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The Spider-Man movies were horrible representations of Spider-Man
The Spider-Man movies were horrible representations of Spider-Man
As far as comic accuracy went, they were pretty good, but when it comes to the actual character of Peter Parker/Spider-Man and how he was portrayed I'm inclined to agree with you.
I can't hate Mel Gibson. I don't know why. I guess it because of Lethal Weapon 1 and 2. I should dislike the guy for what he's been doing the last two years, but I can't. And I look forward to The Beaver.
I don't think they were too close to the comics all that much either, honestly. Especially when it comes to the way people apparently loved Spidey in the movies, and that's just something that's not in the comics. The whole MU in general really is populated with a bunch of idiots who are saved by heroes, then turn around and scream, 'Oh my God, it's them! Run!'
I don't think they were too close to the comics all that much either, honestly. Especially when it comes to the way people apparently loved Spidey in the movies, and that's just something that's not in the comics. The whole MU in general really is populated with a bunch of idiots who are saved by heroes, then turn around and scream, 'Oh my God, it's them! Run!'
Basically they would get all the broad, visual things correct but they would mess up all the important little details.
I don't think they were too close to the comics all that much either, honestly. Especially when it comes to the way people apparently loved Spidey in the movies, and that's just something that's not in the comics. The whole MU in general really is populated with a bunch of idiots who are saved by heroes, then turn around and scream, 'Oh my God, it's them! Run!'

I thought this was pretty accurate...some people loved him and some people hated him...granted there was never a spiderman day in the comics but enough people loved him to get a big ass balloon in Macy's Thanksgivings day parade (in the comics)
and the town turned against him pretty quick after that
I thought this was pretty accurate...some people loved him and some people hated him...granted there was never a spiderman day in the comics but enough people loved him to get a big ass balloon in Macy's Thanksgivings day parade (in the comics)
and the town turned against him pretty quick after that

There was never a point I could remember where a lot of people liked Spider-Man, especially to the point of risking they're own safety to distract the Green Goblin, actually keep his secret after being unmasked, or cheer for him when he came to fight the Sandman and Venom. Hell, in the case of the latter, most of them would have been like, 'Oh my God, Spider-Man's here too! That menace.'

He has had an occasional point when non-superpowered, non-hero humans have expressed admiration for him, but it's pretty few and far between. The majority of people think he's a villain, the cops mostly hate him, the media really hates him. In the MU, that's how it's always been to some degree outside a few exceptions.
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The same thing happens with The Dark Knight. They're both suspense movies, and repeated viewings dilute the suspense.
I saw TDK 4 times in IMax and revisit it sometimes in Blu and always enjoy it. I saw Inception once in the theater and have no interest in seeing it again.
I saw both Inception and TDK more than 4 times each and I still love them. My oh my!
I agree. But I'd be OK with a (creepy) mask in a few scenes.
Look at what Heath did with the clown mask in the TDK heist prologue. Through his great body language and perfect mannerism you could tell it was Heath (and the Joker) underneath.
Some actors say that acting with a mask on can actually be kinda liberating in a way, (in the tradition of Greek theater.)

I've actually changed my mind about the mask. Saint and regwec have been suggesting interesting ideas as to how to justify it. If it's something like how Crane would use it in BB then I'm fine.

I can see Bane using it to do more personal jobs and go out and try to create this fearful image of himself. He might try to do what Batman did, but take it to a more extreme and wrong level.

Use them for scenes like that and an action scene or too, but I want to see Hardy's face most of the movie.
I can't hate Mel Gibson. I don't know why. I guess it because of Lethal Weapon 1 and 2. I should dislike the guy for what he's been doing the last two years, but I can't. And I look forward to The Beaver.

Same here. People suddenly ******** and won't watch his movies again for his personal issues is a bit silly. I don't give a damn what he does in his personal life, it should let that come between great work.

And the Lethal Weapons remake. :cmad::cmad::cmad: No ndeed to mention that here I'm sure, but WB... man. They were my favorite studio too...
I can't hate Mel Gibson. I don't know why. I guess it because of Lethal Weapon 1 and 2. I should dislike the guy for what he's been doing the last two years, but I can't. And I look forward to The Beaver.
I agree with Dr. Jones we should be able to differentiate between his personal life and his work. And I also can't really hate on him because of The Road Warrior and Apocalypto.
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As for the "Lethal Weapon" remake, I'm fine with it, as long as it's with Zac Effron and Corbin Bleu.

Just kidding of course:barf::woot:
I do hope they get some actors who go metro with their roles, though.
_ I have no problem with Bale's Bat-voice.
_ Even though they weren't perfect, I actually enjoyed the fights in TDK a lot. I thought they were so much improved from BB. Batman was fast, effective, he broke bones, incapacitating his enemies and didn't waste any time in a too elaborate martial art choreography. Also I loved all his fights with the Joker. The Joker's, crazy, unpredictable and chaotic technique was perfect for the character, a great contrast to Batman's own efficient style and I could see how it could pose a problem to him.
_ The only Batman movie I really love in its entirety so far is TDK. (I like but don't even really care that much for BB, except that it laid the ground work for TDK. And I partially liked BR because Burton got more creative freedom than in B89, which I do not like, except for Keaton's Batman, the music and the Batmobile.)
_ I'm not very familiar nor that pumped by the prospect of Bane being the main villain in TDKR. But if there's one thing that excites it's the possibilty of a foe for Batman that is as much a psychological threat as a physical one. Sort of like Robert Shaw/Grant with Sean Connery/Bond in FRWL:awesome:. If Nolan kinda goes that route with Bane, I'll be very happy.
_ Pfeiffer was a good Catwoman but a terrible Selina Kyle imo. I still prefer Julie Newmar though. I'm not that interested in the character, but I think Anne Hattaway is a good choice.
_ I prefer De Vito's Penguin than comic book Penguin. Because I don't find the character that interesting in the comic book.
_ I'd love to see Nolan's take on Scarface and the ventriloquist, but not as a little mobster puppet with a speech impediment. But just as a creepy little doll and a deranged ventriloquist, kinda like Anthony Hopkins in the great "Magic."
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I'd like to see Zac Efron branch himself out more. Like in a completely transformed role. Shaved head or mohawk or dreds who is barely unrecognizeable. Like a drug addict or something. I think the guy has talent, he just needs to get away from having that image. He could be the next Brad Pitt for all we know.
He tried a bit with Charlie St. Cloud(even though the trailers made it look like a typical teen love movie), and I'll say he succeeded, but I agree, I think he should try to stretch out his range.
Why not. Who knows? I don't care at all for the Twilight Movies but I think Robert Pattinson could be interesting. With the right material of course and under the guidance of a strong director.
Pattinson is a great actor despite the Twilight movies(he's fine in them honestly, it's the writing that's horrid).
Go watch Little Ashes to rinse your eyes of him in Twilight.
I didn't like Keaton's Batman, it just felt like one of Burton's signature freaks. He's different from everyone else and likes to act like a bat for the Hell of it as opposed to having a vendetta on crime.
I'd like to see Zac Efron branch himself out more. Like in a completely transformed role. Shaved head or mohawk or dreds who is barely unrecognizeable. Like a drug addict or something. I think the guy has talent, he just needs to get away from having that image. He could be the next Brad Pitt for all we know.

Honestly, I really liked him in charlie st. cloud and 17 again. I think he has what it takes.

Why not. Who knows? I don't care at all for the Twilight Movies but I think Robert Pattinson could be interesting. With the right material of course and under the guidance of a strong director.

I think the twilight actors/actresses have enormous talent. Not their fault the script/source is ****.
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