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So you think you know THOR?

Don't be sad. Embrace it.

I'm not sad that it's who I am. It just makes me sad that I can't watch old school cartoons all the time. I have to come to this place 5 days a week and sit here. And at home, I have to pay attention to this girl sometimes. Then there are these things called laundry and hygiene. It's just hard. :(
Oh, I know what you mean. On top of that, those stingy studios won't release all of my old-school cartoons on DVD so that I can watch them all over again in 40" LCD glory. I'm looking at you, Buena Vista! Where's the rest of my Gargoyles?! :cmad:
Keep your foot off that blasted Samophlange..
Oh, I know what you mean. On top of that, those stingy studios won't release all of my old-school cartoons on DVD so that I can watch them all over again in 40" LCD glory. I'm looking at you, Buena Vista! Where's the rest of my Gargoyles?! :cmad:

Oh, and speaking of which...You were 100% correct about the comic book. That artwork is less than fanart quality. It's atrocious.
Yeah, but did you read the story so far? Pretty much exactly like watching the cartoon again, right? If the cartoon looked like ass, I mean.
Yeah, but did you read the story so far? Pretty much exactly like watching the cartoon again, right? If the cartoon looked like ass, I mean.

Yeah, the actual story is great. Weisman is the Gargoyles guy. It's just so hard to look at.
I'm just waiting for the fill-ins and hoping they're better than Hedgecock. I really wish Greg Guler (the cover artist and one of the designers on the Gargoyles cartoon) could do the interiors.
I'm just waiting for the fill-ins and hoping they're better than Hedgecock. I really wish Greg Guler (the cover artist and one of the designers on the Gargoyles cartoon) could do the interiors.

Yeah, the covers are beautiful. Especially #2. If it could be drawn in that style, the book would be perfect. It's a good mix of the cartoon style, while still having comic book feel.
There was a report on NPR about how Cleveland's been hit hardest by the housing slump, and "Cleveland Rocks" immediately started playing in my mind. And, actually, out of my mouth. I completely missed the report because I was singing.
There was a report on NPR about how Cleveland's been hit hardest by the housing slump, and "Cleveland Rocks" immediately started playing in my mind. And, actually, out of my mouth. I completely missed the report because I was singing.

Haha! Cleveland's not a bad town at all. I've been there a few times, and it's actually pretty clean and asthetically pleasing. There's enough to do to keep someone occupied for a good amount of time, as well. :up:
Yeah, that's irrational. They're venereal diseases, not some sci fi super-killer virus...
Nor to anyone else's liking. As it stands, the only good Thor moment I can recall during Busiek's tenure on Avengers was when Thor busted through a bunch of Ultron-bots (many of which were made of adamantium), came face-to-face with the real Ultron, and declared, "Ultron! We would have words with thee." That's it. In all of Busiek's lengthy Avengers run. One moment where he really nailed Thor.

I also enjoyed Thor challenging Hyperion to personal combat when they fought The Squadron Supreme, and the "silent" issue during the Kang storyline.
I missed that whole Kang story towards the end of Busiek's run. Thor's fight with Hyperion wasn't bad.
UM Webs hon, it's NOT Lord of the Rings Eye of Odin saga is copied, it's the Ring of the Nibelungs. (GREAT variation tho :D )

P.S. the Movie Dark Kingdom that was on Sci-Fi was originally called Ring of the Nibelungs. Not a bad cover either if you like those kinds of storys

LOL, true that. I always get those legends tangled up in the brain!

More recommended readings

Thor (TWILIGHT WELL SAGA, battle of Olympians and Asgardians, Hela vs. Pluto) issues from approx. #187-200 (I may be a little off in all the numbers) find out about the mysterious, fearsome Fates!

Issue #200 RAGNAROK (good luck finding this, it took me six years to get!) The real deal here, people.

And did you know...

Sif was originally blonde and extremely VAIN? Before she became a warrior goddess, she loved herself some her. Loki played a trick on her and made her bald. She was traumatized until Thor made Loki get her some hair. It was magic hair (from the elves or something) and took root. Loki got dark hair on purpose, thinking Thor wouldn't love Sif with dark hair! The clueless doofus was wrong, Thor thought the brunette Sif was even better.

Hercules and Thor fought over Jane Foster when she flirted with Herc?

Blitzania of the Godpack kept calling Thor "Thunderbritches" but she had the hots for him despite childish insults.

Hela showed up looking for Odin's soul after he disappeared fighting Surtur. Thor was pissed and clocked her back to Hel.

Karnilla was once trapped in a giant ruby jewel by space aliens?

A curious did you know

The Odin of "Old" Asgard or the Aesir, ALSO wore an eyepatch. Did he lose it the same way as Thor's Odin? If so, sacrificing eyes for wisdom is overrated, since the Ragnarok happened anyway.

more to come as I go...:woot:
Where you from, darlin'...Asgard? :cwink: (kidding)

Heh, I'm a Thor fiend...I collected Thor and the Defenders before anything else one summer when I had a student job in California! I've got virtually all of the Old Thor, and selected issues of the Vol. 2 series (I didn't like some of them!)

I have a whole archive of stuff with various titles. :yay:
:cmad: :cmad: :cmad: I say thee NAY!!! Thou shalt not discuss DC/Marvel cross-overs!

HA! True, most of those things need to be blown up... the controversial THOR vs. SUPERMAN was a joke. Conspiracy, plain and simple.

I often wondered myself why Thor really didn't get the complete kind of "awe" respect he was due. Kirby had that going, and Simonson got close to the mythic stuff. Hopefully this revamp will bring it back
They said Thor at his "full power" or something, whatever that means. They implied higher power.

Hmm, wasn't there an article at Newsarama where it was implied he'd be somewhere above "classic" levels. I think they might mess with our heads a bit and keep us guessing.
Hmm, wasn't there an article at Newsarama where it was implied he'd be somewhere above "classic" levels. I think they might mess with our heads a bit and keep us guessing.

I don't mind Thor being an unknown power level, as long as we kind of have a general idea where he hovers.

Such as, in one scene, he's having trouble beating the Wrecker, and in the next scene, he's stomping the Surfer. That would suck.

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