The Jesus Christ Appreciation and Worship Thread

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Dec 16, 2004
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I noticed we have an athiest thread, but no thread to worship and praise Jesus Christ, only avenue for our salvation. I'd like to make this thread to dedication for Christians to speak about what Christ has done for them, share stories, post links to scripture, articles...anything to uplift the name of Jesus.

This is not meant to be a debate thread, but instead a Christ worship thread.

Thank you, and enjoy.


Romans 5:8
King James Version (KJV)
8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Your video doesn't work. (you fixed it)
I'd like to remind everyone this is a Christ appreciation thread...there are other threads for religious debates, ..and if you have any qualms with specific matter how 'subtle'...take it to a PM. Thanks for understanding.

Here's another jewel:

I was born into a Christian household but made the decision on my own to accept Christ as my savior. Now, I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I cuss, I can be prideful and even jealous. And lustful, can't forget lustful. But I know that I am forgiven because, let's face it, I'm human. I can't do it on my own.

I don't go to church, and for a very specific reason. For fifteen years I went to Flamingo Road Church (now called "Potential Church" :doh: ) I basically grew up there. When my parents went through their divorce, that's where I was. I served in the youth ministry and in the video ministry (which I particularly enjoyed). But then I began to see a demographic shift. I have a sensitive perception of superficiality and materialism, and I began to notice from the ministry on down that there was a growing trend towards a superficial, appearance-based approach. But the last straw was a gesture of dishonor. As I said, the church changed its name. Well, the day they announced the name change, they played video recaps of the church's history, the reasons behind the name change, so on and so forth. What made it dishonorable is that they did not once mention the pastor that preceded the current pastor, the man who got this church started in the first place, the man who literally helped build that church. Not one mention, not one blessing. If there's one thing I take more seriously than anything else, I am an honorable person. There's no middle ground. And what they did was the height of dishonor. So I left, and I haven't gone back. But I don't "go" to church anymore.

I write. My best friend (who, like me, went to that church) said something very insightful. He feels closest to God/Christ when he's playing music. There's the conception of a "spiritual gift" that we are all given, and mine is writing. That's where I feel closest to God. That's how I worship.

Some might accuse me of "picking and choosing" when it comes to my faith, but there's really only one way for me to approach it within the confines of the world we live in. Matthew 22:36-39. There was a guy who approached Jesus and asked him what the greatest commandment was. And Jesus replied. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" That's how I live in this world. If you haven't wronged me, there is no reason for me to treat you wrongly. And I always uphold my honor. If I tell you I'll do something to help you, I keep it.

We Christians get a bad rap. But the fact is, we should lead by example, so that people ask us why we do the things we do. At least that's what I try to do.

My favorite Christian bands are Thousand Foot Krutch (RAWKFIST!!!), Demon Hunter and August Burns Red. Lecrae gets mad props from me as well. :woot:
I was born into a Christian household but made the decision on my own to accept Christ as my savior. Now, I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I cuss, I can be prideful and even jealous. And lustful, can't forget lustful. But I know that I am forgiven because, let's face it, I'm human. I can't do it on my own.

I don't go to church, and for a very specific reason. For fifteen years I went to Flamingo Road Church (now called "Potential Church" :doh: ) I basically grew up there. When my parents went through their divorce, that's where I was. I served in the youth ministry and in the video ministry (which I particularly enjoyed). But then I began to see a demographic shift. I have a sensitive perception of superficiality and materialism, and I began to notice from the ministry on down that there was a growing trend towards a superficial, appearance-based approach. But the last straw was a gesture of dishonor. As I said, the church changed its name. Well, the day they announced the name change, they played video recaps of the church's history, the reasons behind the name change, so on and so forth. What made it dishonorable is that they did not once mention the pastor that preceded the current pastor, the man who got this church started in the first place, the man who literally helped build that church. Not one mention, not one blessing. If there's one thing I take more seriously than anything else, I am an honorable person. There's no middle ground. And what they did was the height of dishonor. So I left, and I haven't gone back. But I don't "go" to church anymore.

I write. My best friend (who, like me, went to that church) said something very insightful. He feels closest to God/Christ when he's playing music. There's the conception of a "spiritual gift" that we are all given, and mine is writing. That's where I feel closest to God. That's how I worship.

Some might accuse me of "picking and choosing" when it comes to my faith, but there's really only one way for me to approach it within the confines of the world we live in. Matthew 22:36-39. There was a guy who approached Jesus and asked him what the greatest commandment was. And Jesus replied. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" That's how I live in this world.

We Christians get a bad rap. But the fact is, we should lead by example, so that people ask us why we do the things we do. At least that's what I try to do.

My favorite Christian bands are Thousand Foot Krutch (RAWKFIST!!!), Demon Hunter and August Burns Red. Lecrae gets mad props from me as well. :woot:

Thanks for your testimony and scripture! :yay:

yes, Christ commands all His followers to love everyone as much as He loved us.
And Jesus hung out with a whuuure, as Tywin Lannister would say :hehe:
Jesus is awesome -- when his teachings are actually followed. He taught people to be there for their fellow man regardless of how they are seen by society. He taught people to be there for each other regardless of their differences. Some faiths have lost touch with that while others readily acknowledge it. But, I'd say that is the coolest thing about him.
Enough with the mocking guys, I've deleted a bunch of posts, I don't want to have to delete anymore. Just let this thread be what it was intended to be for those of faith, it ain't my type of thing either but lets respect each others differences.
Enough with the mocking guys, I've deleted a bunch of posts, I don't want to have to delete anymore. Just let this thread be what it was intended to be for those of faith, it ain't my type of thing either but lets respect each others differences.

Agree 100%

I'm agnostic, but it's totally hypocritical to complain about being bullied or discriminated against by Christians and then to turn around and do the same thing to them, especially if they're not pushing their views on anyone. A few years ago I was very intolerant towards religious people and I thought I was so smart quoting Dawkins or whoever. And then I met some Christian friends who were really nice and non-judgemental towards me, and I felt like an ass. I also remembered my grandmother whose favorite place was the Church pews on Sunday and how wonderful she was to me and how sad I was when she passed. And now I know that I can hold on to my own beliefs while still respecting those who are different as long as they respect me in turn. Anyone who comes in here trying to start trouble is an intolerant jerk, plain and simple.
Cool thread!:up:

As I think I've mentioned it before,I'm a Bible-believing Born Again Christian,and I love Jesus.:hrt:

Been studying the book of Genesis recently,particularly the story of Joseph.It's very inspirational and one of my favorites.
Agree 100%

I'm agnostic, but it's totally hypocritical to complain about being bullied or discriminated against by Christians and then to turn around and do the same thing to them, especially if they're not pushing their views on anyone. A few years ago I was very intolerant towards religious people and I thought I was so smart quoting Dawkins or whoever. And then I met some Christian friends who were really nice and non-judgemental towards me, and I felt like an ass. I also remembered my grandmother whose favorite place was the Church pews on Sunday and how wonderful she was to me and how sad I was when she passed. And now I know that I can hold on to my own beliefs while still respecting those who are different as long as they respect me in turn. Anyone who comes in here trying to start trouble is an intolerant jerk, plain and simple.
Great post man, I'm glad you've matured in that way. Thats what being a Christian is all about. Just sharing the love of God with people.We also have a duty to share the message thats in the Bible with people too. But we certainly cant and shouldnt try to force anyone to believe something.
By the way, If we're talking Bible stuff that we've read recently, I just read Job again. Thats one of my favorites because it just reminds me that God is in control no matter what kind of terrible stuff is happening to us.
How do you block a thread from coming up on New Posts?
Why limit this thread to Jesus? Surely if you're going to create a thread the opposite of the Atheist one it should be inclusive of all faiths.
Why limit this thread to Jesus? Surely if you're going to create a thread the opposite of the Atheist one it should be inclusive of all faiths.
Thats too broad man. lol Itd get pretty dang confusing in here
He never stated it was to be the opposite the Atheist thread... just that if there was an Atheist thread he should make one about his faith.
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