photographer or a reporter that this is where I had landed at and the word travelled fast .

The driver says, "If you want ma'am I can drive around the back and we would avoid most of this mess."

Janet replies, "No I'll get out here, and you go back to the church for Jennifer. Thank you for your help."

Janet gets out of the Limo and it drives away.

She takes a deep breathe and steadies herself.

Heaven help the reporter who asks the wrong question today because they'll get a Stinger blast right in the heart.

Janet strides towards her waiting Quinjet without saying a word as the reporters begin shouting questions and photographers begin snapping pictures and filming her walk by.

"Miss Van Dyne, do you feel that the familly forgave you?"

"Do you feel there will be retribution from the other heroes for your role in Jarvs' death?"

"Would you comment on the report that your lawyers have secretly been negotaiting to regain control of your company for you?"

Janet opens the ramp to the jet when a reporter shouts a question that catches her attention.

"Miss Van Dyne have the Avengers ceased operating as a team now that all of the foudning members have seemed to have gone their own ways?"

She turns to the reporter and replies, "I don't know, and right now I don't think I care. Excuse me you want to stand back once this thing gets going."

Janet boards the Quinjet and begins the take-off procedures.

As the plane takes flight she programs the autopilot to take her to her Canadian Mountain retreat.

I have no idea what I'm going to do with the rest of my life...all I know right now is...I need to be alone.
The night sky was empty; no stars, no helicopters, nothing. Four figures moved in the shadow of the night, running to their destination. One brotha in snake-skin suit leading the way. The next a man known by his consistancy of wearing shades. The third, the man called Comanche. Then the last, and possibly most skilled, Hardcore.

Willis stopped at the next corner, "Man, ain't no one out to night. Either that's luck or something real bad about to happen tonight."

Comanche stopped next to Shades, "You would look a gift horse in the mouth wouldn'tcha? This is perfect."

Shades looked up, "Comanche, man, I'm with snake-skin brotha here. Somethin ain't right."

Hardcore stood silent with his eyes closed and shaked his head.

The team of villains made their way to a warehouse on East Crovinstreet. Big Brother told them to pick up some stolen technology that was being hidden in a government stash house. The technology was said to have "alien" properties. In a matter of minutes the group found the warehouse, and in front were about six guards.

Comanche frowned as they grouped behind a pile of crates, "What kinda bull is this!? There ain't enough guards to even make it look like a coast guard hide out, let along a big time government stash."

Shades sighed, "Man, it wouldn't be much of a stash house if they laid some heavy muscle out on the lawn. You know how obvious that would be? The way I see it is we probably ain't got nothing to worry about until we get inside. Yeah, where the real stuff is at."

Willis stood up, "Alright let's move in. I'll take the two on the right of the place. Hardcore you take the other side. Shades, Comanche, the last two are yours. Don't mess up, we got alot ridein on this. We gotta sneak in, so take the help out quietly. We regroup here, alright?"

The Four skilled killers moved out in different directions, ready to handle business. Their single motivation being to get back in the game of the super villain racket, and getting revenge on the man called Cage.
The first guard fell silently into the dirt with a knife pertruding from his chest, right where his heart lay. The other guard whipped around in time to catch a knife in the throat. The guard slow fell to his knees then to the ground.

Around the corner Comanche slit the throat of his target, and Hardcore did the same to his two.

Shades stabbed his target and, with a little struggle, finished him.

The team regrouped behind the crates. Shades smirked, "Did you give me and Comanche the easy task thinkin we can't hold our own?"

Willis looked over at the warehouse, "Frankly, Shades, I didn't think about, and I could care less about what happens to you. Keep in mind I'll take you out myself if the moment calls for it."

Shades and Comanche looked at one another and picked up the guards advanced guns. Shades smirked again, "Yeah well, just incase that was the reason, don't think we can't hold our own."

"Yeah." Chimed in Comanche as both of them cocked their new guns.

They moved in quietly to the warehouse, hoping to find some window they could crawl through. To no one's surprise, there weren't any. They all lined up at the front entrance getting ready for a full scale raid on their target warehouse.

Willis pulled out two different knives with two different abilities, "Alright, let's get this done with."

Diamondback blasted the front door open with an exploding knife and the group charged in, completely in the dark on what was in store for them.
They stepped into the warehouse unaware of anything that could have been in store for them. Comanche turned on the light switch, and they all saw six pods sitting on the warehouse floor. All about five feet in height, and four feet in length, silver oval like body shapes with an odd symbol on them. The group of black villains began to inspect the pods, with Shade coming the closest to reading a computer console.

Shades read through a list of inspection files, barely understanding any of it. "We should of brought ya man, Gadget. He probably could have figured this crap out."

Willis continued inspecting a pod, "Yeah but who would make my blades for me? Keep reading that thing there's gotta be a clue on there to tell us what we're dealing with."

The group took another five minutes looking around the pods for a way to get them out of the warehouse. Time was running out and as another minute came around Shades finally figured something out by staring at the computer console. That one of the pods was "operational".

The six transformed as Shades yelled out to Comanche, but Comanche didn't hear it in time, for he was sent flying through the air from a hard upper cut. The pod was activated the whole time, just watching the four men. The pod, now a silver humanoid robot, attacked the four villains.

Willis hurled a knife at the on coming robot, and the resulting explosion knocked it off its feet but left it virtually unscaved. Comanche, laying his back against a girder, fired his high-tech weapon. The beams seemed to only piss off the sentinel. It started moving towards Comanche, then Shades got its attention by shooting it with his weapon, but again the weapon turned out to be useless. Willis tried another knife that uses EMP waves, but all that did was shut off the whole blocks electricity. The alien mech kicked Diamondback through the warehouse wall, then turned to face Shades & Comanche.

As it moved in, a loud roar made it stop and look back, but it was too slow as Diamondback crashed into it with an eighteen wheeler. The robot flew back ripping above Shades & Comanche and landing into a pile of equipment, circutry, and crates.

It stood almost instantly, and Hardcore smiled as he looked at his fellow team mates. He walked slowly into the alien's path, still with a smile on his face.

The robot charged and Hardcore whipped out a kunai connected with a chain. He latched it into the robot from an open wound, no doubt caused by the efferts of the others. As it surged 120 volts into the robot, Hardore grinned as his target broke down.

The robot was nothing more than scrap, and Hardcore turned around, "Get the other pods on that rig you found. I'll get the scraps. Move it!"

This was the team assembled by Big Brother, and Diamondback now planned to take for himself.

Season VI - Part 65

Still somewhat dazed by Osborn's attack, Kaine has little time to react to the dense cloud of razorbats that are approaching him. A combination of his superhuman agility and spider-sense allows him to navigate through them. Still, he suffers several jagged cuts.

Kaine pounces on Osborn, pinning him to the ground, but the villain is quick. He slips his legs between them and uses his strength to push Kaine back. The both stand ready, eyeing eachother...

"Going to try that again?"

Kaine rips the floral cloth from his face, no longer concealing his identity. He doubts that any news crews are left in the area after the recent flurry of action.

"I'll do this all night, Goblin. That's what you've got to understand. I'll do this forever. You won't get to her. I'll never stop. Never. You aren't going to win."

Kaine and the Goblin collide, grappling like wrestlers. At last, Kaine flips the villain over his hip. Osborn lands hard on his back but rolls out of the way before Kaine can bring his foot down on his throat.

Kaine launches a vicious combo, but the Goblin is able to dart out of the way of his blows. Though the villain is on the defensive, Kaine struggles to finish the battle.

Kaine decides to try a different approach...

"Is that it then? Not going to stand and fight?"

The Goblin stops.

"You want my blood? Come. Take it. Show me what you've got."

"I never figured Goblin to be the blood taking kinda guy to be fair." Peter said, landing between the two from a blow from The Lizard. "Sure he may take a life or two here and there... I can't remember any time he's just stolen blood though." Lizard pounced, only to be met by Spider-man's feet to the stomach, toppeling him over. "Sorry, that was a bad joke, but I'm taking a fair beating here, not everything's working 100% upstairs, the blood loss has seen to that."

Spider-man let his web fly, pinning Lizard to the ground. A swift kick to the head left him unconcious. "That leaves just the two." Peter said with a sigh, watching Lizard revert back to Conners. "One problem with that though... where the hell is Mysterio?"
Weeks pass since the heist of the government stash house, and in the basement of an abandoned apartment in the projects a catacomb of circutry and alien technology stretch all around. Willis stares at the silverish metals and computers of weird design. Big Brother already has himself a new computer suit that increases his strength made from the alien pods. Diamondback's plan, as he knew, from this point could be a little less than impossible. On the other hand, he figured, if I could get a superhero or two to fight Big Bro, I could get my plan rollin.

Diamondback took Gadget upstairs to the second floor, "Gadget I got a hell of a plan. Contact a super hero, not a big shot or anything, just a small timer. Make it secretive and lure him into a clash with Big Bro. Then from there we can take Big Bro down and take over what we have here."

"Sounds fly, count us in."

As Diamondback looked back he saw two smiles on the faces of Shades and Comanche.

Shades smirked, "Besides brotha, the way we see it you from the streets and we from the streets. Big Bro and that guy from from the caribbean ain't as trustworthy, no what I mean? So count us on your side."

"Yeah, well don't be countin me out too. I'll back ya up, as long as I get a nice profit share." Hardcore stood leaning against the tagged wall.

Willis could only smile at the thought that everything was coming together. Most of the crew was in on it, and he knew Cheshire was Big Brother's lap dog through and through, so there was no changing that. The plan would go off after a few jobs and Willis knew exactly how to stop Big Brother.

The streets weren't ready for the throwdown it was about to suffer tonight. The job was simple; distract the guards while Cheshire moved in for the money, easy.

Cheshire smiled as he disappeared, "I'm O-U-T, out."

Willis rolled his eyes and turned around to face the bank. He pulled out two knives and sighed, "Well, let's do this." The bank was quiet and the guards weren't heavily armed. The head count was sixteen civillians, four bank employees, and five guards. "Hmm, what kinda crappy establishment..." "Nevermind that daddyo, just get started."

Diamondback looked around, as if trying to find the invisible annoyance, and looked up to catch the gaze of a guard. The guard saw the knives, but a minute too late as Diamondback wisped one into the floor under the guard's feet. As the knife blew the guard acroos the bank, Willis hurled another into the wall behind another guard causing another explosion. A grin reached Diamondback's face as he threw another behind the bank tellers. The knife's handle released a gas that made the tellers fall out on the floor. Willis smirked and thought to himself, this shouldn't be this easy.

And just as the thought finished another explosion happened, but not caused by Willis. As he spun, knives in hand, he saw a team of people dressed in red spandex. There were four in all with the first being a man of large size and the others being of normal stature.

"Who the hell..."

"We are Team Fin, and we have come to stop you. Now, lay down and..."

Willis rolled his eyes and wisped a knife into the big guy, the resulting explosion sent his massive body falling backwards. The others looked and saw that their comrad was dead, and rushed into action. Diamondback threw another knife aiming for the blonde woman who had the ability of flight. As she easily dodged it, Willis smiled, and the knife seemed to stream in slow motion towards the knocked out tellers.

The blonde flew back to stop the knife and as she stopped it another hit her in the gut. The knife released a poison gas and the blonde dropped and hit the hard bank floor.

Willis hit another knife into the ground and the knife exploded into a deep mist. As the mist disappeared Diamondback was gone and so was half a million in cash.

Season VI - Part 4

As the battle erupts once again, Luke Cage charges through a pack of MS-13 thugs, sending them flying like bowling pins. The combination of gunfire and shouting paints a vivid picture of the conflict for Daredevil, and he leaps high in the air, somesaulting before coming down hard on top of a gang member.

He punches the gangster twice, tosses his weapon to the side, then swings his extended billyclub in a sharp arc, cracking several approaching skels in the face.

Finally, he could feel a subtle shift in the tide. Good was slowly reclaiming its throne, as evil ebbed away into the darkness. Despite all that he had lost... all that he failed to save... Daredevil could still leave the world better than he found it.

He heard the approaching footsteps of yet another criminal and abruptly performed a trip, sweeping the legs out from under the thug just as he arrived. Daredevil rose and realized he was looking directly at Luke Cage.

"Thanks for saving me some."
Miles away on a computer console, a man in a snake skin suit snickers at the sight of hs old friend.

"Lucas, look at you. Bold and buffer, heh, ain't gonna help ya. Now ain't the time for us to finish what happened back in that warehouse, but let it be known, it ain't over. Carl, you and me are far from over."

Diamondback turns the console off and chuckles to himself as he leaves the lightless room, thinking only of his revenge and his future.
An over dramatised sigh, that was all that could be heard as Felicia sat, head slouched in her hands, in the Jameson residence. A content, excitable chld beside her giggling in that quaint adolescent way they seem to perfect with sublime ease. From the outlook it came across as being quite a comical situation present, if said situation of a super heroin being drafted into babysitting duties was found comical of course. Felicia's emerald green eyes shifted to her left in a familiar pouty demeanour, "boys always have the most fun."

"Well ladies and gentlemen, what a guest I have for you today. We considered putting him in a straight jacket, but then he showed us 20 different ways of killing us while he was in one so we figured he was just as much danger to you as he was. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the one, the only, the insanse Deadpool from the Avengers!"

A roar of applaud meets me as I go out on stage, wearing my mask, a tux, and a pair of half spectacles.


"Its alright girls, you can go now." I say to Irene Merryweather and Domino, shaking Leno's hand and taking a seat.

"Well, well, very swanky entrance there Deadpool my friend."

"Well they'd do anything to get on T.V. Jay, that, and the fact I agreed to let their familes go if they did it. And please, call me 'Pool."

"Alright then, well you've had quite a year haven't you? Sentinel invasion, faked death, Civil War, what's it like being you at the moment 'Pool?" I roll up my mask and start smoking a pipe.

"Please Jay, call me Deadpool, we only just met." Jay shoots a confuzzed expression. "And yes, the life of a hero is quite exciting one, but I'm here to show you my real life tonight."


"Yes, the life of a lonely, single, hansome... environmentalist."

"Oh god, you're not about to make yourself look interesting by going on about global warming are you? Better men have tried and failed buddy."

"That's Deadpool to you Jay, not buddy. Did you know that 130 trees are cut down in the rainforests of South Africa every day?"

"Deadpool, we want to here about guns, explosions, and sex, if I wanted to know about the rainforests, I'd get Captain America on the show."


"Oh yeah, last time he was on, he nearly started to cry about third world countries. And this is a non-smoking zone, take that pipe out."

"Oh you win this round Leno." I say, removing the pipe. "So I don't have to go through the embarassement of dissapointing those who thought I had a brain cell, or a good heart?"

"No I think any people who thought of you like that went when you captured a child and forced him to become your side-kick."

"Ah yes, good ol' Waldo."


"Whatever. Anyways, if its super hero gossip you're after, its super hero gossip you'll get. The year started with that Sentinel Invasion in NYC. Man that was a good laugh."

"Hundreds of buildings were destroyed, it was a miricle (as it always is with big battles these days) that no one was killed."

"Yeah, funny how that always happens ain't it? You'd figure at least one sucker would bite the dust, but no, bastards avoid it every time. Uh... not that I want people to die of course."

"A little while ago, we saw you swooping around Washington with Johnny Storm" (a sudden cheer from the women of the audience) "Luke Cage, and the Falcon, rumour has it you caused quite a bit of trouble, just what the hell happened."

"Well, law permitting I can't go into it too much, but it was like a bachelor party taken to the next level. Basically, the jist was we'd go to Washington, steal and old man and make him cook for us."

"And were you successful in this crazy scheme?"

"Yes and no... I mean, he came back with us... but he was killed a little while ago."

"...well that's brought the mood down."

"Oh don't worry about it, he was old and I'd basically destroyed his will to live anyways."

"Oh, then that's alright. So let's talk about the romance behind the mask. Are you doing well there?"

"Again... yes and no... see I did get married to an incredible gal." A round of applause follows, me ushering my hands to stop. "No no, you're too kind."

"Well what's she like? She's gotta be a lively woman to stay married to you."

"Well that's the thing... she's also dead."

"Oh my god..."

"No don't worry, I'm over it, and I'm pretty sure she is." that sends the audience straight back into laughter, Leno slightly perplexed.

"Well... swiftly moving on, what about that Civil War, hot action huh? What was it like being on the other side of the law for a change?"

"Oh now that was awesome. We had this big fight with guns and stuff, and I got in the Quinjet and I was like PEW! PEW! and Iron Man was all "Abandon the fight! Deadpool is way too awesome!" so they ran off and Hawkeye was all "Okay, we've got to win this war, so everyone hide behind Deadpool's back." so then Tony had to back down because according to my Wikipedia profile, it would take 25 Sentry clones to bring me down."

"That true huh?"

"Its on Wikipedia, it has to be."

"Surely you're happy you can go home now the war's over though right?"

"Jay, I find I don't have a home, I'm a lone wolf. My room in the Mansion is just a room with all my worldly possessions. I could spend month's on Bullseye's couch, or when I get lost in New York (which is often), I'll happily sleep on a bench."

"Well Deadpool my friend, many of us have been watching your life with content for the past few years, you've made us laugh and cry, have you got any words for us?"

"Oh do I. Firstly, stop watching my life you sick perverts. Also, anyone who has cried about an event in my life is a poofter."

"Um... anyway--"

"Oh and lastly, Hawkeye, if you're watching this, I can't find the remote anywhere, you got any clue?"

"Ok so, its been great having you Deadpool, but, understandably, the little people in my ear are screaming at me to get you off of the air, so I'll have to ask you to leave."

"That's your problem Jay, you always listen to you conscience. Let me help you with that." I pull out my pistol and ready it.

"WOAH! You came into the studio armed?"

"Dude, I go everywhere armed! Hooters, Pizza hut, the movie, Avenger's Annual "cut down on gun crime" conference."

"Oh god, security, help!"

"Relax, its only a bullet through the head, I did it once to kill my conscience once, and look how I turned out!" before security can seize me, I aim at Leno's head and pull the trigger. His head explodes in a mess, everyone goes deadly silent.

"Wait for it..." suddenly, a little sprout is seen from Leno's messy neck... then it starts to grow, taking from, and finally growing back into the exact way it was. "Ha! I knew it! Mutie!"

"Jay... is this true?"

"It has to be in this business. The amount of times this guy's probably been stabbed I tell ya. You think Letterman's human? They're just growing in numbers, and before you know it, BAM. Attack of the chat show hosts. Now, having wrecked the career of one of the most influential living Americans, I vanish. So long suckers!" I pull a smoke grenade and toss it to the ground.

As I make my way to the door, a hand grabs my neck, and pulls me from the studio. "You've wrecked me Deadpool, now you'll pay!" As I'm hoisted out of the smoke, Leno chucks me to the ground. I turn to see his blood stained head.

"You'll have to do better than that Leno! I've got marbles!" I chuck a load at him.

"These arn't marbles! These are Malteasers!"

"You've called my bluff for the last time Jay!" I dive at him and tackle his waist. A hand grabs me and pulls me off, someone people restraining my arms. I look to one side. "Letterman! You swine!"

"Its time to pay Deadpool! We hosts look out for each other!"

"I trusted you Letterman! I thought you were one of the good ones!" I grab his arm and chuck him over my shoulders, kicking Leno in the stomach. "Your rule over American lives and what people think ends tonight Leno! You're worse than Dr. Doom!"

"Really? You know him? Could you get me an interview?"

"NEVEEEEEEEEEEEEER!" I cry, kicking him across the mouth. I make way for the door, pulling a grenade from my belt. "This isn't over Leno! Its far from over!" I scream as I run from the studio. Well that makes for good T.V.


"Thanks for saving me some," Daredevil says as he rises.

Wow. Badass.

The thugs and the criminals have thinned out, and the White Tiger turns to Luke Cage.

“What now, Cage?”

What is the price of victory? How far should one be willing to go to stand up for what he believes in? Is the greater good worth selling out your personal morals? Is winning worth losing a friend? Is the loss of one life a necessary sacrifice to save a hundred?

It wasn’t the answer to these questions that bothered Clint Barton. Rather, it was the lack there of, the absence of understanding and closure.

The war was over.

Jarvis was dead.

Registration had been repealed.

The Avengers were in shambles.

Peace had been restored.

Hawkeye didn’t know where he stood anymore.

Had he won? What was victory? How could he measure on side against the other? Could victory really come without a price? After all, nothing in life was free.

Ten years. Ten years of his life had been given to this cause, to being Hawkeye, to protecting others, to the Avengers. And after ten years, what did he have to show?

Countless worlds saved and lives spared.

Endless heartbreak.

The adoration of millions of people.

The loss of his family.

Rock star status.

A lack of identity.

It didn’t make sense anymore. If he wanted to be honest with himself, it hadn’t for a long time. Nothing had ever really felt truly right since he came back. Coming back, getting married, having children, long lost relatives, truths undiscovered. It felt too good to be true, all of it. It was unsettling, it was unnatural. Too much all at once. He hadn’t questioned it before, because this is what he had wanted for so long. This was all of his wildest dreams come true at last, he thought. Now, he wondered if they were still just that: Dreams.

He had left enough behind; money, accommodations arrangements, food, and anything else Wanda and the children may need. They’d have everything but him. Had they ever really had him though? Had he ever had any of it?

He pulled the coat tight around him and slung the bag over his back. The shambles of Avengers Mansion sat glooming in the dark of night, covering his exit from the grounds. The roar of the motorcycle engine starting was muddled by the constant buzz of the city, and no one would ever think to give a second look to the lone figure leaving the city amid the hundreds of commuters clogging the endless streets. In a moment, Clint Barton was nothing but a memory.

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