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You Know Nothing Jon Snow

Both Jon Snow and Jon Targaryen are dead, but they will be revived. :yay:
Jon isn't a Targaryen nor Azor Ahai.

This isn't J.R.R Tolkien!
Man I know it all! Game of Thrones is popular due to not being your typical fantasy story with your Anakin Skywalker-trope hero who starts from nothing and becomes greatness. I understand majority of the fans want Jon to be a Targaryen and some fans even want Tyrion to be a Targaryen so they can all ride Dragons and whatnot, but this isn't Tolkien!

Therefore i'm still championing B + A = J and L + R = D. Imagen if this theory proves to be the correct one? The internet will be in sensation.
The trope on its own isn't a bad one. GRRM's a fan of Tolkien, but criticizes him for a one-dimensional villain in Sauron and a failure to explore the difficulties of Aragorn's tenure as king.

I have seen this same trope used in a story where the common man's consciousness was reborn in the corpse of a dead hero of legend. Said hero eventually committed genocide against the human race, the last pages describing how he filled city streets with blood and hunted down the last dregs of mankind like dogs. So every hero that this "Reborn King" trope applies to isn't necessarily going to be an Aragorn.
Tolkien was going to write a sequel to LOTR about Aragorn's tenure as king, having to deal with Sauron-worshipping cultists, but never got around to it.

True story, you can look it up in his letters.
I thought they we're teenagers dressed as Orcs.

I'm personally hoping reborn Jon Snow is either an Other/White Walker or a monster, but i'm also hoping Rickon Stark becomes the harsh King of the North.
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Man I know it all! Game of Thrones is popular due to not being your typical fantasy story with your Anakin Skywalker-trope hero who starts from nothing and becomes greatness.
it most definitely isn't and anakin wasn't you're typical hero either so that comparison is dumb.

I understand majority of the fans want Jon to be a Targaryen and some fans even want Tyrion to be a Targaryen so they can all ride Dragons and whatnot, but this isn't Tolkien!
Jon is rhaegar's natural born son. not Ned's, not brandon's. also, the tolkien hate is much more tired than all the tropes trope breaking stans constantly complain about, from R/asoiaf to westeros.org. really.

Therefore i'm still championing B + A = J and L + R = D. Imagen if this theory proves to be the correct one? The internet will be in sensation.
both of those proposals suck. at that point you're just trying to subvert tropes to subvert tropes.
Jon could be Rhaegar's trueborn son, assuming he had a Godswood on hand and Lyanna was cool with polygamy.
ЯɘvlveR;31792193 said:
it most definitely isn't and anakin wasn't you're typical hero either so that comparison is dumb.

C'mon from Zero to Hero is a popular trope and both Anakin and Jon fit the bill with the L + R = J theory.

Jon is rhaegar's natural born son.

If Ned was raising Rhaegar's son, why does Ned in Game of Thrones only think about Rhaegar after so many years when he returns to King's Landing? Wouldn't you say if he was raising Rhaegar's son, he would have Rhaegar constantly on his mind?

not brandon's.

Jon Snow is Brandon's son in my views.

both of those proposals suck. at that point you're just trying to subvert tropes to subvert tropes.

I like them more than Jon Targaryen, Tyrion Targaryen and Daenerys Targaryen riding dragons. :b I hope Victarion can score himself a Dragon though!
you have less than a year before your heart gets broken again. you're getting that R+l=J reveal whether you like it or not. :sly:
Same to you Revolver! <3
Jon Snow is dead just like Cumberbatch didn't play Khan.
GRRM had a pic of the 2016 ASOIAF calender on his NotaBlog page. It shows someone with long, black hair kneeling before a White Walker. Can't make out the fine details of it, but GRRM did say there was at least one scene in the calender from TWOW.
It would be awesome if the first thing that Jon does after he is resurrected is stab & kill everyone that killed him & took control of the rest. Or he just kills everybody
It would be awesome if the first thing that Jon does after he is resurrected is stab & kill everyone that killed him & took control of the rest. Or he just kills everybody

That was my first thought too, in the heat of the betrayal. Now though, I think the moment the shocking reveal hits, not only of his resurrection, but of who he has become, they will all bend at the knee, and mean it this time. They will ask for a swift and merciful death at his own hand, but he will refuse, telling them if they hadn't done what they did, the prophecy would not have been fulfilled.
But after Jon kills everybody. He can become a Super Saiyan & makes Goku cry making it to levels that Goku has never even heard of. After that a phone booth magically appears & Jon walks into it & he comes out wearing the Superman costume but with a J instead of an S. Finally he puts on sun glasses & he does his best Boris impression & says "I am invincible" & he flies into the clouds

End episode
Meh, Jon is dead. What do you think this is? The Marvel Cinematic Universe? ;)
i see season 6 opening with the Tower Of Joy flashback, and then a return to the scene we last left last season and...

charlie foxtrot.
&#1071;&#600;vlveR;31861833 said:
i see season 6 opening with the Tower Of Joy flashback, and then a return to the scene we last left last season and...

charlie foxtrot.

How does Daenerys' birth have anything to do with corpse Jon? :mnm::drl::drl::drl::drl:
Deader than dead? Undead?
They are clearly looking for a Tower of Joe, and Kit is clearly in Belfast. :funny:

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