Captain Britain and MI-13

I was thinking of New X-Men. I mentioned Academy X because I knew Guggenheim wrote Young X-Men and I wasn't sure what the title of the one Yost and Kyle pooped out was.
I live in fear of the Tales of Asgard animated film. I keep having nightmares of Wolverine showing up to slice teen-Thor up and bang teen-Sif while teen-Balder watches. :csad:
For all of my complaining, I will throw these bones to Kyle & Yost's New X-Men run:

-Prodigy and Surge finally did it
-Prodigy has access to all of his old absorbed knowledge even though his powers are gone.
-They planted the seeds for Magik's return, though CB Cebulski gets the credit for bringing her back.
-The one character they didn't manhandle is their precious creation X-23. Their characterization of Laura made me like her, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say about Daken.
You people are crazy. Kyle and Yost's run on New X-Men was amazing issue by issue! Yes, New Mutants and Academy X were good and I loved them, but the book, in my opinion, didn't become great until Kyle and Yost came on, and then every issue was just phenominal from then on. Yeah, there was a bit too much killing at first, and I wasn't happy about Tag or Ikaris's deaths, but they did it in a way that really made you feel for the cast, those living and dead, and that's something that most books fail to do these days. I couldn't care less about a character dying most days, but in that book, it hit me hard every time.

And Young X-Men ended up being pretty good too. Yeah, the first arc wasn't the best, but it wasn't bad either. But as was stated above, issues 6-12 ended up being great.

I hate hate HATE that the whole student book/books thing was canceled and at least we're being given a bone over in Legacy.

Honestly, from New Mutants-Young X-Men, this group of kids have had the best X-Books of the entire line... well, maybe X-Force beats out Young X-Men, but hey, that's Kyle and Yost, and the kids have a pretty good stamp in that book too :)
Icarus' death pissed me off to no end. Here's a kid who used to be suicidal, but decided to make a new start at life after he discovered he couldn't kill himself anyway because of his healing factor. He and Dust were getting along, and he was finally in a good place in his life.

Then KY (that's what I like to call Kyle & Yost) came along. Icarus was sad to see some of his classmates lose their powers, so he went to a church to pray. That's when he runs into William Stryker. We're not showed how Stryker talked him into it, but he convinced Icarus to chop off his own wings (which for some reason made him slowly die despite the healing factor), lash out against his teachers, and tell Stryker where Emma was secretly loading a bus full of his depowered classmates. Icarus sold out the X-Men. He got 40 other kids killed. Was he confused? Apparently. But we don't know what was going on in his mind. All of his actions were done without motivation. We don't know what Stryker convinced him of. In the end, Icarus went to the Purifiers' church again so he could get his skull bashed in by Nimrod.

Prior to that, he was one of the main characters of the book. KY turned him into a villain's pawn and killed him off within 8 issues.
I loved the Kyle/Yost New X-Men. I can certainly understand why a fan of the previous run wouldn't like it, but I'm not one of those, though the first arc didn't bother me (though it wasn't nearly as good as the subsequent ones). I loved the cast they built up over time; New X-Men's replacement with Young X-Men was my biggest disappointment post-MC.
Well yeah, I'm sure the book was great if you didn't actually care about the truckloads of characters that they were killing and misrepresenting, often both at the same time. Every good they ever did on the title -- and I did enjoy a few -- was met with something heinous.

Which reminds me that I also hated how they wrote Emma. Her actions and motivations through the whole series made zero sense and went nowhere.

"Goodbye Dani! We don't need one of our most solid and most trustworthy foundations here during this earthshattering crisis that we're experiencing. And you, children without homes. Go away!
"Now, you remaining fragile, traumatized squads...fight each other! Especially fight X-23 over there; I don't like her for reasons neither K nor Y will ever actually explain."

Part of why I ultimately dropped all X-titles was because of how they were treating their young.
God, I'd forgotten about making the traumatized kids fight each other. Didn't she just arbitrarily decide to do that about five minutes after seeing Icarus turn up bleeding on the school doorstep? And then the students she chose after the battle royale to be the new squad were chosen just as arbitrarily.

I said many times that KY substituted real drama and conflict with mindless violence and death. Because who needs consistent characterization when a teenager can apparently die during every story arc?
Prodigy (followed immediately by Elixir somehow growing his heart back)
Hellion (turns out he survived after extensive surgery and a coma)
K and Y on NXM, in my opinion, overcompensated. The NEW MUTANTS/ACADEMY X run before them was mostly light on action and heavy on teen soap. Which wasn't bad in it's own way, but it did need a little kick in the rear. Instead, Kyle and Yost delivered napalm to the face and then stomped on what was left. It got to the point where it was like a slasher flick, where there is so much angst and violence that it cannot be taken seriously despite how much is tries. Kind of like X-FORCE.

Why are we talking about this in the CB:MI13 topic, anyway?

I wish this book was still around. They should have renamed the title Avengers: UK or something....

Probably would've sold better.

Anything with "Avengers" or "X-" in the title is pretty much guaranteed to sell at Marvel. Except Young X-Men.

I always hear about how good Young X-Men and Academy X and all that stuff was, but I can never feel bad that they got s***-canned because they're associated with Kyle and Yost. They've done unspeakable things to Thor. :o
Heh, yeah, I totally derailed everything.

Anyway, an Avengers UK backup in Mighty Avengers would be awesome. I wish Marvel could rope Cornell and Kirk back into doing one.
Perhaps they could just rename the title Wolverine and the MI:13 after Dark Reign is over. Then they shove Daken in the book and carry on as normal.

I'm willing to put up with some homicidal androgyny daddy issues if we get the team back together.

If they did do an Avengers: UK title would you guys keep the same cast as CB & MI:13??
It's not like there are many other British superheroes they could use other than the MI:13 cast. Who's left? Union Jack, Psylocke, and Pixie?
All the characters from the Marvel UK line.
All the characters from the Marvel UK line.

What I was thinking. There were a handful of characters the developed in the early 90s that could still work today in a team setting. They started doing so with Killpower, and Death's Head II made a all too brief cameo.

There were the Knights of Pendragon that could be revived, as well as Dark Angel.

I read Digitek offed himself in that negative zone prison thingie during a sub-arc of Civil War, but I think he was in the onslaught in that last issue.

And hell, you can always use that as a way to introduce new characters.

But this is all wishful thinking.
It's not like there are many other British superheroes they could use other than the MI:13 cast. Who's left? Union Jack, Psylocke, and Pixie?

Chamber/Decibel, Wolfsbane, Spider-Woman and a few others I guess.
It's not like there are many other British superheroes they could use other than the MI:13 cast. Who's left? Union Jack, Psylocke, and Pixie?
What i meant was would you keep the same cast or add Avengers characters if it was an Avengers title. We already have The Black Knight and i would probably have Spider-Woman join the team too....
If we add Spider-Woman, then she'd have to bring Bendis with her. Sure that'd boost sales big time, but I'd rather enjoy a poorly selling comic.
Series should never have been canceled.
I know, it's a damned travesty. Is Cornell even doing any comic work anymore? I don't think I've seen his name on anything since the Dark Reign: Young Avengers mini.
I remember Cornell did the Namor segments of the Dark X-Men tie-in to the X-Men/Darkvengers crossover. Kirk penciled, too.

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