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Why wasn't Grant Gustin chosen to be in Justic League?

I've never been in favor of carrying over the TV actors to the movie side. For a ton of reasons. The #1 being that you then have to incorporate storylines from the TV shows into the movies, and alot of the storylines in Arrow/Flash/Supergirl have been watered down for budget/character restriction reasons, others for just illogical reasons (Ahem *Starling City*) and there has been an enormous amount of just plain bad writing on those shows. Also, once you incorporate the lead actors of these shows into the movie universe, it means you also have to bring in the supporting cast actors once you do a solo movie, most of them are horrendous and not up to par with traditional movie actors. Stephen Amell for example then becomes your movie Green Arrow as well, and there are tons of better actors they can get for that role.

That said, while I don't particularly care for the show, I do like Grant Gustin better than Ezra Miller as Barry/Flash, not because he's a better actor, just think he fits the role better. We'll see if I change my mind once/if the Flash movie gets made, but I just never liked the casting of Miller as Flash. Regardless, it wouldn't work, if I ever have to see Cisco again it will be too soon and once you make Gustin the movie Flash, the supporting casts comes with him for a solo movie. There are plenty of other reasons it doesn't work as well.
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I thought it was mediocre at best. Bad acting, uninspired villains, inconsistent portrayals of Barry's speed, cringeworthy dialogue and romantic drama...nah. Adaptations can do far better than Flash. And they have.

Ah we'll have to agree to disagree

Reverse Flash is in my top 5 live action CBM villains ever. Flash to me is the best superhero TV show ever produced.
I hope you're equally pleased with the movie version. :yay:
I hope you're equally pleased with the movie version. :yay:

Me too haha, I like what I've seen so far. I'm open to different interpretations and just in case I made it seem otherwise, I would not want the DCCW universe to be on the big screen.
Gustin isn't a bad actor by any stretch, but he's not so good that he'll divide the fan base. Same applies to the show, honestly. Season one wasn't that good, and from what I've heard, the series has declined since then.

Season one of Flash was great. Everything I would want from a TV show version of a superhero. Better than a lot of movie versions.
The problem is the next two season were just a repeat of the first season. Only with more and more boring villains.
And Barry turned into a whiney emo whose sole purpose was to fix things he f'd up in the first place.
I'm not trolling, and if you read the individual episode threads you'll see a lot of other disgruntled fans. I don't see what's so innovative about it, either.

I only watched season 1 and it did become repetitive with some characterizations of Barry. I did like the season and like Grant as Barry but I can see he is not a movie star just like Tom wasn't etc. Flash suffers from similar things Smallville did in that they had to make the lead dumb to justify the other characters; for Smallville Chloe and Oliver for Flash his entire crew.
Me too haha, I like what I've seen so far. I'm open to different interpretations and just in case I made it seem otherwise, I would not want the DCCW universe to be on the big screen.

No worries, I know. :yay:
Just going by what I have seen in the Justice League trailers Ezra's version of the Flash seems to be younger and more fun loving though. Not all filled with angst and dread like the TV version.

I only got that vibe when he felt like Iris was doomed, but even then, he didn't feel like an angst-ridden character. That's Oliver or Caitlin, but not Barry.

The bar is not that high. Miller is the better actor and will make the role his own. His Flash will be seen by a much wider audience.

That's not what I've seen so far. Gustin is a more natural fit for Flash, but I'm hoping Miller can hold his own in JL.

I think we should just appreciate that we live in a time when we get the characters we love in both Television and Movies. What a time to be a fan!

Well said.

I'm not trolling, and if you read the individual episode threads you'll see a lot of other disgruntled fans. I don't see what's so innovative about it, either.

Speed Force, Grodd, King Shark, Time Wraiths, Cosmic Treadmill, Multiverse, Gorilla City, Time Remnants, Dynasty heroes, Barry running on water/up buildings/ jumping from floating pieces of debris to other pieces, Abra Kadabra...what's not innovative about this show?

Ah we'll have to agree to disagree

Reverse Flash is in my top 5 live action CBM villains ever. Flash to me is the best superhero TV show ever produced.

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Thing is you're taking faithful adaptions but there are so many different versions anyway. I actually think people need to stop wanting the comic version on screen. What works in a comic won't always work on TV and vice versa.

Look at Superman the Movie, that film was very different from the comics at the time. Krypton never looked like that until that film. So the live action versions can influence the comic books too. Which is exactly what Supergirl's take is doing now. Infact I feel like the TV show is finally the definitive take on a character that has never really had a definitive version. I feel like this is a the version people will talk about for years to come.

Also I know you're talking characterisations but both the shows do take a lot from the comics.

Well my reference is actually the DCAU, along with the other animated shows & movies out of WB Animation, as I've never "read" a comic-book before (like sat down to read one), but I am casually familiar with them as I've paged through them at newsstands and bookstores before.

But I get what you mean with there being different versions. I guess I just view WB's animated stuff from the 90s/00s to have some of the most ideal references for the characters. Barry Allen in JL: Flashpoint Paradox for example definitely isn't the same Barry Allen on the CW show, and that's the Barry Allen that I'd prefer to see in a live-action movie—almost characterized like Hal Jordan in a sense, except his power is speed instead of an alien green ring. :p

Also, now that I actually think about it, I feel like that John Wesley-Shipp portrayed a better Barry Allen in the 90s than Grant Gustin is now....
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Well my reference is actually the DCAU, along with the other animated shows & movies out of WB Animation, as I've never "read" a comic-book before (like sat down to read one), but I am casually familiar with them as I've paged through them at newsstands and bookstores before.

But I get what you mean with there being different versions. I guess I just view WB's animated stuff from the 90s/00s to have some of the most ideal references for the characters. Barry Allen in JL: Flashpoint Paradox for example definitely isn't the same Barry Allen on the CW show, and that's the Barry Allen that I'd prefer to see in a live-action movie—almost characterized like Hal Jordan in a sense, except his power is speed instead of an alien green ring. :p

Also, now that I actually think about it, I feel like that John Wesley-Shipp portrayed a better Barry Allen in the 90s than Grant Gustin is now....

My favourite Superman is STAS so I totally get where you're coming from with that. I think for many of us that was a damn near spot on DC Universe.

As a fan of Gustin I do agree with you that Shipp was better. Which is why I love that he's Jay Garrick on the new TV show.
Cuz acting on a superhero soap opera is not the same as acting in a hollywood film.
Cuz acting on a superhero soap opera is not the same as acting in a hollywood film.

Melissa Benoist has been in a few Hollywood films, Whiplash, The Longest Ride, Danny Collins, Oxford, Band of Robbers, Patriot's Day, Billy Boy, Lowriders, Sun Dogs.

Stephen Amell was in The Tracy Fragments, Closing the Ring, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

I think it is more lack of experience. Grant Gustin has only been in the poorly rated limited release movie Affluenza.

While Ezra Miller has been in City Island, Every Day, Beware the Gonzo, Another Happy Day, We Need To Talk About Kevin, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Madam Bovery, The Stanford Prison Experiment, Trainwreck
Melissa Benoist has been in a few Hollywood films, Whiplash, The Longest Ride, Danny Collins, Oxford, Band of Robbers, Patriot's Day, Billy Boy, Lowriders, Sun Dogs.

Stephen Amell was in The Tracy Fragments, Closing the Ring, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

I think it is more lack of experience. Grant Gustin has only been in the poorly rated limited release movie Affluenza.

While Ezra Miller has been in City Island, Every Day, Beware the Gonzo, Another Happy Day, We Need To Talk About Kevin, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Madam Bovery, The Stanford Prison Experiment, Trainwreck

Except Stephen Amell won't ever join the DCEU as Oliver Queen, even with experience, I mean, can I imagine Grant Gustin going up against Bat fleck or Henry's superman?

Bat fleck would go to meet him and just be like "hell nah, this guy is way to much trouble."
hahaha! my point was the tone and style in which the characters are portrayed.

Both of them play there parts with an expert degree of cheesiness which suits the tone of the show.

I don't watch Supergirl but I saw most of the first season and the way she plays it wouldn't work in the same universe. Theres absolutely no gravitas in her.

Grant plays his role better but he still suffers from same problems, Not only that but he plays the part more like Peter Parker than Barry Allen.
To be fair doh, it seems like they kinda made that mistake with Ezra's Flash aswell.
I don't watch Supergirl but I saw most of the first season and the way she plays it wouldn't work in the same universe. Theres absolutely no gravitas in her.

Watch her in Whiplash, Patriot's Day, Lowriders, Waco.
Watch her in Whiplash, Patriot's Day, Lowriders, Waco.

She can be fine in those parts but her Supergirl as established in the show will still be a bad fit for the films. The DC shows are often even by their defenders at this point, admittedly low rent when it comes to important aspects like casting, performances and writing.
She can be fine in those parts but her Supergirl as established in the show will still be a bad fit for the films. The DC shows are often even by their defenders at this point, admittedly low rent when it comes to important aspects like casting, performances and writing.

I guess it sort of depends on the direction the DCEU is going moving forward. Continue the dark, depressing MoS and BvS version or the highly successful optimistic and hopeful Wonder Woman version of the DCEU.
Wonder Woman and Supergirl have a lot in common. I could see that sort of Supergirl in the new and improved DCEU.

Another thing to consider. Geoff Johns is now president of DC Films and is now the Chief Creative Officer, the guy in charge of setting the tone of the characters, in part because of the fallout from BvS. WB wanted someone
who would get the character right. And Geoff Johns was one of the creators of the Supergirl TV series. So we know what kind of Supergirl he prefers and considers to be the correct version of Supergirl.

Not saying they would cast Benoist as Supergirl in the movie. Just that she is a better actress than LL was saying.
Melissa Benoist did win the 2017 Saturn Award from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror for Best Actress on Television for Supergirl, beating Lena Headey from "Game of Thrones", Winona Ryder from "Stranger Things",
and two time winner Caitriona Balfe from "Outlander".

And "Supergirl" did also win the Saturn Award for Best Superhero Adaptation Television Series. So I guess people in the industry think it is pretty good. Not sure which of these so-called defenders think the show is low rent.
Not many seem to hang out in the Supergirl forums.

There is nothing in common wirh the tone, writing, production values,cast or performances between the Supergirl show and the Wonder Woman film. Benoist, a fine actress, has established a cheezy and unbearably cutesy Kara on a lackluster written show surrounded by too many mediocre at best cast members. None of that fits the world, characterization or performances we saw in WW.
There is nothing in common wirh the tone, writing, production values,cast or performances between the Supergirl show and the Wonder Woman film. Benoist, a fine actress, has established a cheezy and unbearably cutesy Kara on a lackluster written show surrounded by too many mediocre at best cast members. None of that fits the world, characterization or performances we saw in WW.

Where are you getting the other cast members on Supergirl are mediocre from? :whatever: Or that the show is lackluster? Just because you don't like the tone of the show? Othere people disagree.
Most reviewers feel the show is excellent and the actors shine. 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. And won the Saturn Award for Best Superhero Adaptation Television Series. So I guess people in
the industry think it is pretty good.
I think it's obvious that KRYPTON watches or has watched the show and is getting his opinions on the performances, writing, and direction from the performances, writing, and direction. Cheesy =/= bad or poorly written, especially when the project in question is SUPPOSED to be cheesy.
Where are you getting the other cast members on Supergirl are mediocre from? :whatever: Or that the show is lackluster? Just because you don't like the tone of the show? Othere people disagree.
Most reviewers feel the show is excellent and the actors shine. 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. And won the Saturn Award for Best Superhero Adaptation Television Series. So I guess people in
the industry think it is pretty good.

There are only a few tv critics and bloggers on RT though. Supergirl has really Low audience ratings on RT, IMDB and Metacritic. It's a divisive show.
I appreciate Benoist's efforts, but she'll be well into her 30s before a Supergirl film begins production. Smart money says they'll cast a teenager as the DCEU Supergirl who is likely a child right now.
Given that along with Melissa Benoist, who is the definition of perfection as Supergirl, Grant is excellent as the Flash/Barry Allen, so why wouldn't he have been selected for the upcoming film?

Could it have been a scheduling conflict?

As someone who collected EVERY Flash comic and read them when they were released from 1972 through the late 1980s, I think I've got a good handle on the character, and its surprising that WB did not select Grant.

Because he is the fastest man alive.
Not grim/dark enough or what-ever.

" If you're making a Flash movie with Ezra Miller, it's like millennial Flash. It's going to be a little lighter than making a World War I epic with this feminist icon like Wonder Woman. "- Zack Snyder, 2016 pre BvS


As for why...Ezra Miller. One of the most talented actors of his generation. Grant's good for the show but...

No reason why we cant have two different amazing Flash's at the same time.
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The universe's should be kept separate, just so we can have some kind of lovely multiverse crisis at some point in the future :woot:

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