The official JUSTICE discussion thread

Someone new? Jack Kirby created Darksied when he was writing a Jimmy Olsen book.

And who is Negative Man?
Negative Man is a member of the Doom patrol whose body is all wrapped in bandages, but he wears badass sunglasses. He releases a powerful "Negative Spirit," which leaves his body immobile and defenseless. In Morrison's Doom Patrol run, he was called Rebis, and was a combination of man, woman, and the negative spirit, going on existencial metaphysical tangents.

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I like the Lantern design. I'm not feelin' the bat for some reason.
The bat design is a throw-back to the batmobile colors/design in the sixties television series. It's a geek reason why I enjoy it. Lantern's just makes me think of Alan's Kingdom Come outfit.
Dude I just forget what happens between issues, that's why I said that.

I really need to re-read these issues.

Yeah, that bi-monthly release can really put a damper on keeping track of what happened in the previous issue. What I usually do with miniseries or maxi-series like this is reread the entire thing once I have it all.

This series has actually turned a couple of my friends onto comics just simply because of the beautiful artwork.
I wonder where he fields the "is there any point to this besides showing off pretty pictures?" question.
Yeah, that bi-monthly release can really put a damper on keeping track of what happened in the previous issue. What I usually do with miniseries or maxi-series like this is reread the entire thing once I have it all.

This series has actually turned a couple of my friends onto comics just simply because of the beautiful artwork.

Same here.
Hardcovers seem like throwing money away on half measures. Singles or waiting for the Absolute is the way to go.
To Leaguers point, what is the point behind Justice? Well besides showing off AR's amazing art, and his inability to get over a 30 year old childrens cartoon.
To Leaguers point, what is the point behind Justice? Well besides showing off AR's amazing art, and his inability to get over a 30 year old childrens cartoon.

To me it is a great template to base a movie off of. Hands down one of the top 3 JLA stories, and #1 in my book.

Writers Jim Krueger and Alex Ross
Art Doug Braithwaite and Alex Ross
Cover by Alex Ross

The villains' plot to to exploit the innocent may even affect the heroes' comrades, colleagues and co-combatants!

If you devided the 12 issues, you could say the third act of the entire storyline in Justice started with issue 9. And in that issue, the heroes were not going to take it anymore and they went off to fight their fight. Issue 10 starts off the finale climatic battle between the League and the Legion.

Now, this is how you write a JLA story. There is no stopping Ross from keeping on making this series good and/or great issue by issue. You get everything: the JLA fighting non-stop again the Legion of Doom, more about what Brainiac is trying to do, Joker does something which he hasn't done for a while in this series which is destroying one of the new cities, and Green Arrow and Black Canary start the rescue of the other heroes that the Legion kidnapped. This book has it all.

In the first panels where the Legion are celebrating their victory, one fo the things that caught me (I'm a guy) was how gorgeous Giganta looked in that black dress. On the same subject, I felt better seeing Ross' protrayal of her when she grew to larger size. The reason why I felt better was because when she did that before, it didn't look right to me. I thought she looked deformed and it turned me off. I was glad it wasn't really the case. But that scene also showed something else: what Brainiac was up to. Brainiac's plan invovles Aquaman' son, he wants to restart his race of Coluans and Arthur, the son, is the first of the race. And you know Aquaman will not stand and let that happen.

In this battle, we're treated with alot of great moments and fight scenes. Back at the end of issue nine, I loved the battle armors they wore and was waiting to see them fighting with them on. Some people may not have liked the idea at first, but once you read this you will begin to love the battle armor concept. Plus, since its the Metal Men in these armors, its not just the superheroes fighting the villians and taunting them (as seen when Lead taunts Grundy, and it seems at first that it was actually Superman). And you see the Doom Patrol fighting Batgirl, the Marvel Family and the Teen Titans. And I like when as the League are fighting, Giganta is above them and its like they have to make sure she doesn't stomp on them. This issue was great.

Overall, as I'll say again, this issue was great. The battle was big. And it involved everyone, hero and villian alike. People will be pleased to hear that Joker does something rather than just popping in and out all the time. He plants bombs and blows up the buildings inside one of the new cities. On a side note, when Green Arrow gives John Stewart his Lantern ring, we saw Supergirl. Her here, art-wise, is better than the picture before in Ross' book. I always felt that there was something wrong with her in that image, she's fine now.

RATING: 9/10

Next Issue: Green Lantern has his showndown with Sinestro. Captain Marvel will have his incredible victory. A challenge will occur for Aquaman. And will the villians have the upper hand still with Aquaman's son in their grasp?
T Hands down one of the top 3 JLA stories, and #1 in my book.

Definitely,still have to see how it ends,but if it continues the hotstreak it's on,then it's going to be up there with JLA Year One and New Frontier.
#12,the final ish will have 38 pages instead of the regular 28 for this series.
This series keeps sticking its cock in my face and makes me take it. It freaking rules all the ****. It is the greatest timeless JLA story ever. all it needs is the JSA to show up. I want hourman and dr. midnite damnit.
anyone picked up the second HC yet?
I just did, on my second try; these things are rather poorly bound, and the second one has one side of the cover longer than the other.

Another good installment; I especially liked the Captain Marvel/Superman team-up. Also, I watched a couple of seasons of JLU in between the first and second HCs, so my knowledge of minor DC characters is much improved, which makes enjoying this story much easier.
one of my problems with justice was the "sidekick status" of Mr. Stewart.. but it looks like he is going to save the day (or atleast 1-3 frames :p)
sweet issue.. and its nice to see Dinah using the canary cry for something other then making badguy's ears bleed..

And yet again! we see Elongated Man as something other then a joke..
I've really liked this maxi-series since the beginning. Solid writing and fantasmic artwork will usually make a comic book worth buying and reading. Though there are just some issues in this series that just don't really feel like they belong. I mean did these guys HAVE to do 12 issues? I feel this could have been done in 9 to 10 issues, possibly less.

I don't know.

But the latest issue was pretty awesome. I liked that little trick that Arrow pulled with Supergirl, thus causing the sweet ass splash page at the end. My friend Aaron will be pleased that the "*****" Green Lantern is getting some props.

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