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Young Justice Cartoon - Part 8

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What assumptions exactly?

That important things that you NEED would be in the comic and not on the tv show, just like with your transformers example.

No offense, but when you asked where you could find it, what did you expect? Why ask questions when you know the answers?
Eh, it sounded cool at first, but I'm starting to get sick of it now. I hope he dies soon; he's nothing but muscle at this point.

To each his own, then. Frankly I can't get enough the guy. As I said before he's my favorite YJ villain. Next to Vandal Savage. Miguel Ferrer, FTW.
That important things that you NEED would be in the comic and not on the tv show, just like with your transformers example.

No offense, but when you asked where you could find it, what did you expect? Why ask questions when you know the answers?

Fair enough. Maybe that was a bad example. But I still don't like the idea generally.

To the earlier point that origins would clutter the story for this shortened season, you may be right as well.
New clip...

Not exactly, check the last page again.

Easy to miss given the amount of debate people like to have when it comes to this show.

Other than that, it can be found on this new page.
Easy to miss given the amount of debate people like to have when it comes to this show.

Other than that, it can be found on this new page.

Fair enough. At least the show's worthy enough of intense debate about characters or plots or whatever.

Unlike some other shows where the debate usually consists of "this show sucks vs. this show doesn't suck too bad much maybe probably it's alright."
Fair enough. At least the show's worthy enough of intense debate about characters or plots or whatever.

Unlike some other shows where the debate usually consists of "this show sucks vs. this show doesn't suck too bad much maybe probably it's alright."

I got no problems with that.
HOLY CRAP...i didn't even realize that "spirit" that appeared over Zatanna was ISIS

I swear if Black Manta gets jobbed any more in this show... I seriously hope he puts up a decent fight here, since that bout with Sportsmaster was pitiful.
I am iffy on Darkseid appearing. I don't think one episode is enough to do him justice, especially since he's never appeared in the series before.

On the other hand there's still 1-2 alien species that still need to appear to go along with the 8-9. And if you don't think they're new gods, I've got a bridge to sell you.

I did do at least a lick of research, just at the wrong source apparently. My error was using IMDB, which credits the episodes Stephanie Lemelin voiced the computer and Catherine Cobert.

Never trust the sewer of the internet as a reliable source. :p

At any rate, "word from god" about the leads this season. http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=17951

Honestly, the omission of Superboy was probably the most surprising, but he's not wrong, obviously.

Apparently it didn't take long for anyone to get bothered by this, given his comments on the original six being the leads in interviews.

Though I don't take it as such now, I don't think Greg and Brandon mapped out this season saying "I want Nightwing, Miss Martian, Blue Beetle, Artemis, and Aqualad to be the main characters this season." I think it just came across that way. Though I do think they did a better job of keeping the original six all in the limelight in the first half of the season compared to the second half.

The reason is simple. I actually liked Wally and so thus such things frustrated me.

And that didn't lead to fanboy overreacting in any form?

In some fairness he became a little less annoying after Bloodlines. Not by much, but his Impulseisms like "spoilers" went away, along with hearing "crash" and "mode" less.

Regardless, Wally was still willing to assume his friend was a real traitor. I imagine that could make for an awkward moment in "SUMMIT".

He said "isn't it possible", I don't think he had crossed the bridge all the way yet. And considering that the plan asked Artemis to lie about her death and for Wally to cover for her, and Nightwing's response about it was "I guess it wasn't enough." Now if I were in Wally's shoes, hearing that one of my best friends is playing guessing games with the person you care about the most, is NOT something I'd want to hear. So I can understand why he'd consider Kaldur doing that.

As I stated above, if Zatanna's two month estimate is accurate from "INTERVENTION", then she would have first started learning from Dr. Fate around "CORNERED". Which was the first episode after "BEFORE THE DAWN" which means that experience at least caused Nightwing to come up with secondary plans for such things as Blue Beetle being put on mode against his will. So at best maybe it inspired Nightwing to make plans regardless of the infiltration - which was good since Kaldur spent months of it comatose. But even that's a stretch.

I think your over thinking it a little. I took it as them not giving up on finding a way to help Jamie after they couldn't get the scarab off in True Colors, so they looked into other means. I took the line about two months to mean within the span of 2 months.

I do feel there was a better way to do things than to have someone who was one of the founders last season be absent for eight straight episodes. But, this season is more story driven and the story demanded episodes focusing on Arsenal, a new batch of kids, and Guardian/Bumblebee.

Still, I imagine fans will get their "spitfire" reunion. I'd have preferred Wally had some sort of story arc but it is what it is.

I'll hold judgement on that until the end of the season. Though I agree they could've squeezed Wally in something like Runaways, by having him run 1,000 miles from Palo Alto to Taos. They could've done something like introducing the kids in Cornered during Black Canary's therapy sessions, by having her talk to them 1 on 1. But also have them, Jamie, and Wally in the episode, and perhaps get a little more insight on why Wally wants to leave the life behind.

Not a bad strategy. To a degree, pitting the Reach and the Light against each other isn't hard in general. That is assuming of course that the Light don't know about them. Considering Vandal Savage appeared suspicious back in "THE FIX". I imagine they are well aware of it but are capitalizing because the team are useful pawns to them right now. Psimon was supposed to awaken in "weeks", after all. Granted, that also assumed he was 100% right about the poison used against him while in the middle of being poisoned.

On another note, if Klarion shows up later in the episode, I think Black Beetle is ******.
A part of me tries not to think that after next weekend, a lot of this will be moot. Then again, "GARGOYLES" still has fans after all these years, as will "SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN"...

On the other hand there's still 1-2 alien species that still need to appear to go along with the 8-9. And if you don't think they're new gods, I've got a bridge to sell you.

I am aware. That subplot was first begun in Season 1 before any invasions by little green men. I just have had my fill of Darkseid and don't feel he can be used as a first time, full scale threat for a show in a single episode. Yes, "JLU" ended on "DESTROYER" but that was merely one of many (at least three) major showdowns with Darkseid over several seasons and shows, built up by "SUPERMAN: TAS". Darkseid hasn't been mentioned in this show and while Mongul was handled well in one episode, Darkseid with all due respect is bigger. And even Mongul showed up twice more after "WAR".

Certain DC villains I have seen so often in prior animation that even despite being handled well, I sometimes tire of seeing them. "YOUNG JUSTICE" handles Lex Luthor extremely well, but because I've seen so much of him in media, a part of me groans every time he appears. I can say the same of Brainiac, or the Joker, or a score of Batman villains actually. Darkseid certainly qualifies for me. Bruce Timm literally trucked him out for TWO series finales ("S:TAS" and "JLU"), even if they were almost a decade apart. I am less than at the edge of my seat to see Vietti/Weisman repeat this trend. I know I am in a minority, and I know they'll handle it well. I just prefer seeing some other villains amplified sometimes. Fortunately of course this show has done plenty of that: Vandal Savage, Queen Bee, Klarion, Sportsmaster, Harm, Parasite, Black Beetle, the list goes on.

Of course it is possible that the show treats Darkseid like Sauron and instead the finale focuses on some of his minions from Apokolips being some of the Light's others partners with Darkseid being an godly presence in the background. The dilemma is this would have shaped a third season to essentially be another alien invasion season. We'll have to see, I suppose. I simply don't think, say, having Darkseid appear at the end of "SUMMIT" for the first time in the show's history and then somehow thwarted from just taking over the world in a single episode can be done justice. Even if it would, of course, justify a cast of dozens for that finale. He would also shuffle the Reach and the Light off the stage a bit too quick considering they're the primary villains of the season and series, respectively. Reputation aside, Darkseid would be a guy out of nowhere next to Vandal Savage or even the Ambassador, much like many accused Galactus of being at the end of "A:EMH".

Never trust the sewer of the internet as a reliable source. :p

An ironic statement after you yourself noted using the YJ Wikia site for your own data. :yay:

Apparently it didn't take long for anyone to get bothered by this, given his comments on the original six being the leads in interviews.

Though I don't take it as such now, I don't think Greg and Brandon mapped out this season saying "I want Nightwing, Miss Martian, Blue Beetle, Artemis, and Aqualad to be the main characters this season." I think it just came across that way. Though I do think they did a better job of keeping the original six all in the limelight in the first half of the season compared to the second half.

I don't doubt that is what happens. Greg Weisman seems to both enjoy his well crafted long term plots as well as a cast of thousands. Sometimes both things don't quite intersect as well as some people would like. But, no, I don't think certain former lead characters being dumped to the ether was a deliberate thing; the show was produced in service to the story foremost, and certain characters fit in better. The only trouble is in interviews where someone goes, "In my mind we always had six leads", although of course interviews are prone to things like being caught on a spot and not saying something right, or having to be careful not to reveal spoilers, or reflecting things which change later on, or so forth.

The difficulty is many viewers sometimes watch a show for the character(s) they like first and plot second. And that actually works for some shows. "X-MEN EVOLUTION" I often thought usually had better characters than plots, at least for the first season and change. "THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO" certainly thrived on its characters more than many of the "threats of the week". The secret to fiction is once the audience likes the characters enough, so long as they're maintained faithfully they could all but literally battle a blank page and people would tune in. I know I certainly got to that point with some characters in some shows.

This second season, however, often compromised many of those characters for the service of the story. So thus tuning in for characters one likes became a bonus and not a primary thing, least for me. Episodes which happen to have, say, Artemis are extra special, but I watched the show JUST for her I'd have pulled out hair ages ago. The show's written well enough that it can feature losers I don't care one whit about like the "runaways" and still keep me riveted.

And that didn't lead to fanboy overreacting in any form?

In some fairness he became a little less annoying after Bloodlines. Not by much, but his Impulseisms like "spoilers" went away, along with hearing "crash" and "mode" less.

Believe it or not I am actually a fan of Nightwing (often more than Robin, which doesn't make sense I guess), and I didn't get like that with him. I like Artemis and I didn't "overreact" to her.

I merely didn't like seeing Wally in "YJ" repeat some of the same paths that happened to him in "JL/U". Naturally there are things the "JL/U" Wally had over the "YJ" Wally and vice versa. The latter eventually got more power feats and essentially one of the moments the show is best remembered for, 6 years later. "YJ" Wally got a brain, a legacy episode, more serialized storytelling and an actual relationship with a regular character (who quickly surpassed him in relevance).

As for Impulse, his "annoying" persona IS technically an act, so it makes sense that as the situations got more serious, he would drop it a bit to focus on the tasks at hand. I still rarely cared for him, though. I do wish "BLOODLINES" could have found a way to introduce him without making sure to underline how much better he was than Kid-Flash in every way. It rarely endears a new character to an audience to have their first act being to spike the ball on the member of the regular cast they're replacing. It makes a poor first impression.

He said "isn't it possible", I don't think he had crossed the bridge all the way yet. And considering that the plan asked Artemis to lie about her death and for Wally to cover for her, and Nightwing's response about it was "I guess it wasn't enough." Now if I were in Wally's shoes, hearing that one of my best friends is playing guessing games with the person you care about the most, is NOT something I'd want to hear. So I can understand why he'd consider Kaldur doing that.

That still doesn't change the fact that he was dead wrong, so by this stage the scene amounts to much ado about nothing. The plan was getting more dangerous, but Kaldur was no traitor. If Nightwing seriously entertained that theory, he might have undermined his own plan - and as it is, his execution wasn't always flawless as a leader. Wally didn't know of course, but when you stake virtually your defining character moment of an entire season on one crackpot theory, it'd better be right, or at least not dropped as an obvious red herring very soon after.

Despite a lot of the underhanded "acting" in the first half of the season, Kaldur was very much selfless to a point as he was in "FAILSAFE". He was willing to endanger his life and even the entire operation if that was what it took to make sure Miss Martian escaped cleanly.

I think your over thinking it a little. I took it as them not giving up on finding a way to help Jamie after they couldn't get the scarab off in True Colors, so they looked into other means. I took the line about two months to mean within the span of 2 months.

That is also true. Like I said, it was a stretch. It still means that Nightwing invested in a back up plan for Jaime some time in advance.

I'll hold judgement on that until the end of the season. Though I agree they could've squeezed Wally in something like Runaways, by having him run 1,000 miles from Palo Alto to Taos. They could've done something like introducing the kids in Cornered during Black Canary's therapy sessions, by having her talk to them 1 on 1. But also have them, Jamie, and Wally in the episode, and perhaps get a little more insight on why Wally wants to leave the life behind.

Personally I'd have kept Wally in some capacity as the mission control type. He was always the smart guy after all; he could have still avoided the messy elements and been on hand for some part time science or so on. I'm not sure how Wally would have fit in "RUNAWAYS", but do a degree he's the victim of the plot. His retirement made it convenient for him to be off screen without a word, because it made it easier to focus on other characters and what they had with the plot. I doubt we'll ever get any explanation beyond what Artemis said in "THE FIX".

Apparently he mentored Impulse a little between episodes; it'd have been nice to see that. But, naturally minor things the plot didn't have time for.

On another note, if Klarion shows up later in the episode, I think Black Beetle is ******.

That's not even the half of it. Imagine if Klarion gets his "lord of chaos" mojo going with the crystal key and Warworld? :wow:
In anticipation of Kid Flash returning, Jason Spisak decided to do a reading of Shakespeare AS Wally West (like his readings of children's books as Razer).

Not quite as funny as "The Velveteen Rabbit" one, but probably my second favorite of these that he's done.
In anticipation of Kid Flash returning, Jason Spisak decided to do a reading of Shakespeare AS Wally West (like his readings of children's books as Razer).

Not quite as funny as "The Velveteen Rabbit" one, but probably my second favorite of these that he's done.

Knowing of Greg Weisman's fondness for Shakespeare, part of me wonders if this was his audition reel? :woot:

Kidding, of course. But it was the first thing which came to mind.
I have no doubt this show is going to end on a cliff hangar, I just pray it doesn't end with a glance of Dark Seid.

He's been my favorite big bad guy since "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, as his confrontation with Batman was one of my favorite.

Either that or maybe the comics route and Brainiac.
I can't imagine he planned a third season with the light still the ultimate bad guy team.
Sinse Young Justice is ending soon, 46 episodes was an average run for the show it was just 6 episodes less then Static Shocks 52 episode run.
So no other clips, photos etc. for tomorrow's episode not even on world's finest?
Where have you been? They released pics and video around Wednesday.

Sorry, I was in Philly and New York lol. I went to the website though and saw the pics and vid. The pics are just screen grabs of the video it seems.

Anywho does anyone have screen grabs from last week's episode? I want to do a Blue Beetle legacy gif.
Sinse Young Justice is ending soon, 46 episodes was an average run for the show it was just 6 episodes less then Static Shocks 52 episode run.
And Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. And Batman Beyond.
so no one is gonna say anything about Isis appearing?
so no one is gonna say anything about Isis appearing?

I thought that too as soon as I saw her in the episode. I like how everything is intertwined in this DC universe.

Definitely would have gotten more magic, Black Adam, and New Gods with a new season.
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