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X Men: The Last Stand - My Review

X.M.D. said:
Cmon, PWR...tell us about Mystiques fate!!!

(E Flavio...pelo que li em varios reviews ate agora, Rogue so aparece metalizada mesmo na cabeça).
sério? :( você sabe do que o Colossus protege ela? cara minha esperança caiu de um precipício e está destruída depois de ontem...
This is rediculous! First u say its 103 minutes, then 2hours and 15, then u come here and say its 93??!!! And how in the world can x2 be better than this. I just don't know what 2 believe.
Imagino - porque esses detalhes ainda nao foram comentados - que sejam os lasers do Sentinela da DR. Por isso, Colossus a metaliza. Pelo menos eu acho.
javon said:
This is rediculous! First u say its 103 minutes, then 2hours and 15, then u come here and say its 93??!!! And how in the world can x2 be better than this. I just don't know what 2 believe.
Its supposedly 96 min without credits and 103 with them.
X.M.D. said:
Imagino - porque esses detalhes ainda nao foram comentados - que sejam os lasers do Sentinela da DR. Por isso, Colossus a metaliza. Pelo menos eu acho.
ah valeu :( oh senhor deus do universo, salvai essse filme...
ah e eu acho que a Mística
é curada mesmo e acaba a participação dela aí...
Thanks for sharing your review, PhoenixWillRise. Nice to read something postive about this movie.
One question, and I hope it isn't a spoiler of any kind, but well we get the same kind of opening that X1 and 2 had, with a monologue by the professor, followed by a short credit sequence and Cerebro's doors slamming shut?
I really hope they didn't leave out that little bit of continuity.
X.M.D. said:
Why is PWR keeping secrets about Mystique???:confused: :confused: :confused:
He already told us her whole story on the other threads where he answers our questions. She gets shot with a cure dart in the convoy truck and she becomes a human. Magnet then makes a remark of how she used to be beautiful and leaves her stranded. Later on she tells the government where Magneto's hideout is.
lordofthenerds said:
He already told us her whole story on the other threads where he answers our questions. She gets shot with a cure dart in the convoy truck and she becomes a human. Magnet then makes a remark of how she used to be beautiful and leaves her stranded. Later on she tells the government where Magneto's hideout is.
Whoa! Thank you, LOTN!:) :) :up:
lordofthenerds said:
He already told us her whole story on the other threads where he answers our questions. She gets shot with a cure dart in the convoy truck and she becomes a human. Magnet then makes a remark of how she used to be beautiful and leaves her stranded. Later on she tells the government where Magneto's hideout is.
:eek: wow!!!!!
Great Review, PhoenixWillRise!!! I can tell I will like this movie!!! But it's sad that Rogue and Angel don't get a lot of character development!!!:(
Im so confused. I'm still sticking with the person that says no one has been cured unti lthe 26th :D The thing that pisses me off is that Simon said that the firebird will be in the movie. They were even working it but now we hear it isn't...
I hope they have a wonderfully fantastic suprise ending in store for us

What im confused about is that My cinema says this movie is 105 min, 10 min longer than the version PWR saw. Maybe the Theratrical Relase will have more scenes and the longer scenes at the begining and have a short glimpse of the firebird. Hopefuly the one the critics saw was cut down
The Guard said:
I tire of this.

Bosef, get a grip. No movie is ever going to be perfect. You are waffling so much on this film that you make the average fanboy look intelligent by comparison. Your personal problems, stresses, etc, do not give you license to publicly bash a movie you haven't seen and rain sarcastic insults down on the people who made it happen. Surprise, surprise, X3 won't be as good as X2 (still, btw, conjecture. There are many elements (including story) that may well beat X2 with a hose. Notice, most reviewers and naysayers don't seem concerned with the actual ELEMENTS of film thus far (specifics of acting, dialogue, story, music, pacing), only if it was "better or worse than X2". Surprise, surprise, there are elements of it people won't like. If we're honest with ourselves, this is true of ANY film.

Seriously. Get a grip.

Sorry Bosef, but I must agree with The Guard on this one. I understand your frustration--you are not the only one who is disapointed--but don't you think that you are starting to act a little immature about this? I know you've had doubts through the entire production, but you always expessed yourself with intellect and diginity. Now you just seem content on damning a movie based on select accounts, that you've never yet seen! You strike me as someone who knows what he thinks and likes to gain his own opinions. So, why not wait until you actually see X3 on screen through your own eyes, and see if you are still disappointed?

Again, I'm not trying to bait you, or start a fight. I'm just trying to inform; that is all.
Karategirlx2001 said:
Sorry Bosef, but I must agree with The Guard on this one. I understand your frustration--you are not the only one who is disapointed--but don't you think that you are starting to act a little immature about this? I know you've had doubts through the entire production, but you always expessed yourself with intellect and diginity. Now you just seem content on damning a movie based on select accounts, that you've never yet seen! You strike me as someone who knows what he thinks and likes to gain his own opinions. So, why not wait until you actually see X3 on screen through you own eyes, and see if you are still disappointed?

Again, I'm not trying to bait you, or start a fight. I'm just trying to inform; that is all.

Girl, you need to get that post count up if you're ever to beat me... :p :D
I need to know about the opening of the movie and the cerebro doors/opening credits, when they'll take place and such. I'm guessing instead of Xavier's speech there will be that Jean as a child scene, then Angel as a child, THEN have Cerebro close?
"FOX allowed too longer X-Men movies before this"

Remember how much the first films runtime was cut?

"Spiderman movies are near perfection, while X-men only got there with X2..."


"Thank god Marvel will be making their own Movies now. So hopefully once FOX looses the right in a few years Marvel can start over the RIGHT WAY & show ****ing FOX how its done"

I dont know - will Marvel have the budgets that a company like FOX or WB has?

You know I usually dont sink to such discussions but I hope Superman is a home run, maybe itll teach FOX a lesson.

I doubt it. All I know is like I said, if this blows, I wont be eager to see another FOX superhero film again.I waited for On Demand for Fantastic4.
It sucked and how someone can look at the camera and say they thought they made a great film (Rothman)referring to that piece of crap is beyond me

Bottom line is not enough care.I cant even understand it becuase its not like FOX has other franchises at the moment. So why not take extra care with the one you have? Who are these people?

Hopefully in 10 years we'll get a reboot ala Batman Begins(I didnt like the previous 4 Batman films either, yup even the Burton ones)
The Apocalypse said:
Im so confused. I'm still sticking with the person that says no one has been cured unti lthe 26th :D The thing that pisses me off is that Simon said that the firebird will be in the movie. They were even working it but now we hear it isn't...

That p****s me off too!

They said it would be in! It's one thing to not have it in, it's another to tease us and lie about it!

I'm just clinging to the hope there's another version for us :( :)
Cyclops-Summers said:
So this movie is a real suckshiiiiiitttt!!!

Why doesnt Cyclops wear an uniform whereas he does in the movie poster ??!!
Why doesnt Phenix shine her eyes and make flamme around body ??!!
Why didnt they make a long movie 2h20 around ??!!

wouinnnnn :( :( :(

Ratner is so worthless!!! Characters no developed, because of short duration, no phoenix power like X2 whereas Singer did that...
It make me so angry and furious!!!

shush now..... just go see it :up:

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