The Marvel/DC "3 vs. 3" Battle thread

If Speed is truly "Quicksilver fast" as he puts it (Mach 5), then he might as well be moving in slow motion to Kid Flash who like all the other Flashes, can move at or close to light speed.

The other battles would be closer...I think Patriot could take Robin and it would be a toss-up for the arrow throwers (with the edge to DC).

Kid Flash would win this for DC before any of the Marvel characters really knew the conflict started.
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I would agree with that.

DC speedsters blow Marvel's away.
DC takes this soooo easily.
Robin is probably matched even with Patriot but he's still got a lot more gadgets to use than Patriot does since he only has a shield.
Plus DC has Kid Flash. Who is like 500 friggin times faster than Speed could be =\
lulz, DC Speed always crushes any Marvel offering.

Okay, so that was unanimous for DC. Let's switch it up and go all villains!

Green Goblin, Bullseye and Tombstone.

vs. Lex Luthor (with armor), Deathstroke and Bane

... Unfortunately I have a 10 page paper to work on and 8hr shift today, so I don't have time to post pics:csad:. Sorry
Okay, so that was unanimous for DC. Let's switch it up and go all villains!

Green Goblin, Bullseye and Tombstone.

vs. Lex Luthor (with armor), Deathstroke and Bane

... Unfortunately I have a 10 page paper to work on and 8hr shift today, so I don't have time to post pics:csad:. Sorry

I got this! =D


Green Goblin, Bullseye and Tombstone




Lex Luthor (with armor), Deathstroke and Bane

I vote DC for this one cus they're all super smart. The Marvel team has 2 psychotics and a gangster so there aren't any brains behind that team...Bane is actually a pretty big strategist, Luthor is an evil genius, and Deathstroke is smart enough to beat Batman to a pulp 1 on 1 and has that whole 90% usage of his brain thing.
Luthor vs Green Goblin: Drawn out Goblin

Bullseye vs Bane: Bane

Tombstone vs Deathstroke: Deathstroke

DC Squad
I got this! =D

You rock!

Thanks dude

My thoughts:

Goblin, eventually, would beat Luthor.

Tombstone, I think, has around 6 ton strength. Bane has around 1000lb strength from what I've been able to look up. So Tombstone kills Bane pretty quick assuming they get within reach of each other.

Deathstroke would eventually take out bullseye, but I don't think it'd be easy.

I think it's a toss up since it would all depend who kills who fastest, but I give the slight majority to Marvel.
Yes, DC's side has more smarts/strategists, but I don't think they'd actually work together as a team due to ego.
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So it is Goblin and not the Iron Patriot?

Yeah, that'll be closer, but I think Goblin would still take it.

Tombstone's a lunkhead but still has strength on Bane I think... and by quite a bit if that 6 ton to 1,000lb is correct.

Before you said Bullseye, now you're saying Deadpool. Who is it?
It comes down to whether it's Bullseye or Deadpool to me.

If Deadpool's in this I'll give the edge to Marvel, if it's Bullseye then I'll go with DC as Slade will double on Tombstone and take him out while Lex holds up Osborne. Then all three will take Norm down.
It comes down to whether it's Bullseye or Deadpool to me.

If Deadpool's in this I'll give the edge to Marvel, if it's Bullseye then I'll go with DC as Slade will double on Tombstone and take him out while Lex holds up Osborne. Then all three will take Norm down.
woops. Fixed it, it's still bullseye
You rock!

Thanks dude

My thoughts:

Goblin, eventually, would beat Luthor.

Tombstone, I think, has around 6 ton strength. Bane has around 1000lb strength from what I've been able to look up. So Tombstone kills Bane pretty quick assuming they get within reach of each other.

Deathstroke would eventually take out bullseye, but I don't think it'd be easy.

I think it's a toss up since it would all depend who kills who fastest, but I give the slight majority to Marvel.
Yes, DC's side has more smarts/strategists, but I don't think they'd actually work together as a team due to ego.

No prob =]

The part about ego is a problem for any villian. Luthor has lead teams before and Slade was a general or something too? So both of them would know that working together would be the best chance for survival and Bane would figure that out too since he's not a regular brawler type.
Marvel on the other hand has 2 crazies who can barely get their acts together...
Why would Osborn beat Luthor? Luthor's smarter and his armour is better.

DC team.
Lex's armor was designed to fight Superman. I don't see anybody on that team that could stand up to it. Lex's team mates would just make it end quicker.

Team DC.
So far it's:
DC - 6
Marvel - 2

For anyone wanting to get final votes in, voting will close and a new match will be up tomorrow morning :yay:
Okay, time for a NEW ROUND!

This time's theme: ALL LADIES hand-to-hand!

This round is hand-to-hand only, no weapons, no armor, no ninja magic, no mutant powers or voice powers, only physical abilities.

Marvel: Domino, Elektra, and Black Panther (Shuri)

DC: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Huntress and Black Canary.
Domino v Huntress- Huntress easily
Shuri v Black Canary - Black Canary no doubt
Elektra vs Cassandra - Hard, but Cass pulls it off.
Well Domino is kinda useless without her mutant powers so she wouldn't last long against any of these girls. Might have a shot at Black Canary but that's iffy.
I think Elektra would win against Huntress since Elektra is an assassin so not being afraid to kill would give her the edge.
Shuri and Cassandra I'm not sure about since I don't know if Shuri has the same abilities as T'Challa?
DC wins this pretty easily. The Marvel girls will put up a good fight but only Elektra has any real shot at winning against anyone from team DC.

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