Clone Wars The Season 5 Discussion Thread

It was a short game and it was obviously rushed out as a cash grab, but if you look past that I think the story still had a lot of potential. There was a cool twist and some great action sequences.

Also I only paid $14 for it :D
I can't believe they thought that droid arc was actually good.

To be fair, they're viewing this from a producers' perspective, not the viewers' perspective, so they probably can't see all the faults that a large majority of the fanbase does.
So I just watched all of season 5 last night and wow, I can't believe it's gone for now.
Yeah. RIP, it's a real shame, especially since we were so close to getting the conclusion of the series. Oh, well.
:csad: From bad to worst...

The Clone Wars Team Reportedly Being Disbanded
Posted By Eric on March 19, 2013

In the aftermath of The Clone Wars' cancellation, it seems that the team behind the series will not be a team for much longer. While the status of Season 6 story arcs is still unknown, reports indicate that Lucasfilm employees responsible for bringing the show to life are being reassigned or let go.

In addition, a number of people close to the situation have told me that there are no clean resolutions to the story arcs of fan-favorite characters like Ahsoka Tano and Asajj Ventress in the unaired Season 6 material. It's also been suggested to me that, while last week's statement on teased future "bonus content," it's far from certain that fans will ever see that content.

One source familiar with developments at Lucasfilm told me that the changes at Lucasfilm Animation go beyond The Clone Wars team. This individual described a dramatic downsizing of the entire division and said that Disney planned to place future Star Wars TV projects in the hands of its existing television operation. While the source did not name names, it appears likely that veterans of the animation division and The Clone Wars in particular may be leaving the company.

Despite this dramatic and disturbing development, fans should still make their voices heard. If you want Disney to keep producing high-quality Star Wars content like The Clone Wars, let them know. While corporate decision-making is not always responsive to fans' urging, it definitely doesn't hurt to try. We encourage our readers to write letters to Disney CEO Bob Iger at the following address:

Bob Iger
Disney Studios
500 S Buena Vista St
Burbank, CA 91521

Let Mr. Iger know how you feel about The Clone Wars ending. Just be sure to keep your message civil and mature.

While The Clone Wars will not get a sixth season, it's possible that fan input can sway Disney one way or the other as far as the promised "bonus content" goes. If the animation team is about to be broken up, and fans can affect what happens to those people and their work, now is the time to speak up.

UPDATE: I have spoken to another source close to Lucasfilm Animation who confirmed to me that the division will be proceeding with layoffs. This person stressed that fans should still expect to see the promised story arcs from The Clone Wars' canned sixth season, but reiterated that this and other changes at Lucasfilm were part of a reorientation of the company toward Episode VII and Sequel-related work.

TFN will continue to provide updates on this story as it develops.
This just freakin' sucks!. So it's possible we just wont get closure at all :csad: Sorry, but that's just not cool at all in my book :cmad:
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It brings up quotes from the saga...

"I have a bad feeling about this."


"This deal is getting worse all the time."

to finally...


Seriously, it's Spectacular Spider-Man all over again. :csad:

There goes my dream of getting a "Star Wars: The Dark Times" from the Clone Wars crew.

Well, a report did say Dave Filoni would be involved in the next project. I have a feeling that since Episode VII would logically take place about 30 years after Jedi, that a new series could fill in that gap. That way we get the old crew in their prime and it prepares us for what's to come. Sort of like what the Marvel movies do, only using animation. It would be cool for continuity sake if they did it in same style as clone Wars, though.
Why couldn't we have season 6,now there is nothing to watch that is Star Wars.Wouldn't Disney want fans to have something to watch rather than nothing?Episode seven doesn't come out for awhile.
Suck a bag of ***** Disney. (Yeah, I'm pissed about this and need to vent!)

The Clone Wars was a well oiled machine, and I dont see any way that canning Clone Wars and firing everyone will improve the work flow on Episode 7. They are two entirely seperate sectors simply working under one roof. All this comes down to is that Disney didn't see enough profit in Clone Wars to justfy it and it wasn't one of their ideas so they canned it. They could have given us one more season.:argh:

Why couldn't we have season 6,now there is nothing to watch that is Star Wars.Wouldn't Disney want fans to have something to watch rather than nothing?Episode seven doesn't come out for awhile.

The reasons I believe is Disney distancing itself from all things prequel related and probably some legal and/or financial differences with Warner Brothers. It might also be wanting their own stamp type of thing (like Ultimate Spider-Man).

For those not familiar watch a few episodes of Spectacular Spider-Man then watch some episodes of Ultimate Spider-Man and get ready for Star Wars on Disney XD...:csad:
The crappyness (to put it mildly) of USM largely had to do with the dumbass duo of Jeph Loeb and Joe Quesada in Marvel, not Disney. I just hope the people at Disney who will be running the future of SW in television aren't anything like Loeb and Quesada.
It confuses me why anyone pays Jeph Loeb to write. He's an awful writer.
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Suck a bag of ***** Disney. (Yeah, I'm pissed about this and need to vent!)

The Clone Wars was a well oiled machine, and I dont see any way that canning Clone Wars and firing everyone will improve the work flow on Episode 7. They are two entirely seperate sectors simply working under one roof. All this comes down to is that Disney didn't see enough profit in Clone Wars to justfy it and it wasn't one of their ideas so they canned it. They could have given us one more season.:argh:


I'm just as disappointed as the next guy but the Clone Wars was far from a "well oiled machine" it hasn't had a solidly decent run since season 3. I mean season 4/5 I found myself more annoyed with how much filler they were shoving down our throats to drag out the arcs they were holding the show together with. I mean there was an abundance of crap, mixed with a handful of extremely well put together episodes.

I don't think it should have been canned either and I felt the same way as you did when I first heard the news too, but the more it sinks in, the more I'm able to see the show for what it was.
It confuses me why anyone pays Jeph Loeb to write. He's an awful writer.
He acts like he is God.
He wasn't always... :csad:
Indeed! He just went insane like Frank Miller...

Sounds like George Lucas and Spielberg, but really, success and ego are the minds two greatest weaknesses. It really seems once people get accustomed to praise and easy success, they begin to stop second guessing themselves, coming to believe their ideas and logic can be without fault.
Suck a bag of ***** Disney. (Yeah, I'm pissed about this and need to vent!)

The Clone Wars was a well oiled machine, and I dont see any way that canning Clone Wars and firing everyone will improve the work flow on Episode 7. They are two entirely seperate sectors simply working under one roof. All this comes down to is that Disney didn't see enough profit in Clone Wars to justfy it and it wasn't one of their ideas so they canned it. They could have given us one more season.:argh:

Well said man. Pretty bummed here even more than a week later. I really hope we get the bonus stuff still. I just...I just wish Disney actually understood.
Here's some more info from the TFN.

Cad Bane being my favorite Star Wars character, this part stood out to me:

Among the story arcs that will not emerge in this post-cancellation era is one that dealt with Boba Fett and the other bounty hunters who have menaced the heroes for several seasons. This story arc, which my source tells me was almost done, would have shown us the fates of Cad Bane and Aurra Sing.

Also, according to this article from, we will be seeing two finished arcs but neither deal with the fate of Ahsoka.

My bet is the first arc will be about Jar Jar as he struggles to convince the senate to put through a new bill regarding taxation, and the second will be about those loveable droids and their tiny colonel leader.
So who do you think will be on the season 5 dvd cover?I would like to see Sidious.
Cad Bane being my favorite Star Wars character, this part stood out to me:

Among the story arcs that will not emerge in this post-cancellation era is one that dealt with Boba Fett and the other bounty hunters who have menaced the heroes for several seasons. This story arc, which my source tells me was almost done, would have shown us the fates of Cad Bane and Aurra Sing.
Aww man, so we wont be seeing Cad Bane? :csad:
The reasons I believe is Disney distancing itself from all things prequel related. It might also be wanting their own stamp type of thing (like Ultimate Spider-Man).

The latter more than the former.
To ruin all your lives. :o

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