The 'Ultimate Marvel' RPG Season IV


Blackheart appears at the bottom of a large hill in the terrible construct that everyman with a soul fears. The place of lost spirits and souls, home to fallen angels and devils spawned from their sinful loins. A place of eternal agony, a place where hope is never present, even in the body's of its rulers

As the smoke that brought Blackheart back to his birthplace fades away, he walks forward on the path up the hill. Around him fires burn, their embers acsending into the air. Smoke and sut creates a haze in front of all below, causing men to believe they suffer in eternal darkness.

Soon, Blackheart makes it to the top of the hill. He looks out at the domain in front of him, his empire, his future. He smiles with pride at his inheritance, holding his arms comfortably behind his back.

Blackheart turns, and begins making his way to his own private quarters in the hellish area. He soon walks onto a large ledge overlooking everything in the domain. Below him he can see each level, every place for every man, woman, and child who has been sent there. Even from his perch can Blackheart see the throne of his father, the king of this strange world.

Blackheart smiles as he looks down at his father, watching him like a lion watches his pride from the highest point on their rocks. Turning from the ledge, Blackheart walks inward on the moutainous cliff.

Suddenly, Blackheart's trek is stopped. His eyes are caught by a strange bured piece of paper resting on top of the ash and dirt. Blackheart leans down and picks up the envelope, burshing off the grime and sut that stain its pure white color. He flips it around, and sees his name written on the front.

"A letter adressed to me?" He says aloud, talking to himself. "How odd. I wonder if it's Stephen sending me a thank you for that visit I paid him. He's so secluded, I'll bet he never gets out much."

Blackheart smirks as he holds his finger out straight. He slips his sharp talon under the seal, and cuts across the encasing, ripping it open. Carefully, Blackheart opens the envelope, and pulls out a piece of paper inside. As he tosses the envelope aside, he opens the letter, and begins to read the message carefully inscribed.

The Letters of Deadpool

"Double double, toil and trouble.

Now that that's out of the way, I just wanted to give you a heads up, Captain Demon-guy.

The end of the world is coming. I know, it's so cliché sounding, but it's true.

Your padre probably knows about it, actually. So I'd talk to him if I were. He's probably got a contingency plan in place of something.

Just wanna give you a heads up, though. Whatever his plan is, it will fail.

I really don't have anything else to tell you, except prepare for Hell to get a lot more crowded.


Oh, and if a member of the museum staff picks this up...


April fools!"


Agent Woo follows Nick Fury through the Triskelion and into the recently restricted infirmiry. They come around the corner and James notices the armed SHIELD agents.

"Are they really necesary?"

Fury doesnt break stride as he presses his hand to a palm reader.

"Absolutly, I don't want nody tampering with the body."

With the beep the door open into a small hospital room with a single bed in the middle. Fury walks up to the bed and pulls the cover back revealing Anton's body.

"It wasent supposed to end like this. This kid was destined for big things....."

James stands a few steps back, he just can't look at Anton's face.

"What do you mean sir?"

Fury lets out a sigh and replaces the sheet.

"It doesnt matter now."

"What should we do with the body?"

"We give him a hero's burial."

Two days later....

Woo stands silently looking down at Anton's coffon. Fury had arranged for Anton's body to be buried in a special cemetary for SHEILD agents who fell in the line of duty. The sound of a helicopter draws Woo from his thoughts as he turns and see a SHIELD helicopter landing not far away. Fury and a small army of SHEILD agents emerge from the chopper.

"I thought some of the Ultimates would be here."

Fury nodes his head as he approaches.

"They'll be here."

After Sinister dissappeared, I noticed and saw that Pete was running away.

"Colossus come back! Where are you go-"


"--Damn it! What is it?"

It was my cell phone. I had a new text message from Johnny.

Need to talk
Meet at Baxter ASAP
Bring Bobby

Bobby? What the hell does Johnny want to see Bobby for? They nearly hate each other. I'm not getting good vibes off of this message, although it sounds urgent. Could be about the end of the world for all I know. Who am I to doubt Johnny. His own girlfriend for cryin' out loud. Pete might just have to wait. Although the Professor doesn't seem to worried. He actually seems glad to see him gone. That doesn't seem like the Professor. Ever since he's been awake from that coma, he's been acting different, and not in a good way...

"Bobby." I said to get his attention as he walked towards me.

"Yeah, Kitty?"

I pulled his icey ear towards my lips and whispered slightly.

"I need a ride to the Baxter Building, like right now..."

* * *

As Bobby ended his slide at the door of the building, we jumped off and entered the lobby, and walked up to the nice secretary.

"Hi. I'm Kitty Pryde, and this is my friend Bobby, and we'd like to see Johnny Storm please." I said with a smile.



My things are all packed when I receive Fury's message. After all, it's not like there's a whole lot to pack. Materialism takes a backseat when you're a clone. Hell, just about everything takes a backseat when you're a clone - friends, family, life in general. It can be depressing, but there's also something gratifying about the liberation you feel. How many people get a second chance at life? How many people can start over? I have to remind myself every day that this life is a gift to me. And now, I am about to pass on that gift. It blows my mind every time I think about it.

I take a deep breath as I stare at the emptiness of my apartment. It was a nice place for the short time I lived there. Fury and SHIELD footed the bill, so I lived a relatively carefree life financially. I guess it was part of their Clone Outreach Program or something. The vacancy of my apartment reminds me of the vacancy of Danny Rand's apartment on the day he left. That was also the day I met Scorpion - back before he was brainwashed. In that instance, I was left behind. This time, I'm moving ahead.

I waltz over to my closet to see the singular item hanging. It's my Spider-Suit. I won't be needing it for a long time. I slowly remove the hangar and carry the garment over to my stripped mattress. Placing the suit gently on the mattress, I make each fold deliberately and delicately. Finally, the suit is folded up in a nice little square. I run my fingers gently over the white spider on the chest. I close my eyes and bask in the relative silence of my apartment. After a moment, I pick up the Spider-Suit and tuck it away in my suitcase.

"That's everything," I state quietly in a breath.

My phone vibrates, and I look down. It's Fury. I open it up to reveal a new text message delivering the details of Anton's funeral. My God, it just hit me that we've never buried Anton. I realize that it wasn't that long ago that he died, but it feels like ages - what with everything that's happened in between. Fury's message ends with asking whether or not I'll come. I make no response, but it's not like one is necessary. Nick and I both know that I'll be there.

After getting changed into nicer, black clothes, I call Eli and explain the situation. He promises to meet me at the graveyard if I give him the location. I forward Fury's message to Eli, and then I grab my dark crimson overcoat. It's roughly the same shade as my Spider-Suit.

I hail a taxi and ride as close as I can to the graveyard. The cemetery is private and off the beaten path, so I continue the rest of the way on foot. The crisp air numbs my face, but my overcoat keeps the rest of my body warm. Strands of hair fly in my face, and I brush them away with my gloved hands. I find myself absent-mindedly placing a hand on my stomach. It's so unbelievable that I have a living being inside me. I find myself reflecting on the irony of today:

As I mourn the passing of one life, I rejoice the forthcoming of another.

I reach the cemetery and display my SHIELD ID card. That gets me through the gate. I can see where the procession for Anton's funeral is assembled. It's pretty hard to miss Fury's helicopter. I don't approach them directly. I want to pay my respects to Anton, but I don't want to get into any conversations with anyone. For that reason, I keep my distance as I lean against a tree a couple of yards away. Fury and Woo are talking, but no one else has arrived yet - save for a contingency of SHIELD Agents. For a second, I think that Fury sees me, but he makes no overt recognition of my presence. Either he didn't really see me, or he respects my wish to be alone right now.

"Anton, I don't know if you know already, but I found out that I'm pregnant the other day," I whisper. I can already feel myself tearing up, but I fight it. "You're going to be an Uncle. Can you believe that? Uncle Anton. My child is so blessed to have an Uncle like you."

I hang my head. These are the words that I would be telling him if he were still alive. Nonetheless, I feel like they need to be said - even if he is gone into another life.

"Don't worry about me," I assure him, "You know that I can handle myself. Besides, I've got Eli. He's a good guy, and his heart is in the right place. I only wish you could meet him some time."

I bite my lip before continuing. I can feel the tears forming underneath my eyelids. My vision begins to blur. "I'm not afraid, Anton, because I know that you're up there watching over me," I explain. "I know you'll always have my back. I only wish that I could have--"

I stop myself from going down that road. The time for blaming myself has come and past. There was nothing I could have done to stop this death, and if I tried, I would be buried right next to him now.

"This is for you, Anton," I continue with renewed strength, "All of this is for you. Spider-Woman, this child, every day for the rest of my's all for you."

I hear soft footsteps approaching, and I see Eli in a shirt and tie. He smiles feebly, and I smile back - despite my tears. Finally, I just run up and embrace him. "Thanks for coming," I whisper.

Eli simply nods. We break our embrace, and I wipe away my tears. "This is harder than I thought it would be," I admit.

"Nothing like this is ever easy," Eli assures me. We both glance over at Fury and Woo. Both are conversing quietly. "You're handling it a lot better than I thought you would."

"It's because I know he's not gone," I explain as I stare at Anton's grave. I look back at Eli. "I mean, he's gone, but he's not gone."

After over a minute of silent reflection, Eli finally clears his throat and asks, "Ready to go?"

I wipe away the remaining tears and nod. "I just need to go back to my apartment and pick up my stuff," I respond.

Eli smiles. "Trust me, if you can handle nine months with my family, then a baby will be no problem," he jokes. I laugh, but there's a lot of hidden sadness in that laugh. I still have a lot going on in my head, and while I appreciate the attempts at being light-hearted, I'm just not in that kind of place mentally. Eli offers his arm, and I take it. We make our way out of the graveyard, but not before I glance over my shoulder at Anton's tombstone again.

This is for you, Anton.

Season IV

The webbing Parker cocooned me in has dissolved. After a brief, nude crawl along a few blocks, I came to my old apartment. It's been taped off as a crime scene, or a suspicious area... something like that.

I ease my way under the yellow tape and try to think back about what's happened to me recently. Alloy... Carnage... and now...

I pull open a drawer in the bureau in my bedroom. A blue sweatshirt has been unceremoniously tossed inside, along with a red set of spandex and some webshooters.

I snatch the entire group up and throw them in a bag, underneath is a small newspaper clipping. It's gotta be about eight years old, but I recognize it.


It's me... or it used to be, at least.

I feel myself smile at nostalgia as I read the article. It describes how a young boy, Peter Parker, was able to power his Aunt's microwave during a blackout by connecting his hamster wheel to it.

The article is short, probably about two and a half paragraphs, but it fills my head up with more memories than I can process.

I glance up and out of the window in my room, bathing myself in the midmorning light of a gorgeous Sunday.

I'm just putting off the three trips I still have to make, though.

I shower for the first time in days, wiping The Suit off of me. I thought I could control it... I thought I could keep it together, but I couldn't. I turned into what I've been trying to avoid for so long, someone with too much power and too little responsibility.

Out of shame and disappointment in myself, I slam my fist into the tile in the shower, cracking a few of them.
"What do I do now?" I ask myself, turning the shower off.

I clumsily reach out for a towel, nearly slipping on the bathtub floor, and barely snatch one by it's corner.

As I wrap the towel around my waist, I realize that I already know the answer to that question. It's not a really complicated thing, and as I slide along the tile floor to my toothbrush, a realization dawns on me.

Ever since Uncle Ben died, and I, Peter Parker, stumbled backwards into these powers, I haven't come to grips with everything that's been going on. Peter Parker really stopped being around, and instead I thought of myself as Spider-Man.

The same can be said for being Ben Reilly or the Scarlet Spider. When I woke up with Miles Warren standing over me, I knew that creating Jessica and the others was wrong, but I didn't think of myself as an individual.

That's probably where Peter and me are most similar. We don't let ourselves live our lives. I'm cooped up with one mad scientist or another, and Peter's depriving himself of the very things that make him who he is: Mary Jane, Aunt May, and the dreadful Flash Thompson. Jessica's a member of a full-fledged superhero team, alongside Captain America and Iron Man... there's something I wish I could do. And Anton...

Oh boy.

Let's not go there.

I glance at the costume in my backpack, wondering if I should put it on beneath my civvies, just to be safe. With a shake of my head, the thought it out of my mind, and I'm sliding on my jeans. A t-shirt with the design of the Black Suit should do nicely. I put on my favorite Yankees cap and, instead of leaping out of the window, I head straight out of the front door.

The New York spring air is light and pleasant as I walk onto the sidewalk.

The train to Queens is a few blocks up and I make the trip on-foot with relative ease.

What the hell was that?

Out of the corner of my eye, a red tendril lashes into a nearby alleyway. I saw it with my own eyes. Or, at least... I think I did.

Am I being paranoid?

Scratch that, am I being more paranoid than usual?

My spider-sense isn't going off, but I head down the alleyway anyway. Nothing, just a homeless guy.

I grunt out of displeasure and head back to the train stop. With a grin on my face, I pay the cashier for my subway token and head onto the train. People glare at me, as I sit quietly smirking. For some reason, just getting the suit off of me has made me more content.

The train rears forward after about thirty minutes, as we've arrived in Queens. No muggings, no purse-snatchings, no spider-sense. A perfectly normal ride on the train. To be honest, I couldn't be more relieved. Where I'm headed will be brutal enough.

I walk quickly through the neighborhood, stopping at my favorite deli to grab a bite to eat.

As I enter the more suburban area of the borough, I glare at a house at the end of the street, and wish that my feet weren't heading in its direction.

The door to the house looms over me, and I've only been here a few times.


The door opens quietly.


Connie's father is staring down at me, and I suddenly have a frog in my throat. I nod vigorously and he smiles.

"Connie is upstairs."

With a smile, I thank the man and get a pat on the back. In the second floor of their home, Connie's door is lined with pink ribbons, I've been here at least twenty times, yet I've never felt as terrified as I do right now.
"Knock knock..."

I push the door open quietly, and Connie's sitting at her computer typing away.

"Hey, Ben." Her tone is placid, uncaring.

"Look, I'm sorry I haven't called you in a we--"

"Is it true what they're saying?"

I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Is what true?" My voice has the utmost sincerity.

She glares at me, and reads an article from the Daily Bugle's website.

"Last night, at approximately 9:22 PM, a young man bearing a distinct resemblance to a Daily Bugle freelance photographer entered the premises of our fine newspaper. The man then, through magic or science, summoned a red costume, bearing the same insignia as the Scarlet Spider. He abducted Publisher J. Jonah Jameson and fled the scene through a shattered window."


This is why I didn't want to make this stop.

"No, be quiet, this is my favorite part!" I can taste her sarcasm. "The man then was pursued by two members of the Ultimates, each in training. After a vicious fight, the young man continued to flee, with the Bugle's Publisher slung over his shoulder. According to J. Jonah Jameson himself, the young assailant then spotted a Superhero known only as "Tarantula" making his nightly rounds and patrolling the area, staying vigilant."

I look down at my feet, knowing what's coming next.

"The Scarlet Spider cast Jameson to a rooftop and tackled the young Six-Armed hero. After a battle that swept through most of midtown, Tarantula was defeated, and murdered by the Scarlet Spider in cold blood, in front of dozens of witnesses."

I feel my eyes well up. For today, I felt that I could fix what happened last night, but even if I can, that still doesn't make the situation go away or any better.

My eyes stray feebly around her room, until meeting with hers once more.

"Yes. It's true."
I say, truthfully.

"How could you?" She asks. "That guy was like your brother."

"He was my brother." My correction is more out of instinct than out of indignation.

Connie raises an eyebrow, she can tell when I'm lying or bull$hting.

She goes to make a remark, but I stop her.

"Look, I came here to tell you that I'm going to make everything right."

She just stares back at me, with the same vacant eyes that Peter had... but she has to know.

I have to make this right.

"I'm going to be there for you. The Scarlet Spider, Alloy, Carnage... whatever happens, you need to know that I'm here. I'm wherever you need me to be, and I love you."

Her jaw drops, and she just keeps staring at me.

"I have to go."

With a wave to her folks, I'm gone, back on a train headed into the city.

I get off at 47th street. A vacant apartment building is staring back at me as I step off of the train. I walk quietly into the housing unit and head up the flights of stairs, right to the top floor. I kick down the door in the old, broken hallway, and am staring at the primitive, poorly prepared, inner-city lab I set up with Miles Warren.

It has to go.

The computer chair is silent as I sit in it, and log into the computer. I delete everything. Every file, every record, every test. It's all going. Once the files are gone, I wrap a palm around the back of the computer and heave, tearing the motherboard out of the plastic case. With a jab from my knee, the metal is in half, sparking slightly.

The door to the closet is cold, having not been used in weeks. The hinges come out of the sheet rock easily, as I don't even bother twisting the handle. The refrigeration unit within is full of CRE's, each of them writhing in their canisters.

It's as if I'm staring into everything I've worked for for so long... and I have to get rid of it. Don't get me, wrong, it kills me inside to see these... things... writhing around in their canisters without going to practical use, but they're too powerful to be controlled by one person.

I unceremoniously shut down the air conditioner. The coolant gas tubes aren't difficult to access, and I yank them out of the weak, metal housing of the unit. The gas fills the poorly ventilated room quickly, so my movements will have to be precise and fast.

With a grimace on my face, I jab a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, exposing the filament.

Of course, this is when my spider-sense goes off.

The gas is ignited quickly, but I burst through the door into the hallway easily. Abandoning the CRE's to the flame, with their imagined screams ringing in my ear.

The building will be aflame soon, so this has to be quick.

My third and final stop today is somewhere I can't be as Benjamin Reilly.

Changing in a flash, literally, I rocket out of a nearby window, into an abandoned alleyway.

With my mask on, my sweatshirt shaking in the hot air, and my webshooters firing, I fall through the brick corridor, straight for the ground.



Actually firing a web with my ol' web-slingers is somewhat of a release, as I've been doing it with my will for at least a week and a half.

I've never felt better.

Scratch that...

"Gimme your f**king money, lady!"

Now I've never felt better.

The thug at the end of the alley doesn't even see me coming, and I swing right through him, jabbing his ribs with my feet, sending him sprawling onto the pavement.

"Get a day job!" I call, soaring through the streets.

A backflip here, and a wall-run there, it's all variety now. And, on the plus side, there's no nagging voice in the back of my skull telling me to kill anything with a pulse.

After twenty minutes of swinging, I land on a lightpost and glare over the cool, gray water of the harbor.


"Here we go..."

A chopper roars overhead, and I fire a webline out, sticking to it's underside.

It lands on the roof of the battered, barely functioning government building, and I make my way into the facility with ease.

The door to Nick Fury's office is ajar, and I push my way inside.

"Uh... General?" My voice echoes through his huge office.

Immediately, he gets to his feet, with a gun pointed straight at me.

"No!" I cry. "Stop."

My protest doesn't have much of an effect, as the gun is still pointed at me.

"Look, sir." "I f**ked up pretty bad, last night. I know that, and I can't apologize enough. But... I want to make it right."

My spider-sense dies down slightly as Fury lowers his gun.

"You allowed yourself to be infected by The Carnage Suit and you killed one of the people under my protective custody. Why should I give a damn about what you want?"

The general is right. We both know it. So, I answer him honestly.

"You shouldn't, but you should give a damn about what I can do. Actions speak louder than words. Let me say goodbye to my brother."


Fury slides his scanner card through a lock on his doorway and an elevator opens, taking us straight down to the triage level.

He opens the door making sure that the nurses are gone, and leads the way to the body of a young man, tan, with two gashes in his chest.

He taps a button on his watch, and the boy soon fades away, revealing Anton.


His eyes are open, glaring into the back of his skull.

"When's the funeral?"
I ask angrily.


"Dammit... how could I do this?" I mutter under my breath.

"You bit off more than you could chew. Every teenager does it. Too bad for you, you decided to play with people's lives."

"Let me bring him back."
I whisper quietly, taking off my mask.

"Why should I?"

I roar angrily.

Christ, why can't this one eyed goon get it?!

Before Fury responds, I slide Tarantula's eyes closed. An awkward silence goes between us before I speak again.

"I apologize for my outburst, sir. I'm just... mad at myself. Anton was a good person and a good brother. I have the power to bring him back."
Tears stream down my face.

"And with great power comes great responsibility."

My motto.

My mantra.

My personal philosophy.

Now, it means more than ever.


The General thrusts a syringe into my palm.

"You can't go to the funeral, as tensions will be high, but you can do what you can."

Last night doesn't matter any more. All that matters is tomorrow. And the day after that. And the next day.

All that matters now is who I become, and who I let myself turn into as I grow up.

I slide the needle into Anton's arm and fill the syringe with blood.

I hold it in front of my face and look to Fury.

"So, tell me, General Fury... Does this this place have a scientific lab anywhere?"

The smirk on my face as I ask is unmistakable.

He nods, catching my drift and pivots, leading me down a hallway.

"Right this way, kid."

The Letters of Deadpool

"Double double, toil and trouble.

Now that that's out of the way, I just wanted to give you a heads up, Captain Demon-guy.

The end of the world is coming. I know, it's so cliché sounding, but it's true.

Your padre probably knows about it, actually. So I'd talk to him if I were. He's probably got a contingency plan in place of something.

Just wanna give you a heads up, though. Whatever his plan is, it will fail.

I really don't have anything else to tell you, except prepare for Hell to get a lot more crowded.


Oh, and if a member of the museum staff picks this up...


April fools!"

Blackheart lowers the letter from his eyes. A smile comes across his face, and he begins to laugh.

"Ah, yes. Wade Wilson. He brought so many people here, and now he claims he'll bring many more." Blackheart laughs as he crumbles the letter in his hand. "I can't wait until he gets here. He's really going to enjoy his stay."

Blackheart emits a small ember from the palm of his hand. The letter quickly catches fire, and begins to burn. He throws the letter into the air, and watches as the fire eats away the paper, burning it away until all thats left is ash.

"I'll worry about how he figured out how to get a letter to hell later. I've got souls to steal, people to condemn, spirits to torture. The usual."

Suddenly, a small demon approaches Blackheart. His body is black like tar, thick and hard plates covering his body. Shining through the cracks of his armor is a red light, like an eternal fire within him.

The small demon hovers in front of Blackheart, its arms held at his side like a soldier at attention. Blackheart's smile soon fades as he stares at the demon.

"Blackheart, your father sends you a message." The small demon says authoritatively.

"Really?" Blackheart says unimpressed. "What meaningless task does he want me to do now?"

"He told me to tell you he wants you to go back to Earth. He wants you to find the demon hybrid Darkdevil. The human's name is Matthew Murdock."

"Another human-demon, huh?" He asks. The small demon nods, and Blackheart lets out an aggravated sigh.

"Gee. What a surprise."

"He also told me to tell you he wants you to check up on him. You don't have to bring this one back to hell." The small demon snickers. "He said he knows how bad you are at that."

Blackheart jerks his head as he moves to stare at the messenger. His eyes burn with a hot intensity, he feels the rage within him grow. Despite his knowledge of emotions, knowing he should never feel them, Blackheart embraces it, feeds it, lets it corse through his body. As he continues to stare, the small demon stops laughing, and immediately begins to fill with fear.

"Uh, he said that, Blackheart. Not me." The demon mutters cowardously.

"Did he, now?" He responds simply.

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger! I was just told to give you the message!"

"Yes, a message degrading to me that you found...funny."

"No, Blackheart. I would never demean you."

"That's too bad." Blackheart says holding up his hand. "I'm not really in the mood today." Blackheart grabs hold of the demon, his hand tightly grasping the small demon's head. Blackheart's grip tightens and he begins to crush him.

"Blackheart! Please! Don't destroy me! I wasn't mocking you! I swear!"

"What's your name?" Blackheart asks with a hiss.

"S-Salaiz..." The demon stutters.

"Mm, I really thought hearing your name would change my mind." Blackheart's hand begins to glow as he ignites his skin in a black fire. The flames engulf the demon's head, and burn away at its being. He screams for mercy, yells in pain as his body is slowly turned to ash. Blackheart smiles as he throws the motionless body aside, tossing it into one of the many pits below.

"I'm the Prince of Hell. Any man, demon, or other will never forget that." Blackheart thinks back to what the demon said, about the new task his father put in front of him. "Darkdevil..." Blackheart says in a weary tone. "Interesting name." Blackheart's body dissapears in a cloud of dark black smoke. His body fades away into the darkness as he switches between the plane of the dead, and the plane of the living.

New York

The sky is dark in the streets of Hells Kitchen. The skies above are cloudy, their thick composition hiding the light of the moon and the stars. Were it not for the lights of the city, the residents of the dangerous district would be in total darkness.

A figure stands a top a building, perched on a steeple. He holds on lightly as he watches the streets below. Lost, tired, and confused, the figure looks around, searching for a peace, for answers he cannot have.

As the rain soaks his costume, he suddenly feels a presence appear near him. Using his abilities, he notices its strength, its size, its lifelessness. He senses no heartbeat, no signs that this being is alive. This is an entity he hasn't felt since...another.

"Hello, Matt." The being says with a smile. "How's Set?"
Blackheart lowers the letter from his eyes. A smile comes across his face, and he begins to laugh.

"Ah, yes. Wade Wilson. He brought so many people here, and now he claims he'll bring many more." Blackheart laughs as he crumbles the letter in his hand. "I can't wait until he gets here. He's really going to enjoy his stay."

Blackheart emits a small ember from the palm of his hand. The letter quickly catches fire, and begins to burn. He throws the letter into the air, and watches as the fire eats away the paper, burning it away until all thats left is ash.

"I'll worry about how he figured out how to get a letter to hell later. I've got souls to steal, people to condemn, spirits to torture. The usual."

Suddenly, a small demon approaches Blackheart. His body is black like tar, thick and hard plates covering his body. Shining through the cracks of his armor is a red light, like an eternal fire within him.

The small demon hovers in front of Blackheart, its arms held at his side like a soldier at attention. Blackheart's smile soon fades as he stares at the demon.

"Blackheart, your father sends you a message." The small demon says authoritatively.

"Really?" Blackheart says unimpressed. "What meaningless task does he want me to do now?"

"He told me to tell you he wants you to go back to Earth. He wants you to find the demon hybrid Darkdevil. The human's name is Matthew Murdock."

"Another human-demon, huh?" He asks. The small demon nods, and Blackheart lets out an aggravated sigh.

"Gee. What a surprise."

"He also told me to tell you he wants you to check up on him. You don't have to bring this one back to hell." The small demon snickers. "He said he knows how bad you are at that."

Blackheart jerks his head as he moves to stare at the messenger. His eyes burn with a hot intensity, he feels the rage within him grow. Despite his knowledge of emotions, knowing he should never feel them, Blackheart embraces it, feeds it, lets it corse through his body. As he continues to stare, the small demon stops laughing, and immediately begins to fill with fear.

"Uh, he said that, Blackheart. Not me." The demon mutters cowardously.

"Did he, now?" He responds simply.

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger! I was just told to give you the message!"

"Yes, a message degrading to me that you found...funny."

"No, Blackheart. I would never demean you."

"That's too bad." Blackheart says holding up his hand. "I'm not really in the mood today." Blackheart grabs hold of the demon, his hand tightly grasping the small demon's head. Blackheart's grip tightens and he begins to crush him.

"Blackheart! Please! Don't destroy me! I wasn't mocking you! I swear!"

"What's your name?" Blackheart asks with a hiss.

"S-Salaiz..." The demon stutters.

"Mm, I really thought hearing your name would change my mind." Blackheart's hand begins to glow as he ignites his skin in a black fire. The flames engulf the demon's head, and burn away at its being. He screams for mercy, yells in pain as his body is slowly turned to ash. Blackheart smiles as he throws the motionless body aside, tossing it into one of the many pits below.

"I'm the Prince of Hell. Any man, demon, or other will never forget that." Blackheart thinks back to what the demon said, about the new task his father put in front of him. "Darkdevil..." Blackheart says in a weary tone. "Interesting name." Blackheart's body dissapears in a cloud of dark black smoke. His body fades away into the darkness as he switches between the plane of the dead, and the plane of the living.

New York

The sky is dark in the streets of Hells Kitchen. The skies above are cloudy, their thick composition hiding the light of the moon and the stars. Were it not for the lights of the city, the residents of the dangerous district would be in total darkness.

A figure stands a top a building, perched on a steeple. He holds on lightly as he watches the streets below. Lost, tired, and confused, the figure looks around, searching for a peace, for answers he cannot have.

As the rain soaks his costume, he suddenly feels a presence appear near him. Using his abilities, he notices its strength, its size, its lifelessness. He senses no heartbeat, no signs that this being is alive. This is an entity he hasn't felt since...another.

"Hello, Matt." The being says with a smile. "How's Set?"


Daredevil - The Man Without Fear

No heartbeat.

No breathing.

No nothing.

Darkdevil wasn't impressed, and at this point he didn't care.

"What are you and how do you know about Set?" He growled, more concerned with getting to The Kingpin than dealing with this freak.
Bobby and Kitty show up sooner than I expected. I guess I figured that they'd be off doing...whatever it is that the X-Men do. Nonetheless, I'm glad they're here. This thing could hit any second now, and I want to have as much of the team intact as possible before then. After Kitty and Bobby, it will only be a matter of finding the most famous wall-crawler in Queens.

Yeah, 'cause that's such a huge list.

"Hey guys. Welcome to the Baxter."

Kitty smiles, but Bobby just looks around.

"Johnny, what's so important?" Kitty asks nervously.

"I need you guys," I explain. I look directly at Bobby. "BOTH of you."

"For what, Storm?" Bobby asks impatiently. I expected that kind of response, but I don't try to retaliate. Now is not the time to let testosterone get the best of us.

"Something big is about to happen, and it's going to threaten the Fantastic Four, the Ultimates, and the X-Men," I explain. "It's a long story, but trust me - some serious s*** is about to happen, and I thought it would be best if us younger heroes banded together."

"That's really sweet, Storm," Bobby sneers. Kitty elbows him in the ribs. "Hey!"

"The Ultimates don't respect us, guys. They think we're too immature," I add. "This crisis is our chance to prove them wrong! Let's show them that we're just as capable as they are!"

Bobby rolls his eyes. "So you want us to join your little team? I guess this makes you in charge."

I stand up a little straight. "As a matter of fact..."

Bobby shakes his head and starts walking away.


"Kitty, I am not going to take orders from this pompous, arrogant, self-centered jerk," Bobby explains.


I put a hand on Kitty's shoulder. "Let him go," I instruct her. "It will just be you and me then."

Bobby instantly stops. I smirk a little, but I quickly hide it. I didn't want to have to pull that card, but I knew it would work. Bobby can't stand the idea of Kitty and I alone in battle. He's going to join just to spite me.

And right now, I don't care. I just want him to join.

"On second thought, I will join your little team, Storm. And as soon as this 'crisis' is over, I'm out," he promises.

"Glad you reconsidered. Now, let's talk details..."
Season IV: Epilogue

Forge and Spiral sat on the couch late at night. It had been a couple days since the Blackheart incident, and things were around the Thunderbolts were good. Other than a quick cleanup, the team had taken a few days off to recuperate. Forge had repaired his equipment, and was finally enjoying some down time.

"This show is ******ed! I hate TV!"
Spiral turned off the TV and turned to Forge. "He's gone again."

Forge turned to her. "Who?"


"I'm sure he'll be back. This isn't the first time that Blackheart has come after us, and I guarantee it won't be the last."
He stopped for a moment. "I'm going to have to do a little research on interdimension entities and their chemical properties and make-up. If I can develop a machine that can-"

Suddenly, Forge felt something against his lips. He realized, to his suprise, that it was Spiral's lips! She was kissing him! In slight suprise, he pulled back slightly.

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

Aw hell. What was he supposed to do? It had been a long time since he'd done this, and he sucked last time. He really liked this one, and didn't want to screw it up. "N-no."

She smiled. "Well then, come here!" She pulled him close with two of her arms, kissing him again. She was a good kisser. Like...a really good kisser! "You were taking too long to make the move, buddy. I waited for you!"

Forge chuckled for a moment before it was muffled by her kiss. He spoke, kisses staggering his words. "I wanted to...I just... was scared... I'd mess it up... I really like you..."

Spiral threw him on his back on the couch. "You're not so bad yourself, Genius Man." He pulled her body up to his. "Now shut up and kiss me."

Season IV Epilogue

Thor stood on top of a large grey structure looking down upon the city. The people he'd sworn to save, from evil, from themselves. He watched as they went about their business, blissfully unaware of the terror that was to come. Thor felt a great feeling of sorrow, he felt like crying out to the people bellow, bellowing, begging to warn them.

He'd failed. The end was coming and there was no forseeable way of stopping it. To make matters worse, Loki had arrived on the scene. What was his part in all this? Spectator? Did he just wish to gaze upon the chaos and destruction he so badly craves? Or was his part in these catastrophic events set in motion more sinister?

Only time would reveal the answers, Thor knew that agonizing over the details would bring him nothing but grief.

"Loki fled after the battle." Thor spoke once his train of thought had ended. "There was no sign of him." He said, turning to Heimdall.

"Aye, cowardice is a trait most prominent in that wretched swine."

Thor simply nodded and turned back to the city. His eyes focused on the Triskellion where a small congregation of SHIELD personell were gathered. He had heard the fate of Tarantula, he felt a great deal of sadness at hearing that such a great warrior had fallen at the hands of an evil brother.

Thor thought of himself and Loki. He vowed he would do whatever he could, even if, like Tarantula, it meant dying. He would give every breath, every ounce of strength to take Loki down into the depths of Hell with him. Balling his hands into fists he breathed deeply, calming himself at once.

"You ready?" He said solemnly to Heimdall. He hated the thought of leaving the country at such a desperate time but he needed to allow the others time to make up their own mind.

He took another look toward the funeral and said a short prayer under his breath. In a clash of lightening, the Gods were gone.


Two figures dressed in black broke away from the funeral service, slinking off into the surrounding trees. A dark haired man looked upon the rooftop where Thor once stood. Smirking he turned to his accomplice.

"See? He runs, afraid, scared for his life." He mocks.

"Oh please, he is a lot more of a man than you will ever be Mr. 'God of Mischief'."
Spoke the other, a woman. She spoke slowly, seductively.

Loki's smile never faded.

"You hit the nail right on the head my dear... He's more of a man than me. He's lost his way, gone soft."

The woman simply scoffed. "Then how come you had to flee in your 'hour of triumph?"

"Come now, let us not fight. We are too good together to let some petty bickering damage our relationship."

"Relationship? Don't flatter yourself you pathetic worm." She laughed. "This is a mutual arrangement little man, nothing more."

Loki grinned, taking a slight bow.

"As you wish... Enchantress."

Daredevil - The Man Without Fear

No heartbeat.

No breathing.

No nothing.

Darkdevil wasn't impressed, and at this point he didn't care.

"What are you and how do you know about Set?" He growled, more concerned with getting to The Kingpin than dealing with this freak.

"Who am I?" Blackheart asks the hero with a smile. "My name is unimportant. Let's just say I have ties to your...counterpart."

Blackheart continues to hover in the air, staying a close distance away from the building where Darkdevil stands. Blackheart lets out a small laugh and shakes his head, reveling in the evil thoughts in his mind.

"You know, Matt. A storm's coming. An event that some say would, 'change the world.'" Blackheart laughs again, softly and quietly as the rain lightly hits his body, and drips down on his rough skin. "You're probably wondering what I want from you. I mean, why else would a mysterious figure arrive to talk to you in the middle of the night during a storm." Blackheart turns his back on the scarlet hero, and looks out at the city before him. He stares aimlessly, almost as if he watches the whole world from where he hovers.

"Well, Matt, do you want to know? Do you want to know the truth?" He smirks. "Honestly? The truth is overrated. You know the way things work. You know how the world spins. But what you don't know, is how it will play out. How will it all end?" He turns back to Matt, the smile on his face fading fast. "Do you know what will come next? For you? For your friends? For your loved ones?"

"Piotr where the hell are you going!"

I turn and see the man known as Colossus fleeing down the hall and disappearing from sight.

"Warren go after him! Find out whats wrong."

"You got it Cyke."

I tear past the Professor and follow Piotr through the kitchen and out the backdoor.

"Pete wait!"

Ya know for a 6'3 organic metal coated russian with a heart of gold, the guy can ****ing move! I lose sight of him as he hits the woods.

"Pete wait!"

<Warren let him go, return to the mansion.>

Im almost knocked unconcious by the strength of the Professor voice.

"Damn what the hell?!"

I turn and fly back to the mansion. I meet back up with the team intime to see a completely naked Jean fall into Logan's arms.

"Oh god Jean?"

Logan heads for the medlab with Scott not far behind him. I turn to Ali and the others.

"What the hell happen?"

Ali unsheaths her claws and shrugs.

"We're just has confused as you are War....."


Kaine swings through the dark and dreary city of New York. The rain falls from the sky slowly, coming down in heavy drops. As Kaine whips tendrils back and forth between his arms to move about the skyscrapers, the rain hits the suit. The water slides off the smooth surface of the black suit, instead of being absorbed into it.​

Kaine suddenly comes to a stop, jumping to the side of a building and sticking closely to the wall. He turns around and rests his back against the cold metal of the building. He feels his spine uncomfortably rubbing againt the hard metal beams.​

Kaine forgets the pain, ignoring it. He stares at the suit on his arms, examining every inch of the thick encasing liquid. He touches it with his hand, but feels nothing. He rests his head in his hand and takes a heavy sigh as he commands the suit to pull back from his head.​

"Dammit." Kaine says with regret. "I really thought things would change after Blackheart. I thought I could...rid myself of this damn scar. God, it hurts...even now I can feel the pain."

Kaine brushes the hair out of his face, pushing is back. The rain falls from the sky harder now, the drops of liquid running down his face and soaking his hair.​

"Things have been so...unexpected lately. I find this suit. I thought it would be a Godsend. I mean, it healed me! If I didn't have it...then what? I'd still be lying on the ground left to die." Kaine slams his fist into the building behind him, embedding his hand in the steel facade. He pulls his hand from the wreckage, unscathed and unharmed, protected by the suit.​

"Dammit! What do I want?" Kaine rehtorically asks. "What is it? What!? I thought I knew what I wanted! I thought I had what I wanted. All I think about now is the past. The damn past. And when I look back...all I see is regret. Living for what I want. Living for what suits me." Kaine pauses as he breathes heavily, deeply lost in his thoughts.​

"I can do what I want! No one will dare stop me! No one can. So why do I feel like this? Why do I feel empty? Why do I feel...lost?" Kaine hears the sound of gunshots below. He looks down to see a man with a gun running down the street. Behind him follow two policemen, running as fast as they can in pursuit.​

"No." Kaine says as if to respond to someone. "I'm not doing it. It's not my problem. It's not my problem."

Below the criminal continues to run. He breathes in heavy heaves as he quickly runs out of breath. Looking over his shoulder, the criminal sees the police gaining on him.​

The criminal turns backward and aims his gun. He pulls the trigger and the gun fires. The police close their eyes, expecting to feel the heated burning of cold lead in their chests. To their surprise, they feel nothing. They continue their chase, running faster toward the fellon.​

Behind the two policemen, a woman crossing the street with her young daughter falls to the concrete. Her white shirt begins to stain with dark red as she rolls on the ground in pain. She begins to claw at her wound, putting pressure on it, hoping to ease the agony. Her daughter falls to her knees at her side and begins to cry.​

"Mommy..." She asks with tears in her eyes. "Mommy? Mom! Wake up!" The woman's eyes roll back into her head and her eyes close shut. The daughter falls onto her mother as she breaks down. The tears run from her eyes like rivers as she continues to repeat the same phrase over and over. "Mommy! Wake up! Mommy!"​

Without regret or remorse, the criminal continues to prolong his escape. Now out of breath, he looks around him for a new plan. He sees a young boy with a back pack walking toward the apartment building close by.​

With an evil smile, the criminal rushes to the boy. He grabs him tightly, picking him up off the ground in one swift motion. He puts the gun to the boy's head and begins to laugh as the policemen slowly come to a stop.​

"One move, boys. That's it! One more step and I'll kill the kid. You still want me?" The criminal says as he shakes the gun, taunting the policemen. "You still think you got me?"​

"Hold it. Don't do anything drastic, just calm down." One of the policemen says, hoping to calm the erratic felon.​

"Oh, I am calm. But this boy's mother won't be if you come near me! Now stay away! Stay the **** away!"​

"Look, don't hurt anyone, okay? Just calm down."​

"Ha! Ha! I love your faces! You were so sure you'd get me seconds ago and now? Now who controls the game! Ha! Now who's in control?"​

Suddenly, a black line shoots out from the shadows. It wraps around the gun in the criminal's hands, coiling around the barrel. With a tight yank, the line pulls back, taking the weapon from the criminal's hand. The gun flies back as the line retracts, going back to its source.​

The criminal looks up on the street light above him to see a figure standing on the metal pole. To his surprise, he sees a black figure with big white eyes staring down at him. In his hand the figure holds the gun, pointing it up in the air.​

[blackout]"Me." [/blackout]It says with a hiss. The figure points the gun at the criminal, lining up the sights so that he has a clear shot of the man's head. [blackout]"Let the boy go." [/blackout]

"What are you? Crazy man? I ain't puttin' this runt down! I can still break his neck!"​

[blackout]"Do you really think you can kill the boy before I put a bullet in your head?" [/blackout]

"Want to find out?" The criminal says with a sneer. Before he can take another breath, the sound of a gun shot rings loudly in the street. The criminal drops to the ground hard, crying out in a painful shriek. The young boy runs from his capture, seeking refuge in the arms of one of the policemen.​

The figure on the street light jumps down. He walks toward the criminal, still holding the gun firmly in his hand. The criminal rolls on the ground in agony, holding onto his shoulder where the bullet penetrated his skin.​

"Ah, you crazy ****! Why'd you do that, huh?" The criminal suddenly spring up, holding a switchblade in his hand. As he goes to swipe at the suited man, he yells loudly, spewing saliva from his mouth. "This wasn't your buisness!"​

Before the criminal can even get close enough to cut the figure, the black suited man takes the end of the pistol and strikes the criminal across the face. He falls to the ground, blood now pouring from his mouth and soaking his hands.​

[blackout]"I've had a bad history with people like you. People who prey on the innocent." [/blackout]The figure tosses aside the gun and moves onto the criminal. He leans down to the criminal, grabbing his head by his hair. [BLACKOUT]"You would use a boy as a shield?"[/BLACKOUT] He balls his fist and punches the man in the jaw, dislocating the muscle from the bone.​

[blackout]"Coward!" [/blackout]He shouts. The figure continues to beat the criminal, pounding his fists into the man's throat and face. Blood stains the sidewalk, pooling with the puddles of rainwater. The policemen watch as the vicious attack continues.​

"Is that Spider-Man?" The policeman asks his partner.​

"I don't know, it looks like him."​

The figure suddenly stops his attack. He turns to the policemen, a frown on his face under his mask. He grabs the battered man by hid throat, his fingers curling around his windpipe.​

[blackout]"Spider-Man?" [/blackout]The figure asks, rising to his feet. Pulling his arm back, he tenses his muscles. With a powerful strike, he thrusts his arm forward, sending the criminal's head through the side of a brick building. [blackout]"I am Kaine!" [/blackout]The figure growls as debris falls from the hole in the building. The criminal's body soon slips out of the wall, and falls to the ground, motionless. Lifeless. [blackout] "These are my streets!"[/blackout] Kaine yells with anger and hate.​

"What the hell?!" One of the policemen says as he raises his pistol to fire at Kaine. "Get on the ground! Now!"​

[blackout]"Mm. Do you want to die too, officer?" [/blackout]Kaine asks in a cold heartless voice. [blackout]"I'd suggest taking another look at the body on the ground here before you pull the trigger." [/blackout]Taking his eyes off Kaine, the officer glances at the mutilated body of the criminal for only a second. As he looks back up, he sees a fist coming straight for his head. Before he can react, he is knocked to the ground unconscious, falling in a puddle of rainwater.​

The other policemen stares at Kaine with fear, his hands shaking as he tries to raise his weapon to take aim. Kaine sneers beneath the suit. He grabs the pistol and rips it from the man's hands.​

[blackout]"Don't try." [/blackout]He says, tossing the gun into the alley behind him.[blackout] "It wouldn't end well for you." [/blackout]

Kaine jumps high into the air and quickly shoots a tendril from his forearm. The tendril latches onto a building side and Kaine swings off into the distance, his figure dissapearing amidst the rain.​

As Kaine swings through the air, fleeing the scene, his mind begins to fill with regret once more. He feels an emptiness in his soul, a yearning for something more in his life.​

As he wonders what the missing piece in his life is, his mind drifts back to the woman's body in the street. He sees the little girl falling next to her body, praying and screaming for her mother to come back to life.​

[blackout]"Mpf. I wonder if that's why Pete was a hero. I wonder if that's why the rest of them are heroes. Saving people. Protecting them."[/blackout] Kaine sneers beneath his mask as he thinks about the thought. A hero? Him? Kaine? Suddenly, he errupts into laughter. His evil cackle fills the streets, echoing loudly to every alley.​

[blackout]"Yeah, right! Me a hero? Why would I waste me time being good,"[/blackout] an evil smirk comes across his face. The smile transfers to the suit, revealing a toothy and frightful grin. [blackout]"When being evil is so much more fun!" [/blackout]

[blackout] "Hero. Ha! Ha! Ha! Hero! Ha! Ha! Ha!"[/blackout]

Epilogue pt.1

Hours later...

"Ms. Pryde. Glad you could make it..."

Immediately after I left the Baxter (Long story... I'll fill you in on that later...) I had gotten a message from Fury telling me to meet him at a cemetary and to wear black, formal clothing. I thought about why, but I figured, it's Nick Fury. Probably some secret spy business...

But to my surprise, it wasn't anything like that.

"...In case you're wondering, it wasn't my idea to call you here. It was his..." He said pointing to the man next to him.

"...If you forgot already, this is Agent Woo."

"Nice to see you again, Ms. Pryde." He said holding out his hand.

"Thanks..." I said shaking his hand with a smile. "You're that agent I met when I saved Anton from the Vulture and Kraven. How is he by the way? I haven't seen him around..."

"Well... That's kind of why I called you here. It's about Anton..."

"Where is he then?"

The look on his face suddenly turned grim as he pointed behind me at a tombstone with Anton's name and a Tarantula emblem. Then I turned back to Agent Woo in utter disbelief.

"...Can I?"

Woo shook his head, and I looked at Fury, still shocked at the news.

"You can, but under one condition..."

I looked at Fury, and could tell from his eye...

...He knows.

"...From what I've learned, when you and Anton had your little talk, that he gave you very top secret information. Information about how he came to be? Information that if revealed to the public, it would not only ruin one, but four peoples lives? Is that correct?"

I nodded as he expected.

"The one condition that I require is that you keep what you've learned quiet. Do not reveal it to anyone. At all. Not Johnny Storm, not the Fantastic Four, not the Ultimates, and especially not Xavier or any of the X-Men. Because if you do, actions that I guarantee you will not like will have to be taken. Do you understand?"

I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts, but regardless of what Fury says, I told Anton his secrets were safe with me. I made him a promise, and I intend on keeping it.

"Yes, sir. May I go say my goodbyes now?"

"Yeah. You can go..." He said signaling me to go, and as I turned away and walked towards Anton's grave...
Rumekistan, Capital City

Outside of the government building of the rising nation of Rumekistan, many people gather outside in front of an empty podium. The stage in front of the building is littered with many Ultimatum, the Rumekistani police. They stand at attention, watching for any possible problems, staying ready for whatever may come.

As one person claps, the rest of the crowd suddenly falls in line and claps as well. The roar of applause grows louder as the President of Rumekistan approaches the podium. Staying close behind him is the newly promoted General Luft, the countries leading military expert. Walking next to Luft is a man dressed in the Rumekistani military uniform. The various grays of his uniform blend together and shine in the bright light from the sun. As he moves he almost looks as if he is made of silver, a living statue.

As the President walks behind the podium and stands proudly, Luft and the other man take their seats in two chairs behind the President. The applause soon dies down, and the President smiles. He grasps the podium&#8217;s sides, and leans forward toward the microphone. Taking a deep breath, he prepares himself, and begins his speech.

&#8220;Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, people from every race, religion, and ethnicity, it is with great pleasure that I can address you this evening. As you know, Rumekistan was a third world country only years ago. Covered with famine, plague, and war, Rumekistan seemed as if it would choke itself to death before it ever really got to become anything.

&#8220;I was not born here. I, like most of you, immigrated here. An orphan, no people to call my parents, I learned the ways of the world. I came to age here in this country, watching as the decisions made around me only seemed to send us closer and closer toward destruction. I stand before you now as that young boy, aged and grown up. I still want what&#8217;s right for this country, and that is why I am glad to be your leader.

&#8220;Recently, the newest trend among countries is a weapon known as a super soldier. The first super soldier, Captain America, showed himself as a worthy adversary to any who opposed him. Since his creation, attempts to replicate this weapon have been tried time and time again. It has only been within the past few years that a new formula has been tried as successful. But, unfortunately, this formula was only offered to certain countries, those in the EDI.

&#8220;For some of you, the thought that we are behind, the idea that we are weak, despite our growing military, is prominent in your mind. Fear not. It is with great pleasure that I tell you today we too have a super soldier. But not just one. Not just two. No, my friends and countrymen. Today, it with great pleasure that I tell you our military has seven.&#8221;

As the President speaks the words, six men suddenly levitate from behind the stage and rise into the air. The men fly proudly, staying still in the air and watching all the members of the crowd. The highly decorated man sitting next to Luft stands from his chair, and slowly lifts into the air to join the other six in the air above the stage.

&#8220;These men are our elite soldiers. Highly trained, highly skilled, very powerful. I have seen what these men can do. And let me tell you, they are more effective then any other weapon on this planet. Because Rumekistan has always had the threat of war on our doorstep, it is my hope that these seven men will be able to keep any more conflicts from ever coming to our borders. But, because of this threat of war, because of this danger, I have named this team of super soldiers the Flag Smashers. Under our flag! Under our country! They will fight for us! Protect us! It is my promise to you that Rumekistan will never see war again.&#8221;

The President takes a deep sigh. He takes a cloth from his pocket and wipes the sweat from his brow. Stuffing the cloth back in his pocket, he inhales a deep breath, and leans forward to the microphone once again.

&#8220;My people. My fellow Rumekistani citizens, I want what is best for us. Best for the country. Best for the world. My only mission is to save this world. My goal is to end suffering, end conflict, end all wars. I do not just speak of Rumekistan now, I speak of the world entire. I have seen peace and harmony. I have seen the providence that we all could share in. It is now my hope to be a cable, a connection, to bring you and the rest of the world into my providence.&#8221;

Suddenly, the president lifts off the ground. His body begins to glow a bright blue as he ascends into the air with the seven super soldiers. Everyone stares in shock, even the military advisors watch as their leader rises higher and higher into the sky.

Stopping his ascension, he hovers a few feet higher than the seven super soldiers. As the blue aura around his body continues to shine, he looks down at the people in the crowd with a smile.

&#8220;You know me as President Nathan Winters.&#8221; He shouts to all below. &#8220;Now you will know me by another name. As I said, I wish to be the connection between this world and providence. For this reason, I will be known by a new title.&#8221; A wide smiles comes across Winters face as the sound of the Rumekistan national anthem is played through the speakers. &#8220;I am Cable. Welcome to the next step.&#8221;

"Who am I?" Blackheart asks the hero with a smile. "My name is unimportant. Let's just say I have ties to your...counterpart."

Blackheart continues to hover in the air, staying a close distance away from the building where Darkdevil stands. Blackheart lets out a small laugh and shakes his head, reveling in the evil thoughts in his mind.

"You know, Matt. A storm's coming. An event that some say would, 'change the world.'" Blackheart laughs again, softly and quietly as the rain lightly hits his body, and drips down on his rough skin. "You're probably wondering what I want from you. I mean, why else would a mysterious figure arrive to talk to you in the middle of the night during a storm." Blackheart turns his back on the scarlet hero, and looks out at the city before him. He stares aimlessly, almost as if he watches the whole world from where he hovers.

"Well, Matt, do you want to know? Do you want to know the truth?" He smirks. "Honestly? The truth is overrated. You know the way things work. You know how the world spins. But what you don't know, is how it will play out. How will it all end?" He turns back to Matt, the smile on his face fading fast. "Do you know what will come next? For you? For your friends? For your loved ones?"


Daredevil - The Man Without Fear

Darkdevil stared at the creature in front of him for a long while, considering what to say next.

This thing knew about the event that Mephisto talked about, when the world would need a 'man without fear,' as the demon had put it.

The day after Matt Murdock makes a deal with the devil, another demon shows up?

No, no way. That was too much of a coincidence. Even for Matt Murdock.

"I'm not your pawn..." He said through his gritty teeth.

With a singe back flip, he had disappeared once more into the corridors of New York.

Moving as fast as he could along rooftops, Darkdevil made his way through the city, headed straight for his apartment.

He felt a tug on his back, and slammed backwards onto a rooftop.


Set roared in Darkdevil's ear, but he refused to stop moving forward.

This was his body, his mind, and his life. He wasn't surrendering them to some side-show magic act that put a voice in his head.

"I'll see you in Hell." The Devil's voice had a biting irony to it.

He slipped seamlessly into his home and severed himself from the demon, lying nude on the floor of his home.

He was out of breath, and could feel Set pounding at the back of his skull, dying to get out.

Ultimate Iron Man - All Good Things

Thor was gone, despite Tony Stark's deepest and most sincere requests for him not to leave.

Stark's entire world as he knew it had somehow changed, he saw the world through different eyes.

He sat quietly in a chair in the lounge at the Triskellion, across from Captain America, sipping a glass of water. The Ultimates had returned from Tarantula's funeral less than whole. Spider-Woman left with Patriot, and Hawkeye had gone home to his family. Wasp and Pym were grieving alone at their home, while Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were somewhere in the huge city of New York.

Some simulations were running on a set of plasma screen televisions behind the two, abandoned heroes. Each possible outcome of the impending attack showed catastrophic casualty numbers, each one numbering in over five thousand.

As the alcohol he had ingested at the wake started to really set into his system, Stark began playing with the black tie wrapped around his neck. Playfully running it through his fingers, he felt the pain that gripped his body continuously gradually drift away.

At last he was at peace.

"Goddamned shame." Captain America finally said.

Stark, fully coherent, raised an eyebrow.

"Which part?" He muttered simply.

"All of it. The kid, this end-of-the-world crisis, the president..." Captain America seemed to be lost in thought.

"All of it... especially the young kid."

"Welcome to the Ultimates, Mr. Rogers." Stark said quietly.

The two kept staring at each other, Captain America's shield glistened in the neon glow of the lights above them as it sat in the corner.

"I suppose we should make a toast."

"To what?" Rogers asked, intrigued.


"Here here."

Tony finished his water in a single mouthful and slid the glass onto the coffee table between him and his colleague.

"Why'd you build the Iron Man suit?" Captain America asked, reaching out to his teammate.

Stark took a second to truly think about the question and his response.

"To entice women." He said, simply.

Rogers laughed, understanding that Stark wasn't going to open his shell at all tonight.

Stark pushed himself up off of the sofa and stared out at the city.

It was dusk.



As if on some sort of cue, the lights in the lounge went out with a simple CLICK.

Stark turned around and stared at Captain America, who was bathed in the red glow of the emergency light.

"What's going on?"

"An excellent question." Stark's voice was vaguely sarcastic, as if he didn't have the foggiest notion of why the building had lost power.

Fury barged into the room and stared at his two employees.

"Everyone alright?" He asked.

"I believe that Steven is fine, but I seem to have lost my sight."

Rogers and Fury simply stared at him.


In the center of the room, a green light began to pulse, hovering over a conference table.

"How cliché." Stark observed, fixing himself a drink at the bar.

The light grew in intensity and a figure stepped forth from it, bathed in its bright glow.

"Stark..." Rogers muttered as he readied himself, shield mounted on his arm.

Stark's eyes widened as the green light faded away, leaving nothing but a silver figure floating above the conference room.

"Can he see us?" Rogers asked.

"I dunno, how 'bout you ask?"

Roger's didn't even smirk.

"Ultimates." The being said. "As you are aware by now, I am planning an attack on your world."

The being flickered in and out of visibility.

"Son of a *****, it's a recording."

"The casualties will number well into the thousands at the time of my initial attack. After that, your planet will slowly die, as its inhabitants begin to become infected."

Fury stared at the hologram, visibly enraged.

"Your time of reckoning has come."

With that, the lights returned and the hologram vanished, leaving the three men to stare at each other, paralyzed with uncertainty.


The view of the city had changed dramatically in such a short period. The sky was gray, with clouds covering any light that dusk would bring.

Lighting struck buildings and towers, as the city itself seemed to tremble and quake at the its impending attack.

"Get the president on the phone... and the mayor. I want an all-out evacuation to start RFN."

Stark blinked as he slumped back onto the sofa, holding his head in his hands.


"Don't bother, Fury. Just call the team."

"What the hell do you mean 'don't bother?' We can still save some lives!"

"No. We can't."
Stark said simply. "We're too late."

Project: Nexus had begun.

Daredevil - The Man Without Fear

Darkdevil stared at the creature in front of him for a long while, considering what to say next.

This thing knew about the event that Mephisto talked about, when the world would need a 'man without fear,' as the demon had put it.

The day after Matt Murdock makes a deal with the devil, another demon shows up?

No, no way. That was too much of a coincidence. Even for Matt Murdock.

"I'm not your pawn..." He said through his gritty teeth.

With a singe back flip, he had disappeared once more into the corridors of New York.


Blackheart laughed as Darkdevil dissapeared, fleeing from the demon and the area.

"Humans." He snickers. "They always think they are in control." Blackheart turns his body to smoke and vanishes from the earthly plane. In only seconds, his body reappears in the most feared place by man, Hell.

Blackheart walks up a small path, lined with fire and ash, covered in the sweat of suffering souls, to the throne of his father. As Blackheart approaches, he sees his father condeming a man to eternity in hell, losing his soul for some foolish human desire.

Blackheart walks up the steep steps to the throne, his tail slinking like a snake behind him as he walks. Soon, he reaches the top of the shrine. He walks across the charred and scorched granite ground toward his father. He feels the anger inside him growing as he takes each step closer toward his father. Hiding his anger, he masks it with another familiar emotion he has adopted.

"Hey, dad." He says with a cocky grin. "Just checked on Darkdevil for you. We had a really intersting conversation. First I asked him a question, then he blew me off." Blackheart walks back and forth in front of Mephisto, pacing as he tries to burn off steam.

"Maybe he could sense that you weren't interesting conversation, son." He says with a smile.

"Yeah, maybe he sensed your stench on me, dad. Ever think of that?"

"Oh, Blackheart. So young, so naive. Your attitude reflects how much you have yet to learn." Mephisto stares at his son. His eyes are suddenly caught by the familiar mark burned into Blackheart's arm, a cross, carved into his arm like a scar. "And I see you still haven't rid yourself of that curse yet, have you?"

"No. It's like one failure in your life." Blackheart stops pacing. He turns his head to his father and stares at him intently. "It just never goes away."

"That's ashame, Blackheart. You know what happens if you're ever killed."

"Yeah. I know what happens. The Rider read me my last rites. I'm a demon, dad. Not an idiot."

"Mm...debatable." Mephisto taps his fingers on the arms of his chair as he lets out a sigh. "So, what happened with your revenge? Kill anyone?"


"So you failed again?"

"No. I had the Rider right where I wanted him. In fact, I could've slaughtered them all. I was winning."

"Then why are they still alive?"

"Something's coming, father. I know you can sense it too. I want to watch them suffer. I want them to see the end of their world before I rip their souls from their human casks." Blackheart says as he spews his bile and hatred from his mouth.

"How determined." Mephisto observes. "But we both know this will be no revelation."

"Of course not. That's your job. Final battle, your last chance at ruling the whole universe." Blackheart smirks, turning back to his father, animosity burning deep in his eyes. "Of course, we both know how that story ends, don't we?"

"Yes." Mephisto says in an annoyed tone. "I do." Blackheart smiles subtely as he revels in the delight of angering his father. "So, Blackheart. My son. How many tasks have I given you to do?"

"Oh, what? Since the Rider gave you the finger and bailed? About three. Give or take a few."

"Yes, and how many have you successfully completed?" Blackheart pauses, staying silent for a few moments as his happiness dies away.


"Give or take a few, right?" Mephisto smirks. "Yes, well I've been thinking. How can the ruler of hell, the condemner of souls, prince of lies. How can someone as great as I have such a dissapointing son as you?"

"I don't know, dad." Blackheart growls. "You made me. Looks like ****ing up runs in the family."

"Ah, yes. My second failure with you. You've spent so much time in the world of the living you've adapted their vernacular. How shrude and barbarian like." Mephisto laughs loudly, pleased by his own beratement of his son. Blackheart stands and watches his father, waiting silently for the next insult. "Well, Blackheart, I've been thinking to myself how I could get some things around here accomplished for once. How I could get you to be a better demon. A better advocate of a power such as myself."

"And what did you come up with?" Blackheart asks. "Maybe you get off your ass and do something for yourself for a change?"

"No, Blackheart. I think you need a good influence. An...example. Someone you can look up to." Mephisto rises to his feet. He stands proudly in front of his chair, stretching out his arm to his right. To Blackheart's shock, a figure emerges from behind his father's throne, and walks into the flickering dim light of the fires surrounding them. "Blackheart, meet your sister. Mephista."

Season IV - Epilogue

Xavier sits in his chair, massaging his temples gently. Lot speaks to him in a voice that no one else can hear. The world has grown complex beyond all expectations. And even with all his newfound abilities, there were moments when Charles couldn't be sure how things would turn out. So much chaos... it was like the planet itself was begging to be purged...

"What the hell happened?"

"We're just confused as you are, War..."

Xavier looked down the hall, when the receeding footsteps of Wolverine and Cyclops echoed ethereally.

"Relax, my students. I know this is all very troubling, but rest assured... we have won the day."

Angel began to speak.

"But Sinister--"

"Despite what it may have looked like, Nathaniel Essex did not escape us today. The woman he was with... I used my powers and sent them somewhere else."

The two young mutants just stared at Xavier. He could sense their concern for eachother... their love. It sickened him. He wanted to kill them where they stood. Drop them like flies swatted by the almighty and uncaring hand of God.

"Jean will be quite alright. What I need is for all of you to give her some time. I will be working with her extensively and I promise you a full recovery."

The students seemed to relax. When Xavier spoke again, his voice was flooded with an ominous tone.

"Be wary, young ones... something wicked this way comes..."

Season IV - Epilogue

Xavier sits in his chair, massaging his temples gently. Lot speaks to him in a voice that no one else can hear. The world has grown complex beyond all expectations. And even with all his newfound abilities, there were moments when Charles couldn't be sure how things would turn out. So much chaos... it was like the planet itself was begging to be purged...

"What the hell happened?"

"We're just confused as you are, War..."

Xavier looked down the hall, when the receeding footsteps of Wolverine and Cyclops echoed ethereally.

"Relax, my students. I know this is all very troubling, but rest assured... we have won the day."

Angel began to speak.

"But Sinister--"

"Despite what it may have looked like, Nathaniel Essex did not escape us today. The woman he was with... I used my powers and sent them somewhere else."

The two young mutants just stared at Xavier. He could sense their concern for eachother... their love. It sickened him. He wanted to kill them where they stood. Drop them like flies swatted by the almighty and uncaring hand of God.

"Jean will be quite alright. What I need is for all of you to give her some time. I will be working with her extensively and I promise you a full recovery."

The students seemed to relax. When Xavier spoke again, his voice was flooded with an ominous tone.

"Be wary, young ones... something wicked this way comes..."

"Be wary, young ones... something wicked this way comes..."

Xavier turns and heads toward the med lab leaving us in silence.

"Um creepy much?"

I smile down at Ali and she looks at the rest of the team.

"I don't know about anyone else but I could use a ****ing drink. Anybody care to join me?"

Pyro nodes his head.

"Hell yeah! Thats what im talkin about."

A few minutes later and Ali has broken the safety lock keeping Logan's beer out of reach from "innocent" hands. She brings acouple six packs to the table and starts passing em out. Kurt stares at his beer obviously reliving the last time Logan got him drunk.

"I don't think I should......"

Ali shrugs as she passes a beer to Ororo and John.

"Ah come on brother blue, live alittle."

Kurts' quite for alittle than finally shrugs and pops the top. Ali throws one my way and lifts her bottle.


Season IV - Epilogue

Several days after the battle with Blackheart, Flint Marko took a walk. He liked blending in... talking to strangers... doing mundane activities.

Much to his surprise, California seemed to agreed with him. The sun was never too harsh. It caressed him lovingly like a celestial mother. The air was never too cool. It washed over him and refreshed him, filled with the scent of the sea.

He sat on a bench, looking out at the massive body of water that spilt on shores all across the world. A group of seagulls screamed at him until at last he tossed his half-eaten apple their way.

He thought about Sharon Carter. The way she looked. The way she felt. The wonderful night they had spent together in bed. Finding new ways to please eachother... moving in silken rhythms... climaxing again and again...

"Uh... is your name Flint?"

Flint Marko looked up and saw a scrawny teenager looking down at him. A trio of gold rings filled each of the youth's nostrils. His hair was green. He wore black leather despite the heat.

"Who wants to know?" Flint asked casually, turning his gaze back to the sea.

"Well... uh... this guy like... gave me something to give to you."

Flint turned his head and saw that the kid was holding out a envelope.

"What is this?"

"I dunno."

"Who gave it to you?"

"I dunno. A guy..."


"Just now. Over there. He pointed at you... told me your name was Flint... gave me fifty bucks just to have this to you."

Flint got up and scanned the area where the kid had met the stranger. He saw no one.

"What did he look like?"

"Uh... I dunno. Black suit... broad shoulders... he had like... a big freakin' head..."

A fist of fear closed on Flint's organs and began to squeeze.

"Gimme that!" Flint shouted as he snatched the envelope out of the kid's hands.

"Hey! Easy man! Jesus!"

Flint tore the envelope open as the teenager walked away. A single photo was inside. It was Hammerhead. He was sitting on a sofa, with a young girl sitting on his lap. She was a beautiful child. Young... maybe five. They were both smiling.

Confused, Flint turned the photo over and read the print on the back.

Mr. Baker,
This is your daughter.

Epilogue pt. 2

Death... It hits you right in the heart sometimes...

I may not have known Anton that much, but it's like I've known him forever. Maybe it's because he's Peter's clone, or maybe something else, but still, he was a friend. Not to mention a great person...

I'm not going to cry, but I can't help but feel sad. Sad that people who do what we do have to go like this...

All Anton did was help people. Like I told Pete when the asteroid crashed down... Anton may not've been an Ultimate, or one of the Fantastic Four, or the X-Men, but he was a hero because he helped people on his own. No super secret orginizations with limitless funding, no super-geniuses with IQs higher than my cell phone number, no 'x' amount of teammates getting you out of situations while you're fighting mutant terrorists over different ideals. Just saving lives....

....and he died for it.

So now I grieve... but it's not that simple...

My mind starts to race as I start to wonder about the 'What if?s' of a death. What if it was Peter? What if it was Bobby? What if it was Johnny? What if it was myself?

Then I started to think about his loved ones...

Woo, Jessica, his brothers. Maybe even Peter himself would be mourning his clone like they would...

Makes me wonder who would mourn me if I ever died. Or how I would die...

And you know what the really sad part is?

Regardless of whether or not someone dies like Anton, I still think of all this even when I'm just laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling, or after a mission, or even when I walk down the streets...

Of course, that's when I remind myself...

...That's just a typical day for an X-Man.

My name is Kitty Pryde, but my codename is Shadowcat. I'm a student at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, and I'm an X-Man....

....and right now, all I can say is...

"Goodbye, Anton..."

Season IV - Epilogue

Colossus ran. He ran until his powerful legs began to burn. He ran though he heard Angel calling out his name. He ran until the landscape became unfamiliar. He ran...

Panting, Colossus finally stopped. He stood with his hands on his waist and looked up at the sky. He had to go. He had to leave behind everything he had come to know. He had to. For Mikhail.

But first...


Piotr stood on the doorstep and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked down at his shirt, then went about smoothing any noticable wrinkles. He adjusted the heavy bag that hung on this back, the bag that carried all his belongings, and cleared his throat.

He reached out, hestitated, then finally rang the doorbell. He heard the chimes echo inside the house and wondered if he was making mistake. Night had fallen. Darkness blanketed the world. Piotr has the eerie feeling that this darkness hid ominous things. A thousand staring eyes...

The door opened. A young man with a backwards baseball cap stood there, a blank expression on his face.

"Um... hello. My name is--"

"Jean Paul!" The young man shouted as he turned and walked back into the depths of the house.


"Your boyfriend's at the door."

Piotr scuffed his shoes against the rough concrete. He scrached the back of his head and chewed his bottom lip. A ripple of thunder rolled through the heavens.

"Hey Pete!" Jean Paul shouted as he arrived at the door.

He came close and took Piotr into his arms. When they hugged, Piotr couldn't help but feel the strong muscles of his back through his shirt. He smelled great...

"What are you doing here, man? Come inside!"

"No, uh... I... I can't."

Jean Paul furrowed his brow.

"Why not? It looks like it's gonna rain. You really should--"

"I can't." Piotr said abruptly.

He looked away and swallowed hard. Jean Paul took a step closer and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey... what's wrong?"

Piotr didn't answer. He pressed his teeth together. He would not cry.

"Pete... look at me. Come on."

Jean Paul put his hand on Piotr's cheek and turned his head. His hand was soft. Warm. His head now forcibly turned, Piotr looked into Jean Paul's eyes and failed to hold back the tears.

"I'm going now." He said simply. "I'm going away."

A wave of confusion broke on Jean Paul's face, washing away his concern and leaving only confusion.

"What? Where're you going, Pete?"

"Home." Pete replied, another tear carving a sorrowful river down his cheek.

"Home? What do you mean? To... Russia?"

Piotr nodded.

"Well... geez... I mean... right now?"

Piotr nodded.

Jean Paul slumped a bit, as though sadness was a physical weight on his shoulders. He slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Okay. Okay. Well... for how long?"

Piotr swallowed hard.

"I dont' know. Maybe... maybe I'm not coming back."

Though thunder boomed overhead and a light rain began to fall, no lightning had yet stabbed down from the sky. Despite that fact, Jean Paul looked as though an electric shock had passed through him.

"What? Pete... what are you talking about?"

"I just... I just came here to say goodbye to you."

"Hey, wait a second here, slow down... this is crazy! Pete, you can't... why would you want to go back home? What about the X-Men? What about--"

"They don't want me there."

"What are you talking about? Of course they do!"

"No. Xavier said so. He told me. He kicked me off the team."

Once again dumbfounded, Jean Paul searched for the right words...

"Are you serious?"

Piotr nodded.

"Well... well, what happened?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Of course it does!"

"No, it doesn't!"

"Well it matters to me!"

Thunder shook their bones as a lightning bold slither from the sky and lashed the ground nearby. The rain began to fall harder. Thick curtain of water that drenched their clothes and matted their hair to their heads.

"My brother is in trouble. He needs me. I have to go to him."

As Piotr turned to walk away, Jean Paul reached out and grabbed him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Wait, wait! Hold on here, Pete, I mean... just give me a second will ya?"

Soaking wet, no longer having to worry about camouflaging his tears, Piotr spoke.

"There is nothing to say. There is no reason to wait."

"The hell there isn't!"

"I came to say goodbye and I've said it. I will miss you... I will miss you terribly."

Piotr turned and began to walk away. Jean Paul called to him.

"Wait, Pete! Stop! I'll come with you!"

"No!" Piotr shouted.

"Yes! I will! Just let me get my things!"

"No! I won't let you!"

"Just gimme a minute, Pete, come on..."

"You are NOT coming with me!"

Piotr continued walking away, determined to get into the cab that was waiting for him and drive away. But it wasn't going to be that easy...

Suddenly, Jean Paul appeared in front of him, using his amazing speed to block Piotr's path.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm stopping you."


"I'm not going to let you do this."

"Get out of my way."

"I'm not going to let you do this to yourself, Pete. I'm not going to let you do this to us."

"Jean Paul, please..."

"No. No way. You think you can put on this shell... that you can put up this wall between yourself and the rest of the world, and that you can keep yourself safe. And every time that wall starts to come down... every time someone starts to get inside... you run. You just pack up all your stuff and run."

"Jean Paul--"

"You can't run from me, Pete. Anywhere you go, I'll be there. Because that's what I want. And because I can do it. I can be there for you. Anywhere you go... whatever you need... I can be that person for you."

The rain was coming down so hard that both men looked as though they had stood beneath a shower fully clothed. They stared at eachother, millions of raindrops working together to create a haunting serenade.

"I can't, Jean Paul. I can't ask you to give up your life for me. I can't ask you to walk away from everything you've built here just so you can follow me. I can't ask that of you... I won't."

"You don't have to."

He wrapped his arms around Piotr's neck and they pressed their lips together. They embraced hungrily, as though they had been starved and partaking of the other was the only way to gain sustenance. Beneath the curtains of rain, they held eachother, ran their fingers over eachother's powerful bodies and through eachother's hair.

Piotr stopped running, just for a moment, and found someone to stand still with.

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