DR. DOOM/Julian McMahon Discussion

Back up and follow what I was saying in previous posts. I said they made changes to Doom and it didn't work. The changes to Doctor Octopus were made at the front end, the Otto Octavius character. He was a social outcast, shunned by his colleagues and never worked for the greater good.
I know this and have problems with those changes. but as Doc Ock he was spot on, at least.

True enough, the realization of the villain Doctor Octopus was very successful, far more so than in the comics IMO , where he ended up being Aunt May's suitor at one point. You are forgetting one big difference. At the very end, the Doctor Octopus persona is supplanted by the "crusader" Otto Octavious who altruistically sacrifices himself to stop the whatchamacallit from destroying the city. I doubt if you can find any similar act of heroism on his part in the comics... Reed had to tussle with him all over NYC to get him to agree to see if he could help Sue when she was miscarrying.
But when he was bad guy Doc Ock he acted perfectly. The changes that made him good, I do have a problem with. My point is that even Doom's more Doom-like moments in the films weren't good enough, whilst Doc Ock's were.

At least the second film shows that he does have some science/engineering skills somewhat on par with Reed's.
By stealing Reed's ideas? Doom would never do that.
And I did like the scene where he wacked the guy getting the mask loose :woot:
I didn't. It was so obviously their way of showing how 'evil' the character was. It felt forced and I didn't like it. In character, maybe, but I felt the execution was horrible.
Probably the most Doom-like scene was showing him keeping tabs on global events with sophicated spy satellite hookups and tapping into other transmissions. Now that was very much like the Kirby scene in FF #86

There are some subtle hints of Doom's true character in the movie but my main point is that despite these similarities movie Doom is far too removed from comic Doom. Not onbly are the changes unnecessary, but it created an inferior character.

Agreed that he was a convincing threat but as to the part about getting the personality, I disagree. Doctor Octopus in the comics doesn't have this Jekyll and Hyde personality we see in Spider-Man 2 where he only does bad things when the tentacles are in control.
I said personality as a villain. When he was bad guy Ock, he was exactly right.

I've also noted this many times about the first film... you have to factor in Marvel's (read: Avi Arad again) insistence on using a bit more of the Ultimate version of Doom than the Lee/Kirby version. If you ask me, the new regime in Marvel has been itching for the Ultimate universe to eventually supplant the classic Marvel MU. I would agree that they had no intention of bringing classic Doom to the first film, especially after listening to the DVD commentary track.
Ultimate Doom is still a far better character than movie Doom, and if I remember wasn't the idea of Doom having metal skin cooked up way before the Ultimate line even started?

They did some damage control in the second film but with the Surfer being played up plus your four core cast members, there was really not enough attention paid to fully realizing Doom as a villain. We will just have to disagree as to what level of success they had in what reparations they did make. It was a definite improvement over FF1 IMO and you're right.... it shouldn't have to take 3 films to do it.
I believe those improvements weren't made with the characters interest in mind, but to appease us. They threw small references to the comics in there and thought that would make everyone happy. They didn't realise they also had to write a good villain as well.

If one were to be honest about it, it would take some clever writing to explain Doom's penchant for wearing medieval styled armor in a modern day world. This is one of the reasons why I wished they had gone with Peyton Reed's retro take on the FF. The FF movies place the FF in a very contemporary world and don't use elaborate sets, with a lot of the action taking place in broad daylight on the streets of Vancouver standing in for New York. I don't think the traditional Doom would come across very well in that setting. He's better suited for the highly stylized sets of say, the first Batman or the frequently gloomy world of Harry Potter films.
I agree. It's all about the tone. The FF in a realistic setting is an awful idea because they are cartoony by nature. Anything can work if you set it in the correct tone.
I am sooooooo glad that I paid NO money to anyone for the experiance of witnessing an emasculated Doom.
I'll see it for free later and then be really grateful Tim and Ari didn't leech off of me.
McMahon did much better this time around but he should've had a deeper voice though. His voice is a little too girlish.
I know people are going to love me for bumping this thread, but I have been watching the 1994 FF movie. Which Doom comes closer to looking more like the comic Dr. Doom ?


The 1994 version ?


The 2005 version ?
The 2007 version ?

2005 no doubt.

After watching the 1994 Corman movie, I can deff say now, if you watch the movie, and not look at this picture, you will see that the 1994 version of Dr. Doom is allmost spot on the Dr. Doom of FF issue # 5. Much, much closser to the original then the 05 Doom. If you want to see the 1994 Corman version of the FF, go to youtube, and type in the search bar 1994 fantastic four movie. It is there in 9 parts. It sticks to the origin story of the FF in the comics, which if the 05 movie had stuck to the comic origin to the letter, it would have been much better. The origin was changed so much, it went down hill from there.
..hhmmm i belong to that kind of people that like changes from comic to movie, of course better if they are good changes and i think the 2005 doom wasn't that bad (visually), especially the mask ..but they didn't improve it in the next movie, where he should have looked closer to his comic counterpart but not like the '94 one that looks childish and campy as you use to say...
Joe Culp had a perfect look for Victor, as well.
Could anyone make some screencaps of the 2007 incarnation of Doom? I would like to gleam some of the detail of his armor.
2005's mask and hood were great. Everything else in that was just lame.

We needed a professional combination of 2005 and 1994 costumes in order to get it right.

And, for the love of God, NEVER have that DISASTER they used this year anymore.
Doom was better in the Corman version. That's what is so sad about all of this.
I watched the second F4 movie & I have to say, Julian McMahon did a great job as Dr. Doom. I don't care what anyone says, he really stepped his game up for the second movie & if there's a third movie, you can bet your asses that he's going to improve even more.
I watched the second F4 movie & I have to say, Julian McMahon did a great job as Dr. Doom. I don't care what anyone says, he really stepped his game up for the second movie & if there's a third movie, you can bet your asses that he's going to improve even more.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. NO. We did not see enough of Victor as Doom to get a real indication. He did good as Victor. Whether he stepped up as Doom, you couldn't tell, because the ending was over so fast. The ending of the 1st was much better. I don't think we will see Victor, or Doom in 3. I think the bloom is off that rose.
Fantastic Four 3 Will Rise

By Josh Tyler: 2007-06-29 16:24:58

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer had a solid but not spectacular box office performance, and even though critics savaged it audiences still seem to like it. Moviehole says Fox is going to give the four another shot. Fantastic Four 3 has been greenlit, but MH’s sources tell them that the movie hinges on who they can team the Four up with. Apparently they liked the dynamic between them and Surfer, and don’t want to do another movie without some similar character to replace him.

As someone whose really enjoyed both movies, that’s kind of a bummer. I liked Silver Surfer, but I don’t think the Four need him in order to be successful again. It seems to me that Fox is vastly overrating his importance. I think most of the people who showed up for the sequel were there because they enjoyed the first one and wanted more of it. Not because of the shiny dude on the surfboard that Fox was intent on shoving down their throats with their marketing campaign.

Besides, how do they replace Surfer? They can’t use him again, can they? Word is that he’s on his way to a spinoff into his own franchise. None of the other members Fantastic Four’s gallery of allies and bad guys is nearly as interesting as the ones they’ve already covered. We’re there to see the Four anyway, not whoever it is the studio inserts into the movie to capture some specific demographic.

Note : Amen. The 4 can stand on their own 2 feet just fine.

Old news Carp......lol Nor did they give any source whatsoever......thats why not much was taken from it back in June.
Old news Carp......lol Nor did they give any source whatsoever......thats why not much was taken from it back in June.

I think they said Moviehole. And I like old news, especially when I missed it the 1st time. :woot: I don't think there is much doubt there will be a 3. Just to keep the rights if nothing else. This board is dead. Just trying to generate a little conversation.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. NO. We did not see enough of Victor as Doom to get a real indication. He did good as Victor. Whether he stepped up as Doom, you couldn't tell, because the ending was over so fast. The ending of the 1st was much better. I don't think we will see Victor, or Doom in 3. I think the bloom is off that rose.

Like I said, I think he got better as Doom in F4: Rise of the Silver Surfer & no one can change my opinion on that, NO ONE.
I think they said Moviehole. And I like old news, especially when I missed it the 1st time. :woot: I don't think there is much doubt there will be a 3. Just to keep the rights if nothing else. This board is dead. Just trying to generate a little conversation.

There is a big doubt that there will be a third......hope that is wrong, but IMO, it is a MAJOR long shot that we will get a 3rd.

The third movie in this little scenario is the Silver Surfer movie, not an FF 3....

Long time no talk to. What ever happened to TheAlbafan?

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