The "Heroes vs Villains: Marvel" RPG Season VI

In the earlier hours of Monday morning, a headless body was spotted floating facedown in the Hudson River. By Tuesday afternoon, DNA tests had confirmed that the body belonged to Bullseye.

On Wednesday morning, newspapers were reporting on the fall and rise and fall of Bullseye, chronicling his notorious career as a contract killer, his reinvention as the masked hero Lazarus, his unmasking and disgrace, and ultimately his full pardon as a result of his heroic deeds. Depending on who was doing the writing, Bullseye's story was hailed as one of redemption, or one of a calculating, cold-blooded killer who had literally gotten away with murder.

On a press conference on Thursday evening, police chiefs admitted that they had no leads about who could have killed Bullseye in such a violent fashion. While assuring the press that investigations would remain ongoing, they admitted that their trail had come to a total dead end. Not that many cared about the death of a career-criminal.

On Friday morning, a modest funeral service was held for Bullseye. Nobody showed up, save for the press and a couple of curious onlookers. He left this world unmourned, unmissed. He died as a nobody.

But perhaps a nobody was exactly what he wanted to be.

Perhaps The Wisemen fulfilled their end of the bargain. Perhaps they helped Bullseye disappear. Perhaps on Tuesday morning, before the body on the slab was identified as Bullseye, the real Bullseye was on his way to Idaho. Perhaps he went to his brother's home. Perhaps he left with his infant son.

Perhaps on Thursday evening, while police chiefs talked about the dead ends in their investigations, Bullseye and his son were on a plane to South America. Perhaps Bullseye got his wish. Perhaps he let Bullseye get buried in New York on Friday morning, while he got a chance to start a new life.

Perhaps. But we'll never know for sure...


When Clint was a kid, Waverly had seemed like the place time forgot. Nothing changed, everything seemed so old and antique, and everyone seemed to find some dull boring routine and fall into it.

And now, now Waverly seemed to have moved on without Clint. He felt so lost now, like he was on an alien world, though anymore he was more comfortable on alien worlds than he was standing here right now.

The old carnival grounds. Once twenty acres of open fields, with a clear blue stream running along the edge bordering the woods. Now, the fields had been paved over and built upon. Where carnival tents and Ferris wheels once stood in the summer and children came to have snowball fights in the winter, there was now a large distribution warehouse/loading docks. Most everything shipped into the city for the now large assortment of retailers came here, was sorted, and then shipped out to the proper store.

It seemed morbidly fitting, really, that the place where Hawkeye was born was no more. It truly was as though Hawkeye were really dead.

A chill wind blew through the open loading area, and as if on cue, every light within a two block radius went dark.

Clint instantly went into defense mode. He reached around, looking for his backpack, only to discover his back was bear. His heart skipped a beat and then sped up. He knew he had brought it along. It hadn’t left his back since New York. He had never failed to feel the weight of the straps on his shoulder, and surely would have noticed somebody taking it off his back. Yet, here he was now, suddenly without it and unarmed.

And then things got weirder.

“Looking for something…?”

Clint spun on his heal ready to pounce on whoever. He may be without his bow and quiver, but all those hours spent with Steve weren’t about to go to waste.

“…little brother.”


Clint froze. His brain was screaming at him, yelling that he needed to keep moving, that stopping was a fundamental mistake. Right now, at this moment, he didn’t care.

A handful of lights came back on, and Barney Barton stepped from the shadows, dangling Clint’s backpack from one hand. In essence, he was holding Hawkeye hostage in that bag.

“No,” Clint told himself. “Hawkeye is dead.”

“There’s something you don’t see often,” Barney goaded, circling his brother. “Clint Barton, confused, insure, thrown for a loop. What’s the matter little bro? Surprised to see me? No, no. That couldn’t be it. Your worried about your little toys in here, aren’t you? It was always more about Hawkeye, and screw your family. I became a memory, a shadow, second to some costume and an inflated ego.”

“Barney,” Clint finally spoke, “I watched you die.”

“So sentimental. Sorry to disappoint none the less, little brother, though it does seem like cheating death is a Barton family tradition anymore, doesn’t it. But you’ve rode your wave of undeserved success long enough, cheated enough people and run out on enough debts. And it’s time to pay up once and for all.”

Clint went to take a step back, but stopped when he felt a cold, hard edge of sharpened steel against the back of his neck.

The unforgiving blade of a sword.

“Hello, my student. I am glad to see you here. I’m not sure I was clear enough with my later clues.”

Clint couldn’t see who was behind him, and though the voice was undisguised now, there was no doubt in his mind this was who left the note, or made the phone call. And there was no doubt in his mind who the new assailant was.


“So nice to see you’re not too famous to remember my name.”

“You tend to remember the dumb names.”

“And still so rude.”

“My God, you two sound like robots. Or something out of a Dickens novel. So why don’t we cut the bulls*%t and just tell me what the hell the point of all this is?”

“That’s another thing I always admired about you. Never one to waste time.”

“Yeah, well I’ve put up with enough self obsessed d*#kheads in my life to waste time for me.”

The kick to the small of Clint’s back didn’t register with him until he was on the ground huffing for air. He turned over and felt the point of the Swordsman’s sword pressing into his jugular.

“You’ve been living on borrowed time for a long time now. Long before your lovely Miss Maximoff did you in and brought you back. Yes, Miss Maximoff. Oh, no, I know about your nuptials, but there’s so much more to it.”

“Go to Hell,” Clint spit.

“I’ve been there. We both have been. Or a close proximity there of. And in that fiery death, we’ve both found new life, and the ability to strike back at those who have wrong us, and our master. And you, you’ve been a wild card, a loose cannon for too long. You’ve cheated our master far too often and he’s finally here to collect…”

“Oh my God will you just f***ing kill me already. I can’t stand monolouging anymore.”


This was a new voice, low and grave, a sense of near death about it.

“I’ve always admired your wit, and your fight. Your aggression is perfect, makes you a natural leader.”

Clint stared up at an old man standing over him opposite if the Swordsman. He could sense Barney just off to the side.

“And I want you, Clint. I’ve had my eye on you for so long, but you keep running away.”

“Sorry buddy. Don’t swing that way.”

The old man laughed, a deep throaty laugh that raised the hair on Clint’s arms and neck.

“That’s what I’m talking about. I could have offered you a life or immortality and never ending happiness and glory so many years ago, and you spat in my face. Not only that, you left your dearly betrothed behind…twice…to pay for your debt.”

It took a second for the last little bit to register, but when it did, Clint’s eyes grew in icy realization and total unmitigated fear.


The old man reached down and grabbed Clint by the neck, pulling him up to eye level. Those eyes, glowing and swirling red and yellow and black, hard and lifeless and pure evil. The hand around Clint’s neck began to transform from clamly wrinkled flesh to an unforgiving red claw that dug into the sides of Clint’s neck. In much the same way, the whole guise of the old man melted away as a demon emerged from his clever ruse.

“Hello, Hawkeye. Welcome home.”


In the earlier hours of Monday morning, a headless body was spotted floating facedown in the Hudson River. By Tuesday afternoon, DNA tests had confirmed that the body belonged to Bullseye.

On Wednesday morning, newspapers were reporting on the fall and rise and fall of Bullseye, chronicling his notorious career as a contract killer, his reinvention as the masked hero Lazarus, his unmasking and disgrace, and ultimately his full pardon as a result of his heroic deeds. Depending on who was doing the writing, Bullseye's story was hailed as one of redemption, or one of a calculating, cold-blooded killer who had literally gotten away with murder.

On a press conference on Thursday evening, police chiefs admitted that they had no leads about who could have killed Bullseye in such a violent fashion. While assuring the press that investigations would remain ongoing, they admitted that their trail had come to a total dead end. Not that many cared about the death of a career-criminal.

On Friday morning, a modest funeral service was held for Bullseye. Nobody showed up, save for the press and a couple of curious onlookers. He left this world unmourned, unmissed. He died as a nobody.

But perhaps a nobody was exactly what he wanted to be.

Perhaps The Wisemen fulfilled their end of the bargain. Perhaps they helped Bullseye disappear. Perhaps on Tuesday morning, before the body on the slab was identified as Bullseye, the real Bullseye was on his way to Idaho. Perhaps he went to his brother's home. Perhaps he left with his infant son.

Perhaps on Thursday evening, while police chiefs talked about the dead ends in their investigations, Bullseye and his son were on a plane to South America. Perhaps Bullseye got his wish. Perhaps he let Bullseye get buried in New York on Friday morning, while he got a chance to start a new life.

Perhaps. But we'll never know for sure...



I watch the coffin lower into the ground from a distance. Its hard to believe Bullseye's gone. Not gone, gone, but gone as in I'll never see him again. I just hope he's happy is all. I can picture him on the plane with his son, gazing out into the sky... that brilliant sky. Sometimes, its nice to appreciate the little things in life, like Keria Knightley's boobs.

Once the few people present have left, I stroll over to his head stone, placed next to Electro's. "Well buddy, looks like you got your wish." I take out a sai and carve a target on top. "I guess in a sense, Bullseye really is dead." Sitting down, I cross my legs. "God, I thought you and me were one and the same Bullsear, but we're not. You tired of this, I could never tire of this, no matter how many times my head's chopped off or my wife dies, I wouldn't trade this-- this costume, these guns, my friends, I wouldn't trade any of them for the entire world."

"Has been a heck of a ride though hasn't it? All our fights, trips to gay bars... remember when that gay guy in your apartment tried to touch me up he-heh-heh--" I then realise, I'm the only voice of laughter, that I'm talking to a grave stone. "...yeah, it was swell." I get to my feet slowly, keeping my eyes on the grave. "Well, its time I be off, Wally's waiting in the Quinjet, and government agents are chasing us and all that jazz, some things never change eh?" the graveyard is silent, I'm the only one around, and I feel it too. "Some things at least."

I won't lie, Daredevil revealing his secret identity shocked the hell outta me. I guess that's why I'm sitting on a rooftop over looking Harlem. My neighborhood, my turf, my hood. God, I was a fool to leave and join that Civil War crap. This is where I'm needed, not fighting my fellow heroes over some stupid-ass piece of paper. Harlem faces battles and wars on a daily basis. It's up to me stop those who'd wise to bring my beautiful hood down around my ears.

"Camptown lady sing this song, do-dah, do-dah
Camptown race track five miles long, all the do-dah day
Gonna run all night, gonna run all day
Spent my money on the bob-tail nag
Somebody bet on the bay!"

My cellphone goes off and I quickly pick it up.


"Luke, Honey. Where are you?"

"Oh, hey Jessica baby. I'm just sitting on the roof, looking out at Harlem."

"Well, something big's about to go down. Something that only you can take care of."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"Your daughter. She just took a big **** in her diaper."

"Sweet Christmas! I'll be down in a minute, baby."

"You better, she smells like Iron Man after a two week bender."

I close my phone and smile.

I used to be Carl Lucas, then I was Power Man: Hero for Hire. But if you want to call me anything. Just call me...


Luke Cage

Season VI - Epilogue

Under a tree, far from where the Bugle employees were being treated by emergency response teams, Peter spoke in frantic desperation.

"If... if you want her back, I can totally understand. My life as Spider-man is too dangerous to be there for her always. I'm... I'm afraid I'll fail her Kaine, I've already come dangerously close to it."

Kaine doesn't respond immediately. Partly because some dark half of him wants to jump at the offer... wants to take May back and flee into obscurity once more. But he silences this selfish urge and speaks with a clear head.

"What did you do here tonight, Peter?"


"Look around and think about what you did. All those people who are going to get to go home and see their families tonight? They get to do that because of you."

Peter glances around the park, where the victims are speaking with law enforcement.

"Yeah, but you--"

"No, Peter. You did this. Tonight, I put an old man in the hospital. I wasn't thinking about the hostages... not ever. All I was thinking about was getting Osborn and breaking him."

Peter is silent.

"I might have gone off the deep end tonight if it wasn't for you."

Kaine sits in the grass and stares up at the moon, a fat silver disc hovering above the jealous skyscrapers.

"If Uncle Ben were here with us tonight... if he was sitting right here talking with us... who do you think he would want May to be with?"

Peter doesn't need to respond. He knows as well as Kaine does who Uncle Ben would choose.

"I love that child, Peter. You know I do. And I would give anything for her. I've made alot of mistakes in my time... so many terrible mistakes... but sending May to live with you was not one of them. In fact, it was one of the few things I've ever done right."

Kaine gets up and extends his hand, which Peter shakes.

"I will never be able to make amends for the years I stole from you. Because of me, Mary Jane never--"

Peter's head moves awkwardly, as though he has been struck.

"I'm sorry. But from now on... I just want you to know that I'm here when you need me. I'll never be able to do enough, but I'm willing to devote my entire life to trying. I owe you that... brother."

Season VI - Epilogue

Under a tree, far from where the Bugle employees were being treated by emergency response teams, Peter spoke in frantic desperation.

"If... if you want her back, I can totally understand. My life as Spider-man is too dangerous to be there for her always. I'm... I'm afraid I'll fail her Kaine, I've already come dangerously close to it."

Kaine doesn't respond immediately. Partly because some dark half of him wants to jump at the offer... wants to take May back and flee into obscurity once more. But he silences this selfish urge and speaks with a clear head.

"What did you do here tonight, Peter?"


"Look around and think about what you did. All those people who are going to get to go home and see their families tonight? They get to do that because of you."

Peter glances around the park, where the victims are speaking with law enforcement.

"Yeah, but you--"

"No, Peter. You did this. Tonight, I put an old man in the hospital. I wasn't thinking about the hostages... not ever. All I was thinking about was getting Osborn and breaking him."

Peter is silent.

"I might have gone off the deep end tonight if it wasn't for you."

Kaine sits in the grass and stares up at the moon, a fat silver disc hovering above the jealous skyscrapers.

"If Uncle Ben were here with us tonight... if he was sitting right here talking with us... who do you think he would want May to be with?"

Peter doesn't need to respond. He knows as well as Kaine does who Uncle Ben would choose.

"I love that child, Peter. You know I do. And I would give anything for her. I've made alot of mistakes in my time... so many terrible mistakes... but sending May to live with you was not one of them. In fact, it was one of the few things I've ever done right."

Kaine gets up and extends his hand, which Peter shakes.

"I will never be able to make amends for the years I stole from you. Because of me, Mary Jane never--"

Peter's head moves awkwardly, as though he has been struck.

"I'm sorry. But from now on... I just want you to know that I'm here when you need me. I'll never be able to do enough, but I'm willing to devote my entire life to trying. I owe you that... brother."

For the first time in his entire life, Peter Parker looked on Kaine with nothing but pride and love. "You know Kaine, you may be a lot of things... but you're definately a Parker." Kaine said nothing, but Peter could tell he was glad Peter had said that, and he wasn't lying. "The same goes for you, whenever you need help, and I mean whenever, I'm here. My daughter owes you her life." and with that, Peter latched Jameson to his back, and pull himself into the sky, on the way to the hospital.


Peter sat in silence, watching May sleep like an angel. He'd thanked Cat and let her be on her way, he needed to be alone with his daughter. Amazing, how cmuch danger she was in again tonight, she'd been through more in her so-far short life than most people ever would.

He could feel her, Mary-Jane. She was in the room right now, smiling down on both of them. Peter cupped his hands together and brought them to his mouth, lost in a swirl of thoughts and questions. "She's everything you were MJ, she's perfect. I can't hide it from her anymore."

He flicked on the light, May screwing her eyes up and moving back in reaction. "May?... May I need to talk to you."

"What is it Mr. Parker?" May asked, sitting up, rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry to wake you May, I know its late, but something happened tonight, and it made me realise that there are somethings I'm keeping from you, that I really shouldn't."

"Mr. Parker, what are you talking about?"

"May... I'm your real Father." at first, May didn't know how to react. He pushed herself against the back wall to get as far away from Peter as possible.

"That's not true! My really Daddy is--"

"A friend... the best of friends. May, he's looked after you all those years, he did it for me. And he did such a good job... I mean look at you, you're just like her."

"You... you mean my Mommy?" Peter sat down next to May and put his arm ofver her, never wanting to let go. May Parker was his responsibility now, and a big one at that, but he wouldn't trade in that responsibility for anything, Kaine had helped him realise that.

"Yes May, your Mommy." May looked down for a second, Peter knew she had already started to accept it, she was a Parker after all, she was strong. She raised her dead up to meet Peter's a gentle smile on his face.


"Yes May?"

"What was Mommy like?" Peter could already feel the tears begin to well up behind his eyes. As hard as it was for him to talk about it, May had to know, she had to know that Mary-Jane Parker was the most amazing woman in the entire universe.

"Your Mommy-- Mary-Jane, she was something else..."


A late night swing was just what Spider-man needed. Jameson's wife was back from the hospital, so he could rest easy leaving May alone. She was so brilliant, Kaine had done a better job than Peter ever could. For that, he owed him more than his life.

As another web rolled out onto a window, dipping Peter down and up again, all he could think about was Mary-Jane, and how strongly he felt her right now... how strongly he loved her. He let go of his webline and gracefully flipped down onto the street.

This was the place, the place where he lost her. He could remember the mad rush, chasing down Bullseye, Electro, Venom and Doc Ock, he could feel Mary-Jane's blood run down his arm, but most of all, he could see the life fade from the love of his life. Since that moment, right up until Kaine brought May into his life, he'd been alone.

Now, he could get on with his life. Now he had something to fight for, something to protect, and he would never lay down his fists. This city needed him, his daughter needed him.

The Amazing Spider-man let a web fly onto a near by building, and took one final look at the spot where he held his dying wife, years ago. "Bye MJ." he said under his breath as he took to the sky once more. It was time to move on, time to face the future.


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