The next Last Airbender film! Reboot?

After watching The Dark Knight Rises i actually think that Legend of Korra could work, they should just alude to Taarlok and Amon's ties sooner.
I think if they ever make another avatar movie they should get stephen chow to direct. he knows how to blend whimsical comedy with kick ass martial arts.
With the improvement in quality and effects on tv, i'm starting to think that maybe that could be the ideal place to tell Aang's story, you would need to tone down certain stuff, but you could pretty much follow what the original show did, with each Season having a set number of 20 something episodes featuring both, one-shot stories and the continuation of past arcs.

Having a set arc for 3 Seasons also helps, the only real problem would be the final battle with Ozai, you would need to tone it down a lot, but the overarching plot and world is quite adaptable. If it was a success, it could even open the possibility for more Seasons after 3 dealing with the remaining loose threads and the founding of Republic City.
I wouldn't mind them making a film out of one of the past avatars, like Kyoshi, or one after Korra. Use the brand while still expanding the mythos. Star Wars the sh** out of it lol
I don't really think that you could do a live-action Avatar movie and truly make it right. The action scenes are too elaborate, the special effects too big, etc. Pus you'd need a massive budget. It's just one of those things that works in animation best.
I'd like to see them reboot the film, but not for another few years at least. You need to let the fans wash the foul taste of M Night Shamaamadingdong's crapfest out of their mouths first.

I kinda like the idea of a series of six films. Gives you more time to squeeze as much information and character development into the films as possible. They should also be longer, like about 2 or 2.5 hours long each (most Star Wars films run about 2 hours 20 minutes, with the exception of Revenge Of The S#!t, which has a running time of 2 hours 40 minutes).

Find an Asian director known for high quality martial arts films, like Ang Lee.

Hire a mostly Asian cast. I always felt that the Water Tribe cultures were heavily influenced by the Inuit people, so hiring Native American actors for Water Nation characters isn't a bad idea. The Fire Nation had a very Japanese feel to them in the show. Their soldiers were very reminiscent of the samurai. The Air and Earth Nations both seemed to be heavily based on Chinese culture, with the Air Benders being reminiscent of Shoulin monks, while Earth Benders being more akin to soldiers of China's Ming Dynasty.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.
I think you're exagerating the star wars films run time, they were all aprox. 2 hours, almost exactly that number most of the time, Episode III only had 20 more minutes than usual, but it still wasn't exactly overlong.
I'd rather a film EXPAND on the franchise by featuring a new avatar, or an even a past avatar. A kyoshi movie would epic, like lord of the rings meets kill bill.
I am really surprised that Nick hasn't gotten around to rebooting this yet, if done right it makes the perfect live action franchise.
The last movie had a 6% rotten tomatoes score and grossed over 300 million.

That must be some kind of record.
I really think it would be best to just do an animated Avatar movie with a big budget. New Avatar, same world.
Following another Avatar is a cool idea.
But if their going to make it animated I'd say just make another show.

Such a shame this franchise failed. If they ever do decide to adapt the Aang story again, 6 films is the way to go for sure. Film them in pairs.
It'll be hard to pull off though
It was Nicks fault it failed, they just wanted a franchise and didn't go about it the right way, no one bts enjoyed it.
I looooved the Avatar cartoon and fully intend on binge-watching Korra one of these days. But after reading the Vanity Fair thing (and spoiling myself regarding the ending), I'm not expecting a green light for a Korra film anytime soon. It's awesome that the creators didn't even seem to have that in mind, though.
Well they could just adapt the first two seasons before the writers decided to make Korra and Asami gay / bi.
I dont get what's so great about the ending or why people care so much other than the fact that they made Korra gay/bi.

I was wondering why sites like Buzzfeed were reporting about the ending until I read how it ended.
I bought several copies of the dvd and broke them down into many pieces. This was loooong process. I then bought some special toilet paper and spread out the dust of the dvds on it. It took awhile for it to dry, but it was worth it. I now only wipe my ass with this paper on special occasions. Avengers reaching a billion was one of them.
Overall I thought the "look" of the Airbender film was good but that f'n dialogue, Meryl Streep couldn't make that sound good. A bunch of other stuff was wrong with it to but mostly the dialogue. Right now I want to see a two hour movie with Korra's animation and music. Whether it continues Korra's adventures or it's someone new, it would look and sound amazing.
I love the show, but the Airbender movie had no heart. It was rather boring.
We can all bet eventually someone will return to this series in film because it was too darn good and too popular. When that happens I hope the creators are more involved with it.

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