ALIEN going to be remade?

I think people are jumping to conclusions a bit too soon. Does anyone honestly believe that Ridley Scott would have anything to do with Alien being remade? This is obviously going to be the prequel that was being discussed a few months back... in which case, bring it on. The only huge disappointment for me in this news is that Ridley Scott is not directing it himself.
Well if they were going to do a reboot/prequel then I would go with Summer Glau as Riply . She reminds me alot of a young Sigourney Weaver.
Honestly, I'm a BIG Alien fan but I REALLY don't see why we NEED Ripley to be in every film. This is a species we are talking about and there are so many more stories to tell outside of Ripleys which is DONE.
To be honest, I'd rather see more Aliens vs. Marines action. We got a satisfying taste of it in "Aliens", but I want to see full-out war.
Just make a f***ing sequel and we can forget about it if it sucks. A prequel/remake can torture the moviegoers. And I'm sick of prequels!

Sequel with a new cast, reference Ripley and have one terrorize another spaceship but its FOX so it'll be a PG-13 prequel with 1000 of aliens getting pwned by CW actors with a director who has never done action or horror at 1 hour and 25 minutes. MEH!

This has no chance of being chance.
I wouldn't mind a new movie about the Aliens, but a remake will make me ****ing furious.
Well if they were going to do a reboot/prequel then I would go with Summer Glau as Riply . She reminds me alot of a young Sigourney Weaver.

Nah, she's too hot.
Am I the only one that wanted to bang Ripley when she was bald?
Great news, after the Alien vs. Predator movies, it's great to see the direction Fox is taking with the Alien/Predator franchise.
Originally Posted by Wiseman
Am I the only one that wanted to bang Ripley when she was bald?

Nope I did too...bald chicks are hot.
Thirded for bald Ripley.

If it's going tobe a music video director, I'm glad its a hand picked by Ridley Scott music video director.
Theres only one bald chick for me... and that's Natalie Portman.

But Ripley looked okay.
They're looking for another Ripley in a prequel? What the ****? How the hell will this make any sense?

Just do a sequel or something, move on from the Ripley character, do new ones.

Damn, you Fox. Goddamn you to hell.
This is just...ugh...there are no words.
Great news, after the Alien vs. Predator movies, it's great to see the direction Fox is taking with the Alien/Predator franchise.

The AVP films were prequels so are these new movies in the same continuity as AVP?
The AVP films were prequels so are these new movies in the same continuity as AVP?

Considering that AVP is in the same continuity as the Alien films and that this Alien film will be in that continuity as well, I'd say yes. However, they are certainly films that can be ignored for all sakes and purposes.
The AvP aliens are likely half assed replicants made by the Predators, explaining why they gestate so quickely and why they're so stupid.
Gotta love Anderson's awesome ideas of inducing them with steroids and crap to make them gestate faster. Or at least the half ass argument to fill that plot hole.

Damn tool.
I'm sorry i like alien and all but after aliens i just dont feel like seeing another alien horror movie with just one alien. Bring on the space marines!
The idea of a remake for Alien if terrible.....just terrible.

Fox and Tom Rothman at it again with moves that reek of desperation.

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