The Official Jaimie Alexander/Sif Thread

Box office receipts beg to differ...
Like it or not the Thor, Jane triangle has traction and the test audience along with the worldwide audience agree...
Those opposed to the relationship are a small and vocal group, that does not change the fact that Portman is a academy ward winning actress who draws a large WW amount of followers Male and Female to the Thor franchise...Which means money.....
Like it or not Portman is pretty much a house hold name, Jamie Alexander's is not....
No it really hasn't. Their "romance" is completely shallow and seemingly built on nothing more than physical attraction. What makes these two so madly into each other? What is it that draws them together? NOTHING, at least nothing that they've SHOWN. You keep TELLING us that they have this great love movie, but how about SHOWING us ANY evidence for that or WHERE it comes from. And I know that Marvel is capable of this because it gave us Tony/Pepper and even Steve/Peggy, which are FAR more believable relationships. And I'm FAR from the only one who thinks that, it's one of the biggest complaints about both movies.

As for the box office, you're going to really try and claim that that's because of the romance, seriously? No, it's because these are Marvel superhero movies, it's a built-in brand by now. You could swap out Jane for Sif, or freaking Darcy, and it wouldn't effect the bottom line much at all.
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:more:No one is claiming that the movie owes all its success to Portman, All I am saying is the love triangle was introduced from the beginning and Marvel decided to make it a intricate part of 2 movies thus far..
Both wildly successful...Marvel has a plan and Jane continues to play an important role in that plan ...
Lets just agree to disagree...
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Yeah Jane's not going anywhere
best we can hope is that the director of the third film really knocks it out of the park in terms of the love story, and makes us see why they belong together beyond the physical attraction
No it really hasn't. Their "romance" is completely shallow and seemingly built on nothing more than physical attraction. What makes these two so madly into each other? What is it that draws them together? NOTHING, at least nothing that they've SHOWN. You keep TELLING us that they have this great love movie, but how about SHOWING us ANY evidence for that or WHERE it comes from. And I know that Marvel is capable of this because it gave us Tony/Pepper and even Steve/Peggy, which are FAR more believable relationships. And I'm FAR from the only one who thinks that, it's one of the biggest complaints about both movies.

As for the box office, you're going to really try and claim that that's because of the romance, seriously? No, it's because these are Marvel superhero movies, it's a built-in brand by now. You could swap out Jane for Sif, or freaking Darcy, and it wouldn't effect the bottom line much at all.

Jane is a key part of MCU Thor's character (she was after all, the main reason that he changed from being an arrogant d*ck into a true hero). Ditching Jane (especially off-screen) would completely ignore the first two films and screw up any sense of continuity in the franchise.

Oh, and there's plenty of evidence of Thor and Jane's relationship being extremely close and loving: Focus on 5:20 to 5:47 Focus on 1:16 to 1:51
I highly doubt most of the general audience would care if Jane weren't a big part of the movie. Again, with Sif she has a lot more to offer than a comedy shtick as a clumsy scientist that's way past stale.

Audiences really probably wouldn't even care much at all, tbh.
I highly doubt most of the general audience would care if Jane weren't a big part of the movie. Again, with Sif she has a lot more to offer than a comedy shtick as a clumsy scientist that's way past stale.

Audiences really probably wouldn't even care much at all, tbh.

Strongly disagree with you here. Also, how could you possibly describe Jane as "clumsy". She's easily one of the smartest people in the MCU.
Glad to finally see some love for Jane Foster around here. I happen to really like her character and as others have mentioned she's important to Thor's character development. TDW was an adventure romp and had little time for romance other than a few scenes to acknowledge it but there's definitely a chemistry there from the first one. (Watch the interviews from the first film and they just ooze it between the two of them.) A script and a film edit that can breathe and allow some smaller character moments (like the campfire chat from the first and tangentially related Selvig and Thor at the bar) are what is needed. Elevate the romance - don't discard it. Ultimately it is Sif that is Thor's greatest love and it takes him a while to realize it and when he does it should hit him like a ton of bricks - that's what I personally hope to see develop but Thor has loved many women through his long existence and for now having Jane humanizes and grounds Thor and makes him vulnerable.

Bringing someone back like Branagh could really help restore some of those vital character moments but you also need a longer cut for the film. Look at Winter Soldier - it was packed with action but it was extended just enough with scenes to really give you insight into Rogers' character like the drive with Natasha and the flashbacks with Bucky etc. but it was over 20 minutes longer than Dark World. I personally love TDW but the short run times for the Thor films are the one thing that rankles me the most. I believe if Taylor and Marvel saw eye to eye a bit more on the direction for the character and mythos we would have seen that longer cut.
Yeah Jane's not going anywhere
best we can hope is that the director of the third film really knocks it out of the park in terms of the love story, and makes us see why they belong together beyond the physical attraction

Jane is a key part of MCU Thor's character (she was after all, the main reason that he changed from being an arrogant d*ck into a true hero). Ditching Jane (especially off-screen) would completely ignore the first two films and screw up any sense of continuity in the franchise.

Oh, and there's plenty of evidence of Thor and Jane's relationship being extremely close and loving: Focus on 5:20 to 5:47 Focus on 1:16 to 1:51

Glad to finally see some love for Jane Foster around here. I happen to really like her character and as others have mentioned she's important to Thor's character development. TDW was an adventure romp and had little time for romance other than a few scenes to acknowledge it but there's definitely a chemistry there from the first one. (Watch the interviews from the first film and they just ooze it between the two of them.) A script and a film edit that can breathe and allow some smaller character moments (like the campfire chat from the first and tangentially related Selvig and Thor at the bar) are what is needed. Elevate the romance - don't discard it. Ultimately it is Sif that is Thor's greatest love and it takes him a while to realize it and when he does it should hit him like a ton of bricks - that's what I personally hope to see develop but Thor has loved many women through his long existence and for now having Jane humanizes and grounds Thor and makes him vulnerable.

Bringing someone back like Branagh could really help restore some of those vital character moments but you also need a longer cut for the film. Look at Winter Soldier - it was packed with action but it was extended just enough with scenes to really give you insight into Rogers' character like the drive with Natasha and the flashbacks with Bucky etc. but it was over 20 minutes longer than Dark World. I personally love TDW but the short run times for the Thor films are the one thing that rankles me the most. I believe if Taylor and Marvel saw eye to eye a bit more on the direction for the character and mythos we would have seen that longer cut.

Honestly, Jane receives a disproportionate amount of hate from the fandom. It's sad, really.
She also receives a disproportionate amount of screen time for being such a boring character
I do think it's about time Sif gets more screen time, and the Warriors 3 for that matter, I thought TDW would have done that not given them less screen time.
I like Jane, but I prefer Sif. More Sif please. Make a Sif and the Warriors Three miniseries like Agent Carter if you have too!
I do think it's about time Sif gets more screen time, and the Warriors 3 for that matter, I thought TDW would have done that not given them less screen time.

Sure, but that's no reason to kill off or completely ignore Jane. Why can't they both happily co-exist in the same movie?
Sure, but that's no reason to kill off or completely ignore Jane. Why can't they both happily co-exist in the same movie?

:huh: where did I mention in my post about killing off or ignoring Jane?
:huh: where did I mention in my post about killing off or ignoring Jane?

Of course you didn't. I was merely highlighting the ridiculousness of the views of many on the internet concerning Jane and Sif. Many of the proponents of the idea of killing off or ignoring Jane say that doing so would "make room" for Sif as well as other characters like Valkyrie etc. My point is that there is no need to kill anyone off (at least not for such a reason) as Thor 3 (which will surely have a run-time of well over two hours) will have more than enough time for these other characters, without fridging one of the franchise' major players.
Well, a small number of fans jut seem upset that Jane and Darcy are ever on screen and take up so much valuable Thor time. Oh god, two women are interacting in a meaningful way, someone make it stop!

Sorry, it just feels sometimes like the female characters in the MCU can get a disproportional negative reaction. Not all of them of course (Peggy is pretty much universally loved, and I assume not many people complain about May because she could destroy them) but, man, once they see any sort of weak characterization - despite the fact that it happens to plenty of male characters too - you get all sorts of weird death wishes. Does that happen to some of the guys and I'm just unaware of it? Because I've seen it pretty openly for Jane, Darcy, Skye, and even Widow, usually with a healthy side of "plus it would make room for [blank]!" as if two ladies cannot be written into a story side by side. I like Jane's character, mostly because of the first movie, but TDW did her no favors thanks to the writing. Still, it would be perfectly possible to write a more MEANINGFUL role for Jane while also giving Sif a MEATIER role. And you could even do it without destroying or dismissing Marvel Film Studios only female friendship.

Before GotG, Thor was the biggest Marvel franchise that attracted woman, and while I'm sure Chris and Tom didn't hurt those numbers it's possible that the prominence and reliability of women (like more than one. No offense to Pepper or Peggy or Natasha, all of whom I absolutely adore) had something to do with that.
Well, a small number of fans jut seem upset that Jane and Darcy are ever on screen and take up so much valuable Thor time. Oh god, two women are interacting in a meaningful way, someone make it stop!

Sorry, it just feels sometimes like the female characters in the MCU can get a disproportional negative reaction. Not all of them of course (Peggy is pretty much universally loved, and I assume not many people complain about May because she could destroy them) but, man, once they see any sort of weak characterization - despite the fact that it happens to plenty of male characters too - you get all sorts of weird death wishes. Does that happen to some of the guys and I'm just unaware of it? Because I've seen it pretty openly for Jane, Darcy, Skye, and even Widow, usually with a healthy side of "plus it would make room for [blank]!" as if two ladies cannot be written into a story side by side. I like Jane's character, mostly because of the first movie, but TDW did her no favors thanks to the writing. Still, it would be perfectly possible to write a more MEANINGFUL role for Jane while also giving Sif a MEATIER role. And you could even do it without destroying or dismissing Marvel Film Studios only female friendship.

Before GotG, Thor was the biggest Marvel franchise that attracted woman, and while I'm sure Chris and Tom didn't hurt those numbers it's possible that the prominence and reliability of women (like more than one. No offense to Pepper or Peggy or Natasha, all of whom I absolutely adore) had something to do with that.

I agree one-hundred percent with everything you have said here. People always say how weak Jane was for being upset when Thor didn't come back, while completely ignoring how Thor was actually in a far worse state than she was during that period. I mean, at least Jane tried dating another guy. Thor, on the other hand showed no signs of wanting to move on, checking on her daily with Heimdall, and rejecting Sif's advances.
I agree one-hundred percent with everything you have said here. People always say how weak Jane was for being upset when Thor didn't come back, while completely ignoring how Thor was actually in a far worse state than she was during that period. I mean, at least Jane tried dating another guy. Thor, on the other hand showed no signs of wanting to move on, checking on her daily with Heimdall, and rejecting Sif's advances.

I've seen a lot of complaints about Jane but do people actually claim that? I mean, we're told that she has spent her time actively searching out a way to find Asgard which in my view is a much stronger reaction than, say, giving up and moping or sitting around doing nothing but waiting for him to return. Is it weak because she held out hope that he would keep his promise and return for her, that her feelings for him (whatever they are) continued even in his absence?

Because in that case, shouldn't Sif be held to the same standards? She continues to hold a torch for Thor after he's made it clear he is not interested in her and she's not shown actively pursuing him but is rather passive in her interest. Is that "weak"? No, of course not. I haven't seen any claims about Jane being weak for waiting, but I don't think either of these woman have unrealistic reactions in this case. Jane continues to search for him. Sif respects Thor's feelings towards Jane.
Well, a small number of fans jut seem upset that Jane and Darcy are ever on screen and take up so much valuable Thor time. Oh god, two women are interacting in a meaningful way, someone make it stop!

Darcy and Jane are crap characters. They should've shown Sif and Frigga more instead actual cool characters.

Me personally I have nothing against love interests whether male or female if their cool and have super powers or can kick butt.

But I don't like damsels in distress in my super hero movies. Lady Sif Black Widow and Agent Carter are cool because they kick butt. I'll feel the same about Captain Marvels love interest if he's a weakling who can't kick butt I'll be waiting for him to hurry up off screen.
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Darcy and Jane are crap characters. They should've shown Sif and Frigga more instead actual cool characters.

Me personally I have nothing against love interests whether male or female if their cool and have super powers or can kick butt.

But I don't like damsels in distress in my super hero movies. Lady Sif Black Widow and Agent Carter are cool because they kick butt. I'll feel the same about Captain Marvels love interest if he's a weakling who can't kick butt I'll be waiting for him to hurry up off screen.

You're pretty small-minded if you think that a female character can only be interesting if she "kicks butt". Also, Jane wasn't a damsel in distress in the first movie and was only unconscious for part of the sequel. Finally, she does " kick-ass" at the end of the second movie by teleporting most of Malekith's mooks away and playing a key role in stopping Malekith himself.

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